Patience did as she was told, and began to undress. It was a little cooler here in Doctor Cranshaw’s consulting room. She had not needed a topcoat nor a jacket for the walk to his house in the June sunshine. She commenced with the skirt; unfastening the belt then reaching around for the hidden buttons. The skirt was fashionablely short for 1910, at least six inches above her ankles and one of her favourites. She slipped it down and handed it to Nurse Munton. Now for her blouse, high collared in white starched cotton she struggled with the round buttons that formed a line down her back.
“Please allow me.”, the nurse came to her aid and soon Patience was standing in her only her underwear.
“Should I…?” She indicating the corset, which covered her white petticoat.
“No dear better if your stays are nice and tight. Keeps everything in place. That’s what Doctor Cranshaw says. Now if you can just come and lay on this couch for me.”
Patience lay back on the leather couch as Nurse Munton placed her folded clothes over a chair in the corner. “Now let’s get you ready for Doctor.”
It was a couple of weeks previously that her mother had announced over breakfast that she had made the appointment. Her mother was very concerned for her health, she’d said. It was not right for a girl of her age be so vexatious and highly strung each month, headaches and the like. Not eating, feeling nauseous – well it just wasn’t right.
The doctor, apparently, had completely agreed with her Mother and had advised an immediately course of treatment. Just in time, he’d reportedly said, at 19 years of age, untreated we could be looking at a serious female hysteria. And so, with no real complexity on her part, Patience found herself disrobing before Nurse Munton in the treatment room here today.
The problem for Patience was that no one had told her what this treatment entailed or indeed what female hysteria might be. It had been thought best not to concern her with details as anxiety might worse the condition. Not that the visit actually worried Patience unduly; she had always quite liked visiting the doctor. Patience lay back on the doctor’s leather couch as the nurse continued her preparations.
“Now then. Could you put your hands up above your head for me? That’s it. Hold on to this bar.” Patience gripped the wooden pole that was fixed across the head of the couch. But then she was surprised when the nurse started buckling firm leather cuffs around her wrists. “Just to keep your arms out of the way during the procedure.”
“Doctor’s going to need to see your breasts dear. So we will need to undo your petticoat.” Patience mused at the use of the word ‘we’; with her wrists secured she could not see what part she could possibly play in this procedure.
She was surprised at her own feelings though, she was actually feeling a certain thrill at being laid bare. She was secretly proud of her breasts, and now the doctor was goingto see them and might even touch them. Nurse Munton’s dextrous fingers eased apart the each of the small bows in turn that held the cotton fabric before pulling the sides apart.
Glancing down Patience could see that her breasts were almost completely exposed. It pleased her that the corset she had chosen that morning was not the fashionable higher fitting variety, so much in vogue this year, which would have fully encased her breasts. As it was, the padded top of the corset stopped just short of her nipples.
The nurse, with no further comment, reached her hands down and cupped each of Patience’s breasts, compressing them firmly in her hands. Then, gripping the nipples between finger and thumbs she pulled the breasts upward and out of the corset. A tremor ran through Patience from the core of her breasts all the way down to somewhere deep inside.
“Good.” The nurse said. Before rearrangeing the petticoat to cover her again and restore some modesty. Patience wondered what she had meant exactly by, ‘good’. The nurse had walked around to the foot of the couch and faced Patience with a concerned look.
“Has anyone explained what’s going to happen?”
“No. I was wondering what -“
“Never mind you’ll be fine. Doctor will explain I am sure. Nothing to be concerned about. He’ll be here very soon; better get you ready. Now he will be examining you, down below. So we’ll need to get your drawers off I am afraid.”
Patience had had a suspicion that this might happen. Although her ignorance of most things medical she had made the connection that her moods and headaches came on before her period and maybe that’s was where the problem lay. She had looked up the word ‘hysterical’ in the dictionary at home and it said it was a condition steering from the womb.
Patience lay passively as the nurse lifted up the skirt of her petticoat and began to undo the ties of her drawers. Obediently she raised her bottom as they were eased down and folded away.
“Now feet together for me. Good girl. Let your knees fall to the side. We just need to take a look at you”.
Patience gave a start as the nurse’s cold fingers touched the inside of her thigh, high up near her cleft. Patience shuddered as in a methodical way the nurse’s deft fingers parted her intimate folds, easing them apart. She felt the pressure of a fingerprint being applied, exploring, pushing like it might enter her; but despite its pressure, progress was impeded somehow. She gasped, it was hurting, it had felt good to start but now there was pain. Hearing her gasp the nurse withdraw her fingers and the pain was gone. Patience breathed out.
“That’s fine. Nothing to worry about. Doctor won’t need to penetrate. Now just the straws. Dr Cranshaw likes you to be secure.”
Patience was confused: penetrate, straws. The nurse had opened a drawer beneath the couch and taken out what looked like a narrow leather belt. This she proceeded to wrap around Patience’s feet and ankles holding them sole-to-sole. Before fasting the buckle she passed the end through a ring at the end of the couch and pulled tight. Patience’s legs were thus immobilized.
Then the nurse took out a second stick, broader than first, and a small thin leather cushion no more than six-inches square. This she placed over Patience’s abdomen and passing the straw right round pulled it very firmly. “This needs to be tight. Keeps the womb from moving.” Patience had no idea that wombs could move. But was pretty sure hers wasn’t likely to go anywhere now.
“That’s it; you are ready. I will go and fetch the doctor and we can make a start.” the nurse said before leaving Patience alone in her bondage. Patience moved her arms and legs exploring her immability. She was strangely at ease with herself, content but with an undercurrent of excited anticipation.
She recognized the feeling; she had felt like this before. Years ago, on holidays with her cousin Clive on the farm, thee was a game they used to play. She was the heroine captured by natives and Clive had to rescue her, a game thin on plot, but played many times nevertheless.
As the captive she was always tied up. At first just her hands, but later, as the game developed, she was bound to a beam in the barn. She loved the feeling. Once she had been blind-folded too. She remembered how once Clive had touched her breast through Her dress as he untied her, he had acted like it was an accident but she knew it wasn’t. It had felt good; but they stopped playing the game soon after that.
She heard voices from outside the room and then the door was opened. Doctor Cranshaw strode in and took a seat behind the solid looking desk. The nurse picked up a large notebook and introduced her as the next case.
“Patience Bradley, Doctor, nineteen years of age, for the—.”
“Yes the pelvic massage for hysterical paroxysm. Is she ready for me?”
“Yes Doctor. Virgo Intacta.” The last words were deliving in a stage whisper, though Patience had no idea what the words meant.
“Ah yes.” he glanced over at the young woman. He enjoyed these cases, particularly these girls still in their teens.
“Now Patience how are we today?”
“Very well Doctor”, she felt a bit absurd going through these pleasuresants.
“Soon have you sorted.” he was standing by the couch now, she could see his eyes move down to her chest.
“Nurse if you could…”
Anticipating his request she folded the sides of the petticoat down away from Patience’s breasts.
He was to be well rewarded today. Her breasts, though not overly large, were firm and full. The dark nipples on mounded areola were already becoming erect in the cool air. Small goose bumps where visible on the smooth white skin
The doctor wasted no time in starting his examination; he commenced by palpating her left breast. The pads of his fingers moved gently and firmly pressing every inch of the perfectly curved flesh. His hands pushed under her corset to feel the under side, before returning upwards to press around her nipple. Then he rolled and pulled at the sensitive tips.
When he paused to change sides Patience realized that she had not breathed. As she inhaled she was acutely aware of her chest rising. The examined breast tingled and her nipple was so taut it almost ached. She felt a delicious anticipation while the doctor repositioned himself to continue. He repeated the operation on her right breast. If anything, taking slightly longer in order to prolong his pleasure. But then he was done.
“You have good healthy breasts, but I feel there may be a little bit of congestion. Nurse will massage them for you which should help.”
Congested breasts, Patience had never heard of that before.
“Now the pelvic massage,” He was still looking at her breasts as he spoke. “Nothing to worry about.”
But she was now, just a little. Not scared, but nobody had touched her there bEfore today. She remembered the nurse’s touch. The probing had caused pain. What if he did the same. What if he pushed harder – she tried to banish the thought. Then she remembered what the nurse had said – wouldn’t need to penetrate – was that what she’d mean. She relaxed a little.
Looking down the length of her body and framed between her knees she could see that the doctor was taking his position at the foot of the couch. Next to him he had placed a small table, but what it held was obscured from her view. He seemed to be rubbing something onto his hands, an ointment perhaps.
Then he touched her. She shuddered. His hands were cold; though the silky ointment allowed his fingers to glide easily across her flesh. She felt his fingers trace along the margins of her closed lips. Unlike the nurse, he made no attempt to open her sex. His fingertips, gently struggling; up then down. Patience, closed her eyes, the sensing was deeply pleasant: like a warm tingling glow growingin her sex and radiating outward.
At the same time the nurse, who was standing behind her, reached down and began to massage Patience’s full breasts. With firm strokes she pushed down the outside, before pulling back cupping the fullness of the bosom.
Patience’s mind was overwhelmed by sensing; a flooding tide swamping her brain. It was almost too much, she shook her head from side to side but it would not clear. And there was a physical tension too, growing in her limbs, she braced against the bindings, arms then legs. She could only submit to the sensings.
The doctor’s fingers had moved inward now to her inner lips. He had swelled beneath his fingers, opening naturally and completely. He traced the folds of swollen flesh, up and round her cloral hood gently easing it back and letting it relax. He heard her sight quietly. Looking up he could see a pale blush was spreading across her chest. It was the state of arousal he was looking for. He guided his middle finger to locate her entrance and felt her push upward against her bonds to meet his digit. Not wishing to take her virginity, he was careful in his explorations. The treatment of the virginal vagina in this way always gave him a particular thrill. But, alas time was pressing.
Patience became aware that the doctor was saying something. As if waking from a dream she really didn’t hear cooperative words.
“Miss Bradley. I am going to use a new electron-mechanical vibrator; to apply stimulation. Nothing to be worried about.”
Patience didn’t understand what was being said but looking down the doctor was holding some sort of instrument in his hand. It looked a little like a fat chambered pistol but instead of a barrel there protruded a short rod fitted with a rubber disk. It reminded Patience of the rubber tipped arrows Clive used to fire from his bow, but much smaller. He’s going to shoot me she thought – and the thought amused her.
Dr Cranshaw positioneed the rubber tip carefully above her clitoral hood; he had discovered with experience that this position tended to yield good results. When he closed the switch; there was a loud hum. Maintaining a gentle pressure in keeping with the American manufacturing’s instructions he gently moved the tip in a circular motion.
The effect on Patience was indeed as if she had been shot. She braced against her bindings as an Intensive warmth spread out from her sex and filtering upwards into her body. She found herself gasping for breath as if she had been running hard. As the warmth in her sex intensified her muscles tightened. Her back, her arms her legs even her face were straining now.
And then suddenly she felt a divine suspension of time; sensings paused, nothingness – but only for a second. The warmth that had started in her sex flooded her abdomen in a new intensity of pleasure. All her muscles relaxed and her head lolled back in relief.
But immediately she was started, by the most intense spasms deep inside; again and again and again – though each time becoming less intense. As they weakened and became less regular she opened her eyes and was calm. The last spasm caught her by surprise and caused her to gasp.
The nurse, hands still on Patience’s breasts smiled at her. The doctor had stopped his device, but was still using his hands to gently and slowly massage around her sex. Dr Cranshaw had found that by this combination of stimulatory techniques four or five episodes of hysterical paroxysm might be obtained during a session. He considered this was sufficient; it was unwise to overburden the patient, particularly on their first session.
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