Paying for the Broken Promise Ch. 03

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Paying for the Broken Promise – by Peter

Part 3

Sunday was a normal day at the beginning. I knew it wouldn’t last. It was a rather warm day and late morning Lisa went in and changed into a pair of Very sexy short shorts and a halter top that left nothing to the imagination. I was soon aching just from looking at her as well as my own imagination. I was sporting a near full erection and was actually oozing precum already.

It was the mental teasing that was driving me crazy. It had only been a couple of days since I came last, and my cock hadn’t been touched since. Granted, having Lisa cum just inches in front of My face had exacerbated the situation, but there hadn’t been any physical teasing, just mental. With Friday still five days off I was positive I’d be institutionalized before then.

All day long Lisa strutted and bounced and did everything imagine to arouse me, while pretending to do nothing at all. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. By dinner I was a complete mess. I simply didn’t see how I could get through the week.

Lisa decided at dinner to tell me what I’d missed on Friday night because of my misdeeds. In detail she described stroke and licking my cock. Playing with my balls. Pushing me right to the edge over and over, only to stop and start from the beginning again once I calmed down a little. Finally to give me an earthshaking orgasm once I truly couldn’t stand any more teasing.

I couldn’t take any more of this. I couldn’t eat. I finally excused myself from the table and went outside for some air. I realized I’d been hard most of the day and still my cock hadn’t been touched since I came last.

I was drained, even though I had done nothing all day. I told Lisa I was about ready to turn in. “Okay but first weNeed to give you your next object lesson about the negative side of playing with yourself.” This was spoken like a grade school teacher would address her class room.

I was fully dreading whatever was to come, which I was sure wouldn’t be me. We went into the bedroom and it started.

Lisa told me to take off all my clothes and lay on the bed. As soon as I had, she pulled the wrist and ankle restraints out from under the bed and secured me spread eagle. She propped my head up with some pillows so I could see well. I was both curious and nervous and once again was rock hard just from know that something was coming even though I had no idea what.

Lisa began one of her strip teases. It lasted quite a while and had me very hot rather soon. As she had the night before, she got her vibrator and lubed it up. She sat down on the bed right between my legs so that her legs were over the top of mine and our crotches were about a foot apart. Once again she wasn’t touching me, but was so close I could literally feel the heat from her body. I also had a very clear view of her pussy.

She laid back and started to pleasure herself again. Soon she was moaning and humping back at the phallus she was thrusting in and out of her cunt. It was like being at a train wreck. I wanted to look away, but all I could do was stare! My cock and balls were throbbing and a large pool of precum was forming on my stomach.

She came twice before she even slowed down. I was drenched with sweat from just watching her. I had a severe case of blue balls and my cock was literally twitching, all still without having been touched. Lisa brought herself to a third climax with torturous slowness, and then collapsed back onto the bed. As soon as Lisa calmed down a bit, she got up from the bed and took her vibrator and rubbed it under my nose. Obviously it was dripping with her juices and her scent was now filling my nose. It was almost more than I could stand.

“You’re really in a bad way, aren’t you?” she asked through a huge grin.

“Lisa, I’ve learned my lesson, REALLY I have, please don’t do this any more.” I was going, I was desperate, I was truly regretting breaking my promise.

“Peter, do you want to cum so much that you would play with yourself while I watch?”

We’d never discussed this, but intuitively Lisa knew This was something I would not want to do. I’d find it embarrassing, even humiliating to beat off with her watching, but I was totally desperate right now. I hesitated for only a beat, “Yes I want to cum that much.” I knew nothing less than a direct answer would have any chance of influencing her.

“Okay, I’ve always wanted to watch you. I’m going to release just your right hand.” And with that she reached over to the head board and suddenly my right had was free. I didn’t do anything for a moment. “If you don’t want to use that hand, I’ll tie it back up.” She said sharply. I got the message.

I started jacking off for all I was worth. It wasn’t going to take long. I closed my eyes, so I didn’t have to watch Lisa studying me like she was watching a sauce come to a boil. I was getting very close. It hadn’t taken much, nor long under the circumstances. Suddenly I felt my hand being pulled. My eyes flew open.

I had realized that Lisa didn’t remove the wrist cuff, what I hadn’t noticed was the rope still attached to it and leading to the headboard. Lisa was pulling on a rope from down near the floor, it was some kind of block and tackle arrangement that she had rigged up, and it was pulling my hand towards the headboard. (We are sailors, and Lisa is quite adept with ropes and tackle.) In a matter of seconds my ability to stroke my cock was dramatically diminished. Imagine your wrist being pulled towards your shoulder. If pulled far enough you can’t even reach your cock. I was at the point where I couldn’t make a fist around my cock, but could only hold it between my fingertips and my thumb. I could just stroke the head and about 1/2 inch of the shake. As close as I was to cumming, it was making it extremely difficult to get off. I was still getting closer, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Lisa had effectively made it so I was keeping myself right on the edge, but couldn’t quite get there. She was studying my cock intently. I finally realized she wasn’t going to let me cum, but was going to let me torture myself. In spite of this, I couldn’t stop. There was still a chance I could make myself cum. I stroked as much as I could. It wasn’t going to be enough. I felt my cock just start to spasm. Any more stimulation and I would have erupted. Lisa quickly pulled on the rope and my hand lost contact with my cock completely. I screamed “NOOOOO”.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at her. She had her most evil smile in place. “God that made me hot” was all she said.

“Lisa, you said you were going to let me make myself cum. It was bad enough to do it with you watching, itwasn’t fair that you made me stop!”

“No Peter, I asked you if you WANTED to cum so much you’d play with yourself while I watched. I said nothing about letting you cum. Besides what wasn’t fair was that you broke your promise!”

I was aching. I’m sure that my balls were large and purple. I know they had never felt like this, not even that first weekend that Lisa took me up on my teasing and denial fantasy. I couldn’t imagine this going on until Friday. Whether or not Lisa knew it, I’d already learned my lesson. I would never again break my promise about cumming by my own hand!

Lisa left the room for a while and returned ready for bed. Naked, as she normally was at bed time. She crawled into the bed and somehow found a way to be comfortable, while Keeping her resolve not to touch me. She pulled the sheet over us, which would be enough on this warm evening and was soon near sleep. She hadn’t bathed since her exhibition and I could still smell her sex in the air. It just further induced my lust.

I was of course wide awake and thinking that Lisa had nodded off, when she softly said, “Peter, I’m going to leave you like this for tonight because I want you to think about it, but for the rest of the week you are going to have to learn self discipline, OR ELSE!”

I didn’t know what she meant, but I was sure it wasn’t good! GOD I WAS HORNY!

To be continued

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