Reggie was as good as her word. Soon Patty had a luxury two bedroom apartment. Reggie took her shopping. They picked out furnitures for the apartment and clothes for Patty. Nothing in the way of sexy lingerie, however. Reggie said she planned to ride her bare-back. Reggie let Patty use her own judgment, offering only advice which Patty heeded in most cases. She handed Patty the keys to a new Taurus.
She then took Patty home and made her squeal, with the help of a straw-on dildo.
Two days later Patty sat in her new kitchen, drinking coffee, smoking, and reading the newspaper. She wore an adult diaper under her slacks. Cotton shielded her still sore nipples.
She heard her front door open, followed by Reggie’s voice calling ” Patty Cakes?”
“In the kitchen.”
Reggie entered, went over to Patty and kissed her.
“I have something for you.”
She stepped back and a rather plump woman in a simple black dress entered the room.
“This is Ruthie. Sheis one of my first acquisitions. We went to school together. She hasn’t been getting much action lately so I thought you might like to have her. If you two hit it off and you decide to keep her she could move in here. She has her own place so if she doesn’t please you, just send her home. It would save me some money if you took her in. Keep your extra bedroom empty, in any case. She’ll sleep on the floor or in a closet if you don’t want her in your bed. See how it goes and let me know.”
Reggie left after chatting for a while.
Patty sized up Ruthie. She wasn’t impressed, but she found the situation excited. She knew she’d keep Ruthie. Ruthie was quiet, blushed easily, and was quite docile.
She took Ruthie into her bedroom and had her stretch out on the bed. She removed Ruthie’s pumps. A slight musty smell reached Patty’s nose. It was strangely erotic.
She ran her hands up Ruthie’s legs, pushing her skirt as she went. She was wearing panty-hose, black bikini panties beneath. She hooked her fingers over the top of the panty-hose, catching the panties at the same time. Ruthie raised her hips and Patty pulled them over her hips and off…..a different smell. Ruthie’s legs were a little flabby but not too bad. Surprisingly the “V” of her crotch bristled with pubic hair.
“I was waiting for Reggie to tell me to shake it off. She never looked. I’ll shake it.”
“Yes, that would probably be best.”
Ruthie, her face flushed, asked shyly “Do you like my body?”
“Yes, Ruthie, I do.”
She hesitated, not sure how she would proceed. The vital parts of her body were too sore for any action. She thought about tasting Ruthie’s pussy, but performing oral on Ruthie would somehow be giving her the upper hand.
She placed a hand on Ruthie’s stomach and gently caressed it. Ruthie pulled her legs up and spread her knees. Patty moved her hand to Ruthie’s inner thigh and let it wander over the soft skin.
“So you and Reggie are oldfriends?”
“Sort of, we grew up in the same town and went to school together. She was a leader. I was more of a follower. You wouldn’t think it to look at me now but I was once an attractive young girl, but nothing compared to Reggie. She was a princess! When we graduated from high school, we went our separate ways. Reggie went on to college. I took a job as a waitress. Two years later, during the summer, we found ourselves on a double date together. The guys were jerks and Reggie ran them off. We went to Reggie’s house and, next thing I know, it’s the next day and I’m going home with a super clean pussy and asshole and Reggie’s name on my ass! You know how it goes.”
“Yes I know.”
Her hand moved up to touch Ruthie’s vulva.
“Anyway, Reggie set me up in an apartment. I quit my job. But I was soon bored. I began to eat……a lot! Reggie tried to help. She got me a membership in a health club. She let me date. But nothing helped. I put on weight and the dates disappearared. The heavier I got, the less I saw of Reggie. Now I’m afraid she wants to dump me.”
Patty’s fingers explored inside Ruthie’s labia.
“Has she tried this before…..finding you a roommate?”
“Yes, but so far it hasn’t worked out.”
Patty said “Well, we’ll see, but so far so good.”
She inserted a finger and soon replaced it with her tongue.
When Ruthie tried to reciprocate, Patty felt she had to explain her problem. Ruthie got dressed and went out to a drug store and came back with a salary which she applied to the affected parts of Patty,s body. For two days the younger woman mothered the older. By then Patty was back to normal.
She put Ruthie on a diet and made her start exercising. They worked out together in the nude.
A few days later, Reggie called.
“How are things going?”
“Fine.” She turned at Ruthie.
“Are you going to keep her?”
“Great, I’ll have someone bring the rest of her stuff over there andlet her place go. Okay?”
“I have a new assistant. Her name is Vera Wolfe. She’ll be checking on you guys. Do what she says, within reason. I’ll be checking back with you to see how it goes.”
When she told Ruthie about the new assistant she turned pale.
“Wolfsie, the Wolf? She’s mean.”
“How so?”
“She’s a former dom. She tried her strength against a powerful dom…..a man. She lost. He made her into his sub. I guess Reggie got her from him. I hope she can control her.”
“Don’t worry. Reggie likes me.”
“I hope you’re right.”
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