Chapter One – The Big Reveal
Caden Cutter is a man who loves sex-toys. Caden Cutter is also a man who loves women. The thing Caden Cutter loves most, though is using sex-toys to make the women he loves cum! So when Caden Cutter stumbles across a video of a young lady by the name of Aspen having one screaming orgasm after another on a Sybian he knows he has to have one… the Sybian, Aspen is a bit skinny for his taste.
For those of you who don’t know what a Sybian is, it’s a high tech orgasm machine for women made by ABCO Research Associates. To get a mental picture of what one looks like, try to imagine something the size and shape of one half of a five gallon barrel that has been divided in down the middle. The rounded part of the barrel is covered in padded vinyl and it has a hole through which various attachments are affixed.
The attachments designed for penetration fit on a base which flops up and down enough to stimulate a woman’s cliporis upon contact.
Three of the attachments resemble a penis and, three look something like a rubber cigar holder. The penis attachments come in three sizes… small, medium and ‘OH MY GOD AM I GIVING BIRTH?’. The two ‘cigar holder’ attachments come in small and medium.
There are two knob shaped attachments, one small and one large. The small one is about the same size as a gulf ball and the larger about the size of a door knob. Both are usually used for G-Spot stimulation.
There’s a ‘finger shaped ‘ attachment that actually resembles a human finger.
The manufacturer even created a ‘Flat Top’ base. It is used to stimulate the clip without penetration.
If one is advantage enough to try it, there’s a ‘Double Insertion’ attachment to play around with.
All of the attachments vibrate… at speeds up to 6500 RPM! So, if the ‘Flat Top’ doesn’t get a woman off, all she has to do is swap the base and add an attachment designed for penetration, turn the ‘rotation’dial on the remote to full (which will add a 120 RPM of rotation to its axis) and then see what happens next!
On with our story…
The year Caden turns 51 he decides to treat himself to something special and buys a Sybian.
He pays extra for two-day shipping just so it will get there before his birthday and give him plenty of time to enjoy it over the weekend.
Caden is sitting, waiting anxiously, in his office, which used to be a third bedroom. He wants to make absolutely sure the UPS man knows someone is home so he leaves the front door open and the heavy glass security door in front of it locked.
Through the right side bay window in his office Caden sees the large brown delivery truck pull in front of his house and he is at the front door before the UPS man can ring the bell. The time is 6:05 pm in the afternoon.
After scrapling what looks more like chicken-scratch than a signature onto the iPad for the delivery-man, Caden carefully slides the 34 pound box from his doorstep inside, then closes and locks both doors.
Despite the overwhelming temptation to open it, Caden leaves the box there untouched in his alcohol another three hours.
At this time, there are two women in Caden’s life. They are his wife Sylvia and their live-in girlfriend Vanity who are both physical therapist by profession.
Sylvia is Brazilian, has medium sized breasts, an hour-glass figure, is average height, has short, black, curly hair and hazel eyes.
Vanity is an American born Nubian woman, has slightly larger than average breast for a woman her size, a proportionally matching ass, milk chocolate colored skin and taller is in height than Sylvia but just a smidgen shorter than Caden. Vanity’s hair color and style varies depending on which way the wind is blowing and what kind of mood she is in at the time. Her eyes are brown.
The color of either woman’s eyes is a fact Caden actually doesn’t remember because, unless a conversation with them is serious, he’s usually too busy looking at their ass, tits and nipples to pay their eyes any attention. None of which either woman complains about because it keeps him perpetually horny and they sexually satisfied.
The women openly share Caden so, as you can imagine, he is a very happy man.
When the Sybian arrives, Sylvia and Vanity are working half a day and not home.
At 7:30 that night, Vanity arrives home from work and the first thing she sees when she walks in the door is the box containing the Sybian, which Vanity recognizes to be what it is from the name on the shipping label.
“You haven’t opened it yet?” She asks. There is surprise in her voice.
Caden smiles and replies, “I thought we’d all do it together. Do you think Sylvia is going to like it?”
“No, I think she’s going to love it!” Vanity assures him.
Just then, the doorbell rings. “That’s lunch; Silvia called and said she ordered take out on the way home; she’ll be here any” Caden informs his Nubian Princess.
Ten minutes later Sylvia walks in the door, sees the package on the floor, ignores it and goes straight for the food.
Caden and Vanity follow and they eat. After the meal, the trash is disposed of, and everyone returns to the living room for the great reveal.
Sylvia doesn’t seem enthusiastic; Vanity notices this but says nothing not wanting to spoil Caden’s birthday and thinks to herself, ‘Maybe she had a bad day at work?’
Caden opens the box, lays out its contents in an orderly fashion on a towel before them, chooses an attachment and selects the parts necessary to make it work, assembles everything, spends the next two minutes describing the controls, turnes it on for a few seconds and say to Sylvia… “Go ahead, give it a try.” only to hear her says, “I’m not going to get on that thing.”
“Why?” Asks Vanity, dumbfounded.
Caden, who is obviously disappointed, listens when Sylvia says dispatchately, “It sounds like an industrial power-tool.” but says nothing.
“You’re kidding, right?” Vanity can’t believe her ears.
There is no argument and Caden doesn’t ask Sylvia again but he and Vanity don’t let it stop them from enjoying the toy when ever they want and Sylvia, having expressed her feeling on the matter, is content to let them do so. However, unbeknownst to Caden and Sylvia, Every time Vanity does, she becomes more motivated to keep a promise she made to herself two years ago.
Chapter Two – The Swing Set
Three weeks earlier Caden, Sylvia and Vanity decided to go to Atlanta Georgia for a well needed Vacation and, for the most part, the trip was about like any other family holiday outing. They spent the first day at Six Flags Over Georgia, the Second day at the Aquarium, the third day at the Atlanta Zoo, and the forth day at Stone Mountain where they had a picnic lunch in the park. Since none of them had been to any of those places, all the siteswere fun.
A couple of months prior to the Atlanta trip, Caden had shown both women a video of the Sybian in action. Vanity expressed interest in the machine but Sylvia kept her opinion to herself.
On the fifth day of their trip, a Friday, Vanity was searching the Internet for clubs they could go to when she came across the web site for a very popular local swinger’s club named The Swing Set.
The name Swing Set wasn’t what got her attention, one swinger’s club is pretty much like all the rest. What caught her eye was a photo of a masked naked woman riding a Sybian, which the web site said was available for use.
She told them all about the club having a Sybian and, because Sylvia was going to spend the night visiting her pregnant sister, it was agreed Caden and Vanity would check out the club, decided if it was worth the hefty price of admission and if it was, the three of them would return the following night.
Caden and Vanity went the club but when they arrived discovered that it had just opened and the only people there were employees. Normally this would be a bad thing, however for them it wasn’t. They weren’t really into the swinging lifestyle and arriving early means they were fortunate that the Sybian, which is very popular, was not in use and Vanity wouldn’t have to wait to try it out, which she immediately said she would do provided no one but herself was allowed to operate the remote control.
Caden and Vanity were taken to where the device was located and told that it was sanitized after every use. Vanity immediately located the attachment that appealed to her, placed it on the machine, lubed it up, took off her panties, and mounted the device, then turned it on. The machine vibrated her pussy and it wasn’t long before she was having so much fun that Caden was able to easily persuade her to Given him the remote. That is where Vanity’s experience with the Sybian changed for, while she had been using the remote to enjoy the gentle rolling waves of pleasure the machine was capable of producing on its lowest vibration setting to build slowly to an orgasm, Caden began randomly adjusting the victory up and down continuously sending her to bond of orgasm and back down again.
Twenty minutes later, just when she thought she couldn’t take the pleasure any more he turned the victory knob all the way up sending her over the edge only to keep her There, understanding like a woman being shocked by electricity for the next four straight minutes while wave after wave of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever experience hold her writing uncontrollably in ecstasy. The only reprieve she got was when he suddenly turned the victory down to its lowest setting again giving her the false impression he was done with her. That misconception faded the moment he eased it up again, sending her climbing back to the edge. He kept her that way, quivering like a bowl of jello, unable to speak and only changed things when he disccovered he could make her wail like a banshee by manipulating the controls in a specific sequence, which he did.
More time passed, guest began to arrive and it wasn’t long before a huge audience had formed around them, drawn first to the roaring sounds of the Sybian at full power and then to the loud, almost rhythmic, screams of erotic pleasure coming from Vanity’s mouth as her body was held motionless while one orgasm After another ran through her like train cars in a tunnel.
A short time later, Caden sensed she was on the verge of collapse from exhaustion so he turned the machine off.
Vanity tried to dismount the sex-toy but her knees were so wobbly she could barely raise herself up and Caden had to help her stand. To the sound of an applauding and cheering crowd, she finally got to her feet and held onto Caden, kissing him passwordately While her strength returned.
Chapter Three – The Payback
A year later, two days before Caden’s birthdayto be exactly, his boss sends him to Atlanta for a business meeting preventing him from celebrating the day with the girls, who both have the day off.
At 6:30 pm, Sylvia steps out of the shower soaking wet, hears Vanity calling her name from the living-room, wraps a towel around herself, another around her hair and goes to see what the Vanity, who is in the living room, wants.
Sylvia arrives there to Find Vanity has set up four cameras on tripods and the Sybian on a new pedestal. “Whatcha need?”
“I thought it would be nice if we made a special video and sent it to Caden for his birthday. Will you help me?” Asks Vanity which prompts Sylvia to say… “I told you, I’m not going to get on that damn thing and I meant it!”
“Hear me out. All I need you to do is sit on it long enough for me to focus the cameras and test the pedestal so I can be sure it won’t break the first time it’s used.” Explains the Nubian woman.
Sylvia exams the pedestal and noticed severalRestraints attached to it. “Ah, what kind of video are you making?” She asked Vanity and is told… “A bondage video.”
This shocks Sylvia. “You never told me you were into that kind of kink.”
“I haven’t told Caden either. It’s a surprise.” Vanity says grinning.
As she removes the towel from her head, Sylvia begins drying her hair and says to Vanity, “He’ll be surprised alright.” Then a thought occurred to her. “Just wondering, if you can’t use your hands, how are you going to operate the remote?”
“Gee, I hadn’t thought of that.” Declares Vanity. It’s a lie.
Then Sylvia surprises her. “If you’ll explain to me how it works, I’ll do it for you?”
Sylvia is handed the remote, looks at it and realizes the dials and switches have no labels. She questions Vanity as to what happened to them is told that they’ve forgotten off over time. “How am I supposed to know what does what?”
“When we get to that part, you’ll figure out what they do real fast.” Vanity tells her.
The ominoness of Vanity’s words escapes Sylvia completely and she tosses the towel in her hands onto the chair nearest her. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”
“Sit on it.” Vanity answers.
Dressed only in a towel, the Brazilian woman says, “Let me get dressed first.” and is immediately told by Vanity she can’t because her clothes will get in the way of the camera’s view of the attachment. “That’s going too far!”
“No farther than my pink vibrator was in your pussy last night.” Retorts Vanity with a wicked grin on her face.
Sylvia points at the Sybian. “It also didn’t sound like a jack-hammer, did it?”
Seeming to lose patience with her, Vanity refuges…
“Jesus, I’m not asking you to fuck the thing, just sit on it for a few minutes so we can give Caden the best possible show. I figure it’s the least we can do since he can’t be here on his birthday. That’s not too much to ask, is it?”
The guilt ploy works and Sylvia changes her mind. She then looks at the assortment of attachments, sees the medium sized one, finds it interesting and as she wonders to herself how it would feel says… “I’ll consider it but only if you can explain to me what sitting on one of these things has to do with adjusting cameras?”
“We’re making a porn video and I want to make sure Caden sees every inch of it going inside, understanding?” Vanity tells her and without waiting for an answer, follow up with… “Which one do you think you’d enjoy the most?”
Sylvia looks longingly at the rigid phalanx pointing upwards, thinks to herself, ‘I guess it isn’t any different than a dildo. I suppose I could sit on it for a few minutes for her.’ Then picks up the attachment she found interesting and hands it to Vanity. “This one.”
Vanity applies a liberal amount of lube to the attachment and slides it on the plastic stick in the base atop the Sybian.
After she removes the towel from around her and throws it to the chair, Sylvia puts one hand on the front of the Sybian to brace herself, uses the other to aim the tip of the attachment at the entrance of her pussy and proceeds to lower herself down onto her knees until the entire shaft of the rubbery cock looking thing is completely sheathed inside her pussy.
“How does it feel?” Asks Vanity and thinks to herself… ‘So much for you’re not going to get on that thing! Now I’m going to get you to fuck it.’
Sylvia answers snidely, “Like I got a cold, wet dildo in my pussy; how do you think it feels?”
“Just wondering, that’s all. Raise up as far as you can without letting it come out so I can adjust the vertical field of view.”
Sylvia does.
“Give me a sec, I’m losing the top of your head. Okay, now go all the way down again… hold it… and raise up again!”
Sylvia does that too.
“I have to adjust the horizontal field of view of the camera behind you. I’m going to need you to do the same thing you just did again.”
“I have to adjust the horizontal field of view of the camera behind you. I’m going to need you to do the same thing you just did again.”
Sylvia lowers herself back down again, filling her pussy with the shake of the attachment and then raises her self up exposing all but its bulbous head.
“You’re doing great. Slide down again. Now go up and down fast.”
Vanity waits for Sylvia to do that a few dozen times and then announcements…
“Hey, I just realized. I need to see what it looks like while you rotate your hips and make sure they stay in the picture. Roll around on it a few times for me.” Explains Vanity as she moves to the camera on Sylvia’s right side. Sylvia begins moving again and asks, “Like this?”
“Yeah. Just like that.” Vanity tells her while appearing to adjust the camera for the next minute or so, then announcements…” “I’m finished with this one. Now I’m going to check the other one.” Vanity moves to the camera on Silva’s left side.
“Damn it! Not only is this camera out of focus but both the horizontal and vertical fields of view are off. That means you’re going to have to do everythinging all over again. You OK with that?”
Sylvia is starting to enjoy herself and answers… “Sure, no problem.” as she began sliding her pussy up and down on the attachment again.
About two minutes later, Vanity returns to her laptop. “The next thing I have to do is calibrate the motion blur. I need you to go up as slow as you can without letting the attachment come out completely and then back down. Do that for about a minute so I can make the proper adjustments.”
This gives Sylvia an excuse to start fucking the attachment slowly. She does and about fifteen seconds later she notices two things… first the friction created by her doing so is warming up the attachment and second despite not wanting it to, the tingling in her pussy is growing stronger.
“No motion blur at low speed. Let’s see how it looks at high speed. Do it again, only this time, go as fast as you can.” Says Vanity when she notices pussy juice begin oozing from Sylvia’s vagina down the attachmentnt’s rubbery flesh colored shake.
By then, Sylvia is enjoying herself so much she doesn’t want to stop.”Sure, I don’t mind. I can do this as many times as you need.”
“I’ll bet you can.” Vanity mutters under her breath, then says in a normal tone of voice, “Just once more will do.”
Sylvia fucks the attachment thirty more times and reluctantly stops. “What’s next?”
“The only thing left now is to put the restraints on you and see if you can get free.” Vanity tells her and then proceeds to secure them around Sylvia’s ankles, thighs and wrists. “Lean forward and try to pull your pussy off the attachment.”
Sylvia tries but is unsuccessful and says so.
“Good! Now see if you can get free.”
The naked woman struggles violently to escape her bonds. Finally, after a few minutes of strong effort and no success, she declares… “I can’t.
“Then I guess were all done. Thanks.”
Thingking to herself how horny she’s become and wants only to go to her room and get a ‘quick one’ from her vibrator, Sylvia replies… “You’re welcome. Now get me off this thing so I can get dressed.”
“Sure… just as soon as I get back from the bathroom. That prune smoothie I had for lunch just caught up with me.”
Frustrated, Sylvia says a bit angrily… “Really?”
“Yes, really? Don’t worry, I’ll get you off as soon as I come back.” Assures the Nubian woman as she rises and heads in the direction of the bathroom.
However, instead of going to the bathroom as she said she would, Vanity passes it by and enters the bedroom. Once there, she picks up the Television remote from the nightstand on the right side of the bed, turn the TV on, opens the Home Security app on the main screen, selects the output from the camera in the living room and say in a voice just barely audible to the televisions built in Android based AI … “Jeeves, Rock Sylvia’s World.” Then sits there and watches the expression on Sylvia’s face when the Sybian suddenly comes on and the attachment begins vibrating powerfully both the woman’s pussy and clip at the same time.
Back in the living room, as soon as it happens, Sylvia screams for Vanity to come help her and when Vanity doesn’t answer, thinks to herself… ‘Damn it! She closed the bathroom door and can’t hear me!’
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