Party Time

Julie sat on the side of the bed, the sheer black lace cat suit she had on covered her from her neck to her toes and to her wrists. It was tight and fit like a second skin. It cupped and molded itself to her breasts, her stomach, and her sex. She had gloves and a head cover to match. The head cover had small cat ears on the top and whiskers on the face. There were two eyeholes. It covered her nose and cheats but was open over her mouth and chin.

There was a knock at the door and she jumped to her feet. Henry was here and she wasn’t ready yet. She hurried down the short hall and peeked out the peephole in the door. All she could see was a man in a dark hat and a black cloak. He turned his head and Julie grinned. He even had a black mask on his face but she recognized him instantly.

She unlocked the door and opened it as she tried to hide Behind it. Her neighbors would not understand her being dressed the way she was. A prim and proper schoolteacher did not dress in such asexy and provocative outfit.

Henry walked in and grinned as he watched her close and lock the door. “I love you in that thing. It shows as much as it hides. It accentuates every curve, nose, and cranny,” he said as she turned towards him.

The next thing she knew, he had her in his arms and was kissing her passwordately. She returned the kiss as she tried to wrap herself around him. Her head was spinning by the time he released her from the kiss.

He held her tightly, his hand exploring her lace covered body, as he whispered, “You’re not ready yet.”

“No sir,” she whispered back as her eyes dropped from his. “I… had… uh… trouble getting the suit on. It’s a little small and took some stretching to fit.” His hand felt different through the tight clothes. More sensitive and sexy.

“Then you need to worry. We don’t want to be late, now do we?”

“No Sir, we don’t,” she said with a shiver. This was her first Halloween Party at the club.

He kissed her quickly on the end of the nose and released her. She spun around and ran to her bedroom. It only took her a moment to get the mask on and then she sat down to put her shoes on. Henry took the shoe from her and said, “Put the gloves on and your cuffs, I’ll get these.”

His hands on her ankles and calves distracted Julie for a moment and then she shivered as he slipped the five inch heels on her feet. They fit well and the wide ankle strap gave her good support. Her leather cuffs going on above the strap made her shiver even harder.

Henry stood up when he was finished and then she stood up. He stepped back and looked her up and down. “You are awesome but there is something missing. Ah yes, some jewelry.” He pulled a gold looking collar out of his right pocket.

Julie whimpered softly as she turned around. The high heels had her calves and the backs of her tights tight. She had to stand straighter to balance well. With the heels on, she was the same height as Henry, which was six, one. The gold collar coming past her eyes made her whimper even louder.

“Yes, my dear, the night is about to begin,” Henry whispered as he snapped the collar in place.

Julie moaned softly and replied, “Yes, Master.”

“Another piece of jewelry and we will be almost ready,” he said as he pulled a heavy gold chain out of his other pocket. Julie turned around and shivered as she saw the elastic cord loops an each end.

Henry frowned as he looked at her breasts. The tight clothes showed traces of skin through the lace but flattened her breasts and especially her nipples. “I thought your nipples would poke through.”

“The suit is a little small and tight. The holes in the lace are pulled too tight for my nipples to fit.”

Henry grinned and turned towards the dressing table on the far wall. “We can fix that. Where are your scissors?”

“Scissors!” Julie said and then quickly added, “In the top drawer, Master.”

Henry found the scissors and returnedto snip them together in front of Julie’s chest. Julie covered her breasts quickly and Henry laughed. “I promise, I won’t hurt the girls.”

Julie moaned softly as she lowered her hands to her sides. Henry reached out with his left hand and pinched her right nipple firmly. Julie whimpered loudly as he squeezed harder and pulled on the clothes covered nipple. The clothes slipped off her nipple with a burning sensing that made her take a hissing breath.

With the clothes away from her nipple, Henry snipped it as close to his finger and thumb as he could. The clothes snapped back and her nipple was standing up hard and proud inside a small half inch circle. He did the same to the other nipple with the same reactions from Julie.

He laid the scissors aside and hooked the elastic loop over her right nipple and pulled it tight. Julie took a hissing breath and arched her back slightly. He smiled at her as he hooked the loop on the other end of the chain to her left nipple. She hissedagain and shook her shoulders slightly.

The chain swwayed and pulled on her nipples. There was a burning sensing that made her sex tighten up. When Henry ran a fingertip over the end of her nipple, she whimpered softly as the burn got more intense and her sex tightened up even more.

Henry picked up the scissors and squatted down. “One more little thing,” he said as he ran a finger up and down in her clothes covered slit. After a moment, he located and rolled her clip around. Julie shivered but held her hips still, as they wanted to press forward against the fingerprint.

Squeezing his thumb and forefinger together, He pulled the clothes away from her clip and snipped it. The exposed circle around her clip was a little larger than the ones around her nipples. Julie’s sex was small and round, low, almost between her tights. He pulled the clothes away from her sex just below the first hole and snipped it again. Most of her pussy was now exposed. One more cut and it was completely exposed.

Standing up he smiled and said, “That black lace surrounding your pussy just sets it off like the jewel it is.”

Julie shivered and flexed her hips from side to side. She could feel the tight clothes pulling against her outer lips as she did. She could feel the wet slippery rub of her folds also. She was still rocking her hips as Henry picked up the black cloak off the bed and handed it to her.

“You are not to come until I tell you it is time,” he said as she put the cloak around her neck and clipped the clasp. It was a little large on her and came down to the top of her feet.

“Yes, Master, I understand,” she said in a whispered as she pulled the cloak closed around her. She was glad it was big. It would hide what she was wearing better as they left the building. The neighbors really wouldn’t understand her going out with her nipples and pussy exposed.

“Then we’re off,” Henry said with a flourish of his left arm.

Julie grinned and walked sloWly down the short hall and stopped at the front door. She had to walk slowly and carefully until she got used to the taller than normal heels. One reason was balance and the other was the pull on her calves and thighs. A third reason was the way the clothes of the cat suit rubbed her body, especially the cut place around her sex. It made things slip and slide so deliciously.

She paused at the door to hand Henry her driver’s license and door key. He slipped them in his coat pocket and opened the door. Julie shivered and then whimpered softly as she walked out into the hall. The hall was empty and so was the elevator as they rode down. There was a young couple out side the door on the ground floor. Julie didn’t know them, lucky.

“Halloween Party?” The young woman asked.

Julie nodded and Henry said, “Yes, a very special dress up party.”

“That sounds like fun,” the woman said as her company held the elevator door. “I haven’t been to one of those in years.”

“Maybe next year,” Henry said and then step over behind Julie. “Although your husband might object to the costume.”

“I’m not married, he’s just a good friend,” the woman said and then gasped as Henry opened Julie’s cloak.

Julie moaned and trembled as the two strangers looked at her. She had an exhibitionist streak but never this close to home. The mask was the only thing that kept her from grabbing the edges of the cloak and jerking it shut.

“An interesting costume,” the young man said with a big smile on his face.

“Very interesting,” the woman said with a shiver.

Henry closed the cloak and grinned as he asked, “Then you might be interested in going next year?”

“I… uh… I…” the woman stammered and the young man laughed.

Henry handed her a card and said, “If you decide you want to go, give me a call.”

As he put his arm around Julie to escort her to the door, the woman asked, “Would I have to wear that chain thing on my nipples?”

“Yes, you would,” Henry replied.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” She asked looking at Julie.

Julie shook her head and whispered, “It just burns deliciously.”

The woman shivered, her eyes on the front of the cloak. “I… I… uh… I’m not sure I would have the nerve.”

“You might be surprised,” Henry said as he turned Julie towards the door and they walked away.

Julie walked with her head held high and a renewed sway to her hips. Her clip was throbbing to a beat of its own. She paused as Henry opened the outside door. “I hope the car isn’t far. I feel like I could come at any second,” she whispered to him.

He escorted her out onto the sidewalk and asked, “That was a big rush, I take it?”

“Oh yes, Master, it was a very big one.”

“The car is right here,” he said indicating a limo at the curb. “I figured a special night needed a special ride.”

A tall older man was at the open back door. He was wearing a black suit but no hat. His hair was short andan iron gray color. He nodded and put a hand on the door as they approached the car.

“You first, my dear,” Henry said smiling at her.

Julie looked at the low car seat and then at the driver. Between the high heels and the cloak, it wasn’t going to be easy to get in the car without flashing the driver. The thought of him seeing her bare pussy made it clench up tightly. She whimpered as she looked at Henry quickly.

He was still smiling and winded at her. He knew her love of flashing and he knew her shyness, so he had probably set this up just to see her reaction. A shiver ran up and down her spine as she let go of the cloak on the inside, reached out for the door for support.

She whimpered softly as the cloak fell away from her body. She didn’t dare look at the driver for fear of coming but she could feel his eyes on her nipples as she stepped into the car with her left foot and then slowly sat down. She could now feel the cool evening air on her hot sex and knewthe driver was looking at it. She moaned as she turned forward and moved her right leg inside.

Julie was trembling with excitement as she slide across the seat to make room for Henry. The cloak was bunched up under her ass, so she lifted her hips to straighten it out. Her feet were spread by the hump in the floor and her knees were parted as she did so. She looked to her right to see both Henry and the driver grinning at her. She moaned loudly and covered herself with the cloak.

Henry got in next to her and reached over to open the cloak at her waist as the driver went around to get in. His finger in her slit made Julie jump and jerk. “Please Master, I’m on the edge as it is and about to lose control.”

He avoided her clip and dipped his fingerprint in her sopping wet opening for a second before he removed it. He held his shiny looking fingerprint up in front of Julie’s face as he said, “Yes, you are quite damp.”

Julie moaned as he moved his finger closer to the mask and then stuck it against her lips. She opened her mouth and sucked on the fingerprint, a loud whimpering moan starting deep in her chest.

“Hold onto it,” Henry cautioned as Julie started to tremble.

Then she heard the driver’s door shut and nearly lost it completely. The only thing that saved her was Henry pulling his finger out of her mouth. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, trying to will her body to relax. It worked but slowly. The car was pulling away from the curb by the time she felt confident enough to open her eyes.

Henry was looking at her with a smile on his face. “Good. Very good,” was all he said as he turned towards her slightly and used both hands to open the cloak from her neck down. An air conditioning vent somewhere was blowing cold air on her nipples, which made them even harder than they were, as if that was even possible.

Her feet were still straddling the hump so her knees were spread wide enough for her sex to show. Her hands weree on the seat at each thigh and they wanted to cover her pussy but she fought to keep them in place. Henry’s hand on her right knee pulling outward made her groan as her knees opened wider.

When her knee was against Henry’s left leg, he whispered, “Much better.”

Julie whimpered and glanced at the driver. He was a good eight feet in front of her. She shivered but wasn’t sure if it was relieve or Disappointment. Then she saw the rearview mirror and how it was angled. He could see all of her in the mirror. This drew a long soft moan from her chest.

“Are you enjoying yourself so far, my dear?” Henry asked with a grin.

“I… uh… I… uh… I… uh, yes Master,” she whispered and then shivered hard. “His eyes… he’s… looking at me.”

“Yes he is,” Henry replied. “And he is enjoying the view, believe me.”

Julie shivered again and Henry asked, “Are you enjoying him viewing you?”

With a soft whimpering moan, Julie nodded her head. “Oh yes, Master, very much.”

Julie didn’t jump or jerk as Henry put his fingerprint back in her pussy, she just moaned loudly. His finger moved a fraction of an inch deeper and then he pulled it out. “Yes, you are even wetter and hotter,” he said as he lifted his finger up to her eye level. It was shiny and slippery looking.

She expected him to stick it in her mouth again but he didn’t. He brought it over in Front of his own face and sucked on it. Julie moaned and nearly lost it again. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the seat as she tried to keep control.

A minute or so later, she lifted her head and looked at Henry. He was looking at her with a smile on his face. “Will there be many people at the party?” She asked breathhily.

“There usually is. Halloween is a good time for dress up and most take advantage of it. You will make most of them stare and drool.”

Julie whimpered softly and looked around at the rearview mirror and whimpered again. Being looked at was the onething that made her the wettest. Having the mask on made her feel safe from being recognized and released her even more from her normal shyness.

They rode in silence for a number of minutes. They stopped at a red light and Henry asked the driver, “George, how much farther?”

“Another six blocks,” George replied looking around at Henry.

He looked back forward and Henry asked, “How do You like the way my companion is dressed?”

“And excellent costume choice for a very lovely lady.” George replied with a smile. “It hides some and reveals even more.”

Julie whimpered at his words and squirmed in her seat.

The light changed and they drove on. Henry caressed the inside of her right thigh lightly and then ran his fingertip up and down between the folds of her sex. “Do You want to come before we get to the party of do you want to stay on the edge?” He asked as his finger dipped into her hot wet opening.

Julie shivered as she thought about George watchingher come and nearly lost it as Henry’s finger moved deeper into her sex. “I… I… I,” she stammered and then got out. “That is up to you Master.”

His finger moved deeper and wiggled. She groaned as her eyes went to the mirror. Her mind supplied a picture of George watching intently as they were stopped at another red light. She could hear a soft squishy sound coming from her sex as the fingerprint moved.

The car started forward and Henry pulled his finger out to the entrance to her sex. Julie whimpered softly as she tried to keep her hips from moving forward to shove the fingerprint back in. That would never do and would probably get her spanked. The thought of a spanking in the cat suit made her shiver hard and her hips to tremble.

“Hold it until the next red light.” Henry told her. “You do want George to see you come, don’t you?”

“Oh yes, Master,” Julie blurted out as her hips trembled even more.

The car slowed and then stopped. Henry jammed his finger into thedepths of her pussy and she arched up, jamming it in even deeper as she came and came very hard. Her stomach muscles were jerking, making her hips move, fucking her pussy deeply on Henry’s finger.

She moaned long and loud. As the sound died, George whispered just loud enough for her to hear, “Excellent and most beautifully done.” This just pushed her higher as she knew for certain that he was watching.


Julie was relaxed back against the seat, Henry’s finger still in her depths. Her breathing was nearly back to normal and she felt so calm and peaceful. The afterglow of her orgasm was like a warm fuzzy blanket around her mind.

The car pulled over and stopped. “Will you be needing me later?” George asked as he turned in his seat and pointedly looked directly at the finger in Julie’s sex.

Julie felt her inner muscles tighten up around the finger as Henry shook his head. “Probably not. I have a room reserved in the hotel next door.”

“Very good,” George replied as he looked Julie in the eyes and smiled broadly. “It has been a pleasure.”

Julie found herself nodding and then groaned as Henry slowly pulled his finger out. Henry grinned at Julie and stuck the shiny wet finger in her mouth. She sucked on it greedily as her eyes jumped back and forth between the grinning faces of the two men watching her keenly. She moaned deep in her chest as Henry pulled the finger out of her mouth with a slurping sound.

George nodded once and then casted contentedly as he opened his door. A few moments later, he opened the door for Henry to get out. The cloak was wide open and Julie made no effort to close it as she turned slightly towards the door and slide across the seat. The bottom of the cloak was mostly behind her as she lifted her right leg and put her foot on the ground. Her legs were spread wide.

Her left hand went to the grab handle on the doorframe and she stuck the right one out towards Henry. He took her hand but only held it. She sat there waiting for him to pull. Her breathing got shallower and faster the longer she sat there. Two sets of eyes from the men were not the only ones she could see. There were people around the entrance to the club directly in front of her.

Julie whimpered softly as one of the women looked her way and grinned. Then Henry pulled on her hand and she stood up. The cloak partially closed but she didn’t close it Any more as Henry let go of her hand. Her eyes were locked with the woman across the sidewalk. The woman licked her lips several times as her eyes roamed over Julie.

Henry turned and looked in the direction Julie was looking. Seeing the tall blond woman that was looking at Julie, he looked at Julie and grinned. “A possible candidate for one of your strongest fans,” he said softly.

Julie shivered hard and looked at him quickly. Her mouth worked once and then twice as she glanced at George, the woman, and then looked back at Henry. “Yes, Master,” she whimpered softly and then shivered hard. Oral sex from another woman was high on her to do list of fansies.

Henry nodded and slipped his arm around her waist. The cloak opened a little more as they walked across the sidewalk and entered the club. Julie felt the woman’s eyes on her and several other sets as they did. She straightened her back and pulled her shoulders back as they walked. Her breasts were thrust out and the chain swung more as she put one foot in front of the other. She was strutting her stuff and showing off, she realized.


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