
Anthony was thinking that this neighborhood was a dump. It was endless apartment complexes, only a few of which were in decent shape, and it appeared that parking was at a premium because even street parking was hard to find. There was not a single visitor’s space at the White Dove Apartments where Alex lived. He thought about taking one of the tenant’s spaces, but he did not need the headache of someone going his car. More likely they would just key the paint and leave him a nasty note. He had also entered the thought of just blowing off this date if that’s what it was. His lust however had the better of him, and instead, he had parked three blocks away and was walking to her apartment. He hoped his Audi would be there when he got back. There was a chance he would not be back to it until the morning. He was certain he could turn This into a long night of screwing. He really wanted to fuck this bitch’s lights out. His one other chance at her did not work out so well and that frustrated him.

Anthony was surprised when she called. When he first heard her voice on the phone his stomach clnched. He was sure Alex was calling to tell him that she was suing him or blackmailing him. Instead, she was very pleasant and invited him to her place to share a bottle of wine because they had gotten off on a bad foot. It seemed that she was going to let him have another go with her.

Their last tryst was a Disaster. He had noticed her during her first week in their marketing department at Pangea Resources Consulting, a 140-person firm specializing in geologic, engineering, and financial studies mostly for mining clients. He and a couple of his buddies started the company 20 years ago when they were fresh out of graduate school. She was capable and fit in well at the company and was something to look at — tallish height; he guessed about 5 foot, 9 inches with dark brown hair, and a nice athletic but still curvy build. Less a couple little quirks, she had a model’s face, perfect tits, and she dressed well, wearing dresses that fit her form and always with heels. The few times she wore dresses that showed of her legs, he about had to go back to his office, close the door, and jerk off. Her legs on heels were so sexy. He wished some of the other women in the office dressed like her. They were too casual for his taste, but most could not pull it off like Alex.

Anthony admittedly had been lusting after her but had not acted on it; there was more than a 20-year age difference. She was fresh out of college. He was very fit but in his late-40s. Because of his 6′ 3″ height and naturally muscled frame, in his younger years he had been a ball player and lifted weights. He kept that mentality and workout regimen going after he started his professional career, but in this late 30s he got into rock climbing and mountaineering. He kept the strength but trimmed down to a leaner, chiselled physics. He was proud of his mountaineering exploits. He had been on the highest summits of six of the seven continents. Antarctica was the last continent he had to conquer to get the seven-summits acknowledgement. His time outdoors had left him ruggedly handsome, or so he was told. It was not out of the question that he could screw Alex, but then there was the whole office appearance problem. If anything happened between them that leaked out, that would have to be managed and might be difficult. He had satisfied himself with just fantasizing about her, as he knew many other men in the office were.

A couple of guys had taken runs at her but were shot down soundly. The way she dressed said one thing, but she came off as a bitch, all work and no play. If he thought about honestly, there was nothing wrong with how she dressed, it was perfectly appropriate for the office. It was just the whole package that had the guys drooling. Then she just acted as a professional should in the office; she made it known that she did not like sexist remarks. Yep– a bitch. He had resigned himself to just fantasizing about her.

One night, however, he joined a bunch of the staff in the tavern located on the street level of the building their offices were housed in. Conveniently, he lived in a large condo on the 35th floor of the Carrington Tower a couple of blocks away, so he could get ripped and not worry about driving anywhere. Alex was there, she was more receptive outside of the office, he got ripped, they made a good team at the pool table, one thing led to another, and Alex came home with him. She wanted to go slow, but he was drunk. He did not recall a lot of what happened when he woke the next morning, but what he remembered was not good. He seemed to recall that he had asked something like “did she like her job” and told her “if you do the right things, there could be a raise in your future” which in context of him trying to get into her pants, were way wrong, he had to admit. Unfortunately, he remembered that he got a bit forceful, held her arms down, and had fucked her hard. A random drunk thought had come to him, he did not know if she had protection, and he pulled out, finishing with his hand and squirting his cum all over her. Apparently, she was about to orgasm when he pulled out, he ruined it, and she did not like that at all. He collapsed next to her, too drunk to keep it up, and she said, “That’s it; you asshole.” She obviously had enjoyed some of it if she was about to cum. But she was quite pissed, wiping his cum off her with his shirt, dressing quickly, and storming out. He, however, passed out satisfied. Nonetheless, his was a good orgasm.

For the next couple of weeks, he avoided Alex’s floor and was expecting Jen from HR or even the cops to be knocking on his door. Nothing happened, and then he heard that she had left the company. He inquired with HR and found out she had gotten another job offer. On her exit interview she had said she enjoyed working at Pangea and thanked them for the opportunity. The pressure was off, but he still felt uneasy about it.

Alex had been really sweet when she called and had said that since she was no longer working for him, they should get together. He had been drunk last time, and she did not hold it against him. Anthony was still surprised that Alex wanted to get together tonight at her place. Sounded like she was going to give him a shot at fucking her Without an expensive meal as a prerequisite.

He finally got up to her apartment. It was on the third floor of a four-story building where all the apartments faced an interior courtyard. The railing on the stairs and courtyard balcony needed paint with rust showing through in more than a few spots. The pool in the center of the courtyard looked like it had not had water in it for years. He knocked on the door and she answer Wearing a tight-fitting, low cut, short black dress and 4-inch black heals. It showed off her breast and legs nicely, and she looked very sexy. He stammered out “Well hello.”

She showed him in but then said curtly, “You’re late.”

“Well yea. Parking sucks in this crappy neighborhood. I had to park five blocks away. Why do you live here? I know you make decent money.”

“Not everyone can afford to live in ritzy downtown condos. I had to pay my way through school, and I have loans to pay off.”

This was not starting out well, he had to correct course, or the night would be over before it started. “Let’s start over. I am sorry I am late.” He was confused by her adamant reaction to this. It was only ten minutes. “And you are absolutely, incredibly gorgeous.”

“That’s better,” she said a bit harshly.

They sat on the couch and made small talk while they shared a reasonably nice bottle of Merlot. She got to the point surprisingly fast.

“Anthony, I was thinking you might want a chance to make up for that last debacle in bed.”

“Yeah, I am sorry for that. I was drunk and said and did all thewrong things,” an admission he felt was necessary if he wanted to continue the evening.

“You already said that on the phone, now I am going to give you the chance to make up for it. I want to have a good long session of satisfying sex tonight; you up for that? I’m really horny. I mean seriously horny, and I am hoping that last time was just a fluke.”

He was a bit taken back by her aggressiveness, “Yeah — that sounds great, really great.”

She leaned over and kissed him deeply and while doing this she started undoing the buttons on his shirt. When she had the last button undone, she pulled his shirt off. Then she bent down and took his shoes and socks off tossing them to the side of the room.

She said, “Stand up.”

He did and she kissed him on the lips then the neck. She then started undoing his belt then his pant snap and zipper. This was all happening so fast that he was not having the chance to work her dress off. That was fine, he would get it off soonenough. Right then he was enjoying having her undress him.

She sat back down on the couch and said, “Take your pants off. I want to see you naked.”

He did not say anything, just slipped his pant and underpants down to his ankles and stepped out of them.

“Just stand there. Nice. I like that you shake your cock and balls. And a tan with no tan lines. How do you manage that?”

“My condo balcony faces south and is private enough.”

“So, you don’t wear clothes when you are home.”

“I don’t really need to, so why both.”

“Nice. I like that. One second.” She texted someone a short message. “Sorry, I just remembered a message I needed to send.”

She stood up and gave him a hard wet kiss sliding her tongue deeply into His mouth, then led him to the bedroom. She pushed him down onto the bed. He thought that this was certainly headed in the right direction, even easier that he had expected.

“One sec, I am going to go check that the door is lockedand check my texts.”

Anthony heard her open and close the door and movement coming back to the bedroom.

What appeared in the doorway completely started him. It was Hulk 1 and Hulk 2. These guys were huge muscle-bound behemoths, and they jumped on him. He tried to dislodge them with no effect.

Hulk 1 said, “Don’t struggle bro. We don’t want to hurt you.”

While he was pinned there, Alex went around attaching black, locking, leather cuffs to his wrists and ankles. Then she produced some chains from under the bed and with the help of the Hulks, had him completely immobilized.

Hulk 2 said, “Good lucky bro,” as they left.

“Thanks guys. It’s nice to have helpful neighbors like you,” she said causeally.

“Have fun. Don’t hurt him. You might give grandpa a heart attack,” said Hulk 1.

“Thanks. I have this handled.”

“Hey Alex, I don’t know about this. That was unnecessarily rough. I think I would like you to let me go.”

“Anthony, you remember what you did to me? You were kind of rough. If you want your chance to make it up to me, you’ll let me do this. Let me even it up; it will make me feel much better about you. You want me, don’t you? I hope you do. Just seeing you like that is making my pussy drip.” But then her expression changed, and she said, “Damnit, you owe me asshole!”

At that second, he was conflicted. This might be fun, but he was not liking losing control. She also actually seemed angry now. Against his better judgement, he was going to go with it for now.

“You want to fuck me, don’t you?” she demanded.

“Yea, I do. Really do. I just don’t know if this is necessary.”

“Good, because it is, and it’s not like you really have any choice.”

“You are not going to hurt me, are you?” he asked half in jest. Her answer was unexpected.

“It is this simple. I am in control; you are not. The sooner you accept that the better, and you’ll be asking me to hurt you by the time we are done.”She reached under the bed and pulled out an 18-inch-long riding crop with a triangular piece of leather attached to the end. She gave his thigh a smart slap.

“Owww, shit that hurt.”

“There will be consequences if you don’t do what I say.”

Now he was liking this a lot less.

She said, “Listen I want to make sure I get fucked as long as I want it. Here is something that will help with that. This pill is like Viagra but it has a little smoother longer lasting effect. I’d like you to try it. It is nothing psychedelic or anything. It won’t mess with your head. It will just help with your stamina.”

“No. I don’t need that that.” She slapped his stomach hard with the riding crop. He wanted to cruse her, but held it in.

“It wasn’t an option. You want me to smack you balls, or you going to open your mouth and take the pill?”

Fair enough he had let her down before. He had never tried Viagra, but what the heck, he would take the pill. He nodded his head yes, opened his mouth slightly, and she stuck it between his lips. He swallowed. Questioning this decision. But damn, he was wanting her something bad now. Just not like this. She started running the riding crop over his body, eventually setting on his now stiffening cock, running it along the shake and between his legs and over his balls.

“Good. Now I want you to know something — you are fucked! You are mine! It doesn’t matter what you want. You’re dirt.”

“Is this because of before? I am truly sorry. I just wanted you so bad, and I was drunk. This isn’t necessary.”

She slapped his thigh with the crop, “Shut your mouth and stop your whining. I don’t want to hear it. I’ll shut it for you.”

She grabbed his nuts and gave them a firm squeeze, and he flinched. With her other hand she produced a ball gag and started shoving it into his mouth. When he resisted, she squeezed his nuts harder, and he let it in. Alex let go of his nuts and fastened the gag around the backside of his head. She picked the riding crop up and gave his balls a little slap. It wasn’t hard, but it hurt, and he bit down on the gag.

“When I called you, you told me you would be here at 8:00. You didn’t ask me if that was okay, then you didn’t even make it here on time. Well, that was too soon for me. I had other things I was doing this evening. I still need to take a shower and shake my pussy. I’d like your cock good and hard when I get back. Tell you what. Given your situation, I’ll help you out with that.”

She propped him up with some pillows so he could see the TV on the dresser, then started a porn movie, and left. Now he was angry, and it was time free himself from these ridiculous chains. He was going to turn this on her, fuck her like last time and leave. With all his strength he tested his bonds; surely, he could break free. After straining for a few minutes, he conceded he was going nowhere. He began to panic but took a deep breath and settled himself. All he managed to do was make his wrists and ankles sore. He had even tried to yell at her again to free him, but the gag was effective in stifling that.

He calmed himself, this is just some kindy sex, it is OK. It won’t work anyway; there is no way I am going to get hard like this. Even if I could, I won’t let myself. He relaxed. He did not want to fuck her anymore — not like This.

At least the porn movie was halfway decent. A lady with big boobs liked to be titty fucked and giving blow jobs. She was a little too full figured for his taste, but the tits looked natural. They probably came with her chunkiness. Still, it was arousing, but because he could not touch his cock, it was laying there now only semi-hard — at best. That was good. There was no way he would give her the satisfaction of being hard when she got back, but he cringed at the thought of the riding crop slapping his balls.

Now that he realized that he was not getting out of this right away, he sat back and watched the movie; it still was not getting him hard. It just was not going to happen. The silly porn movie was not going to do it, and he was glad, or so he told himself. Then, suddenly, he felt flush, and he felt his cock start to expand, sliding on his belly as it grow. The sensing of it coming erect seems to stimulate it more, causing more blood to flow into it. It was a positive feedback loop that was not stopping. He felt and watched it grew fully erect, but it seemed to be getting harder still. Usually, his erect cock would still lay on his stomach unless he was very horny. It was now lifted at least three, maybe four, inches up off his belly. He could not touch it, but it must be hard as steel. The stiffness was bordering on uncomfortable, but also very arousing, further the feedback loop and weakening his resistance to his situation.

He was marveling at what had just happened feeling the weight of his engorged cock, and now the girl getting fucked dogging style onthe video was much more interesting. He wanted to grab his cock in his hand, feel it, and stroke it. Even better, he wanted his brutally swollen member deep inside Alex. Just then Alex appeared from the bathroom, looking incredibly sexy. She was wearing black heels, thigh-high black stockings attached to a black leather garter belt, a red leather g-string and lace-up corset. Her breasts were exposed, but her pussy was covered. He badly wanted to see it freshly hide. She had been a little hairy when he had last fucked her. He had to tell himself it did not matter. She needed to let him go. He needed to properly fuck her, the sooner the better, his cock needed attention, now.

She picked up the riding crop and was gently slapping his cock back and forth.

“It looks like the pill took effect or you really like the movie; that is one gorgeously hard cock. It will probably stay that way for three hours or so, as long as we are playing no matter how many times you cum or not.”

She grabbed his cock, bent down and slide her lips over it, taking the tip into her mouth. “Hmm, tasty. I’ll have fun with this.”

He moaned through the gag. The feel and sight of her wet lips sliding over the head of his cock was ecstasy, but it only lasted a second.

“What do you think? You ready to be mine, and to satisfy my needs? And I do have needs.”

He nodded his head yes, despite his want to be unbound.

“This is how it is going to be. You will address me as Mistress. No, I think I like Mistress Alex better. More personal. There will be no disobedience without punishment. Can you do that?”

He hesitated, and she slapped his thigh with the crop again. He nodded vigorously yes.

“Good. I am going to take the gag out because I want to hear you say you understand.”

She unbuckled and removed the gag, and he took a deep breath and tested his jaw.

“Alright, what do you have to say to me? Make it good.”

“Mistress Alex, I will obey you and satisfy your every need.”

She slapped his stomach this time with the crop and gave his cock a modern slap for good measure. He bit down a “fuck”.

“That was lame. You will get it right before too long. But right now, we are going to add a few things to your attire.”

She pulled out a bag from under the bed, and the first thing she pulled out was a chrome hinged flattened ring or maybe it was a band. It looked to be an inch and a half in diameter and a quarter to half inch tall.

She held it in front of him and said, “What do you think this is for?” He had a guess but hesitated. “Well, no matter, I’m going to show you.”

She closed it around the base of his cock and balls. Closed the open end down between his legs. It had a place for a lock where the two ends came together, and she closed it with a small padlock. Next, she pulled out a black leash and attached it to the padlock. Then came a leather collar for around his neck. Same thng, a padlock and leash. Next was a belt for around his waist with a series of metal rings. This too was locked closed. She proceeded to unclip his ankles from the chains but connected them together with about a foot and half of black chain, locked in place. She unclipped his wrist cuffs from the bed but attached them to the waist belt. He was mobile, but just barely.


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