This story is protected by copyright, by Peter, the author, and cannot be reposted or used for any purpose without his prior consent. But please email the author to request such consent.
I didn’t sleep much. Monday morning rolled around and I went off to work. All day I was so distracted I couldn’t concentrate on anything. It was a good thing it was going to be a light week.
When I got home that evening, I had no idea what to expect, but I knew it was going to be hard to deal with. Our evening was fairly normal and I was extremely tired, so we headed to bed rather early. Once we got to the bedroom Lisa wanted to explain the rest of the week to me.
“Peter, here are the rules for the rest of this week. You will stroke your cock exactly as I direct each night. You must follow my directions explicitly, but you must be sure not to cum. You must do whatever it takes to assure you don’t cum. If you must choose between stopping or cumming, then stop. But if you do stop before I tell you to, that means one more day before you will get to cum. Understand?”
I had no option but to say yes, which I hesitantly did.
“Be sure you do understand, because if you cum, I will lock you in this chatity tube, and you won’t cum for a solid month.” She held up a device I’d never seen before. I could generally tell what it was and how it would work. I didn’t want to know anymore than looking taught me!
I groaned out loud. It was incomprehensible. However I was sure Lisa would follow through if I allowed myself to cum.
“Okay, get undressed and lay on the bed, then lets try a little test. I want you to start beating off and don’t stop until I say, but tell me when your getting close to cumming.”
Every minute I was regretting more and more that I’d broken my promise the week before. I could see Lisa was very serious about teaching me a lesson I wouldn’t soon forget. I was quite unhappy to be playing with myself in front of her, but clearly had no choice. As horny as I was it didn’t take long before I could feel my impending orgasm. I told Lisa I was getting very close.
She was studying me closely. “Keep going” was all she said.
Soon I could barely hold back, “I really need to stop Lisa, PLEASE!” I was going for her to let me quit. It was exactly the kind of torture Lisa had in mind, the look on her Smiling face confirmed. I needed to cum in the worst way, wanted to so badly, but the consequences of doing so were too great to even contemplate. I was a quivering basket case.
“Just a little more” Lisa insisted.
“Lisa, please, please, I can’t, Please!” I was smoking and shaking. I kept pumping and it took all my control not to cum at the same time. “Lisa, PLEASE LET ME STOP!” I was desperate. I knew I’d have to stop in just seconds no matter what Lisa said. I’m sure she knew this too.
“Five more strokes and you can quit” she said “they can be as slow as you want as long as you don’t stop c” She was still concentrated on my cock intently.
I had to slow way down to keep going and still not cum. I was taking about 15 seconds per stroke now. It increased the frustration significantly, but there was no way to go any faster and not cum. Finally I finished the five stokes and collapsed. I was drenched in sweat and shaking. My cock was pulsing and twitching and still oozing a steady stream of precum even though it wasn’t even being touched.
“Wow, that was really hot” Lisa exclaimed “Now just two more strokes and we’ll be finished for tonight.”
“Lisa, please, I can’t” I begged.
“Right this second or we add a day!” she insisted.
I managed to get through two more, but it was sure Hell!
“Peter, I’m going to see to it that you NEVER think about breaking your promise again. You are beginning to see that masturbating isn’t a good thing after all, aren’t you?”
I assured her I’d learned my lesson. I had no misguided believe that she would relent. She didn’t.
“As the week goes on this will get more and more difficult, and I’ll push you much harder than tonight. I took it easy since it was the first time.”
With that Lisa got ready for bed. If this was taking it easy, I knew I had no chance to make it all week.
To be continued
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