Wife Crucified

First off I got a promotion and me move out of state to a larger house with 5 acres of land. Best of all her brother no longer lives with us. She still goes topless around the house but at her discretion. Things with us are going very well.

This happened during Easter as we were watching the movie The Passion of Christ. During the crucifixion scene my wife mentioned that she wondered what it would be like to be crucified on a cross.

She told me that she had always been curious to know how a crucifixion was done and how much the victim really suffered while on the cross.

That’s when I offered to crucify her on a cross if she really wanted to find out what it would be like but not with nails rather I would use ropes to tie around her wrists to support her on the cross. I told her to think about it and if she I assured her that I didn’t feel upset about her fantasy but found it kind of sexy since we had engaged in some light hearted bond once with breast suspension.

I would enjoy putting her in some form of bondage but never got into serious hard core stuff. She agreed to be tied up naked on the bed one time. I was not sure if she would be willing to go ahead as this would be a very big step for her to be the subject of crucifixion but it was total up to her.

She thought it over for a few days and Finally told me that she decided that she wanted to go ahead with it. That night we read some literature on the internet on how to go about conducting a safe crucifixion. We also came across several sites which showed erotic crucifixion in graphic detail. She was a little bit more comfortable knowing there were others who shared her similar view with her on crucifixion. We then worked out a few details of her crucification. We both decided to keep it as authentic as possible. She wanted to bring in as much of humiliation and pain as possible without hurting herself permanently. She will be my prisoner on death row from the night before being crucified in our basement.

I told her for it to be realistic she had to be completely nude right from her whipping till she is brought down off the cross. She did not initially agree because she did not want to be nude in the open all day. She wanted a clothes or bra covering her breasts and a loin cloth around her waist. I refused saying if she wanted Crucification, it will have to be as realistic as possible and besides no one would see her or hear her. She reluctantly gave in after I showed her details of roman crucifixions where the victim were always naked. She was to be gagged (her wish). It would be done outdoors in the backyard, she would be whipped on her entire back, buttocks and legs, breasts, stomach and inner thighs prior to the crucifixion. I told her she can back out if she did not want to do it, but if she wanted to it would be on my terms. She would be walked naked, gagged and blindfolded from our backdoor to the site of the pre crucifixion. Finally I would decide when she came down (for the sake of her health and safety). I decided to do a video tape of the entire experience for us to watch at a later date. We decided on gestures for her safety and if she wanted to say something or had enough. She finally agreed to all conditions and we set the date for her crucifixion for the Saturday morning and as realistic as possible.

The location of the crucifixion was our backyard. I had acquired the timber and made the cross on Friday. The cross was some 8 feet high above the ground and the horizontal beam was fixed to the top of this beam. It was T shaped and perfect. She had to stay the night in the basement which acted as the jail cell. That night she changed to a very loose fitting white shirt which came up to her thighs nothing under it but her nude body. I took her to the basement and I first tied her ankles and then gagged her then I made her sit with her back to the wall. I then tied her wrists above her head and hooked them to the wall. She would spend the whole night in a sitting position which added to her disappoint for the next day.

The next morning, on the day of her cruelification I untied her and gave her 10 minutes to freshen up. Then I brought her outside in the morning around 7 am the idea being she would be on the cross from around 8 am until she couldn’t take it anymore. She was a little groggy from lack of sleep. I took her out to the backyard where I had set up the camera and started to record the entire experience. I made her stand in front of the camera and told her to remove her shirt for her whipping. She was then hung from a post by her wrists naked and spreadeagled and whipped lightly. She was now completely nude.

I tied her hands to spreader bar this spreader bar I hung to a beam above by ropes I slowly pulled the ropes so that her hands would be lifted and finally her feet also left the floor once she was suspended a coupleof feet off the floor, I tied off the ropes as she hung there, I told her to spread her legs and tied a spreader bar between her legs. She was now hanging by her wrists, naked and spreadeagled, ready for her whipping.

I whipped her shoulders, her back and buttocks and the back of her thighs. I applied the strokes so that there will be no marks but she would feel a little pain. She took all this in without letting out a scream. She only gasped as each stroke landed. I then came around to the front of her and started whipping her stromach and I could see that the whipping was hurting her and when the whip cracked across her white breasts and nipples, she struggled and let out a scream and when the second and third strokes fell, she was in tears. After completing the whipping of her breasts. I tied her wrists behind her back and gagged her. I also blindfolded her and walked her over to the cross. The cross was some 10 yards from the post. Once we were there, I made her stand in front of the cross. I then repossession the camera so that it covered the entire cross. I removed her gag asked her if she still wanted to do it. She he said yes. I put the gag back, untied her and removed her blind fold. I walked her backwards and up the wooden steps I placed there made her stand with her back to the cross and spread her hands. I climbed on a stand and tied her wrists to the horizontal beam. Then I removed the steps on which she was standing on while doing this, I held her up and released her slowly so that she would not fall suddenly and put any sudden strain on her wrists and shoulders.

Now she hung on the cross, hanging by only her wrists. I tied her ankles together but did not provide any support to the legs. I knew I cannot let her in this position for long as she would not be able to breath in a very short time. She was now hanging like a Y with her arms stretched out her chest was thrust forwarded making her breasts flatten out against her body and her littlepuffy nipples stick out. Her ribs were showing as she panted to breath her stromach was taut with the tension her feet came up at least 4 feet short of the ground.

I took the camera and filmed her from all sides getting a close up of her breasts and pussy.

I let her hang like this for about 10 minutes by the end of which she was smoking heavily as she was gagged she could only moan. I could see that she was struggleling for breath. She was trying to get some leverage on the cross but the wood was smooth and since her legs were tied together, she could not grab the cross with her legs either. I decided that she had reached the limit for free hanging. I folded her knees and marked the place where the lower half of her feet would be if legs were folded and nailed a thin piece of wood three inches thick and 2 feet long. I then tied her ankles to the cross slightly above the platform. She was relieved initially that she could place the weight on her legs and reduce the strain onHer hands when she tried to place her feet on the platform, all the while I was video tapping her age on the cross.

When we set out my wife thought she could easily survive the day and a night on the cross as she was healthy enough but after getting whipped and crucified, her opinion changed. I had placed the cross in the open where the sun would be beating down on her naked body throughout the day. It was getting Warmer as time went by she was facing the sun and her white breasts and pussy were slowly getting cooked. Her tan body was able to handle the sun light. Sweat poured out of her body and she grew thirsty. I knew she was getting thirsty but I did not give any water as we had decided she would have to suffer on the cross.

After an hour passed but I could see it was hurting her she was moaning throughout and especially When she tried to raise herself up.

An hour and half later, she started moaning frantically and she crossed her fingers something we agreed to mean she wanted to say something.

I removed her gag and she said she had to pee I told her she will have to do it tied to the cross only this was how romans also left the victims on the cross it was a form of humiliation. I gave her a few sips of water just to be on safe side and then gagged her again.

After another 30 minutes had passed the few sips she took so greedily only added to this disappoint and she could no longer hold herself decided to pee as she let go, I could see her shame at her nakedness and helplessness her humiliation was total without any control over her body or body functions.

It was now a little over two hours on the cross and I decided I needed to whip her breasts and nipples again. As each stroke fell, she moaned louder there was no escape for her from this torque. By now the sun was burning down on Her body. Her breast were turning red from the sun and welts were visible even though I didn’t whip her that hard. She was once again smoking and the sweat combined with the sun to burn her welts. I then grabbed her breast and started to knee them like play dough. She moaned into her gag as this hurt her a great deal. I decided to pinched her nipples and slapped her breast, stomach and tighs then I took the whip again and gave her 10 more strokes on her breasts for good measure. As I whipped her breasts this time her moans had become louder and she started crying but the gag muffled her voice but I could understand that she was in pain. I thought it fit to give her a break and left her there. I went back to the kitchen to refresh myself watching her from the window returning to her after in fifteen minutes.

I could see her efforts to stand had become weaker also her moans had gone down she was hardly able to lift herself I decided that it was enough. I removed the gag and asked her if she was ok? She mumbled a weak ok I first placed the wooden steps below her legs and then untied her legs and once her legs were resting on the steps, I untied both her hands and carefully lowered her onto my shoulders. I carried her to our house and laid her nude body on the bed and prep a nice warm bath for her.

The rest of the day we took everything nice and slow. I routinely told her just how great she was and how proud of her I was. It took a few weeks for my wife to get back to 100% again. Lucky for her she doesn’t work so she could rest up. My wife later told me that it was the most intense thing she had ever done and that she enjoyed the experience. Along with that, she was very proud of herself. She is open to trying it again but, we still need to decide when that will be. I told her that next time she should have an audience to enjoy her performances.

She had endured a total time of three hours hanging on the cross.


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