It’s another hot and humid summer evening in Atlanta. It’s Saturday night, and all of the lovers are out and about. James and Rachel are two of those lovers. They have been together for several years and plan on getting married in the near future. It’s a loving D/s relationship and they fit well together. But, tonight, Rachel seems to be mad at just about everything. James goes into his calming mode, because he knows she is just ‘in a mood’.
They have been invited to an anniversary party for friends of Rachel. Rick and Jenni are good friends who live just north of Chamblee. It’s not a terribly long drive from Decatur, but Rachel hates to drive any distance at all.
“These are your friends, so if you don’t want to go, we won’t go,” says James. “I can turn around and we can go somewhere else, or we can just go home.”
“No, I already told Jenni we would be there. This is their anniversary, and Jenni would be upset if we don’t go.”
“Well then, what is the problem?If we have to go, complaining about it isn’t going to make it any easier.”
“I just don’t like the drive is all. I am not complaining about going, just the drive.”
James wonders if he should turn around and go back home. It isn’t going to be a fun time, if Rachel is going to be in such a bitchy mood. “Well, in the frame of mind you are in, you won’t have fun at all, when we get there. You had better calm down. Parties are for having fun, not for sitting and sulking because you are in a pissy mood.”
Rachel looks over at him with that ‘I am mad at the world’ look. “I’m not in a pissy mood! I just don’t like driving on a hot and muggy night. I love Atlanta, but it’s always so muggy. It’s not like it was in California.”
“But, I’m driving, not you. You’re just sitting there shooting looks at me and complaining about everything. And, it was your idea to move here, because your family is here. I was perfectly happy to stay in San Pablo, but Nooooo!”
“Well, I’m notComplaining about Atlanta itself, just the weather. I didn’t notice it being quite so humid, when I was here as a kid.”
James hates it, when Rachel gets like this. “Maybe it wouldn’t seem so humid, if you weren’t in such a mood. You just need to sit back and enjoy the ride. It’s a wonderful evening, if you ask me.”
“Well okay, I will give it a try. Could you roll your window up? It is blowing my hair.”
“But, it will be even more humid, if there is no wind. What if I just roll it up a little? Will that do?”
“Okay, I guess. I just don’t want to look a fright, when we get there.”
Just then, they turn onto the street where Rick and Jenni live. Wanting to make a point, James brings this up. “Well, if you don’t look a fright now, you will surely be OK. We’re about 2 minutes from pulling into their drive. And, about that attitude of yours, leave it in the car.”
“I’m fine now that we’re almost there,” Rachel gushes.
“Yeah, sure you are. Sure you are.” James mumbles to himself.
Rick and Jenni live at the end of a tree lined street, in an upscale neighborhood. It’s a large white house fashioned after the mansions of old Atlanta. The front yard is full of stately trees and there is a guesthouse in back. James pulls through the long winding drive to a spot not far from the house. He lets out a sight and looks over at Rachel. She smiles back at him as she gets out of the car. He follows and they walk up to the front door. The door opens before they can ring the bell. It’s Jenni, and she greets them with a smile. “Hey, you two! You made it. Come on.”
Jenni continues talking as they both step into the house. Other people are mingling at the party, and Rachel points to several of her friends and waves ‘hello’.
“I was wondering if you were going to make it. I tried to call you, but I got your machine. Did you have any trouble?”
James starts to mention Rachel’s mood, but Rachel quickly interrupts. “I love that dress. That is such a pretty color. It looks wonderful on you, too. The green matches your eyes, you know.”
“I’ve been told that,” Jenni agrees. “I wish I could get Rick to notice. He’s so blind, sometimes.”
“Oh, you know men. James is the same way. Unless you’re wearing next to nothing, they don’t notice.”
The girls walk into the kitchen and James Listens as their voices slowly become part of the party rumble. It seems Rachel is feeling better. He keeps his fingers crossed. Looking around, he finds Rick and walks over to say hi. “Hey, Rick. How’s this shindig doing? It seems like you have a big crowd here.”
When James speaks, Rick notices him and smiles. “Hey, James. Yeah, it seems to be doing okay. Nearly Everybody made it. Jenni was wondering where you two were. She said Rachel told her you two were coming. Did you have some kind of trouble?”
“No, nothing really. Just Rachel and one of her ‘I hate my life’ moods. I hope it doesn’t spill over while we are here.”
“Is it her time of the month?” asks Rick, with a smile.
“No, but it does seem that way,” James chuckles.
“Well, knowing you two, and your relationship, you won’t have trouble changing her mood, if you want to. I envy your control. I wish I could handle Jenni. But, she’s so opinionated.”
“Well, Rachel is, too. You just have to Let her know who’s boss. Rachel and I had a long talk and she has agreed I’m in charge.”
“It can’t be that simple. You guys have a good relationship.”
“Well, yes we do. But you and Jenni do too. You just need to sit her down and talk it out. You might be surprised how she will react. She might love the idea. Sometimes dominant women love you to take charge. It’s a whole new feeling for them. Just the thought of it makes them tingle in a different way.”
Just then, Jenni comes up and joins the conversation. “What are you guys talking about? You are over here in a corner, like it is some serious private thing.”
“Well, my dear, I haven’t seen James in quite a while. We are just catching up. Nothing serious or private about that.”
James winks at Rick. “Sure, sweetie. This is a party. People have fun at parties.”
“Okay, then what did you do to Rachel? She seems to be in a bad mood. She isn’t having a good time.”
In a more serious tone, James turns to Jenni and asks, “What do you mean? She said she was fine. She was in a mood, but we had a talk, and she said she was okay, now. And last I saw of her, you two were walking away and talking just fine.”
“Well, she is here, but she doesn’t seem to be happy that she is. We can usually talk, but she isn’t opening up to me. So, I thought I would come and ask you what the problem is.”
“I don’t know much, either. I think she is just in one of her moods. You know how she gets. She’s mad at the world, and she tends to let everybody know it. She will be OK. If you are wondering, it doesn’t have anything to do with the party or youtwo. She knows most everybody here. Everybody at this party is a friend of hers. This mood started earlier today. She was complaining about humidity. Shit, we live in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s always humid.”
“Sounds like she is looking for some release,” Jenni suggests. “Isn’t that your department, James?”
“Oh, she knows. I will have no problem giving her release, if it comes to that. But, she said she was OK.”
Rick laughs as he pats James on the back. “I remember the beach party, when we came to visit you two, in San Pablo. That was great.”
Jenni smiles and playfully smacks Rick. “Honestly! I can’t believe you would bring that up. That was a personal thing between James and Rachel. It is none of your business.”
Both Rick and James laugh at how red Jenni’s face becomes. James looks at Rick and winks. “See, man? I told you. I think I see that tingle.”
Jenni turns and walks back into the kitchen. Just as she is about to walk through the door, she turnsto look at Rick. There is a sparkle in her eyes, as she vanishes behind the door and out of sight.
As the evening progresses, so does the party. But, it seems Rachel’s attitude has also progressed. She has succeeded in making many of the guests mad. It has almost turned into a contagious frame of mind. Jenni has nearly given up, telling Rick she just doesn’t understand why Rachel would act this way. Finally, James sees the need to confront his future wife. He walks up to her, as she stands in the doorway to the living room. She looks at him with fire in her eyes, as he returns the same look.
“What is your problem? We talked about it, and you said you were okay. This has been going on too long. You are including the whole party in your bad mood. And, you have been in this bad mood all damn day. Why do you have to take it out on others, when you don’t feel your life is going the way you want? It isn’t their fault you are bothered by the Atlanta humidity. It isn’t their responsibility to stop the wind from blowing your hair. And, I don’t know what your latest problem is, but that isn’t anybody’s fault, either.”
Rachel squares her body up to James, as someone would be preparing for a physical conflict. “Gosh. You are always so worried about how fucking nice I am. All the time! Don’t be so damn anal about it!”
“I’m being anal? I think you have your information wrong. Look around you. Everyone is talking about you being anal! I am just trying to understand your side of this, before I make a decision.”
Rachel’s face flushes and her voice starts to get louder with her increasing anger. The drink in her hand splashes on the floor as she habits with her emotions. “Why do you always take sides against me? Why is it always my fault? You haven’t even listened to my side of this, and you are jumping all over me.”
James leans into Rachel’s ear and whispers to her. “Rachel, lower your voice. This is a party. Unless you want everyone to be included in this conversation, you should calm down. All I asked was for you to be nice during this party.”
Rachel fumes as James talks. She puts her free hand on her hip, and sips her drink.
James continues with this scolding, keeping his voice at a low volume. “Remember on the drive here? I asked you if you wanted to change your mind and not come. Remember what I said as we got out of the car when we got here? And remember what your answer was? You said you were okay. To me, this doesn’t seem like you are okay.”
Rachel takes another sip of her drink before speaking. She holds her drink up so she can use her index finger to wave back and forth while she talks. “I am fine. I don’t see why you are so upset. Maybe it’s you who is not okay. Where did you get your information that it’s me who is at fault?”
“What do you mean? Look around you. Isn’t it obvious to you? Look at Jenni. Look at Rick. These are your friends. Look at how they are avoiding you. You don’t see ths? You don’t see the other guests pointing at you and talking?”
Rachel starts to get louder, and is using her arms to gesture more and more. “It is not my fault. The humidity must be bothering everyone as much as it is me. I don’t understand why you always look to me as the cause, when it’s obvious the party isn’t going well. Why don’t you take my side just once?”
“Lower your voice. It’s rude to be yelling like this. We’re making a scene. I had hoped to stop this before it developed into one. And, if you want, we’ll go home. But, you won’t like it, when we get there. Trust me on that. So, I think you should just calm down.”
“Okay, I’ll be quiet. I’ll just sit and be quiet.”
“You don’t have to be quiet, but I do want you to be nice. If you can’t be nice, I might have to make this scene into something you won’t like.” Pulling handcuffs out of his pocket, James adds, “I might put on a show here, at the party.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll be nice.”
“Fine. Just don’t say anything hateful.”
“I won’t. I won’t. Gee!”
“You know I could cuff your hands and strip you naked, right here in front of your friends. I bet they would even cheer me on. I don’t think you are very well liked, right now.”
“No, I’ll behave.”
“See that you do.”
Thinking his talk with Rachel has been successful, he Goes to get a drink at the bar. Rachel tries to change her attitude and behaves well for the next couple of hours. She looks like she’s having fun. He asks her, to be sure.
“So, are you having fun? You seem better than before. I hope you aren’t getting drunk, though.”
“You were right. I shouldn’t have been rude. I was taking it out on the others here.” Smiling, she adds, “No, I’m not getting drunk. I haven’t had too many.”
“Well, just don’t get drunk. Tipsy is fine. I like you when you get tipsy.
“I’m sorry I was mean earlier.”
“Well, you know I was really planning to teach you a lesson, if you didn’t straightenup.”
“What were you planning?”
“Maybe you don’t want to know.”
“Please, I think I do.”
“It involved a paddle, your naked bottom, and my lap for starters.”
“You were going to paddle me as a punishment?”
“Yes. You were very close to getting one. Very close!”
All at once, Rachel got very quiet.
“You were going to paddle me as a punishment?”
“Yes. You were very close to getting one. Very close!”
All at once, Rachel got very quiet.
“You were going to paddle me as a punishment?”
“Yes. You were very close to getting one. Very close!”
All at once, Rachel got very quiet.
“You little bottom was going to be bright red and sore.”
“Well, actually, I agree with you. I deserve to be punished.”
“You want me to punish you?”
“I guess it’s only fair. I was wrong and I was rude. Come with me, please.”
Rachel has that look on her face, that James has seen before. He likes when he sees that look. “What do you have in mind?”
“I want to talk to Rick and Jenni.”
“About what?”
Rachel smiles and take James’ hand in hers. “Just come on.”
With James in tow, she walks up to Rick and Jenni. “Jenni, I would like to say something. First, I apologize to you for making such nasty comments andnearly ruining your party. I was upset before I got here and I took it out on you and your guests. I was mad at the world, and that is my problem, not yours.”
“Well, thank you, honey. I was wondering what the problem was. We have been friends for years, and have always been able to talk. But, this time, you weren’t letting me in, and it bothered me.”
Rachel leans into Jenni’s ear and whispers something to her. Jenni nods her head, with a smile. Then, Rachel turns to James, and take his hands in hers. “Honey, I’m sorry I cursed at you. It was inexcusable, and I’m very sorry. I deserve to be punished for how I have acted.”
Rachel turns to Rick. “May we use your guest house so James can punish me?”
Rick nods his head, with a knowing grin. “Sure.”
Rachel takes James’ hand, and begins to go towards the door, but he stops her before she can get very far. “First before we leave I want you to do something for me. Right here, where we stand.”
Rachel, noticinga distinct change in James’ expression, becomes nervous. “Yes, Sir?”
“Do we agree that it was your mouth that has been your problem, today? Don’t you feel if you could have kept a civil tongue, we wouldn’t be talking about this, right now?”
Rachel, now in a more submissive posture than before, “Yes, Sir.”
“Okay. We agree it was your mouth that caused this, and you were nasty to many of your friends. I think it is only fair that you deserve to be embarrassed in front of them. I think they deserve to get a little out of this, too. As part of your punishment, I want you to take off your panties and stuff them in your mouth.”
Rachel’s face turns a deep red, and she starts to stammer. “Oh but, please. I’m sorry, Sir. But please don’t make me do that. Please?”
Either you do it, or I cuff your hands behind your back and do it myself. But, I will rip them off.”
Yes, Sir.”
Blushing even more now, Rachel puts her hands under her skirt and eases down herpanties. Everyone notices they are pink. Holding them in her hands, she looks to James to change his mind. “Please don’t make me.”
“In your mouth! Now, young lady!”
Rachel obeys, stuffing her panties into her mouth. A very regretful expression forms on her face.
With a commanding tone in his voice, James takes charge. “Okay, we go to the guesthouse! We will see how you perform over there, young lady.” A quick little swat on her bottom to move her along, and they are on their way. Because they must go out the back door to get to the guesthouse, they have to pass through the living room.
On the way out, Rick quickly pulls James aside to whisper into his ear. James smiles and says “That’s perfect. Thanks.” With a chuckle under his breath, he continues to follow Rachel.
This walk is very embarrassing for Rachel, but it is part of James’ plan. She has been nasty to many of the guests, and this is his way to make Rachel pay them back. She sees the smiles and hears the whispers of her friends as she hurries through the room. They then go out the door and through the back yard to the guesthouse.
In through the door, and they are in the guesthouse living room.
“You can remove the panties, now. I may have other plans for that pretty mouth,” smiles James. “But, don’t put them back on. There’s no need. Give them to me.”
Rachel slowly and quietly removes the panties from her mouth. She says “Yes Sir” as she hands them to James. Keeping with her submissive mindset, she lowers her head, waiting for a command from her Master.
James shoves the damp panties into one pocket, and pulls the handscuffs out of another. “Stick your hands out in front of you,” he bellows. Rachel quickly complies and sticks her hands out. “Are you really mad at me, Sir?”
James locks the handscuffs around her slender wrists and double locks them. Taking her arm, he walks her over to a chair, in which he sits and pulls her over his lap. “Yes and no. Ienjoy spanking your behind, and any little thing you do is enough for me to want to do that. If you even look at me strange, I will want to punish you. Your bottom looks very pretty, this evening.” He pulls the end table drawer open and sees a ping pong paddle. “Perfect.” With this he adds, “And, very spankable, too.”
Rachel’s eyes widen, when she sees the paddle. She tries to conceal her smile. “But, I’ve tried to be good James.”
James picks up the paddle, and rubs it over her upturned bottom. He picks up the edge of her skirt and draws it up over her waist. “Now, you will find out if I am really mad at you or not.”
Rachel wants to cover her now naked bottom, but her hands are cuffed, and James is holding her tightly in position. “Oh please don’t spank me hard! I’m very sorry.”
“There’s no spanking that should be soft. All spankings are meant to make a point.”
Rachel is very skilled at wiggling and whining, but this time it doesn’t work. James grabshold of her waist and begins paddling her bottom. “Your mouth has gotten your behind in trouble again, young lady. I just don’t know when you are going to learn. You were rude. You were very rude. It’s high time you start to realize that.”
Rachel kicks her feet and yelps with each well placed swat. “It hurts, Sir! Ouch!”
James keeps paddling her naughty bottom, making sure he moves around and the red is distributed all over. “Don’t think you are going to get up from here, before I am finished with you. This behind is going to be nice and red. Just the way I like it.”
“Yes, Sir! Owe! I’m sorry. Please, stop. I’m very sorry!” Rachel’s eyes fill with tears as she chokes out anything she can to get the paddling to stop. “Oh! Ouch! I’ll behave myself. Please. Damn! Owe!”
“You need to learn that everybody isn’t your service. And you will not treat them as such. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir. I understand. I understand. Owe! I will learn, Sir.”
“Oh, I kNow you will learn. I will see to that. You will learn or your behind will always be an angry red. Your bottom is going to light up the evening, when I am finished with it,” James laughs. “You will be able to lead the way for Santa’s sleigh, this Christmas!”
Rachel wants to cover her bottom, but the handscuffs won’t let her. It just gets hotter and redder. “My bottom burns, terribly. Please, I’ve had enough. I have learned my lesson. Please, Sir. Ouch!”
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