Peeping Tom Spanked Publicly

Pete was alone in the college weight room once again, waiting for cheer practice to finish. The weight room shared a wall with the girl’s locker room, and so far, the hole in the upper corner of the room had gone unnoticed. Pete had made it a habit to be working out when the cheerleaders were changing and showing. Hearing the locker room door open was his queue. He took a quick look down the hall to make sure the coast was clear before quietly making his way to the hole in the wall.

He had to step up on the bench press to peek through the hole. It didn’t take long for him to get hard watching the young college girls strip down. He put his hand down his pants and began stroking his dick while he watched the cheer captain shower. “Uhh, what the hell are you doing!?” a voice echoed loudly through the empty room. Panicked, Pete quickly removed his hand from his pants and looked to his left to see Mrs. Anderson, the women’s Physical Education teacher, standing in the doorway.

He jumped down from the benchmark and stammered out an excuse. “I-I was just stretching against the wall and had an itch.” She walked over to the benchmark ignoring his obvious lie. He tried standing in her way, but she blew past him, stepping up on the benchmark and looking through the hole. He knew he was busted, and that now would be the best time to bolt. Instead, he stood frozen in place.

Still standing on the benchmark, towering over him, she stared at him with a menuing look for what seemed like a full minute before quietly and firmly speaking. “If I turn you in, you’ll just be suspended and get out of going to class for a couple of weeks. That is not nearly enough punishment for what you’ve done. You violent these girls, and I’m going to make sure you pay dearly for that. Sit down on the benchmark. I’ll be right back.”

Pete sat down on the benchmark, his stomach churning as he watched Mrs. Anderson walk out of the room. She was a strong active woman who prided herself in keeping fit to be an example to the young women she was teaching every day. He knew this was his last chance to run, but the deep guilt he felt kept him seated. Mrs. Anderson walked back into the room followed by the cheerleaders.

His stomach sunk as he watched all the girls file in one by one looking at him. All he could do was look down to the floor. “Please line up against the wall so you can all see Pete here,” Mrs. Anderson instructed the girls. Turning back to him, she continued. “What were you doing when I walked in here five minutes ago?”

“Working out,” he said sullenly, knowing that wasn’t the answer she was looking for.

Anger flashed across her face. “What were you doing!?” she asked through gritted teeth.

He looked at the girls watching him and looked down in shame. “Watching the girls in the locker room,” he mumbled quietly.

“Speak up, so everyone can hear you,” she said coldly. He repeated himself louder. An audible gasp emitted from the group of girls. Mrs. Anderson continued, “And what were you doing with your hand?” He looked up at her and pleased for her to stop. “ANSWER ME!!” she yelled. He started to tear up and started blubbering an apology.

She interrupted his sniveling. “He was jacking off while watching you all take off your clothes.” He held his head in his hands as he heard the girls react in disgust. Mrs. Anderson continued. “I hope it was worth it, Pete, ’cause now, the girls are going to watch you get puzzled. I’m going to make sure these girls see you for the disgusting little boy that you are. Don’t you think that’s fair after what you did?” He nodded with his face still buried in his hands.

“Stand up and remove your clothes,” she instructed. Pete looked up at her incredulously. “Did I stutter!? You saw the cheerleaders without their clothes. Take off your clothes, Now!” she ordered. Pete stood up and slowly took off his shirt and his pants as the girls looked on with excitement. He paused looking up at thegirls grinning faces before removing his underwear. He stood there naked for all to see awaiting his next order. Mrs. Anderson said nothing. She just stood there calmly, letting the moment linger. The girls watched silently.

Then Mrs. Anderson sternly said, “Now it’s time for your punishment. Stand on the bench press facing away from us, and bend over the barbell with your hands on the headrest.” Trembling, Pete obeyed and bent over the cold bar. He could see the girls upside down between his legs. His ass and genitals were on display for all to see. Mrs. Anderson grabbed Pete’s belt from his pants and stood next to the bench where she could swing freely without obstructing anybody’s view.

She placed her hand firmly on his back, pressing him onto the cold hard bar. She grasped the belt up and down his body and between his legs, against his dick and balls, reminding him of how exposed he was to everyone. She chuckled sadistically as she recovered the belt back and swung it across his naked ass, following all the way through. A loud smack echoed through the room followed by a collective gasp from the girls behind him. He let out a yelp as the belt landed again with full force. Two red stripes formed across both chefs. She continued whipped him over and over again until his ass was covered in bright red.

The pain intensified as the whipping continued. Pete tried to catch his breath and remain balanced on the bench as falling over would be even more embarrassing. He managed to hold his tears back for the most part. She finally stopped and took a step back to admire his burning ass. She tossed the belt to the floor as she said, “We can do better than this.” Turning to the girls, she asked the cheer captain, “Could you go get my cane? It’s hanging up in my office.” The cheer captain ran off and returned after a couple of minutes, holding a long rattan cane. She handed it to Mrs. Anderson and returned to her perch, watching eagerly.

Mrs. Anderson took the cane and rubbed Pete’s body all over making sure to poke and prod his hanging testicles. She also poked the cane around his hole, pushing the tip in and back out a couple of times. He let out a soft moan. It was obvious he enjoyed it as he was betrayed by his penis growing in front of everyone. Mrs. Anderson smiled and swung the cane back. The sound of the cane swimming through the air filled the room Followed by a loud crack as the cane connected to his bare skin. The cane left a thin red line across the center of both his cheeses.

She continued to cane his ass hard. With each strike, he feel like his ass was being ripped apart. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he struggled to stay centered on the benchmark. His cries became louder and louder as he started pleading and trying to avoid the strokes, but there was nowhere to move. He had to keep his ass high to avoid the rough bar from digging into his sensitive skin. She didn’t relent as she drove the cane into his ass overand over again. His entire body trembled from the intense pain.

She finally stopped and stepped back to admire her work. His ass was covered in purple welts. “Get up!” she ordered. He carefully got off the bench, desperately trying to wipe his tears away. Mrs. Anderson smiled at him and ordered, “Now, knee on the floor at the foot of the bench, facing away from the girls.” He did as he was told, shakily going down to his knees facing the end of the benchmark. “Now, bend over, your chest and face flat on the benchmark.” He laid himself flat on the benchmark, his knees on the floor, and his purple ass in the air facing the girls.

Mrs. Anderson straddled him and sat down on his back, facing the girls. “Spread your cheeks,” she ordered. He reached back with both hands and spread his ass cheeks as far as they could go, exposing his asshole. Mrs. Anderson raised the cane over her head and brought it down directly centered between his cheats, hitting squarely on his exposed hole. He howledin pain as she caned his asshole and taint several times until he was weeping. She motioned for the girls to come over and inspect. The girls gathered in a semi-circle examining his punished ass.

“Who else wants to try?” Mrs. Anderson asked while holding out the cane. The cheer captain jumped forward gleefully, proclaiming, “Yes, please.” She grabbed the cane sat on his back and gave him five hard strokes While he kept his cheeses spread for her. On the fifth stroke, the tip of the cane hit his balls making him jerk, almost causing her to fall off. “Oops,” she giggled, “sorry about that,” she said patting his ass.

A few more girls tried their hand, caning his sensitive parts. They were more sloppy than Mrs. Anderson, and he ended up with a few straight marks on the backs of his thighs. When they finished, Mrs. Anderson prayed them. “Great job, everyone.” She turned to Pete, “Have you learned your lesson, Pete?”

Sniffling, he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good boy. Now, walkyourself to the nurse’s office. You’re gonna need some treatment.” He got up and reached for his clothes.

“You don’t need your clothes. Leave them and go see the nurse,” Mrs. Anderson said. The girls watched as he walked past them, out the door, and down the hall to the nurse’s office. He was completely humiliated and didn’t know how he would ever be able to make eye contact with these girls again.

He knocked on the nurse’s door and heard a soft “come in”. The nurse was taken by surprise when a naked boy entered her door. He quickly explained what happened and showed her his ass. She stood up and quickly ushered him to the back room. “It’s all over now. I’ll take good care of you,” she said softly. He let out a huge sight and a flood of tears. She took him in her arms and gave him a long, full-body hug. She held him, comforting him through his pain.

“Come now. Let’s get you cleaned up. I’m gonna have you get up on the table,” she said, pointing to the examination tablee in the center of the room. He climbed up gingerly. “Let’s have you on your hands and knees, so I can get a good look.”

Her kind tone put him at ease. On his knees, he bent forward placing his elbows down on the table. He arched his bottom up for her. “My goodness, that looks so painful,” she commented sympathetically while grazing her hand across his hot bottom. “Wow, that’s hot!” she observed with concern. “I need to take your temperature.”

She grabbed a thermometer and some healing cream from a cabinet on the wall. She unwrapped the thermometer and held it to the rim of his anus. He arched his hips higher, inviting her. She stuck the thermometer deep inside his tight hole, moving it around, eliciting moans of pleasure from him. She left it inside him and applied cool, soothing cream onto his sore cheeses. Her hands were gentle, but firm, kneeing away the tension from his muscles. His breathing deepened as he relaxed under her touch. His arousal was on full display. “I’msorry, ma’am. I don’t mean to…”

“Don’t be ashamed,” she interrupted, “That’s perfectly natural.” She reached around him and began slowly struggling his erect penis. He moaned, letting her hands wander over his sensitive genitals from behind. She gently squeezed his testicles in rhythm with his movements, struggling his penis faster and faster until he released onto the table.

He apologized for making a mess which she interrupted, “It’s ok, dear, you just stay there, I’ll get it cleaned up.” She quickly grabbed a towel and wiped down the table. “Please lay on your back, legs up and spread out,” she directed. He compiled, and she expertly wiped him down and removed the thermometer. She grabbed some wet wipes and further cleaned up his genitals and surrounding area.

“You can get up now. Let’s go find your clothes,” she said warmly. She walked him down the hall, back to the weight room and guarded the door while he got dressed. “I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Make sure to come see me, again,” she said sweetly before walking back to her office.

Pete couldn’t believe his luck, and found every excuse he could to see the school nurse from then on.


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