Patty Cakes Ch. 1

Patty Rogers had always been faithful to her husband Fred, but lately she had been spending a lot of time in bars, drinking and flirting. She hadn’t gone beyond that yet but her resolve was weakening. At forty one she was no beauty. Her hips were wide, her butt large, her breasts small, but she had a pretty face, nice hair, a winning smile, and a warm and friendly personality. She had had many Offers and some of the men weren’t too shabby.

Tonight was different. Her favorite bar, Ben’s, was almost deserted. The few men she’d seen didn’t interest her. They were loud, coache, hard-drinking, and dirty looking.

She had struck up a conversation with a striking woman named Reggie. A short haired brunette in her late twentyties or early thirties, she and Patty hit it off immediately. The Thought crossed her mind that Reggie was gay and Patty was curious.

As last call neared Patty tried to cut back on her drinking as she was in no condition to drive. Reggie had been settingThey up for her and she didn’t want to offend her new friend.

When Reggie asked her if she wanted to come to her place, Patty was relieved. Reggie obviously was respectable and Patty felt she could take care of herself.

Reggie’s car was hot, an imported sports car of some sort. Red with a black interior, it purred like a kitten and ran like a gazelle.

Reggie drove to a wealthy section that Patty had never been in. She pulled into the long driveway of a large house that must be worth millions. She parked in the attached garage next to a black limo.

Patty followed her into the house. When they came to the den, Reggie went to the bar and began to make drinks. Patty had to go.

“I really have to pee, Reggie. Where’s your bathroom?”

Reggie smiled. “I’ll show you as soon as your clothes are off, Patty. Strip. “

Patty considered her situation. An excitement she had never known before decided for her. She stripped.

When Reggie indicated the closest bathroom, Patty jogged to it. She reached the commode just in time. Reggie followed and stood in the doorway as Patty saved herself. When the splashing sound of Patty’s pee ceased, Reggie stepped into the room and held up a plastic gizmo with metal prongs sticking out of its top.

“Do you know what this is, Patty?”

“No. “

“It’s a stun gun. Cops use them to control prisoners. I’m going to use this one to control you. “

She activated it and sparks crackled between the prongs.

“I’m going to give you just a taste of it so you’ll know what happens when you’re bad.

“No… please… don’t. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be good. Please don’t hurt me. “

“I’ll tell you what, I’m really not into inflicting pain so I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself.

“Stay right there. Don’t move. “

Patty sat still, relief and anxiety warning within her.

Reggie left, reappearing after a short while. The stun gun was gone. In its place Reggie held Patty’s panties. She brought them to her nose, sniffed and said “Not bad. ” She hung them on a towel rack.

She walked over to Patty, raised her foot, placed it between Patty’s knees and pushed. The black oxford pinched the skin of Patty’s inner thighs as it came to rest on the lip of the toilet seat.

She looked into Patty’s face, her eyes boring in almost hypernotically.

“Who am I, Patty?”

“My master. “

“Good, Patty, good. “

She removed her foot and stepped to Patty’s side. She placed her right hand on Patty’s head and tilted it back. Her left hand rested lightly on Patty’s exposed throat.

“Open wide. Stick out your tongue as far as you can. “

Patty compiled.

Reggie hocked up a “lugie” and spit it into Patty’s mouth. Patty swallowed.

“Good girl. “

Her left hand dropped to Patty’s right breast. She toyed with it for a moment then said “Come on. “

She led Patty to a luxurious bedroom and sat on a padded benchmark.

“Did you wipe?”

Patty flushed and shook her head.

Reggie grimaced and shook her head. She plucked a tissue from her dressing table.

“Always wipe, Patty Cakes. “

“Yes, ma’am. “

She blotted Patty’s crotch with the tissue. She pulled Patty between her knees. Seated, she turned Patty this way and that as she examined her, making occasional comments.

“Nice, I like. ” as she kneaded Patty’s breasts.

“This bush will have to go” she said as she gave Patty’s public hair a little tug.

“This is some ass you’ve got on you, Sweetheart” as she felt Patty’s rear.

“Bend over and spread your cheats. “

Patty felt a finger probe. She resisted her impulse to straighten up and clamp her buttocks shut.

“Tight, have you taken it in the ass, Sweetie?”

“No. “

“You’re going to love it. “

She patted Patty’s butt.

“On the bed on your knees and elbows. “

Patty assumed the position requested. Reggie got up and undressed. Patty could see Reggie as she stripped. She envied her slim figure.

She felt the bed sag slightly as Reggie climbed up behind her. Then Reggie’s hands were on her butt, spreading her cheeks, then she felt Reggie’s mouth. Reggie had a very long and muscle tongue. It spread her labia, vibrated her cliporis for a long time, then began tongue-fucking her. Patty had never felt anything like this. Although not as long or thick, it was much better than any penis she had ever felt. It vibrated, it wiggled, it widened, it lengthened, it hit all the right places. Waves of pleasure washed over her. She had orgasm after orgasm. When she moved to her anus, Patty was at first disappointed. Reggie’s magic tongue soon took care of that. It was as good, maybe better. It was the sensitive high point of Patty’s life till now.

Later she relaxed in Reggie’s arms.

Reggie said “You know, Honey, I get off getting you off, but I wouldn’t mind a little oral stimulation from you. “

Patty said “Of course, I’m so stupid!”

She climbed between Reggie’s legs and did her best, using Reggie’s techniques to the best of her ability. Reggie seemed pleased.

The night wore on. Reggie gave Patty a long warm bath in scented bath water. She cut Patty’s hair and dyed it a bright red. She held Patty’s pubus. She gave Patty a pedicure. Using some wonderful oil she gave Patty an erotic massage. Patty was in heaven.

Moving to the den, Reggie put on some music and had Patty dance for her. Hesitant and feeling silly at first, with Reggie’s encouragement, she got into it and basked in Reggie’s praise.

Reggie wrote her name on Patty’s ass.

As daylight came, Reggie sat on the couch, her feet on a stool. Patty lay stretched out on the couch, her upper body on Reggie’s lap. The music was slow and beautiful. Reggie idly ran a finger in and out of Patty’s vagina as they talked.

“I like the name Patty, you may keep it. I’ll call you Patty Cakes. “

“Thank you. “

“You may call me Reggie, Regina, Miss Brown or, in private, Master. “

“Thank you, Master. “

“What’s going to happen when you get home, Patty Cakes. “

“My husband will beat me, maybe kill me. “

“No way, I’ll send some protection with you. “

“Then he’ll just leave. “

“And what will you do?”

“Get a job, I guess, support myself. “

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll set you up in an apartment, new things, new clothes, a nice car to drive, money for your needs. In return, you obey me. No lovers without my permission. “

“Oh Reggie, thank you. I’m yours”

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