Its Friday evening…and i return from work to find You waiting impatiently…things have kept me late…and they encroached on Your time..
You grab me as i step through the door and kiss me deeply…
“you’re late” You tell me as my back is pushed up against the wall.
I try to apologize…but You’ve already forgotten. Your eyes are a mixture of evil and lust.
The slightest touch of Your hand on my shoulder causes me to knee…Your other hand sliding Your silk robe aside and revealing Your thick cock.
“Suck it Baby,” You say in the complex tone of a desire and demand.
My lips wrap around the head instinctively..head bobbing slowly up and down its length…knowing You love to watch as much as i love to perform. I feel Your fingers in my hair as i worship Your beautiful toy…lapping nastily…You gaze fixed upon me.
You pull me to my feet after You’ve had Your fill of my sucking and fondling. “Into the bedroom and strip bitch.”
I disappear quickly and remove my suit and boxer briefs. You wait until i’m done…then throw some items on the bed. “Put them on. We’re going out.”
The leather pants…harness..collar and cock stick glisten on the bed. I feel Your hand behind me on my shoulder…and hear Your whisper “I don’t care what You do during the day…but when You return…You are all Mine…for me to love…use…torment…and take endless pleasure from.”
The leather secures itself to my body…and my heart beats faster…knowing that You are in a mood tonight to be satisfied and wild.
After You slide into some of Your nastiest fetish wear…W/we get into the car and You tell me to drive…i have an idea where W/we are going…but i keep quiet until W/we pull up in front of a relatively quiet commercial building downtown.
The only giveaway is the line of sexy women waiting to be let in. You’ve made arrangements for a VIP room…so the shirtless bouncer leads us both past the line…causinga few frustrated insults to emerge from the group of waiting ladies. You just smile and strut in with me behind You…basking in the irritated looks and comments.
The bouncer leads W/us to a room that is nearly circular..with mirrors on every wall and a big soft velvet couch that W/we slide onto. You have me hand the bouncer a twenty….then You stroke a hand up and down his crotch…smiling at what You find.
“Maybe he’ll dance for U/us later baby,” You purr into my ear as he leaves.
A waiter wearing some tiny skin tight shorts enters and pours U/us both some champione…then the music starts as he too disappears.
A curve opens and You gasp at what comes out of it. The bald black stud is a work of muscle art. He’s well over 230 lbs and rippling everywhere. The Thought comes to mind that if You tried to ticket him…it wouldn’t work because there aren’t any soft spots.
He starts to churn before You…his red gstring so full and stretched that it lookslike it will burst. I watch Your entrance gaze as Your eyes drink him in. You will not be denied tonight. I can tell that just from Your eyes.
The muscles sway and wronghe sensitively before You. He slides close…then backs away…turning his back to You…bending…then facing You and running a hand down between his legs…
You purr and smile with each tease of his body. Then he Take Your hand and places it against the silky fabric…and Your sounds turn into a moan.
“God Baby,” You utter breathlessly…either to me or him or no one at all.
He smiles at Your reaction…turning his back to You and sliding the gstring down to the floor.
When he turns around…You sight again at the beautiful thick dark manhood that bobs erotically before him. Your powerful dominant self begins to evaporate at the sight You see. Your breathing becomes shallow and gaze less evil. Your mind is becoming consumed with need.
You reach for me and whisper in my ear. “baby…Idon’t want you to be here. I don’t want you to see me like this. Do you understand?”
“yes. i understand,” i say with resignation.
He has stopped dancing and is now standing before You as the music thumbs. i look back for one last glance as the door slides shut behind me…as You drop to Your knees before him.
Though You told me to leave…You didn’t tell me to go far…and i lingered near the door as the stud satisfied You…
The sound of Your cries and moans was amazing. He took You not like a Domme…but almost like a sub.
It began with his pleasure. Had i not seen You drop to Your knees before him, it still would have been unmistakable as You sucked his hot cock…He clearly enjoyed what You did for him and told You so.
Then Your pleasure came bursting through the door in so many erotic sounds…
He wasn’t gentle…at times You were in both pain and pleasure. But it was what You needed. That came ringing through the door.
It was incredibly hot though i knew You didn’t want me there because Your Domme side was not in control.
Still it was Your desire and need…and i took it all in…loving every moment.
After an hour the door opened and the stud walked out…completely covered in sweat…and his cock glistening with Your juices…
i walked inside and found You lying on the velvet couch…nude except for your leather boots. Cum streaked on Your breasts…and a beautiful sensitive look on Your face.
“Are You ok Baby?” i ask gently.
“Yes lover…I’m wonderful. Thank you for understanding.”
i smile. “Anything for You. You know that.”
“I do know that,” You purr as Your legs spread. “Now clean me up..W/we have much more to do tonight.”
i moaned and knelt Between Your legs…spreading Your reddened lips with my tongue and bathing them. Then teasing Your swollen clip lightly.
As my tongue slide below Your pussy i gasped softly. He had taken Your ass as well. This is something i thought You would never allow. i shuddered as my tongue rimmed Your freshly fucked hole.
You could tell what i was thinking and softly said, “Baby…some things don’t need to be discussed.”
i nodded and lapped Your rim hungrily. Consumed by the desire for all Your pleasures to be satisfied.
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