
His mind was drifting away in the dark. He tried to move but the ties were very tight and he just managed to knock a little bit his sex, oversized and all purple, bound also quite seriously on the mat. The slight shock sent a wave of pleasure in his all body and he couldn’t express a shiver.

It all started in the morning. As often, Jane smelled in his room early, lied down by his side and start gently stroking and poking his body; waking him up in the nicest way one can imagine. Usually, it ends by him, fully woke up, jumping on her for a short but intense sex session.

This time it didn’t happen, just when he felt fully aroused, Jane jumped lightly on her feet and left the room. “Breakfast!” she said casually as she strolled out of the room.

For the all day, he couldn’t shake the dirty thoughts that would pop in his mind at the worst moment. He could feel his sex stirring uncomfortable during meetings. He even had to excuse himself once to go to the bathroom. He wasAfraid that the bump in his pants were getting to noticeable.

He tried to escape from work as fast as he could, walking slightly faster than he usually did.

Jane was already home when he reached. She obviously has been waiting for him. Their whole collection of ropes were spread on the sofa. His blood boiled on the spot and he started smoking from anticipation.

She gathers the ropes in one hand, and with the other took his hand and drives him in his room. He followed meekly, mute by excitation.

She started by a tight arm binder, his shoulders pulled back and his arm locked in a stretched position with his hand joined in a backward prayer.

Then she went down on her knee and with a smaller rope bound tightly the base of his penis and each of his ball individually. His sex turned instantly some what purple, and he couldn’t control an occasional spasm.

Then she pushed him gently, forcing him to lie on his side on his mat. She made a simple loop around his feet, forced them backward to tie them to his hand. She stepped back and look at her work. It was a quite a nice hogtied she managed.

He was looking at her with all the lust he could manage. She smiled and again, walked deliberately out of the room with a short sentence: “We need groceries, I’m off to the market.”

He didn’t quite understand what she meant at first; but when he heard the apartment door open and close again, the silence of the apartment fell on him. He had a sudden gust of panic. He knew that his sensitive part could only be restraint this way for 30 minutes or so… what if she doesn’t come back… He tried to fight again his ties but, she had made a lot of progress in the last months, and her knots were quite strong.

He tried to relax; listening to the sound of the building, people passing in the hallway, chatting. Sometimes somebody would open a door, he would start, tried to lift his head against the ties, but eventually lie down, let his mind drift away again.

Time lost meaning, he couldn’t tell how long he has been laying there; 5 minutes, 1 hour. It was impossible to tell. His muscle were starting to ache and his sex seemed about to blow up.

The door finally opened again; he jerked in his ties. He heard her feet moving towards the kitchen and the sound of plastic bags being carried. The door of the fridge opened and he could hear articles being stored in the fridge.

He started to breath harder; she was coming in. She looked at him with the same smile; she kneeled and casually stroke his body, just passing over his penis and stretched balls. Blowing a bit of air on them. They were so sensitive now that the slightly simulation was tenfold. His hips started undulating trying to catch more of her fingers.

She stopped; untied his ankle and help him back on his feet. He sent her a pleading look; he was getting worried about his dick. She didn’t seem to notice; she grabbed him firmly by the ball and startedto pull him toward the leaving room. He couldn’t help letting of a soft yell.

He followed awkwardly.

In the middle of the living room, there was this big office chair that the previous tenant left when they moved. It was a tall, white, rotating chair with two big armrest on the side.

Jane drove him to the chair, and help him on it; forcing him to slide down until his buttocks were and the limit of the chair. Then she lift off his legs. Raising his pelvis and tied each leg to one of the armrest. The position was very uncomfortable, and as he was not very flexible, he was stretched to his limits. Only holding the position made him sweat. But more importantly, it made his sex and his asshole completely exposed. His bound balls were raising on top of this folded body like two cherry on a cake. She released They, taking the time to thoroughly lick them and stroke them as she was doing so.

He was breathing heavily now; she took again a step back and look at her work.She was obviously happy about herself.

And then the tip of her fingers started again to dance all over his body, the tip of her tongue occasionally joined in, she was playing with his inner thigh, his sex, balls, the surrounding of his hole, sometimes even dipping into it a little. She played for what seemed hours and hours. Even without the ties, his penis was red and bloated; looking like it could explode at any moment. At this point he couldn’t help moaning at each one of her stroke.

She finally stepped back again. “I need food, do you mind if I cook myself a little something”. This time around he was shocked and was about to say something, but she stuff quickly a piece of clothing in his mouth and his protest got lost in a long inaudible mumbling.

She tied again his penis and balls, in a slightly different way, Turn the chair to face the kitchen which was connected to the leaving room by a glass panel and setup to cook some pastas.

She took her time, admiringthe sight every time she could; singing slowly to herself.

He could barely feel his arms now, but it was such a storm down in his guts that he was barely noticing. He couldn’t think anymore and he was having an overdose of lust.

She came back in the living room, with a glass of ice water and a plate of spaghetti, she sat right in front of him to slowly eat. Each time she was drinking water, she would lick His balls or penis with her cold tongue. She would also occasionally poke his sex and exposed scrotum with her fork, laughing softly at the idea.

Each stimulation was now an explosion in his mind and he had no control whatsoever on his body.

She eventually finished her dining, and then came back to him. A bottle of lubricant in her hand.

She covered her hand, and start again massaging his private parts, The massage was much more heavy this time, then she put a finger in his asshole, slowly pushing again the muscle, after a few minute, she pushed a secondfinger. He let escape a loud moan in the clothes.

She started to stroke her penis with more strength now, at the same time that she would pump her finger in and out his ass. His body was now literally jumping up and down on the chair, he was moaning continuously.

When he was about to climax. She stopped, stepped back and started to lightly fondle his sex instead.

She repeated the operation 3 or 4 times; to the point that his eyes were rolling in his sockets.

Then finally, she let him go; waves of semen crashed on his torso and his face and it kept pouring for long seconds of intense age.

She released him, his body slide on the floor. She kissed his face full of sperm. licking a bit of it and giving him a long deep kiss.

He was already sleep.


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