Paying the Price

Sara awoke with a start, jolted from slumber by a noise outside. With a sight, she pushed the blankets away and reached to unclip the short chain connecting her ankle shackles before swinging her body around and stepping onto the thick carpeting. She slowly crossed the room, admiring the glimpses she caught of her own body in the variously sized mirrors adorning the walls. Stopping before the largest of them, she smiled sleepily at the marks upon her small breasts, remembering her husband’s teeth sinking into her soft flesh as his large cock pounded into her.

She brought her hands up to her nipples and pinched them slightly, rolling them between her thumb and fingers as she stared into her own eyes. As always, her nipples hardened immediately and she felt a thrill running down into her pussy, as if the nerves in these two nubs were directly wired to her clip. Slipping one finger into her mouth, she sucked it briefly before reaching down to her cunt.

The wetness was alreadyy beginning to flow. Sara rubbed gently, teasingly, slowly increasing her own excitement. She watched raptly in the mirror as her hand parted the soft lips of her pussy and she slipped two fingers into its moist depths as she softly rubbed her now-swollen clip with her thumb. Almost unconsciously, her other hand slipped behind her, sliding down the curves of her ass until a single finger probed at her tight anus. She closed her eyes, beginning to pant now, her juices dripping as she forced her fingertip into her ass and wiggled it around, rubbing her clip harder and faster now. She closed her eyes and moaned, swinging a little as she worked towards a climax.

“Whatcha doin’?” the softly-voiced question jolted her, and she whirled around, hands flying up in a vain attempt to cover her nakedness. John stood in the doorway, a slight smile on his face. His eyes, however, were far from amused, and bored into hers with an intensity that made it impossible for her to look away.

“I … uh, well….” She knew there was no explanation, no way to pretend this was anything other than exactly what it looked like.

Still trapped in the gaze of John’s dark eyes, Sara lowered herself to her knees. “I’m so sorry.” She assumed the usual position with the ease of long practice, back ramrod straight, knees parted to reveal the still-wet lips of her treacherous pussy, arms at her sides. Her heart raced and she trembled slightly.

John’s smile broadened as he crossed the room to stand before her. It had been quite some time since he’d had the opportunity to generally punish his wife, and he was determined to enjoy it. His cock was already stiffening as he broke eye contact and slowly absorbed every detail of the naked woman kneeing at his feet. Even when she was misbehaving, he still found her beautiful, from the hair that flowed down to partially obscure her breasts, to her soft little belly, to the feet curled beneath her. Circling around, he was pleased to observethe marks still on her well-padded buttocks from the night before.


Sara swiftly compiled.

“Lie on the bed, face down.” John moved over to the dresser as she followed his order, opening the drawers and sorting through the toy collection inside, pondering the most entertaining order to use them in. He first selected a large butt plug, one that Sara had never been able to take before.

“You know I don’t like it when you don’t follow the rules,” he commented as he applied lube to the bulbous toy. “You’ve been so good for so long, but I am going to have to punish you.” He paused and reached back into the drawer before turning towards the bed.

Sara sensed John approaching, and quivered with mingled fear and, she had to admit, more than a little excitement. She gasped as his strong fingers grabbed the back of her hair and yanked her head up. John’s lips whispered close to her ear, “I’m really, really going to punish you.”

He brought a ball gag up to her mouth and she obligingly opened it, her jaws stretching wide to take it all in. Once the gag was strapped securely around her head, John added a blindfold. She hated this one-so heavy that it pressed against her eyesilids, large enough that not a single straight light ray had any hope of penetrating it. Sara’s face smoked roughly against the mattress as John suddenly released her.

Next came the wait belt and connected wrist restraints. Then the heavy straps buckled around her thighs, just above the knee. John roughly pulled Sara’s legs apart, pausing to insert one finger between the pink lips and tease her clip ever so briefly. Then he strapped her down tight, legs spread wide, butt tilted slightly in the air. Those cheats were so exclusive, he just had to cares them, feeling the warmth of her soft skin, watching her slightly squirm. Suddenly bringing one hand down in a smack that resounded in the quiet of the room, he harshly commanded, “Don’t move.”

The next thing Sarafelt was something hard probing the entrance to her ass. She forced herself to be calm and not fight it, but she was stretched wider and wider as the plug bored ever deeper into her, and felt herself began to tense. She felt like she was being ripped in two and didn’t think she was going to be able to take it all. But John was determined to make her take it, and simultaneously slapped her ass, harder than before, and rammed the plug the rest of the way home. Sara felt tears prick her eyes as she tried to scream around the ball filling her mouth.

John admired his bound woman for a moment, then walked out into the living room, stopping in the kitchen to slip another toy in the freezer before setting into his recliner before the TV. Switching to the closed-circuit camera feed, he watched Sara trying so hard to lie still. As the minutes ticked by, she squirmed more and More, much to his amusement. Installing that camera without telling her had definitely been one of his better ideas.

Sara was not at all amused. She had no idea how long she was going to be abandoned like this, bound tight and with her rectum stretched and filled. She was ashamed to realize that her juices were beginning to flow again as she became accustomed to the plug in her ass. Her pussy ached to be similarly filled. All Sara could think of was what it would feel like to be fucked right now, John’s cock in her pussy as he slammed into her, his skin against hers, fingers digging into the soft flesh of her buttocks and teeth nipping at her shoulder. She had no sense of how much time had passed before she heard the soft pad of his bare feet in the hallway. She felt him come near, but he said nothing, simply reached out and stroked down her back, rubbing down the curve of her hip and then over to the inside of her thigh and up to the entrance of her slick hole. One hand spread her lips, and then she feel a very large, very cold glass dildo thrust deep into her.

“You’re squirming quitea bit,” John remarked. “I seem to remember telling you not to do that.” He moved to the side of the bed and added another strap to her waist belt, attaching it to the bed frame before moving to secure her on the other side. Then he went back to the dresser and studied his whips and paddles for a few moments, weighing each in his hands as he contemplated the best tool for this job.

On the bed, Sara was just beginning to recover from the initial shock of the dildo. He must have just bought this, she thought distractedly. She hoped he’d soon use it on her when she wasn’t in trouble. Musing on that pleasant thought, lightly clenching her pussy around the hard rod, she didn’t notice anything around her until the first whoosh of air, followed by the loud smack as a stiff paddle connected with her ass. Just as she was recovering her breath, the paddle landed again on her other chef. And then again. The strokes came slowly, methodically, harder than John normally hit her. Sweat rolleddown her back as she struggled to remember to breathe.

Sara felt like she was losing herself, submersed in a haze of pain and arousal. The strokes went on and on, each a fresh shock, a peak in the wave she was riding. She longed to be able to beg him to stop, but at the same time wanted it to keep going on. Her entire awareness was brought down to her overstuffed pussy and asshole, and the pummeling on her cheeses. The Sudden cessation of paddling was almost more of a shock, and she fought to return to herself. She felt the clips holding her secured to the bed unfasted, and then John lifted her body up, flipping her over so she landed hard on her freshly paddled ass. Warm hands rubbed her breasts, tugging and pulling on her nipples, teasing in slow circles. Her whole body was throbbing, her heart pounding as the sensings and emotions rocketed Through her.

Then John reached between her legs and slowly removed the glass dildo from her dripping pussy, replacing it with a thick vibrating rod in a harness. He strapped it on and turned the motor to high, then clipped the straps around her thighs together. He striped off his clothes and removed the blindfold and gag from his wife’s head.

Opening her eyes, blinking a little against the sudden intrusion of light, the first thing Sara saw was John standing next to the bed, sweat running down his chest, his cock standing tall, throbbing and twitching, a few drops of pre-cum at the tip. She stared at it, involuntarily licking her lips as she waited for him to fuck her mouth. The thought and the vibrator thrumming away in her pussy were pushing her closer and closer to an orgasm. She opened her mouth wider as John moved towards her, turning her head slightly, panting as she stretched to reach his cock, so close now that she could see the pulsing of the veins, could smell it, could very nearly reach out to lick it.

“Do you really think so?” John’s voice intruded on her thoughts. Startled, she looked upat him. He was shaking his head. “You’d enjoy that way too much.” Leaning down, he said more quietly, “I’ll be taking a nice long shower. You’d better not let yourself come.”

He walked out of the room and Sara heard the shower start. She squirmed, the blanket beneath her feeling like rough wool against the tender skin of her ass. The vibrator continued to buzz inside her slick cunt, her juices flowing onto her thighs, her muscles pulsing uncontrollable around it. Her ass was throbbing, too, the combination of the two pushing her to ever greater heights, her breath gasping and panting. She fight to remain in control, but the sensings keep flooding through her, driving her to the edge. The first orgasm ripped through her body, drawing a scream from her lips as every muscle shook in release and her hips arched nearly off the bed.

In the shower, John pretty heard the scream and smiled. He couldn’t wait to make her regret that, and all the ones that were sure to follow.


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