I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional life. My stories are based on my fansies. Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks. I hope you enjoy this story. It’s dedicated to my favorite Puerto Rican bitch Miss Peaches. I’m working on further chapters, and I’d enjoy any constructive criticism. YOU can email me.
This a story of a middle aged woman who gets used and humiliated by a sexy Puerto Rican girl she met online.
Peaches Chapter 3
1) Absolutely no orgasms without permission, you are not even to think about touching that smelly cunt. No orgasms even with your husband, if he insists on having sex with a pig like you, which I can’t see how he would, you’re only allowed to pleasure him through oral or anal sex.
2) You must show frequently, at least twice a day, to keep your piggy body from smelling so much. You must completely shake that fat cunt every time you shower.
3) You must not wear a bra or panties when home. You may wear them to the office under the following conditions. You may only wear one of the 2 pairs of panties you took from your daughters’ hampers. You may also retrieve one bra from your daughter’s hamper. You may only wear that one. If you can’t find one that fits, then too bad go without.
4) You may wash the bra and panties on Sunday evening, and only Sunday evening. You may not wash them in the washing machine, hand washing only. In between Sunday washings, you may feel free to clean them with your tongue, you’ll probably need to do that, as your smelly cunt will be sure to get them gross fast.
5) You must keep the following items with you at all times, digital camera (camera phone is fine), both pairs of your daughters panties, the bag of smelly cunt hair you shackled this morning, a black magic marker, a red magic marker, and your largest vibrator.
6) Don’t even think about contacting me!!! If I want to contact you I will, but otherwise keep that fat smelly piggy body away from me.
And follow those rules I did, for 2 antinizing weeks. Filled with fear and shame, I followed Mistress Peaches orders. I felt totally degraded, afraid that I would be discovered, and totally ashamed of myself. All of her rules were designed to strip away my dignity, and that they did. But by far the most difficult, was rule 6, not contacting Mistress Peaches.
As the time passed, my mind was a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute aching for Mistress Peaches, the next praying she would never call again. As the days became weeks, I became surer that she wouldn’t contact me, and I began to feel a sense of relief. Early on, every time the phone rang, I’d jump fearing/anticipating her call. After all, I foolishly gave her my home, work and cell numbers. But still I had been following her orders.
But her control over me was waning; I beganto seriously ask myself why I, a grown, professional mom, was acting like this. It was time to put an end to it. It just so happened that an old friend had called me the day before, and we planned a lunch date that day.
As I sat at my desk at work, anticipating meeting my friend Sue, I thought to myself, “Maybe today is the day to free myself from this horror. I’ll throw away this dreadful list, and empty my pursuit of these humiliating items.” Time and again, I’ve been on edge fearing someone would discover the horrible items I had with me. “Yes today is the day. I’ll throw away all of these items before I meet Sue, and resume my perfectly normal life.”
I looked at my watch, it was 11:45, Sue should be calling soon; to let me know where we were going to meet. When my office phone rang, my spirits lifted, “Just like Sue punctual as ever”, I thought happily as I lifted the receiver. “Hello”, I answered cheerfully, awaiting Sue’s response.
“Hello puta, did you miss me?”,came a heavily accented Hispanic voice. It could only be one person.
Lightening striking, bombs exploding in my head, I was struck motionless. Although I had never actually heard her voice before, I knew exactly who it was. It was Mistress Peaches. Just when I was about to free myself, she burst back into my life. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t do anything.
I heard her loud giggle, “What’s wrong, puta, cat got your tongue?”
“What…What is it you want?”, I managed to stammer.
“Oh puta, is that a nice way to speak with your mistress, I guess, I’ll just hang up now and leave you alone.”
“No please, don’t”, I couldn’t believe I was descending into hell so quickly.
“Well puta, let me think about it. I’m bored today, none of my young pretty friends are around, so I thought I might play with my old pig slut. Have you followed my instructions?”
“Ummm, yes I…I have…but…you see, I have plans today. I’m supposed to meet an old friend for lunch”. I heard my voice, sounding almost instantly like a frightened child.
“Well your plans have just changed puta, after all you would rather be my slut, than meet some silly friend for lunch right?”, came Mistress peaces question.
“Yes”, I replied resignedly, horrifying myself that she could draw me back so quickly and completely.
“Well, now you have your chance. But first, I need to know that you’re not lying to me. You said you were following my orders right?”
“Yes”, came my one word reply.
“Well you are going to need to prove it. Slide your panties down to your knees. I need a picture of the panties, to make sure you’re wearing the ones that I approved. Also, I will need a picture of that slut hole. I need to know if my piggy has learned to groom properly.”
I whispered into the phone, “I can’t do that, I’m at my desk at work”. But at the same time, I could feel that familiar heat building in my crotch.
“I don’t care where you are. Just do what I say, or we will NEVER, talk again”, came her harsh response.
“Yes Mistress Peaches”, was my reply. I was horrified, but I looked around, to make sure no one was looking, and shamefully slide my panties down. Using my camera phone, I took a picture of them, and another one of my bald pussy. “I did it Mistress Peaches”.
“Good puta, but I need to see”, came her reply. she gave me instructions on where to send the pictures. “Now keep your panties at your knees, until I see the photos”.
“Yes Miss Peaches”, I replied resignedly.
“Now, take the other items from your purse, and dump them on your desk”.
I knew I should put a stop to this. I’d never be able to explain this. But instead I emptied out my purse. I saw my ‘spare’ panties, my 9″ vibrator, and of course that disgusting bag of hair.
“Oh god you are such a filter desperate pig, aren’t you? Aching so much to taste Mami’s sweet pussy you’ll do anything won’t you?” Miss Peaches replied.
I had no reply, what could I say, just then I heard noise, and saw Joyce from accounting walking down the hall. I was mortified, what would I do, if she came over to my desk? How could I hide my situation from her? But to my relief, she turned a corner and headed off in another direction.
“You’ve been a good girl, and today if you’re lucky you’ll have a special treatment”.
My heart brightened at hearing these words. Although, part of me, still wished I had the power to just hang up. “That’s if you are a good girl and follow my directions. Are you going to be a good girl puta?”
“Yes Miss Peaches”, was my pathetic reply.
“Good, you’re going on a little shopping trip”, stated Peaches. “I’ve just emailed instructions, to your work email address. Before you read them, you must remove your bra and panties, right there at your desk. When you receive my instructions, I want you to print them out. You must follow them to the letter. It’s almost 12:00 now, you have until 2:30. I want pictures of everything emailed back to me. If you don’t follow my instructions completely, or don’t finish by 2:30, you’ll never hear from me again.”
And just like the phone went dead.
Blushing brightly, I slid my panties off, and began working my bra off as well. Trying to work quickly and quietly, I know if someone caught me, I’d never be able to live it down. Just as I finished with my bra, I saw the email from Miss Peaches. The subject was, “Is that Smelly cunt of yours all wet Cheryl Masters?” God, she had used my real name, I shivered at the thought of the email police in the office finding that, and how would I ever be able to explain. The next problem was printing; I didn’t have my own private printer, that privilege was reserved for the execs. I had to print it in a common print room, and run and get the note before anyone else could see.
Just as I pressed print, my phone rang, I reflexively picked it up, without thinking. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, but all I get is your voicemail. Who have you been talking to?”
Oh shit it was my friend Sue, not 10 minutes ago; I was looking forward to a nice normal lunch with her, now I had completely forgotten. “Oh Sue, gosh I’m so sorry, I forgot to call you…ummm well I can’t make it today, my boss called an emergency meeting, I’m sorry, we’ll have to reschedule”, I told Sue.
I could tell Sue was a bit aggravated, but well what could I do? Suddenly I noticed, Emma, my boss’s bitchy secretary walking in the direction of the print room, and I panicked. “I have to go now Sue, bye.” And just like that I hung up the phone, and raced to the print room.
Emma gave me a funny look as I whisked passed her into the room, it was only just then that I realized with no bra on, and running like that I must’ve been some sight. I rushed in and quickly grabbed Miss Peaches’ email, and rushed back to my desk.
I sat down, and read it with horror, could I possibly do what she told me. I gulped, part of me wanted to rip it to shreds, and forget about the whole thing, but there was a warmth between my legs, that I could no longer express. I could feel my juices already beginning to flow.
I looked down at the note. “First, you’ve been a bad girl, I called you out of the goodness of my heart, and you told me you were busy. So you’ll need to be punished, nothing major just something so you remember your place. I want you to cut the first 3 buttons off of your blouse, you’ll be quite a site walking around braless, with your shirt half way open won’t you. Good, then maybe next time, I won’t have any disobedience.”
I did as instructed, cutting the buttons off of my expensive blouse, ruining it, and then looked down at the note again.
“Throw Your buttons in your waste basket, along with the bra and panties you removed, you won’t be needing them (of course, don’t forget to take a picture)”, read the next instruction.
“I hope you are being a good girl puta,and following my instructions. Next I want you to drive to the nearest pet store, don’t read this note any farther until you get there.”
I arrived in the parking lot of the pet store. It was one of those Giant Pet stores that have been popping up all over the place recently, the sign read, “Pet Smart”. I took out Miss Peaches note.
The next instruction read as follows. “Go in the pet store you stupid cunt. You are to pick out a nice pig collar for yourself, and don’t forget to try it on inside the store to make sure it fits.”
Shakily I got out of my car, trying as best I could to keep my breasts from showing with the top buttons removed from my shirt. I quickly scanned the parking lot making sure no one I knew was around. A little flustered I entered the store, and began looking around, but I couldn’t see where the dog collars were. Franticly I began walking up and down the isles.
I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I nearly knocked over the girl working tHere. She couldn’t be more than 17, short cropped red hair, nice figure. “Can I help you?”, the girl asked, getting a good look at my outfit. Her face was a mixture of shock and amusement, and she actually stood a laugh as I stood there.
“I…uh…I need to find the collars” I said, never looking up.
“Yeah. Aisle 5”, came her bemused reply.
I felt the girl’s eyes boring into me as I made my way to aisle 5. I picked out a black leather collar with rhinestones on it. Thankfully it fit as I quickly put it around my throat to make sure. I took it off and headed to the register. The girl, Heather, was there.
“Find what you needed?” giggled Heather.
“Uh…yeah…thanks” I whispered as I quickly paid.
As I was leaving, Heather called out, “Miss they sell bras next door. Looks like you need one of those, too.” My face burned bright red and tears welled up in my eyes as I made my way back to my car.
I thought to myself, “I just can’t do this anymore;I just want to go home, have nice bath and glass of wine and forget about all of this.”
But instead I picked up the note, and read the next instruction. Miss Peaches must have been able to read my mind. “Got the pig collar fatty? Good, I bet part of you is ready to chicken out and just go home. But I bet that fat cunt is soaking wet isn’t it?” And she was right.
“It’s best if You leave the thinking to the real woman here, right puta?”, read the next line. “It’s time to fix that hideous wardrobe of yours…”. I continued to read the instructions until the end. When I finished them, my body shook, I burst out crying, “Could this really be happening to me?” I knew I was descending into hell, from which I might never return.
However, 30 minutes later, I had replaced my composure as much as possible, I found myself in the mall, in one of those stores that catered to teenaged girls. In fact my daughters shopped at this store quite frequently. I began to browse through the racks of clothes as instructed.
I looked around in even more horror now. How can I be expected to wear these things? It’s just not possible. But again, my pussy betrayed me and I began picking out the clothes according to Miss Peaches instructions. They were at least a size too small, and juniors. I would look like one of those pathetic soccer moms desperately trying to be cool. I had a white ruffled skirt that would barely cover my ass and a blue baby-t. As I walked back to the changing room, I was horrified, there were several girls standing talking, giggling ect, and I recognized them, instantly as classesmates of my daughter Megan’s.
I put my head down, and tried to walk past them unnoticed, until I heard a melodic voice, “Oh hi Mrs. M, is Megan with you? She said she might meet us here today.” It was Cindy, an acquaintance of my daughter Megan.
Fighting the urge to drop everything and run, I turned, and feeling my face turn bright red. “Ummm, no I…I’m just tryingon some of the these things for myself.”
Cindy finally got a close look at me, with my boobs hanging half way out of my shirt, and her facial expressions went through the familiar phases, of confusion, shocked recognition, and vague amusement.
I horridly entered the changing room, as soon as I was inside I heard the girls burst out laughing, “Did you see that?”, they squealed.
My mind was filled with shame and lust. As I reread the final instructions from Miss Peaches.
“When you get into the dressing room, try on your new slut outfit, and don’t forget all of your accessories.”
“Then I want you to take a marker from your purse and write, “Property of” on one title, and “Mistress Peaches” on the other. After that, it’s time for your reward. Get on Your knees and you may come, thanking me for your pleasure the entire time. Use your slutty fingers to get yourself off you pathetic mommycunt.”
I dropped to my knees with reckless abandon began struggling my clit, and thanking Miss Peaches. In no time, I was ready to cum; I felt my juices soaking through the dress. Just as I was about to cum, I heard a familiar voice. Then I heard Cindy just outside the changing room says, “Oh hi Megan…guess what we just ran into your mom.”
As all of the girls burst out laughing, I burst into an uncontrollable orgasm, one I had waited weeks for. My body shook and spasmed out of control, until I fell down onto the floor of the changing room.
End of part 3.
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