Payback's A Bitch Ch. 03

You slowly read through the card again. Maybe you’ve read it wrong. Maybe there’s a punch line further down. No. It doesn’t matter how many times you read it, there’s still the same two choices staring back at you. How fucked up in the head is she to think that you’d even consider staying here? It’s obvious that you’re going to grab your clothes and walk out of here. Never looking back. Or is it? There’s something at the back of your mind niggling at you to take the other choice. Why would there be a niggling doubt at the back of your mind? Where has this doubt come from?

Sighing, you stand up off the bed. You look down at the Slave, not sure if you are meant to stay here until someone releases her or just leave her shackled that way. It’s a shade those choices aren’t on the card. That would be a lot easier choice to make than the one your Mistress has given you. Why do you continue to keep on calling her your Mistress? She’s just a slut who likes to torture and abuse people for her own sick, fucked up, twisted pleasure.

You turn and face the Slave as if just by looking at her the choice will be made for you. It shouldn’t be this hard. Just walk out of here. Find your clothes and get the fuck away from this building and never look back. Reaching this decision, you make your way to the door and turn once more to look at the Slave. You feel sorry for her being left shackled like that, but you have no way of freeing or releasing her. Besides, whoever shackled her in the first place must still be in the building to unshackle her. They wouldn’t leave her like that. Would they?

You move along the dark corridor towards the light at the opposite end from the candle still propping the door open. Your feet feel very heavy as you make your way into the room. There’s no need to search through the drawers for your clothes. Someone has folded them neatly and placed them in the centre of the bed for you. You glare at the small pile of clothes on the bed. It’sas if you resent them being placed there for you. You hate the fact that someone appears to have made the choice for you and actually wants you to leave. Why would you not want such a choice being made for you? You clearly don’t want to stay here. Do you? Just reach over and put your clothes back on. It’s not that hard to do. You’ve been doing it for years.

Walking towards the bed, you stop at the edge of it and reach over to grab your clothes. You clutch them against your chest and look around the room, wondering if your Mistress is still watching you … sitting there … laughing at you for looking so pathetic. Well, fuck her. You’ll show her!

You sit down on the edge of the bed and place your clothes beside you. Turning your head you see that someone has replaced the shadows at the headboard with some handscuffs to make it even easier for you to bind yourself. Abruptly, you throw your clothes on the floor. You crawl onto the bed and settle yourself in the middle of it.

Leaning down you stick your ankles into the shackles at the foot of the bed, making sure they are tight. Your body relaxes against the mattress and you release the rush of air from your lungs that you didn’t even realize you’d been holding. Stretching your arms towards the headboard, you close the handscuffs around your wrists. You try to relax your breathing and for the briefest moment ask yourself What the fuck are you letting yourself in for? You think back to what the card said and you say loudly into the room “Mistress, I am ready for you!”

You listen for any hint of movement. Nothing. Your gaze travels around the room looking for another doorway. Nothing. This has to be a sick joke. There is no Mistress. No-one is coming for you. You start to panic a little. You Just closed the cuffs around your wrists and now you can’t get out of them unless someone frees you. This feels very bad. You close your eyes and try to get your breathing back to normal. You think you hear a noise coming from the door and turn your head towards it.

Standing in the doorway is the most erotic sight you have ever seen in your life. A woman is standing there, her legs slightly open. Her hair is a vibrant shade of ruby ​​red and pulled tight into a single braid running down her body. Her eyes, a striking colour of aquamarine blue, are glowing behind a black leather mask. Lowering your gaze down her body, you see that she is wearing a black leather underbust corset with chains running cruss cross down the front of it. Her breasts are sitting high on top of the corset, her nipples aimed directly at you. Just looking at her nipples, thinking about to gunguing them, has your cock sitting proud, erect and leaking pre-cum.

You continue to look down her body, stopping at her pussy. She is wearing a tiny scrap of black lace that just covers her. As she is standing with her legs slightly apart, you can see that her pussy is glistening in the candlelight. She must be turned on at the sight of you lying there bound to the bed. Your gaze travels down to her legs and you can see she is wearing a pair of black thigh-high leather high heeled boots. There are buckles running up the length of both sides.

She holds in her hand a leather riding crop. Just imagining her whipping your body with it has your cock twitching on its own. She rakes her gaze along your body and moves away from the door. She stops at the side of the bed and glares at you. “I see you have made your choice, Slave. Let’s see how long it takes you to beg me to let you go.”

“Fuck you!” you automatically say to her. You look back at her defiantly and are completely taken by surprise by what she does to you next. She leans down and kisses your lips. It’s a punishment, brutal kiss. She forces her tongue into your mouth and kisses you so hard you actually taste blood. She stands back up and looks down at you. “Those two words you get away with. I shall put that down to you not knowing the rules,Slave. You will not make that same mistake again. I can promise you that.”

Why does she keep calling you Slave? That wasn’t part of the choice. You’ll never be her Slave. Never. “Fuck you. I’ll never be your Slave you fucking slut.” She smiles at you and before you can even blink, she brings the whip down hard across your chest. You throw your head back against the bed and grit your teeth. Fuck that really hurts.

“As I said to you SLAVE, you will not make that mistake again. You will not speak unless I speak to you. Am I making myself clear or would you like another demonstration? I just love giving demonstrations. Especially to Slaves that really need the extra training.”

You look at her and smile in return. “I said, fuck you.” She brings the whip down again and whis your chest twice in succession. This time the pain is unbearable and you can’t help from yelling at her. “Fuck!!! That fucking hurts you crazy bitch!” She brings the whip down again, but this time shewhips your tights. You grit your teeth hard and glare at her. There is no way you are going to show her anymore emotion.

“I suggest that you do as I say then, Slave, and I won’t have to punish you. Do you think you can do that? Whipping you is the lightest form of punishment I would give you. If you think this hurts, wait until you see what else I can do to punish you. So, I ask you again. Do you think you can follow orders and do as I command of you, Slave?”

You look up at her and try to rationalise in your head what she is asking of you. If you agree to her commands and follow her orders, she doesn’t punish you. You feel the whip strike your tights again. “I’m waiting, Slave. Did I mention that I never tire of whipping someone, Slave?” Glaring up at her, you hear the words leaving your mouth. “Are you deaf as well as a slut? I’ll spell it out for you. I said … F…U…C…K… Y…O…U. Fuck you!” She whips you hard across your thighs again. Raising the whip in her hand, she whips you again. This time her aim is a little higher and she catches your balls with the whip.

With tears forming in your eyes, you quickly respond “Fuck you. I won’t agree to your commands.” She can’t help from grinning down at you. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait until I break you and you’re like a little obedient puppy running around my feet. You will submit to me, Slave. The ones that are very disobedient and reluctant at the start always submit to me. Always.”

She turns away from you and walks towards the door. Your eyes are drawn to her firm ass. Oh, to be able to sink your teeth into that. Stepping outside the room for a moment, she places her hands behind her back. Two men enter the room. Two very naked, very aroused men. You can’t help asking yourself which one of them will fuck you this time. At that particular question your cock twitches against your stomach. The woman raises one eyebrow at your reaction to the two men. She knows that you are turned on by the sight of the two men just walking into the room.

“Unbind him and take him to the Black Room. You know what to do with him once you have him there,” she says to the two men. “Yes, Mistress,” the men answer her. You look at her and for a second you let your guard down. Maybe you should have just agreed to her commands. Who knows what weird and twisted shit she’ll do to you now.

You feel the men at each side of your body. They uncuff your hands first and then move down to unshackle your ankles from the bottom of the bed. Now is your chance to get away from here. You kick out with your feet to try and knock the men down. Unfortunately, they are too powerful and strong for you. One of them pins your legs to the bed while the other one grabs you under Your arms and drags you towards the side of the bed.

In one swift motion you are pulled from the bed and on to the floor. The man that was pinning your legs down quickly moves and, grabbing your calculationsin his hands, lifts your legs off the ground. The man with his hands under your arms walks out of the room backwards first. You try and see where you are going, but you can’t see past his chest and the corridors are in darkness. All you can do is close your eyes and hope that they don’t kill you. The woman isn’t following the men. If she was going to punish you more, surely she would follow them. Right?

You are carried to the end of the corridor and then you are turned sharply to your right. The man holding your legs turn around so that his back is facing you. You can feel your body tilt downwards. The men appear to be walking down some stairs. Why did you not notice the stairs when you were trying to escape before? The men reach the bottom of the stairs and walk through an open doorway. You automatically see why she called it the Black Room. Everything in the room is black. The walls, ceiling and floor. All black. Either she loves the colour black, or she likes to make things alittle more interesting if you try to escape from the room.

The men stop suddenly. Your legs are lowered to the ground and your arms are released. You stand there and look around the room. Hanging on every wall are all sorts of strange items. Before you have a chance to process some of the items, you are pushed from behind towards the middle of the room. Standing proud in the middle of the room is what looks like a saw horse with leather padding along the top. There are shackles at each of the legs and on the end facing you are two straps of leather.

You are being pushed closer to the horse. You turn your head to look behind you to see if the woman has appeared yet. You still can’t see her. The men push you until you are standing right behind the horse. Your legs are spread and shackled straight away, stopping you from trying to run or escape out of the room. Your cock is pressed tightly against the end of the horse. Both of the men knee at either side of the horse. All of a suddenly you feel their fingers touching your cock and balls. You start to enjoy their touch and are a little surprised when they use the straws. One strap is used to keep your cock strapped down tightly against the end of the horse. The other strap is used to bind your balls tightly.

Standing up again, the men keep on pushing your body down until your chest is lying along the top of the horse. Your arms are Shackled to the other legs, so you are unable to move. When you move to try and free yourself, your cock rubs against the end of the horse. It actually turns you on even more so you keep squirming against the horse, making your painfully hard cock rub against it. Letting your head drop down onto the horse, you continue squirming against the straws. Even if you get little relief, it still feels so damn good.

You raise your head slightly off the horse and notice that one of the men is standing right in front of you. You turn your head and, looking over your shoulder, you can see the other man standing behind you. Both of the men are stroking their very erect cocks. Lying on the horse, you drop your head back down and, closing your eyes, you just hope that the men aren’t going to do what you think they’ll do. Your tightly bound cock swells and pushes against the straws as you imagine having your newly fucked ass being fucked again by one of the men and your mouth being fucked by the other man.

Wait a minute! Why would you be thinking something like that? Have you just unlocked some hidden part of you that actually enjoys men as well as women? “Oh, I see you are enjoying my Slaves standing near you. Who would have thought you’d enjoy a man fucking you. Well if you’d rather I left the room again so that you can enjoy Those two glorious cocks, you just have to say”.

The woman walks around until she is standing in front of your eyes. You try your hardest to glare at her, but she just laughs at you. She turns around so that her ass is level with the horse and you can see that she has removed her panties. She bends over at the waist, spreading her legs, and in doing so her tight ass moves closer to your face. Her pussy is in full view of your eyes and you can already see she is turned on from the fluid glistening on her spread pussy lips and the top of her thighs. You can’t help from licking your lips at the thought of tasting that fluid. You can imagine how delicious she will taste on your tongue.

Glancing over her right should, she catches you licking your lips. Your eyes flick up towards her face. “Oh do you want a taste, Slave? Do you want to eat my pussy, Slave? I don’t know that you deserve such a reward from your Mistress”. The woman stands upright and walks towards the man in front of you. She walks behind him and reaching round to the front of his body, grabbing his cock with her right hand. She wraps her fist around it and starts pumping it hard. From the way she is grabbing his cock, you’re actually surprisedd that he isn’t howling in pain. Or at the very least winning. The man standing before you has this look of absolute rapture and ecstasy on his face.

She glances at you over his shoulder and laughs at the expression on your face. “This is what a good Slave does. This is how a good Slave should behave for his Mistress. A good Slave will take anything his Mistress does to him and won’t make a sound or complain about it. This will be you. Soon. Very soon in fact. You’ll be begging me to put you out of your misery and touch you”.

You glare at her as much as possible from your strapped down position. Slowly, though, your eyes drift down the man’s body to his hard, angry looking, leaking cock and you subconsciously lick your lips again. The woman laughs at you. “It appears as though you really do want this Slave’s cock in between your gorgeous lips. I wonder what you would do. Would you try and turn your head away if I told him to fuck your pretty mouth? Or would you greedily swallow his cock as far down your throat as possible? Hmmm. I wonder”.

Suddenly she releases her Slave’s cock and walks towards you, running her hand down your back and ass. You can hear her continuing to walk towards her other Slave standing behind you. She stops and you hear metal scraping against metal. You suddenly panic as all kinds of images start flooding your mind and try to struggle Against the shades and restraints. Turning your head slightly, you can just see her walking towards her Slave again with something shiny in her hands. You hear a clicking noise like something closing and then the sound of a chain. You really start to panic now as you have no idea what this twisted bitch will do to you now.

You can hear her walking towards you again and the next thing you feel is her hands spreading your ass cheats apart and cool liquid running over your tight hole. You groan into the room at the cold sensing of the lube. “Oh, you like that? Do you like knowing that your newly fucked hole is about to be fucked again? Are you curious as to what’s going to fuck you this time? Such a shame I’m not going to tell you. You’ll just have to feel”. Just as she finishes telling you all of this, you feel pressure on your hole. It sure as hell isn’t her fingers. So that means it must be her Slave’s cock. You close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. You briefly feel her fingers touching your cock, but she only does this to loosen the restraint holding it tight against the horse.

The next thing you feel is her Slave pushing against the tight muscles in your ass, trying to push all the way in. It should burn like a bitch, but strangely enough it doesn’t burn as much as you thought it would. Why the fuck are you so calm about this? You should be shouting at her at the very least. You place your forehead against the seat of the horse and close your eyes. You can feel her Slave pushing his way into your tight hole until he can’t get any further inside. That’s when it hits you that there is something cold touching your balls. You feel something cold sliding up the length of your cock to the base of the shake and then you hear the clicking sound again. She steps back from you and that’s when her Slave pulls out of your ass a little and thrusts back in.

You bite down on your bottom lip to try and stop from moaning. You can’t let her know that you’re enjoying this. The Slave pulls out again, but a little further. That’s when you feel the pull on your cock as well and you actually do moan aloud. It feels as though you’re cuffed to his cock. When the Slave thrusts hard into your ass, you can feel the chain pressing against your balls. It should hurt, but it’s turning you on so much. Just feeling that pressure against your balls. The pressure inside your ass. Not to mention the pulling against your cock when he pulls out of your ass. If this keeps up there’s every chance that when the cuff is finally released from your cock, you won’t beable to hold back from spurting cum everywhere.

You hear her laughing softly and can’t stop the groan from leaving your mouth as her Slave pounds into your ass. She must know how much you are enjoying this. You hear her heels clicking on the floor and know she has walked past the Slave pounding into you. She walks back towards you and you feel more cool liquid being smeared and dribbled around Your tender hole. Her Slave pulls his cock out of your ass a few inches, pulling on your cock at the same time, and you feel something cold being squeezed into that tight hole. Closing your eyes tightly, you breathe through the slight discomfort. The next thing you feel is the Slave slamming into your ass. The force in which he slams into you moves the sawhorse a little. And then, there’s nothing. No movement. No thrusting. No pounding. Nothing.

Or so you thought. The woman leans down and whispers into your ear, “Did you really think that was the end of it? Well if you did, I hope youenjoy this next part.” With those partsing words, she flicks a switch and you suddenly feel a victory in your ass, all the way to the tip of your cock. Fuck! It feels so damn good. The pounding in your ass continues. Her Slave must be real close to shooting his load. He’s thrusting in and out as if his life depends on it. Every time he thrusts in, the vibrator bumps on that little bundle of nerves in your ass. You want to cum so badly, but she won’t allow it. You can’t cum until she lets you. You really fucking hate her right now. Her Slave is breathing harder and his thrusts are frantic now. He’s driving you nuts every time he presses on the vibrator. The vibrations feel so damn good. He slams in once, twice and then he roars behind you. Feeling his cum flooding your ass, he then pulls out.


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