Patience Takes Up The Position

This follows on from my earlier story, Patience’s Treatment. You may want to read that first, but it’s not essential in order to understand this one. If you like the stories please leave me a comment. It’s good to get feedback.


Could Patience do this, could she touch another woman so intimately? Flora lay on the treatment couch before her, legs spread wide, her small breasts bared. Her sex exposed. All Patience had to do was to provide the massage as she had been instructed. She had been the recipient so many times, and that had felt good, but now she was to be the provider not the receiver. She summoned up all her courage.


Following her first encounter with Dr Cranshaw, Patience had visited the doctor for three more treatment sessions. She felt so much better after her Treatment, and indeed her mother commented on the rosy bloom in her cheeses and her sunny demeanour. However, it was an expensive business, and money was tight in the Bradley household. So, somewhat reluctantly, she had been obliged to inform the good doctor that she would not be returning.

It had been quite a surprise, therefore, when his letter had arrived. Of course the letter had been addressed to her mother, but having read it through a couple of times her mother had passed it over to Patience. It seemed the letter was offering the possibility of employment. Dr Cranshaw was expanding his practice and establishing a modern facility nearer to the hospital and was looking for suitable young women to act as his assistants. The letter requested a meeting to further discuss the opportunity at their earliest convenience.

There had been an interview, albeit a brief one. Dr Cranshaw had explained that he was opening a new facility for the treatment of gentle women and that the job was hers should she choose to accept. Her role would be to assist and provide treatment similar to that she herself had received. He asked Patience if she thought she could dothat, and she had violently assured him that she could. In the two weeks that followed, while she worked her notice period, she wondered and hoped that this was true! There was to be no going back now – 1910 was indeed going to be a year of change!

Patience arrived at Dr Cranshaw’s punctually at 9.30. The door was opened by a tall woman in a nurse’s uniform.

“You must be Patience. Come in. I am Flora Everett, I am Dr Cranshaw’s assistant, well one of them. Now you are here that’ll make the two of us. He’ll be in at around noon. But, I am to show you around and get you sorted.”

Flora was tall and lanky with a pale complexion; her striking red hair was tied in two French plaits which were pinned up to the side of her head. Patience thought she detected an Irish lilt to her accent. She certainly spoke very quickly.

“Now, where to start? ” She spun slowly around in the spacious hallway, as if unsure of her whereabouts, before picking one of the oak doors which she pushed open for Patience to enter. “This is Room 1. We have 3 consulting rooms. This is a general room, and so is Room 2. You’ll be in here; I am usually in 2. Room 3 is Dr Cranshaw’s special room. He has a study as well, but that’s upstairs. Oh, and there by the front door is the waiting area.”

Patience looked around the consulting room. Its heavy oak furniture smelled of beeswax and newness. There was a roll topped desk, several tall cupboards, a couple of side tables, and of course, an examination couch very similar to the one Patience had experienced. The sight of the couch caused an involuntary shudder to run down her spine. For a second or so her body replayed the feeling of being restrained and succumbing to the external arousal. A flash of light started her from her thoughts.

“We have electric light.” Proudly, Flora operated the wall switch and the ceiling light instantly illuminated. “We have all the latest here.” She added. “I think Dr Cranshaw plans to do some training with you this afternoon. He’ll show you the full works. This way.”

They returned to the hallway; before viewing the near identical consulting room 2, and then made their way to the back of the house into what must have been a domestic kitchen at one time. There was still a large scrubbed pine table and cream coloured named gas stove.

“This is Emma — she is our maid of all work. Any chance of a cuppa, Emma?” Emma smiled back at them. She looked younger than Flora, but despite her youth and her smile, there was a certain hardness in her eyes. She wore a maid’s dark uniform with a white pinafore.

“I’ll put the kettle on. Pleased to meet you, Miss Patience. Oh, your new uniform is on the side there.” She indicated a table on which was a bundle of folded clothes.

“It’s the same as mine, and you’ll need to put on a clean apron for each patient; Flora puts them in that cupboard over there for us; put the used ones in basket down here when you are done. Whenwe go upstairs, I’ll show you were you can change into your uniform.” Added Flora.

“Have you finished your tea there?” Flora looked eagerly over towards Patience. “Let’s get you changed and ready. The Doctor will be here before we know it.” She stood up, and scooped up the pile of clothes that was to be Patience’s uniform and headed for the door.

Once upstairs Flora indicated a door labeled Dressing Room 1. “In you go.”

The room was brightly decorated in a modern style. A green upholstered chain longue was placed along one wall, while a matching chair stood in the corner. Flora placed the pile of clothes onto a low table before sorting them one at a time onto the chain longue. There was a long uniform dress in pale blue, similar the one Flora was Wearing; a white apron; and — Patience was surprised to see — a corset.

“Now slip your things off.”

Patience unbuttoned her high necked white blouse and slipped it off, and then she stepped out of her long skirt. She folded and placed both on the chair. When she turned around, she saw that Flora was holding the new cream-coloured corset for her.

Flora registered the surprised look on her face. “It’s part of the uniform. The doctor likes these new straight cut ones.

So Patience continued. She pulled the cotton corset cover over her head, and then pulled down the underskirt. Now for her own corset, lucky she had tied the cords at the front so they were easily loosened, and reaching behind her back the she could ease the laces and open it enough to start unclipping the front. By now she was wearing only her chemise, drawers, with underskirt at her ankles. As she stood up straight again she was aware that Flora was looking at her. The close fitting cotton fabric did little to hide her pert breasts; indeed in leaning forward, as Patience had a moment before, they would be completely revealed by the low square neck of her chemise. Patience was certain that was where Flora’s gaze had been resting.

“You are a pretty thing. I can see why he wanted you.” Flora handed her the new corset. It was in the current fashion: starting below the bus but extending down further than Patience was used to. She adjusted its ties then slipped it on, clipping it together at the front, starting from the top.

“Here let me.” Flora steered Patience by the shoulders until Patience’s back was facing her. Then she expertly adjusted and tightened the laces. Though it fitted very well, it felt unusual to Patience. All her previous corsets had covered and compressed her breasts. But this one finished well below, leaving them free and unsupported, covered only by the thin chemise.

Flora was ready with the next item of clothing: the uniform dress, which Patience quickly put on. She buttoned it from wait to the neck then smoothed the sleeves down her forearms. Finally, she slipped the crisp white apron over her head and tied the strings behind her back.

“Have a look atyourself.” Flora indicated a full length wall mirror. “Oh you do look the part.”

And indeed she did. She looked every inch the nurse assistant that she was employed to be.


They were back in the kitchen when they heard the sound of the front door being opened and clunking shut.

“That’ll be the Doctor.”

“Should we go and…”

“No he’ll ring when he needs us.” Patience followed Flora’s gaze to a row of indicator bells mounted above the kitchen door.

About a quarter of an hour later the bell labelled “study” sounded, and so the two women headed up the stairs. Flora leading the way: Patience following. When they arrived at the study Flora knocked on the door and, when bid enter, swung the door open for Patience.

“Ah Miss Bradley, or may I call you Patience? I see Flora has sorted you out with your uniform.” He stood up, as if to get a better view of her. “Very good. Turn around. Yes.” His eyes scanned her up then down. “Excellent. Now downto business. We have no patients today, so we can use the rest of the day to commence your training. From tomorrow, you will be observing and assisting Flora with our patients. But today I am going to ask you to act out a treatment session; Flora will take the role of patient, and I will instruct. Flora: could you go and get ready in room one, we will be down in approximately 20 minutes”.

“Very good doctor.” Flora left the room closing the door behind her.

“Patience, I am going to be asking you to provide the same sort of treatment that you yourself received. For the main part this will involve administrative pelvic massage. If this is done correctly, and the correct degree of stimulation is applied, we can induce an hysterical paroxysm in the patient. Such paroxysms have have been shown to be highly advantageous in alleviating and eliminating the symptoms of hysteria. I think you found it beneficial yourself?” He looked over his glasses as he posed the question. Patience couldOnly nod her agreement. She could feel her cheeks beginning to colour with the hint of a blush.

“Now I want you to take a look at this diagram.” He angled a large tome on his desk towards her and opened it at a page marked with a strip of paper. The page contained a detailed and coloured illustration of a woman’s most private parts. “I want you to be able to identify and name the areas labelled here. Please pay Attention, I will ask you again later and expect to have committed them to memory by the time we examine Flora. There are four distinct phases to the pelvic massage, each one deals with different areas of the patient’s anatomy.

The first phase is called the engagement. On commencement, the labia majora are together and tucked inwards causing closure. So we start by stimulating the inner thigh, and then here where they meet with the labia, and finally here the outer surface of the labia major itself. After five minutes or so, this stimulation will cause a graduate swelling or engagement of both the labia majora and minora. When this happens, the labia minora will start to extend and will protrude through the majority forming a palpable irregular raised ridge; this can be detected by the gentle pressure of one’s middle finger running from top to bottom. If one uses the middle finger, like so, the other fingers may continue stimulation of the outer surfaces. It is most important not to rush this stage. “

As the doctor spoke Patience re-lived her own examination. It was if she had a sensory memory. As he described the actions, she could feel them as if it was happening to her over again. She could feel the engagement – as he called it – a warmth spreading between her legs. Involuntarily her hand moved towards her sex, but her consciousness brain intercepted it. She disguised the jerky movement to look like she needed to adjust the angle of the book.

“Once the engagement stage is complete, the vulva will be open and will look more like this diagram. The second stage is called the suffusive stage. Very gently, using finger and thumb, we stretch first the majority and then the minora to their full extent; this allows them to be fully suffused with blood. This is essential for the final stage.”

She’d loved that feeling. Her intimate lips smoothed out flat, silican finger-tip pressure, an aching to be touched more, oh so gently opened and spread wide.

“Once we are happy that suffusion has taken place, we may move to the pre-paroxysmal phase. The most sensitive area for the patient is here, the cliporis. During the earlier phases, if we have done our job correctly, this organ will have swollen to almost double its size. However, we never touch it directly in this state: patients report that it is far too sensitive. So we manipulate indirectly, Here, the prepuce of cliporis.” While she could see the doctor’s finger on the book, Patience could feel it between her legs. “If we use our fingers to move this back and forth rapidly and violently we can induce the paroxysm we are looking for. “

She almost let out a gasp. She was sure her own cliporis was very swollen now. She shuffled in her seat in a vain attempt to gain comfort. There would be no relieving paroxysm for her today. She could feel the heat of a flush on her neck and face.

“This motion is continued to the final stage: paroxysm. In some cases we may use an electron-mechanical vibrator at this point — do you remember I applied it to you?”

How could she forget.

“But I want you to perfect the manual techniques first.

In a few cases we may need to stimulate the patient internally. We may insert one or two finger of the opposite hand, into the vaginal entrance here, whilst maintaining the external rhythm. Or you can use just one hand; we insert two fingers as before but use the thumb to move the prepuce. “

Patience tried to steady herself, and inhaled slowly as she watched the doctor’s hand-shadow finger gestures.

“Do you think you have got all that?”

“Yes.” Her voices false, sounding like a child’s squawk. “Yes. ” She repeated seeking to direct her voice back to its normal register. “I think so.”

“Good. Well let’s go downstairs and see if Flora is ready for us.”

Patience followed the doctor down the stairs. With every step she was very aware of Two things. Firstly, the unfettered movement of her breasts beneath her newly starched uniform, and secondly, the tingling glow emanating from her groin. Neither was helping in her attempt to appear calm and professional.


Flora was ready and waiting for them in the treatment room. She had undressed and was now sitting on the examination couch wearing nothing but a long cotton chemise. The chemise had buttons to the Waist, and Flora had already undone the first two or three.

“Let’s have her lie back.” The doctor addressed his remarks to Patience. But Flora obligingly swung her bare legs onto the couch and lay back. “As you know I believe it is beneficial to restrain the patient.” He opened the doors of one of the cupboards. Inside, Patience was amazed to see, it contained a variety of leather straps: some long, some broad. Today we will simply do hands and feet; Flora will show you the additional strapping we use with patients later in the week.”

The doctor selected some leather wristlets: bands that encircled each wrist secured by sturdy buckles. Flora, compliantly held up each arm in turn as Patience attached a band to each. “Now clip them on.” Just as she herself had been immobilised, she now positioned each arm above Flora’s head and clipped it to the fasting.

Patience decided to take the initiative. Looking inside the cupboard, she selected a long thin strap that looked similar to the one with which she had have been tied. Flora, without being asked, raises her knees off the bed and let her knees fall apart with her feet together. Patience expertly secured the leather strap around her feet and ankles. Now, Flora was ready.

“That’s very good: almost ready to begin. You must ensure sure that your patient is sufficiently exposed: you will have oil on your hands. You can’t be adjusting their clothes later.”

Patience looked down at Flora; she looked extremely exposed already. Her pale legs spread wide, the pink gas of her sex, the gingery red of her public hair.

“The breasts: we always start with the breasts.” And indeed, her breasts were still covered by the white cotton of the chemise. Restrained as she now was, there was nothing that Flora could do to assist her new colleague in this task. Patience set to work, carefully undoing the remaining buttons and folding the sides apart.

Flora’s breasts were a surprise to Patience: they were quite tiny. Lying flat Her chest showed no delineation of contour; only the small pink nipples directed and held the gaze. Then, as if she was growing accustomed to poor light, Patience began to discern that the buds were raised on the shallowest of mounds. The subtleness of their form invited a more tactile exploration.

Patience poured a general helping of the oil into her hands. Leaning forward she allowed her fingertips to glide down Flora’s sternum, before moving outward for the upstroke. Her fingers detected the tissue that was so hard to see, and she heard Flora gasp as her fingertips moved upward. Carefully, slowly and methodically she circled the pink buds, over and over. Then finally she squeezed and rolled each nipple between finger and thumb, and pulled gently. Flora surprised.

“Very good.” The doctor had observed carefully and had passed no comment until now. “Are you ready to move on?”

Could Patience do this, could she touch another woman so intimately? Flora lay on the treatment couch before her, legs spread wide, her small breasts bared. Her sex exposed. All Patience had to do was to provide the massage as she had been instructed. She had been the reconomic so many times, and that had felt good, but now she was to be the provider not the receiver. She summoned up all her courage.


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