Edited by angel love
It had started out to be a very fun evening but did not end up that way. Dawn a 25-year-old blonde and wife of Dave, had gone out with her single best friend Candy for a night of partying. They had gone to a fairly nice entertainment bar with band and spent most of the night drinking, dancing and flirting. Dawn loved to flirt but was loyal to her husband. Candy on the Other hand was interested in finding a man. Candy was a very attractive voluptuous 24-year-old redhead but couldn’t seem to find the right guy even though she too spent the night dancing, drinking and flirting.
Unfortunately when it came time to go home both girls had drunk more then they should have. Dawn had driven there but Candy convinced her she should not drive and so Dawn agreed to let her drive home, in Dave’s new Lexus. On the way home Candy hit a phone pole creating quite a bit of damage. The car was still drivable so after surveying the damage they got back in and drove home. They pulled into Dawn and Dave’s driveway and Candy walked down to her house 4 houses away.
Needless to say when Dave woke up the next morning and looked at his new car he was furious. He called out to Dawn who was just getting out of bed in that loud angle voice Dawn knew all to well. Dave asked her what had happened and she blurted out the whole story. Dawn knew she was in trouble but also better than to try to lie her way out of it. Dave had lectured her before about getting drunk and now her irresponsibility had led to his damaged new car not to mention she could have been killed.
After listening to her story, Dave simply said, “We will deal with this matter after lunch, when you will present yourself to me in the living room.”
Dawn already knew what that means. It meant quite simply she was going to be spanked. Dawn loved and respected Dave and his strength both physically and psychologically. From the first time they met she knew he would be the Dominantone in the relationship.
Even before they got married, whenever Dawn got out of line she ended up being spanked by Dave. It all started only two months after they met. Dawn had done something stupid and refused to apologize to Dave. Dave told her they were done and walked out. After coming to her senses, Dawn tried to apologize to Dave and get him to take her back.
Dave told her that he would take her back on one condition. When she acted like a naughty little girl she should be treated like one. Dawn asked him what that means and Dave calmly said, “Naughty little girls get spanked.”
Dawn was quite taken back never having considered that possibility. She had been spanked as a child but considered spankings for children not young or older women. Dave simply said he believed chronological age was irrelevant, when women of any age act like naughty little girls they should be punished like that.
Dawn told him indignantly she was not going to allow herself to be spanked. Dave told her that was fine and for her to get out and not come back. “Never?” Dawn asked.
Dave told her the only way he would allow her back if she agreed to be spanked like she deserved. Dawn left dejected but unwilling to pay his price.
Over the next several days Dawn began to miss Dave more and more and realized she really did love him. She tried to talk to him but the answer was always the same, “When you are ready to be spanked, call me but not until then.”
Over the next week Dawn had to deal with what was more important to her, her foolish pride, or the man she loved. She knew Dave would be good to her and love her and that was becoming more important every day. Dawn also knew down deep that she was a little on the wild side, and that she probably did deserve to be spanked. She also decided that if you deserve to be spanked it might as well be by someone you love and who loves you.
It was on a Friday evening that Dave opened his door and found aRepentant looking Dawn standing there. “Hello Dawn, what can I do for you?” he asked.
Dawn with tears in her eye said, ” I love you Dave and I am ready to be spanked by you.”
Dave’s heart skipped a beat because he loved Dawn as well, but also knew she was in need of strong discipline if the relationship was going to work. ” Have you been a naughty little girl Dawn?” he asked.
“Yes Sir,” she mumbled, not realizing she had called him Sir and the implications of it.
“Do you deserve to be spanked?” he asked.
“Yes Sir,” she answered meekly.
“Yes Sir,” she answered, never realizing she was entering a whole new world.
Dave took her in his arms and kissed her and said, “Dawn I love you with all my heart but you do need to be spanked for your own good.”
“Yes I know,” she said, crying softly.
Dave then took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom andBefore she knew it Dawn found herself lying naked over Dave’s bare thighs being soundly spanked all over her bare behind. Dawn ended up that night crying and becoming and pleading for him to stop, but when Dave was finally through she was a soundly spanked naughty little girl.
After that night Dawn was under Dave’s psychological control and knew she would submit to him forever. As a result over the next several months Dawn received several spankings from Dave. Although she did not like to be spanked she had to admit they were doing her some good and she was becoming even more responsible.
One Saturday night, Dawn lay naked over Dave’s bare thighs and being soundly spanked by him. He had hand spanked her, and paddled her with a small wooden paddle, and was now using the hairbrush on her. Suddenly he paused and made her put her right hand back towards him and put something in it. When Dawn pulled her hand back down there was an engagement ring in it.
“Dawn if you marry me you will be spanked like this whenever you need it.” With that being said he landed 20 hard smacks of the hairbrush on her poor unprotected red bare behind. Then he simply said, “Dawn will you marry me?”
Dawn was still crying but her cries were those of both pain and happiness. ” Yes,” she sobbed, “I would love to marry you.”
“Even if you are spanked by me when you deserve it?”
“Yes sir, I would love to be your wife and you may spank me whenever you think I deserve it.”
” Good,” said Dave, “And because I love you I promise to give you the spanking you deserve whenever you are a naughty little girl.”
Dave was totally happy and finished Dawn off by giving her another 50 smacks of the hairbrush on her quivering bare behind. Both Dawn and Dave kept their word and even after they were married, whenever Dawn acted like a naughty little girl Dave spanked her. Dawn had trouble not being naughty, so she spent many nights lying naked over Dave’s bare tights in theprivacy of their bedroom being soundly spanked all over her bare behind.
When Dave spanked Dawn it was always a good one, but some were more severe than others, depending on the nature of the infection. For the car accident Dawn knew she was going to get a good one. Dave met her in the living room and told her she was going to be spanked. As usual he stripped her naked and the after getting naked himself took her up to the privacy of their bedroom. Dave always spanked Dawn when they were naked wanting the spanking experience to be both a discussion session but an intimate one as well. Just as she suspected he would, Dave gave his beautiful blonde wife one of the worst spankings she had ever gotten from him, because she deserved it.
Once Dawn had been spanked he now had to figure out how to handle Candy. He would have to turn in a report to his insurance agent, the police would be called, and Candy had left the scene of an accident. Dave told Dawn to have Candy come over lat that afternoon to tell her what he was going to do.
Candy showed up about three in the afternoon. Candy had an air of impudence about her almost as if there was nothing wrong, but she was about to get a reality check. Dave told her that he was going to call his insurance agent who would in turn call the police.
Candy’s face immediately showed signs of panic as the reality gradually sunk in. “Please don’t do that Dave she pleased can’t we work it out someway?”
“Why should I want to work it out?” he asked. “You wrecked my car, and you endangered the life of yourself and my wife by being so irresponsible!”
Candy began to tearfully tell her story. She had already received two tickets and was on probation for reckless driving. If the police were called she would lose her driver’s license, probably her job, and may have to go to jail.
Dave was somewhat taken back by her story and it presented a real dilemma for him. He had originally thought a minor fine from the police would be most appropriate but now realized how serious it could be for her. On the one hand, she probably deserved the trouble but on the other hand she was Dawn’s best friend. Dave told her that maybe she deserved what she would get.
Candy pleased, “Please Dave it would ruin me, and besides a part of this was Dawn’s fault.”
“Dawn has already been punished for her part, Dave retorted.”
“Did you call the police on her?” Candy asked.
“No, I dealt with her privately,” Dave responded. . “Well maybe you could deal with me like you did with her,” Candy suggested.
“I don’t think you would like that”, Dave volunteered.
“Why not,” Candy asked innocently?
“Well to be perfectly honest, she got a good sound spanking,” he said.
Candy’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “You’re kidding right,” she asked in disbelief?
“Not at all”, Dave responded repeatedly. “Whenever Dawn acts like a naughty little girl she gets spanked like one”, Dave explained, “and truth be known she gets spanked quite often.” “Perhaps if you had been spanked when you act like a naughty little girl you wouldn’t be in the mess you are in.”
“Is he telling the truth Dawn,” she asked Dawn? “Yes,” Dawn responded, “He has been spanking me for about four years now whenever I deserve it.”
Dave interrupted and said, “Well Candy is not my wife and I have no choice but to turn this over to the authorities.”
“Oh God please no,” Candy pleased again, “Anything but that.”
Dawn broke in saying, “David honey, suppose you paid her just like you did me.” “She would get the spanking she deserved but not lose her job and go to jail.”
David was intrigued by Dawn’s proposal. The truth was that David had often thought Candy needed a good sound spanking and he had fantasized about giving her one. He was well aware of how attractive she was with her volunteer body and the thought of her lying naked over his bare thighs being spanked by him,was an exciting thought.
After thinking a few moments he said, “Well Candy I like Dawn’s idea so I am going to give you a choice. You can be turned over to the authorities or you can be spanked by me just like Dawn was.”
Candy’s face turned as red as her soft red hair and she exclaimed, “I have never been spanked and being spanked by you would be so humiliating.”
Dave smiled a smug smile and said, “Yes it would be and it would hurt but it sure beats jail.”
“Well I don’t know”, she exclaimed, “It seems so unfair and I feel trapped.”
“Not as trapped as you will be in jail,” he offered.
Candy offered more protests and finally David tired of it. Speaking firmly in a tone Dawn knew all to well, he said, “Candy, the truth is you have acted like a very naughty little girl and deserve to go to jail. Because you are Dawn’s friend I have offered as a favor to you, to spank you instead just like I spanked Dawn. Those are your options and the only ones. It is now 3:00. I am going to leave you and Dawn alone and she can explain to you just how you would be spanked. Then at 5:00 you are to go home and think about it. At 7:00 sharp, I will call the authorities unless you are here by then telling me you have been a very naughty little girl and need to be spanked by me. If you choose that option you will then be spanked by me Just like Dawn was, and the matter will be over.”
That being said David turned and left the room leaving Candy to mull over her choice with Dawn. During the next two hours Candy discussed spanking with Dawn. She was surprised to find out how often Dawn was spanked and how. She turned red and gulped hard when she was told she would be naked for her spanking and Dave would be as well.
As they talked Dawn told her being spanked by David was her best option. What Candy did not know was that Dawn secretly wanted to see Candy spanked to take her down a peg or two. Neither of them knew that David was hoping Candy would choose to be spanked. David was already fantasizing about having her voluptuous naked body lying over his bare thighs squirming, wiggling, kicking her legs, crying howling and begging and pleading for mercy as he spanked her soundly.
Candy went home at 5:00 as she had been directed to contemplate her choice. At 7:00 David, some disappointed, walked over to the telephone. Just as he picked up the receiver the doorbell rang. David put down the receiver and answered the door and there stood Candy.
“Yes Candy?” he asked in a firm tone.
Candy looked down and said, “I’ve come to be spanked!”
“Look at me Candy, and tell me again and tell me why,” Dave ordered.
Candy was totally embarrassed but did as she was told. ” I have been a very naughty little girl and I want you to give me the spanking I deserve,” Candy blurted out.
Dave smiled smugly and ushered Candy into the living room where Dawn sat waiting. Dawn had requested that she be allowed to see Candy’s spanking and he had agreed, knowing it would make it more humiliating for Candy.
Dave wasted no time and simply said, “Well Candy let’s get you ready for your spanking.”
Candy’s face blushed deep red at the thought that she was about to be striped naked by Dave, and especially in front of Dawn. Dave on the other hand was thrilled at the prospect of striping this volunteer attractive redhead naked so he could spank her.
Candy had forgotten a bright green blouse, which highlighted her pretty green eyes. Dave quickly unbuttoned it, removed it and tossed it on the couch. Underneath her blouse was a skimpy green bra that barely held her full breasts and nipples. Candy had forgotten black patent leather slacks, which clung to her body snugly. Dave unzipped the slacks and pulled them down her long shaped legs until he had them off and tossed them on the couch. Candy now stood before him dressed in only her skimpy bra and matching panties and her green patent high heels.
Dave was now ready to remove her bra and Candy looked away in total embarrassment. “Look at me Candy, or you will get it a lot worse,” Dave ordered.
Dave wanted Candy looking into his eyes to intimately remind her that he was the one stripping her naked. He also wanted to see the look of humiliation and fear in her eyes as well. While looking into Candy’s eyes Dave reached around her and unhooked her bra allowing her full breasts and nipples to pop out into full view. Candy’s breasts were perfectly proportioned, full with a deep cleavage, and nice full nipples. Candy’s deep breathing caused them to rise and fall and Dave’s manhood could not help but respond.
Dave now hooked his fingers into the elastic of her panties and again looked into her eyes before taking them off. Candy looked into Dave’s eyes with almost a pleading look hoping to be Spared the indignity of having her panties come off. Unfortunately two people, Dave and Dawn wanted her panties to come off, so she would be spanked while she was completely naked. Likewise, Dawn could have told her that pleading with her strong husband would do no good. When Dave said you were going to be naked for your spanking he meant it.
Slowly but surely Dave lowered her panties until he had them off, marveling at the beautiful sight unfolding before him. Candy had a nice smooth abdomen, nicely curved hips, that tapered down to her nice firm thighs with her red haired V patch that covered her love channel. Standing in her high heels only accentuated the curves in her voluptuous attractive naked body.
Turning to Dawn, Dave said, “Well honey let’s get ready for her spanking.”
Dawn knew what that means and so as Dave started to strip naked, Dawn did as well. Dave always spanked Dawn when they Both were naked so he could feel her sexy naked body squirming and wiggling against his strong masculine body.
Once they were all naked Dave took Candy by the hand and said, “Let’s go Candy, it’s time for you to get the spanking you deserve.”
Candy wasn’t sure where they were going but followed helpfully as Dave led her across the room, up the stairs and down the long hall to the bedroom. Dave always spanked Dawn in the privacy of their bedroom and wanted to spank Candy there as well.
In the center of the bedroom sat a simple straight-backed chair. Many a night Dave sat in that chair with Dawn lying naked over his bare thighs being soundly spanked by her husband. Now it was going to be Candy’s turn. Dave led candy over to the chair and he sat down with Candy standing helplessly by his side. Reaching up he took Candy by the arm and pulled her attractive volunteer naked body down over his bare thighs.
Dave thrilled at the feel of her naked body against his and his manhood acknowledged her presence. On the wall in front of the spanking chair was a full-length mirror so Dave could see Candy’s naked body lying over his bare tights. Although she was an attractive voluptuous redheaded woman she also looked a lot like a naughty little girl.
Dave raised his hand high in the air and brought it down quickly on her full round bare behind. Even though it was only his hand Candy’s naked body reacted to this virgin assault of her bare behind. Her naked body squirmed and wiggled against his muscle naked body and she hollered, “Ow!” David immediately landed another smoke and again her naked body reacted.
Satisfied with her initial response, Dave began to land crisp hard smokes to her bare behind covering every square inch of it. Candy had a nice full curved and firm bare behind that Dave’s hand bounced off when it landed, leaving a nice red print every time. Candy quickly became aware of the seriousness of her situation and her naked body began to squirm and wiggle in earnest against his strong naked body. Dave was particularly aware of her bare side rubbing against his swollen manhood.
In his own mind Dave thought that each dollar it would cost to repair his car was worth one smoke. As Candy’s naked body squirmed and wiggled in earnest he stepped up the pace, bound and determined to give this 24-year-old attractive voltage redhead the spanking she deserved. After landing over 200 smokes of his hand he asked Dawn to hand him the wooden paddle which she did gladly. She was enjoying seeing Candy spanked almost as much as Dave was enjoying spanking her.
Candy was unprepared for the wooden paddle. When the first smoke landed her left leg kicked up, her head snapped back, her hips twisted violently and she hollered “Oweeeeeee, Oh God that hurt.”
Dave simply smiled and landed another smoke and again her naked body reacted strongly. Before she could fully recover Dave quickly began to land quick hard smokes of the paddle all over her nicely curved upturned bare behind. After only 10 smokes of the paddle poor Candy began to kick her legs back and forth to try to alleviate the pain. Her naked body was now twisting andturning trying to avoid the smokes of the paddle.
By the time Dave had landed 25 smokes of the paddle all modesty was gone from Candy. She was crying now and her legs were kicking not only back and forth but from side to side as well. Sometimes her legs would kick so wide open so that she exposed her secret parts to Dave’s eyes. With the wild gyrations of her attractive voltage naked body and her legs kicking wildly, it took all Dave could muster to keep his mind on the chore before him. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack
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