Could Patience do this, could she touch another woman so intimately? Flora lay on the treatment couch before her, legs spread wide, her small breasts bared. Her sex exposed. All Patience had to do was to provide the massage as she had been instructed. She had been the recipient so many times, and that had felt good, but now she was to be the provider not the receiver. She summoned up all her courage.
Dipping her fingers into the silky massage oil, she began. With purposeful strokes she massed the inside of Flora’s thighs. Firmly pushing upwards then rotating her hands for the down stroke, allowing her finger tips to almost graze the margins of Flora’s sex. She keep this rhythm going for several minutes until she felt Flora was relaxing under her hands.
Tentatively, Patience allowed her fingertips to reach a little further: the lightest of touches connecting with Flora’s outer lips at the fold with her thighs. Patience watched Flora’s face. She saw and heard the intakeof breath as her fingers connected. Applying more oil, she worked her fingertips over the still closed outer lips. Flora remembered the doctor’s direction about the importance of not rushing this stage, and she made sure that she did not. However, after a few more strokes Patience was aware of Flora shifting, stretching against the bindings that held her hands and feet. Maybe she was ready for more.
Patience also remembered the doctor’s next instruction, about using her middle finger to feel for protruding inner lips. Placing her fingers carefully, she moved her hand upward, her middle finger tracing the raised edge of Flora’s labia, her other fingers sliding across the outer folds. Flora’s gasp was clearly audible this time. Her eyes were shut, her head swwayed from side to side. By the third tracing stroke Patience could feel the flesh swelling under her fingers; by the sixth Flora’s sex was opened, wide and moist.
Flora glanced at the doctor; he was watching her intently,but had said nothing. Now he nodded that she should proceed. He had called this the suffusive stage; she had remembered his words. She also remembered how good this had felt when he had done the same to her. She carefully stretched Flora’s labia, finger and thumb easing out the engorged flesh, until they lay wide and flat. Patience moved her fore-fingers to massage in gentle circles.
Without being told, Patience knew it was time to move on. Flora’s sex was wide and open, and where the two swollen labia met, Patience she could clearly see the hooded flesh that was to be her next landmark in this new territory. She placed her middle finger above the hood. Patience could feel the swollen shaft that was Flora’s engaged cliporis, so much bigger than she had imagined. Firmly she eased back the hood, and Flora let out a cry. Patience began small circulation motions, and as she increased her pace, she could feel a tension building in her subject. Flora braced her arms against her bindingsand arched her back off the couch. Her head was tilted backwards pushing back against the couch. Patience concentrated on maintaining her finger’s circulation motion, on and on. Flora seemed to be barely breathing; Patience even wondered if she should stop.
“Penetrate her. With your fingers. Like this.” When Patience looked over, the doctor was holding up his hand, palm upward, two fingers extended and bent Slightly, indicating what she should do. Patience hesitated for a moment then followed his direction. Her two fingers pushed easily into Flora’s vagina. Flora gasped loudly again. Patience could feel Flora tightening her inner muscles squeezing her fingers. She felt the silk-smooth wetness as she pushed deep, withdraw a little, and pushed in again. Taking stock, Patience realized her thumb was perfectly positioned over Flora’s cliporis, and she could easily resume its stimulation. Meanwhile, her fingers could explore the inner textures. The contours seemed to arch away from herfingerprints, but at full stretch, she found a rough surface. As Patience’s fingers explored, Flora let out a scream that was instantly truncated as she became rigid; her face was locked in a grimace. There was no mistake it, the paroxysm had been reached.
~~~ ***~~ ***~~
Patience sat at the desk in the consulting room regarding her new treatment book. Meanwhile, Flora, somewhat more composed now, sat on the edge of examination couch, still wearing nothing but the chemise she had forgotten for her treatment. The doctor had left them so that he could attend to other business in his study. He had been very complete about Patience’s technique, and had presented her with her own treatment book. She was to record details of all the procedures she undertook. Flora’s treatment was to be the first. In fact Flora dictated what Patience was to write:
Date: Monday, 8th August 1910
Patient: Miss Flora Everett
Age: 26 years
Treatment: External Pelvic massage, with internal digital stimulation
Notes: Patient reported strong hysterical paroxysm, and feels it to have been very beneficial.
Patience was not sure if she should write the last bit, but Flora insisted. She allowed the ink to dry and closed the book.
Flora looked over at her. “You are very good you know, you will do fine.”
“Do you think so? It just seems a bit strange, you know touching other women…down there “
“You’ll soon get used to it; I feel the same the first few times. Just remember it’s a medical treatment: we are helping them.”
“Yes that’s right – a treatment.” She looked down at her book. She had done it, she had provided a treatment, and it had worked. She Suddenly felt a flush of pride at the skill she learned.
“How did you come to be here doing this, were you a patient like me?”
“Sort of, I knew old Mrs Munton.”
“I met her, she’s the nurse?”
“Yes, well she’s more of an old fashioned midwife really.”
“Oh does she help women have their babies.” While Patience’s knowledge of human reproduction was some sketchy, she had witnessed the need to summon midwives in the case of imminent child birthday.
“In a manner of speaking…anyway, she helped me out with a little problem, and she put me up for this job. I was very grateful to her on both counts, me Mum and Dad had told me as they wouldn’t have me in the house no more. They never liked Jack anyway”.
Patience was not sure she followed all the detail of this conversation, but smiled anyway.
“Oh he’s my young man. We’ve been walking out for 5 years now.”
“Are you engaged?”
“He says we are as good as engaged. That’s why I … anyway. We will get engaged when he gets made up to Lance Corporal. That’s what he says. He’s in the army: serving in India, but he’s back soon.”
Patience smiled again, still following little of what she had been told. “What was your little problem, you know, that Nurse Munton helped you with?”
For a second Flora met Patience’s eye, and looked as if she was about to say something before changing her mind, and then glanced away.
“Goodness look at me, sitting here. ” She glanced down at herself. Her chemise was still gaping open exposing her tiny breasts. “She gave me a potion for these, “Flora used the tips of her fingers to lift her breasts as she spoke. “meant to make them bigger, red-clover and something: never worked mind. Her other stuff — rue and tansy – did the trick though. Jack says he likes them small, so that’s all that matters really in it.”
Patience tried to process what she had been told and struggled. A potion for her small breasts – she understands. Rue and tansy — she did not. Jack’s preference – had she let him see her naked? Patience was slightly shocked.
Flora recovered her clothes and began to dress. Meanwhile, Patience thought it best to change the subject.
“Emma seems like a nice girl. Has she worked here long?”
“Yes she’s good girl at heart, bit of a temperature on her. But then she’s had a hard life; she was brought up in the workhouse. The Doctor took a shine to her; made her his legal ward until she’s 21.
Patience looked surprised. “So she’s more like his daughter than a servant.”
“I wouldn’t Say daughter exactly. More like a slave sometimes. She has to do the cleaning and washing, and pretty much anything else he wants her to. Has to do what he says or she’s on the streets.”
“But he clothes and feeds her?”
“Well yes he does. But he uses her. Like she’s his guinea pig. She’s always being inspected, measured, and prodded, poor thing.
“My goodness. ” Patience was generally shocked. “But how old is she, she can’t be old enough. Does he … take her to his bed?”
“She’s 18, looks younger I grant you, but she was probably half starved in that workhouse. He doesn’t make her sleep wit him, nothing like that. But, he is the doctor: he’s responsible for her wellbeing. He can give her whatever treatment he pleases: he insists she has a paroxysm every day! Has done since she came to him.”
“Oh poor girl. Why does she let him? She could get another job.”
“Not as his ward she can’t. If she ran away she’d be on the streets! No, she has no choice. And he’s handy enough with the stick when she steps out of line.”
“He canes her?” Patience could not believe this of the good doctor. He was so gentle.
“Oh yes — you’ll see soon enough!”
~~~ *** ~~~
The rest of Patience’s working week was taken up with shadowing Flora as she dealt with a succession of female patients. Some young, some old Patience was amazed at how Many required this treatment, a treatment that, until recently, she had never even dreamed of.
She was also in awe of Flora’s skill; she seemed to know exactly what would be required to bring a woman to her paroxysm. For example, one youngish girl was obviously very anxious about the procedure and clearly embarrassed at having to be naked. Flora had her lie face down. Then she carefully massed her shoulders, her back, and finished with her bottom until she was completely relaxed. When Flora finally had her turn over, and attended to her sex, the paroxysm was almost instantaneous.
Finally it was Friday, and the last patient had been seen to. Flora and Patience were tidying the consulting room and making ready for the next week when they heard some communication from elsewhere in the building. Both girls looked up. It was a woman’s raised voice.
“Sounds like Emma having one of her strokes.” Said Flora. They could hear the doctor’s voice too, not loud enough to make out the words. But there was definitely an argument going on, the two girls fell to listening, eyes fixed on the ceiling. Then they heard the sound of a door opening.
“Flora, Patience! Will you come here please?” The doctor’s voiceboomed down the stairwell.”
“That’s it; she’s in for it now! ” said Flora. The two of them made the way up the stairs to where the doctor was waiting on the landing outside his study door.
“Flora, you will assist please; Emma is to be punished. Patience you will observe.” Al l three entered the room. Emma was dressed in only a thin cotton shift. She waited impasively, a look of hardened resignation on her face. Flora, it seemed, was well drilled in the procedure. She produced some leather wrist cuffs from a cupboard and approached Emma. Emma, simply turned to her and held up her wrists, allowing the restraints to be fastened around them. Similar cuffs where applied to each ankle. This done, Flora stood in front of the poor girl and pulled at the ties that formed the shoulder straps of her shift until they were loose. When Flora let go, the shift fall away, reaching down she pulled, she it down to the floor. Emma was completely naked.
Patience looked on open mouthed.It was hard to take in that this naked girl before her was about to be beaden. She looked on with a fascinated awe. All the other people had their allotted roles to play: Flora, assisting with preparation; the doctor now selecting a cane; Emma herself with her resigned acceptance. Only Patience was without a role in this tableau: simply the observer.
While corporate punishment was not uncommon in the society in which Patience had grown up, it was not something Patience had any direct experience of. Her own parents did not approve, and at school she had been diligent and well behaved. Nevertheless, she had been fascinated and intrigued by the stories of wayward class mates being summoned to the headmaster to be able or slippered. And, if she admitted it, relishing the playground post-mortems where details were remembered and bruised hands displayed.
Patience studied Emma’s naked form. She had not really had cause to look at her before. Emma’s straight dark ponytailed hair hung between her shoulder blades. Seeing her clothesed, Patience was aware she was slight of build, but in her nudity it was clear that she was extremely petite. With her back to Patience, she could have been taken for a boy: her angular hips lacking in soft flesh. But when Emma turned around Patience gasped; her breasts were simply magnificent! They were full and round, set high on her chest. In truth probably no bigger than her own, but on such a small girl they seemed incongruously large. Waxenly-smooth, perfect white hemispheres; the coral pink nipples acutely erect in the cool air. Patience found she was staring.
Emma’s punishment happened quickly in a choreographed series of movements that clearly all the participants, barring Patience, know well. Emma stepped up to the end of the examination couch, bringing her feet next to the solid legs of the couch. Flora bent down and deftly fastened the cuffs and then some leather straps around Emma’s knees securing them to the same tablelegs. Flora len forward stretching herself out across the couch until her face and upper chest pressed onto the dark leather; she extended her arms. Flora moved to the head of the couch and secured the Emma’s wrist cuffs to the head of the table. Emma was thus secured, the straightness of her legs pushed her bottom upward with an arching of her back. The arching of her back, pushed the girl’s breasts forward in such a way that the tips Just touched the leather’s surface.
There was to be no delay. The doctor stepped forward and brought the school cane down hard upon the poor girl’s bottom.
Flora counted. “One,” 10 seconds later the cane came down again. “two.”
Patience saw the girl wince at the pain. Her sinews tightening on each stroke, and releasing before the next. But she did not cry out, there was a grim determination on her face. Patience again was drawn to the girl’s breasts, fascinated by the way they bobbed forward as she was struck.
“Six.” The doctorstopped, but it was clear this was to be merely a pause. Flora reached her hand down and gently brushed some stray hair from Emma’s reddening face, a small act of tenderness interrupting the cruel process. Flora stepped back and the doctor started again. It was clear he meant business; it seemed he was trying to break her, and she for her part was not going to yield.
“Twelve.” Finally, it was done. The procedure had took no more than 3 minutes, but for Patience time had been standing still. She stared down at poor Emma; red wealth crossed her buttocks, more were still developing. Her face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily.
“I’ll be back shortly.” Announced the doctor as he left the room.
Flora watched him leave, and after a few moments moved to the end of the couch. One by one she released the bindings behind Emma’s knees, and unclipped the ankle cuffs. Though Emma’s wrists were still bound, she was able to pull herself up to lie, face-down on the couch.
Patience was surprised at what Flora did next as she had supposed that that the punishment was now concluded. Flora reconnected Emma’s ankle cuffs, this time to the end of the couch. Emma lay recovering, but still bound, her legs slightly apart.
It was Flora that broke the silence. She had located a jar of Jessops Soothing Lotion and began to apply a generous handful to Emma’s reddened bottom.
“Is it sore?” An unnecessary question, but Emma grunted her acknowledgement. “What did you do?”
“I said I wouldn’t demonstrate no more for him, you know, down the hospital when he does is lessons. I am fed up at being gawped at. I am sure half of them aren’t even doctors.”
She fell silent as Flora massed the cream into her bottom, gently kneeing and circling, first one buttock then the other. Flora was concentrating on her work, but after a few moments she competed with her head towards Patience, indicating that she should come over. Patience positioned herself acrosss the couch from Flora and wondered what was required. With another head gesture, she indicated towards Emma’s bottom. As Flora finished each stoke, Emma was lifting her thighs to meet Flora’s next stroke. Her breathing had become deep and shallow. After her week’s experience, Patience was able to recognize the signs and she instantly understand what Flora needed her to do. She glanced down. Between Emma’s parted legs she could see her sex. It was pink and engorged, the lips already open. Patience looked Flora questioningly in the eye; and Flora nodded. Patience knew what do. Carefully, she reached between the girl’s legs so that that tips of her flattened hand pressed the girl’s sex. It was so wet. Patience barely had to move her fingers, Emma was pushing against her. In a few moments Patience saw and felt the tell-tale signs as the girl succumbed.
Flora and Patience retired and let he girl recover. A few minutes later the doctor returned. He took in the scene at a glance.
“Has she had..?”. Flora nodded. “Very well you may release her.” The doctor turned to Patience. “Might I have a word with you outside. “
She followed him out of the room and onto the landing. “You have done very well this week, I am very pleased. I was wondering if you might be interested in another opportunity. One a month I lecture at the hospital to fellow doctors about my work here. For my demonstrations I need a female model, to act out the role of a patient. You would be perfect. Of course, you would be very well rewarded.”
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