When Frida noticed Adelheidis secretly leave and head towards the woods, she did everything possible to disappear from the village unseen as well. Luckily, she didn’t need to follow her on her heels as the destination was not unknown.
Frida had witnessed an unusual and highly thrilling scene in the woods twice already, both times at the same hidden place by the river, not too far from the village. With the idea to miss as little as possible, however, her feet carried her as fast as possible to a secluded spot near a river.
This time she wasn’t late by no means. The bushes and trees atop of a riverbank hid her well while she was able to see what was happening on the lower grounds. At the moment there was Ada waiting. Frida felt she shouldn’t be there. On the other hand, nobody knew she was there and, after all, it was Ada who was soon to be involved in a rather peculiar act.
Frida wasn’t actually proud of herself for secretly watching what Ada does, but she enjoyedit in a perverse manner. She enjoyed it so much that even the risk for being exposed didn’t hold her back.
Ada had gotten rid of her headwear and also her shoes, which were now set neatly under a bush. A decent bundle of long and slender twigs was placed conveniently neary; its purpose was already known to Frida.
Finally a nobleman showed up. Frida was extra careful as she was sure it wouldn’t end well if she were found anywhere near. It might also end poorly for Ada. The high-ranking and armed man couldn’t take chances that anyone – either among the village folk or his own associates – would know about his unusual leisure interest and he wouldn’t hesitate to keep their mouths shut at all costs.
The reception the entent received was pretty intense and from bystander’s view not at all friendly. Ada confronted him right away with an intense star and sharp words, her approach seemed too stern considering that against her was a man of higher class witha sword. Normally a man with his status wouldn’t allow this kind of behaviour, even less a slap in the face and being shoved from behind to the spot Ada had chosen. While deep down Frida knew it was a weird mutually accepted game, she enjoyed seeing the nobleman being humiliated like this. After all, he was pretty much an arsehole due to his position. Among all of his like, there might actually have been only few who were not.
Now he had to take off all his garments, purely because Ada said so.
He had definitely earned to be pulled onto the ground. There he was, a man of power on all fours before the feet of a young peasant woman.
Frida held her breath trying to catch as much of the verbal belittling as she could.
She knew what was about to happen. Both of the times she had seen a pretty intention birching taking place and this time the implementation was likewise already prepared. And yet, what was unfolding in front of her eyes instead, was more than Frida could havee believed.
What she saw wasn’t extraordinary at all in its essence. Frida had seen it being done playfully before, she had done it herself – thrown a stick and waited it to be returned only to throw it again and again. However, never had been a gentry in the place of a dog. It was much more she had expected and she followed the spectacle with excitement.
While Frida felt that the nobleman was supposed to lose his fancy clothing indeed, she also wanted him to have his garments still on as signs of nobility. Nakedness had made him sort of a faceless toy without anything left of his postition. Was this the reason he chose a someone of a lower class to dominate him? Maybe he could find a woman of his own kind, but wouldn’t feel himself lowly enough? Luckily, these issues were only minor distractions and didn’t hinder her enjoying the spectacle.
Eventually it seemed it was enough and instead of throwing the stick once again, Ada brought out the prepared bundle of twigs. Frida slide her hand under her garments and in between her legs, the need was already too great to resist. For a brief moment she wondered why Ada hadn’t stripped off the leaves. If she had been in her place, she surely would have done so.
Frida watched the nobleman being punished, her fingers did their share to increase her arousal gradually. Not too fast as if she’d ‘reached there’ too early, the rest of the entertainment would hold much less thrill for her.
Suddenly her hand stopped as if on its own, the reason being an unexpected rustling behind her that could be heard between the lashes. It came closer and closer, there was definitely someone else nearby, all that Frida could do was to stay still and as quiet as possible.
Behind her a man had barely passed by when he halted and instead of proceeding on His journey began singing towards the river. He had obviously been distracted by sound of the lashes and therefore posted his affairs. Along with Frida’s inItal relief that his attention was towards the scene taking place under the river bank and therefore she would likely remain unnotified, she also hoped that the newcomer wouldn’t draw an attention to himself. The game being over then would have been the least of the upcoming problems.
Of course it was now impossible to fully concentrate on what was going on below. The stranger’s presence wasn’t the only distraction, but his attire as well. Simply put, his clothes was peculiar. The style was weird, the shade of colours unusual and though it wasn’t easy to determine from the distance, Frida could swear even the material itself was strange.
The newcomer had stopped and, considering his interest towards the activity taking place below, wasn’t obviously about to reveal himself, not even unintentionally. After this soothing recognition Frida’s fingers, which had meanwhile stopped, resumed their former task.
She wasn’t exactly sure anymore what she was masturbating to; to the nobleman being beating, to the thrill of having someone from opposite sex being as dirty onlooker as herself or to the fact that newcomer seemed to like this perverse action as well. By the time the final lash was delivered, Tightshirt, as Frida had named him, had already made himself comfortable with the intention to enjoy the scene till the end. Even more, now she had to be extra careful not to orgasm too soon – while being ‘close’ or ‘over’ she might accidentally give herself away… perhaps by accidentally cracking a twig or inadvertently rustling a shrub.
Ada had grabbed the nobleman’s hair and tossed him on the ground, squatted right next to him and was now debasing him further. Unfortunately, whatever was said to the naked stande, it was too quiet to be heard from the peeping distance. Frida would have gladly fed her own mind with fresh ideas. Since the first time she had seen this spectacle, she had occasionally imagined herself in Ada’s role. Except…being a bit harsher.
Frida realized her excitement was even greater knowing she wasn’t the only one enjoying it. Had Tightshirt actually pushed his hand into his trousers? She wasn’t completely sure, but it definitely looked so from the distance. At least, after seeing someone else being entertained as well, she felt herself less impudent.
After a while Ada rose and kicked the losses’s shoulder. He got himself off the ground, but remained on his knees, hips pushed forward as if begging for attention to his hardening member. So far, just as previous times, Ada hadn’t touched it and Frida hoped it would stay that way. The attention he received was sexual indeed, but attention to the cock would still be a vastly different thing.
It took only the power of Ada’s finger to force her subject to make his way on his knees next to the pile of his clothes. Ada shifted the pile a bit with her foot and stepped onto.
Standing on his makeshift podium she told him what she thoughht about him. Not every single word reached Frida’s ears, but still enough to learn a thing or two about the worth-of-nothing losses. That he wasn’t not at least skilled enough with his sword and he was physically weak so that even a person of weaker sex was able to overpower him. The claim was proven by a few slapses on his face and kicks on his thighs or nudges against his chest with Ada’s bare feet. Owning fancy garments didn’t make him any better man, not the slightest. The village maiden emphasized her point by stirring the pile. Even the issue that the nobleman was clearly fond of being treated like this came up. And despite being in the woods with someone of opposite sex he had to find satisfaction on his own. Ada made her order to jerk off even more degrading by spitting right in his face.
After the initial encounter Frida had only now and then took a quick look towards Tightshirt. Now she had to divide her attention more as the man close to her had lowered his own trousers. So far Frida had only been highly suspicious that she wasn’t the only one touching herself secretly, now she was sure her fellow spy was doing the same. While Frida could see way better what was happening down below, the deed up on the river bank felt way more exciting. Somehow she was even sure he would like to be treated similarly.
* * *
Right after the degraded nobleman had shot his load, the game was over. Frida had been too careful not to make any sound and she hadn’t climaxed. Her fellow member of the secret audience didn’t seem to have better luck either.
Ada was already on her way back, Tightshirt had fixed his trousers and seemed to have an intention to secretly follow her. Frida thought she should leave as well; watching the nobleman getting himself dressed didn’t hold half the excitement as seeing him being degraded. Maybe some other time she might have thought staying put, but now she had a lot more interesting subject in her mind.
So she chose fora departure. Not too hastily as she knew where Ada and her follower were heading. Then again, after leaving her hiding spot she still had to make her way to the commonly used trail before being seen.
On the way back towards the village Frida was lost in thought. Her vague desire being in a similar role as Ada grow and grow. However, for her own use she had in her mind chosen Tightshirt. Unlike the despised nobleman, Frida had nothing against him, she thought of him as a good guy. She wanted to be in charge, but at the same time did not want to be as mean and degrading.
She just wanted to feel the thrill of bending someone of opposite sex to her will. It excited both her mind and crotch. And, unlike Ada, later on she would feel a hard staff between her legs. But no, she wouldn’t let Tightshirt take her, oh no, she would make him satisfied her.
Frida had been too absorbed in her thoughts to pay full attention to the surroundings, so she saw a person coming towards her a bit too late. Yet she didn’t waste a slightest moment running away from the path and into the woods. Out of her own inattention she had almost walked into Tightshirt – because that’s who he was, now backtracking. Even though Frida gave a quick glance behind her and realized she was not being followed as he kept going towards his own destination, she decided to avoid further possible surprises and therefore chose to make her way to the village secretly, in distance from the forest path.
Fleeing from him had put an unexpected twist into her kinky ambitions. How could she establish her dominance over her future minion? Showing herself weak and frightened wouldn’t do any good at all.
On the other hand, he hadn’t seen her by the river and on the forest path he hadn’t gotten a glance at her neither close enough nor long enough. So, virtually she was still completely unknown to him and her chances were not bad at all. But what about a prospect of ever meeting him again?
The odds seemed to be really slim. He was most likely just a wanderer passing through. Then again, he had followed Ada and Frida was sure that he might at least desire to be around longer. Should he stay or find his way back, his unusual clothing would definitely be a subject of discussion among the folk and she might be able to find him.
Maybe she could even get a few tips from the mighty Adelheidis as well. How had she and her subbie come to terms with each other? Surely, she and Ada were not close and even then it wouldn’t be guaranteed that she would talk, but any conversation could be directed to the right course and Ada might drop something. After all, Frida knew that sometimes people just need to share secrets.
Frida’s pace had gotten slower and she throw more and more glances around her. There was still an unfinished business between her tights to take care of and as she was far enough from the trail, she might as well make the most of it…
InHer mind’s eye she had somehow gotten a chance to fix the noise around Tightshirt’s neck and that had made him submit in almost an instant. Whoever he was, he had no means to oppose Frida’s order to undress. Nudity was mandatory for the titled man at the riverside, so it will be for her own toy. It would also provide an excellent chance to study her weird garments further.
There wasn’t a thing she couldn’t Make him do. To gather and bundle up sprigs and twigs as kindling or any other task which could be done in the forest and out of sight. He wouldn’t need clothing for it. Should he object, a few lashes would correct his behavior. Frida thought of him as a sensible guy and there’s no need to birch him to the same extent as the nobleman, but he would definitely give her at least some reason for a few lashes… or maybe a few more…
In her mind she didn’t have a chance to finish his treatment, though, as her own fingers in her fanny hadn’t been lazy at all. Afterher breathing had calmed and she felt like walking again, Frida decided to carry on with her fantasy later in the evening.
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