Paying for My Mistake Ch. 02

I made a huge mistake at my job which cost the company nearly a quarter million dollars. I was expecting to be fired but instead, I received and offer from my boss to pay back my debt by being her personal slut for the next six months.

Being a newlywed and needing the money for a house, I accepted the offer and quickly learned of my desire to be submissive to my dominant boss. Chapter 2 details my first assignment in serving the company and my Mistress.


Back in the office, at my desk, I could hardly stay focused. The images from the lunch, the anticipation of dinner, it was more than I could deal with in my head. I tried to at least look busy until 5:30 when I would be expected to check out with Nadia.

I had the dress for dinner tonight in my car and I hadn’t planned to go home but I I walked to Nadia’s office, noticing that I was already getting damp between my legs.

I knocked on Nadia’s office door and waited. There was no reply. I didn’t know what to do next. If I knocked again and she was on the phone she would be angry with me, so I just waited.

Finally, after nearly 5 minutes, Nadia opened the door and pointed towards the chair in front of her desk. Rather than sit, I waited for Nadia to walk back behind her desk and waited for instructions.

“We will leave for dinner in one hour. I hope that you brought your dress. Clarisse said that she thought I would like it.”

“Yes, I brought it with me.”

“Good. Before you go to change, I want to tell you something. I was very impressed at how you handled yourself today at lunch. You are a quick learner. I am going to give you another assignment.”

I couldn’t imagine what it would be but I never expected what came next.

“I looked at your resume again and your performance ratings from your manager today. I am going to make you an offer. You will have overnight to think about it and to discuss with your husband.”

“Yes Mistress, what is it?”

“You made a big mistake and you owe me the six months you committed to.”

“Yes Mistress, and I intend…”

“Quiet! What I am offering you is a chance to redeem yourself and at the same time the chance to improve your position in the company. That will entail you getting your MBA at the University at the company’s expense. You are a bright girl, much smarter than I gave you credit for previously. You will work directly for me and you will attend classes at night until you earn your degree. In return, you must commit to me an additional 2 years of service. Do you understand?”

“Mistress, I think so. You want me to attend classes at the company expense to earn my Masters in Business Administration and in return I must commit to work for the company an additional 2 years beyond the 6 months I have already committed to.”

“Yes, but understand that your commitment is not only to the company but to me. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mistress, I understand that if I accept this offer, I am to be your slut for an additional 2 years.”

“I expect the people that work for me to be the best and brightest in whatever capacity I need. I think that you have the potential to do that but I will expect a lot of you professionally and personally. If you accept this offer, you will attend every class, you will get good grades and Graduate at the top of your class. You will continue to serve me in any way that I choose, without question or hesitation.”

“Mistress, what happens if I fail to get good grades or if I fail to please you in some way?”

“If you are struggling with your class work and you do not request my help in a timely manner, or your work here shows any signs of deteriorating, you will be severely paid. If you ask for my help, I promise that I will get you whatever tutoring or coaching you may need. I will not permit you to fail.”

“What if I just can’t do it?”

“First of all, I wouldn’t make you this offer if I didn’t know that you could do it. Second, I am going to give you a pay increase equal to $60,000 a year, for the next 2 years. The cost of your tuition and necessary supplies to complete your MBA is $50,000 per year. I will hold back an additional $100,000 to be paid as a bonus when you complete your MBA. If you quit your studies at any time Before receiving your degree or if you fail to get your MBA, the bonus will be forfeited and your employment with Andross will be terminated. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do. That is very general Mistress. Thank you.”

An extra $60,000 dollars a year would double my current salary. Even the extra $10,000 that is not being held back is more than I could have dreamed. And then a $100,000 bonus; that is far beyond my comprehension. It would be a god-send to my husband and I.

“One last thing. You will work hard for that money and the degree but if you are successful and once you have completed your additional two-year commitment, I will promote you to vice president and you can choose to go to any Andross location that you choose.”

“If I move somewhere else in the company, will I still have…will I still have other obligations to you?”

She smiles and say, “Once you have met your commitment, the only obligations you will have to me will be strictly business. Now go get your dress. I I hurried out of her office and down to my car to retrieve my dress. Carrying it back to her office, I pondered her offer and how unexpected it was. I definitely need to talk to my husband about it. That being said, I would never want to disappoint Mistress Nadia, especially now that I know how much faith she has in me. I know in my head that a two-year commitment is not that much in the grand scheme of things but it is much further into the future than I had expected to have to make decisions about.

Leaving the elevator and within sight of Mistress Nadia’s office, I forget about the commitment and think only about how she wants to watch me change. I know that if the growing mood between my legs is any indication, I hope that she does more than watch.

I stop and knock on the door before entering and wait until I am invited inside. Once inside, she asks me to show her the dress and I remove the plastic covering it, careful not to drop the shoes I had placed in the bottom of the bag. She looks pleased.

“Go and close the door and lock it, then take your clothes off.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I quickly removed all of my clothes except for my thigh high stockings.

“Shall I remove my stockings as well Mistress?”

“Leave them on and put on your new shoes, I want to see how you look in them.”

Without saying a word, I quickly changed shoes and stood in front of her with my arms at my side.

“Come here.”

I walked quickly to her side of the desk. She scooted her chair out slightly so that I could stand in front of her. I felt like I was being inspected as she looked at me from head to toe.

“Now turn around and bend over.”

I turned, almost losing my balance on the 4″ heels, and then bent over her desk.

“Spread your legs. I shouldn’t have to tell you every time.”

“Yes Mistress, I will try to do better.”

I’m not sure what I expected. I thought positively that she might play with my pussy but I should have known better. Without looking, I sensed that she was standing up and then without warning a singing smack from her hand across my right ass cheek followed quickly by another on my left.

“I’m going to make sure that you don’t get too comfortable in your chair this evening at dinner. You won’t now will you?”

“No Mistress,” I squealed as a barrier of smokes tenderized my ass. I could feel the heat rising tremendously and could imagine the bright red welts from her spanking.

Tears were forming in my eyes as she continued to swat me, making sure to cover every inch of my round ass. I must have suffered 20 or more of her singing strokes before she stopped and rubbed her hands over my sensitive bottom.

Then she reached between my legs and found to my embarrassment, my pussy open and wet. She ran her fingers the length of my soggy slit and then lightly scratched my clip with her fingertips.

“You like that don’t you, slut? You can’t lie to me. Your slutty little cunt gives you away.”

She roughly shoved two fingers inside my open cunt and began fucking me. I wanted to cum so badly that my legs began to shake.

“Please Mistress, may I cum?”

She yanked her fingers from my cunt and scratched my clip, hard. My legs continued to shake uncontrollably as I tried to slow the inevitable.

Her fingers were back inside me again, roughly shoving them deep inside of me, cruelly curling them as she pulled out, scraping my g-spot.

I started to cum, as hard as I tried not to. I know that she could feel my cunt spasm and she knew I was cumming.

“You will pay for that,” was all she said. “Now, clean my fingers and then go clean up your slut hole in the restroom.”

I quickly sucked my juices off of her fingers, making sure to clean every trace of my girl cum. She roughly pulled her fingers out of my mouth and wiped my saliva from her hand onto my tits. She roughly brushed her fingers against my nipples as she wiped her fingers clean, which only made them harder than they already were.

As soon as she moved away I went to grab my dress to go to the restroom but she quickly stopped me.

“I didn’t tell you to get dressed. Now get out of here and don’t come back until you clean that mess of a cunt up.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I walked towards the door in just my stockings and heels and looked outside to see if anyone was still there. I couldn’t see anyone but the ladies room was half way down the floorand I couldn’t see the entire floor from where I was.


“Yes Mistress, I’m sorry.”

I walked outside the office, an open area with low-walled cubicles between me and the restroom. I decided to hug the wall as much as possible and hopefully duck behind a cubicle wall if I spotted anyone.

The only person I saw was part of the cleaning crew, all the way on the other side of the floor. I hurried as quickly as I could to the Ladies’ room.

Once inside, I quickly pulled myself together, washing between my legs and fixing my make-up and hair. I was still deathly afraid that someone might come in while I was standing there in just my stockings and heels.

In the mirror, I notice that my ass is bright red. My skin across my entire body is raised with goosebumps and My nipples are at full attention. I was equally concerned with the possible humiliation of someone seeing me and the continued excitement I was feeling between my legs and in my poor, pebbled nipples, not to mention my crime ass.

Turning off the lights before I open the door, I looked out to make sure there was no one that would see me. The cleaning person was no longer in sight so I slipped out the door and made my way back along the wall to Nadia’s office.

I knocked again before entering and waited before she responded. It seemed like minutes but I know it was probably only a few seconds. She looked perturbed when I entered but I noticed that she had changed into a beautiful black dress that must have cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. It just had that perfect look; like she always has. I immediately dropped my eyes down and walked to the front of her desk.

“What are you waiting for? Get dressed, we are going to be late.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I hurriedly put on my dress although I struggled to get the zipper closed in the back. The dress was very revealing but in a very sophisticated way; not slutty. I realized that I had not brought a pursuitthat would match with my outfit but hoped that I wouldn’t need it.

Nadia had a rather large black Louis Vuitton bag that she handed me and she walked towards the door. I followed a few steps behind her.

Once we got to her car in the parking garage, I realized that no matter how hard I tried, there is no way that I could climb in or out of her car in this dress without flashing someone. I know that whatever restaurant we go to, there is going to be a valet that is going to get a glimpse of my pussy.

Nadia hadn’t said a word to me since we left her office.

“Mistress, may I ask a question?”

“You just did. What else would you like to know?”

“Mistress, I was wondering if we were dining alone or if we are meeting someone? I was wondering what might be expected of me?”

“Are you worried about something?”

“No Mistress, I just want to make sure I make a good impression.”

“I see. We are meeting a very important client this evening. He flew infrom Germany this morning and his name is Eckhardt Hoffmann. You will refer to him as Herr Hoffmann if you speak at all. I expect you to sit in your seat and look pretty and do exactly as I tell you.”

“Yes Mistress. Will I …?”

“You will do what I tell you to do, nothing more. Now stop asking questions.”

“Yes Mistress.”

We had been driving approximately 15 minutes towards downtown when she told me to reach into the bag that she had given me and to find the black leather collar.

I reached into the bag and in the dark searched for what felt like a collar. I found other things that were making me squirm in my seat. I felt the large dildo that I had purchased at Christina’s as well as what felt like bracelets. There were at least 2 different butt plugs, one of which was very large, and what I think was some sort of ball gag that I had never seen before. At the very bottom, I found the collar. It was black leather, about an inch wide with two steel rings, one in the front and one in the back.

“That’s it, now put it on.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I put the collar on. It fit snuggly but not uncomfortable. I positioned it so that one ring was centered in the front and the other in the back. Anyone that saw this would know that it wasn’t a necklace.

I made final adjustments just as we pulled up in front of one of the city’s 5 Star hotels. One valet ran up to the driver’s side door and another opened my door.

“Bring the bag.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I’m sure that at least one, if not both valets hear me refer to her as Mistress. The valet on my side patiently held the door open as I tried my best to exit the car without showing too much but as I stood up, I could see where the valet’s gaze was focused and the smile on his face confirmed it. He had gotten a good view of my bare pussy. Just knowing that he had, gave me a little thrill.

We walked through the lobby of the hotel and towards the restaurant. Just inside therestaurant, Herr Hoffmann was waiting. He hugged Nadia and kissed her on both cheeses. Nadia introduced me as her assistant and I thought he was going to shake my hand but instead, pulled it to his lips and lightly kissed the back of my hand.

He was fairly tall, I would say about 6′ 2″ or so, and very trim. I would guess his age to be late 40’s with a slight tinge of grey at his temples. He had a killer smile and spoke English very well although with a fairly thick accent.

He was completely focused on Nadia as we were led to our table. It was a booth along the side wall of the restaurant. There were white tablecloths and at least 3 forks at each place setting. I found that odd for some reason and struggled to remember which fork was for what.

I was seated in the booth between Nadia and Herr Hoffman but felt awkward as the conversation was held over me. I sat back and listened as they caught up on family, how his business was growing etc. It all seemed very business friendly.

Herr Hoffmann and Nadia ordered cocktails, Nadia ordering me a Martini which I drank while they talked. Later Herr Hoffman ordered a bottle of wine with dinner. Nadia ordered my dinner, without asking me what I would like and in accordance with her instructions, I didn’t say a word.

As we started on the second bottle of wine and were finishing up dinner, I was feeling a bit tipsy. I had eaten very little of my meal, just enough to make it look like I enjoyed it but I was really just too nervous to eat. The martini and the constant refilling of my wine glass by the waiter had been just enough to make me feel giddy. I drank one more glass of wine from the 2nd bottle before stopping the waiter from refilling my glass. I didn’t want to be drunk and make Mistress Nadia mad.

Throughout dinner, other than the occasional glance at my breasts and an occasional brush against my legs from Herr Hoffmann, dinner was very normal. I felt like some sort of decoration that wasfor Herr Hoffman’s viewing pleasure and for Nadia to pretty much ignore.

It was after dinner that I was wondering about when Herr Hoffman instructed the waiter to send another bottle of wine to his room and suggested that we go to his suite. I knew this was coming but I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.

As we left the restaurant and crossed the lobby, Nadia had me walk in front of them. I assumed that she wanted Herr Hoffmann to notice my backside. I was right.

I heard her comment on my ass to Herr Hoffman, telling him that there may still be some hand prints on my ass from the spanking that she had given me earlier.

I was embarrassed and excited to hear Mistress Nadia talking about me that way. I could feel my nipples pressing harder into the material of my dress and dampness forming between my legs.

Once we were in the elevator, I was standing between them when Mistress Nadia instructed me to turn facing the back of the elevator. Then she told me to bend over and hold onto the handrail across the back of the elevator car.

I bent over as instructed and Mistress Nadia casually pulled up my dress to show him my ass. Although the back of the elevator was completely mirrored, I could not see if there were in fact imports from her hand still on my ass. However, I did hear Herr Hoffmann says something in German and Mistress Nadia just giggled (something I had never heard her do). It was incredibly embarrassing and exciting at the same time.

I stayed in that position until we reached the top floor and exited. I followed them this time, to the end of the hall where the suite was. Just as we entered, a waiter knocked on the open doorframe behind us, carrying the bottle of wine. Herr Hoffmann directed him to set it on the table in the sitting area of ​​the large suite.

As soon as the waiter left, I was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room waiting for the next shoe to drop. I had no idea what to expect, so I did nothing.

Herr Hoffman exhausted himself to go to the restroom. Mistress Nadia approached me and told me that I had been very good so far. She told me that Herr Hoffman was not going to touch me.

“He only likes to watch. Now find the cuffs in my bag and put them on your wrists.”

“Yes Mistress.”

I quickly found the leather cuffs and attached them to my wrists. Mistress Nadia positioned me, standing in front of one of the chairs from the small dining table. It was a narrow chair, slip covered in a cream colored silk fabric with a tall back and no sides. I think it is called a slipper chair, and Mistress Nadia had placed it in the middle of the room. I stood there waiting while she poured two glasses of wine.

When Herr Hoffman returned, he was wearing black silk pajamas which I would normally think was funny because men just don’t wear those kinds of pajamas any more, but he looked rather elegant. They were obviously very expensive and other than the bulge in the front, looked oddly normal in this setting.

Herr Hoffmann sat in the chair that was immediately in front of me and Mistress Nadia sat in a chair next to him.

He simply said, “Take your dress off.”

It wasn’t in a commanding tone, just a simple statement.

I glanced at Nadia but knew what was expected of me. I reached behind my back and pulled the zipper down and allowed my dress to Fall around my ankles. As sexually as I could, I bent down and stepped out of the dress and picked it up, folding it neatly across my arm. All I was wearing were my stockings and heels.


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