Party Favours

Steve looked helpedlessly up across the garage interior with all its apparatus. He gazed up at the window. Being anchored to the wall with no means of retreat or escape Steve shuddered at the thought of his workmates standing at that viewing window, staring down at him as Marie smiled that prim little smile of hers.

“Oooh Baby has got a hard one hasn’t he?” Marie smiled at Steve as she drew the whip handle back and then flicked it. The tip of the whip flailed his rigid cock.

Carlene was still strapped helpless to the massage table in the middle of the room. Derek worked slowly and carefully watching the expression on her face as he slip one dildo into her cunt only to remove it and try another larger one. Carlene enjoyed the feeling of her cunt stretching. She was amazed at how Derek could fit such large dildos into her body.

Marie snarled. “You like seeing how big her cunt can get?” She pulled the whip back and flicked it harder at Steve. This time a red line cut across Steve’s cock.

Steve snapped. “Fuck! Marie!”

Derek worked a ten-inch vibrator into Carlene’s gaping cunt, easing it slowly in and then back out again. Carlene felt the stretching as Derek slowly pushed the vibrator back into her body. The vibrator was easily four inches in diameter.

The whip again landed singing its red nettle across Steve’s cock. “I don’t remember asking for you opinion. You’ve had your fun tonight. Now it’s mine.”

Derek flicked the switch on the vibrator. Carlene shook in her restraints. Pussy juice flowed out of her wide-open cunt and onto the massage table. Steve watched Carlene as his own cock stung with its red lash marks. Marie walked over and dipped her fingers into the pussy juice and returned to Steve.

“Here! Lick my fingers Boy.” Marie’s almost simpleton looks had changed. She was still changing right before her husband’s eyes. Steve had never seen this firey tigress within his own wife. He lapped at her fingers with his tongue. “Good Boy!” Marie soothed. “You can be a good boy can’t you?”

Derek leant forward sucking on Carlene’s stretched and tortured clip. Carlene’s pussy gushed with juices.

Marie stepped back surveying her helpless husband. She took the stock whip and turned it so that the end of the stock whip was rubbing on her clip. She worked her clip as Steve watched.

Stunned that This might sexual Mistress was his homely little wife, Steve’s mind was on that whip handle and how much he’d like to replace it with his cock. “Touch your titties, baby, touch ‘em” He urged her softly.

Marie flicked the whip once again and this time a red slash fell across his chest from nipple to nipple. “Ahhh!” He tried not to speak.

”I will touch what I want when I want and you Boy will do my bidding. You have already proven yourself a worthless little boy-slut tonight.”

The snarl bit into Steve’s body like the lashes from the whip. She was right. He had proven he was a boy-slut. He had fucked Carlene at the first chance. “Thank god.” He thought. “She doesn’t know about the others.”

Derek fastened a strap around Carlene’s waist and another up between her legs to hold the dildo in place. “Don’t want my little sweet pushing that out. Do we?” He then stepped around to Carlene’s side. Her face still encased in leather, Derek could see Carlene’s eyes. Here eyes sparkled with delight.

The thought crossed Steve’s mind at the same moment that Marie retrieved a folded piece of paper from under her legs. “Hunny.” She read. “I want to be with you too. But you know that Marie could not cope without me. I have explained that to you several times now. I have also explained how much I love our sweet interludes and how each one of them helps me to maintain my sanity. Love and Kisses. Steve.”

Derek turned to watch Steve’s face, delighting in the rapid changes as Marie read his private love e-letter.

Steve’s face paled as Marie read those all too familiar words. “Since when did Marie know how to use a computer?” He mused.

“I believe that one was to Angie, the new secretary at your work! Dated February fourteenth I believe. Valentine’s Day!” Marie smiled as she watched Steve squirm from his disappoint.

Angie stood at the window staring down on the scene as her own private email was being read aloud. She grew angry. “How could Steve be so stupid as to let his wife have access to his emails.” She thought.

Marie looked up to the window. “Angie Michaelson. Come on down!”

Steve watched as Angie disappeared from the window and reappeared at the same door that Marie had entered through.

Derek began sucking and biting at Carlene’s nipples. He sucked the hot flesh into his mouth and let it slide out again from between his teeth. His eyes were on the scene nearby. He watched intently

Angie strode across the room to Marie.

“Marie. I am so sorry.” Angie pleaded.

“Sorry be fucked!” Marie snappedback. “You loved every second of that dicking he gave you. How can you be fucking sorry now?”

Angie hung her head.

Marie watched in delight at Angie’s disappoint. “Any idea why little slut boy couldn’t escape for even one hour on Valentine’s Day?”

Angie shook her head.

”Because” Continued Marie. “He was with me. Do you know what we were doing on This last Valentine’s Day?”

Angie shook her head. Here body was shaking from the unknown.

“Little slut-boy here and I were in a church. Care to guess what we were doing?”

Angie’s eyes well with tears. She shook her head again.

“Tell her!” Marie prodded Steve with the whip. “Tell your little hunty what you were doing on Valentines Day last!”

Steve hesitated.

The whip cracked across his face a red mark turning blue with the vehemence of the whip. “Tell her!”

Steve hung his head.

Marie lifted his head with the handle of the whip. “No little slut-boy when talking to a lady you need to look up to her! Now tell the lady what you were doing you worthless piece of whorish shit.”

“I was renewing my wedding vows to Marie.”

Angie’s face showed anger it dawned on her. Steve had never intended on leaving his wife. He had played her like the fool she was.

Derek let his eyes wander up to the viewing window. He watched the gathering of voyeurs as there eyes glazed over and there hands rubbed, touched, teased their own cocks and clips. He smiled.

Marie pushed the whip into Angie’s hand. “Here. Show the little slut-boy how you feel about him now.”

Angie played with the whip. Watching the tip of the whip flail back and forth as she swung it. Emotion well inside her. She lifted her arm and brought the handle of the whip down across Steve’s face. “You fucking little boy-whore!”

Marie grabbed Steve by the cock while his head was still reeling from the blow. His cock was still hard. His balls full with cum. She yanked his ball bag down.

“Fuck!” The word escaped Steve’s mouth before he thought of the consequences.

Marie turned to Angie. “Your dismissed!”

Angie obeyed and left the garage through the door she had entered, her shoulders shaking from the scene she had just taken part in. Her pussy wet from the sexiness of being in control and being at Marie’s mercy at the same time.

Marie glanced up at the window again. “Email number two.” She began. “My Dearest Kate.” Marie glanced at the window above again.

Kate raced from the window, downstairs, through the door and out into the garage. She was wild with anger.

Derek stopped biting at Carlene’s nipples and stood up as Kate burst into the room.

Steve watched helped.

Kate grabbed at the email and shoved Marie to the ground. “Give me that Here. You fucking she devil” Marie grabbed Kate by her long auburn hair with one hand and sunk her nails in to her pretty white flesh with the other. The email fluttered to the floor. Kate kicked and hit out at Marie.

The voyeurs at the window became frantic, rubbing, stroking, and squeezing their clients and cocks as the catfight continued.

Long gashes from fingernails bleed freely on Kate’s face.

Bruises spread over Marie’s legs and arms as Kate struck out at her.

Marie grabbed at Kate’s dress and tore it from her body. She wrapped her legs around Kate and rolled atop her, pinning her to the garage floor. Marie spat in Kate’s face and demanded. “You pack your fucking things and get out of town!” Marie punched Kate in the face. “If you contact my husband ever again I am the one who will be fucking you and you wont like the experience.”

Kate stared up at the hard cruel face of Marie’s.

Steve was overwhelmed with his desire to fuck both women as they fight and rolled around on the garage floor. His cock strained against its own flesh, veins stood clearly along the length of his shaft and his balls ached for relief.

Derek took two strides across to the women cat-fighting. He picked up what remained of Kate’s dress and grabbed Kate by the arm and led her to the door. “You get to miss out on the fun!” He said as he shoved the dishheveled woman out into the cold night air.

Marie got to her feet with anger slashed across her face. She took the whip and began flailing at Steve’s body. Angry slashes cruss-crossed his body. “See what your fucking little whose slut is like. See what she does to me. You mongrel dog slut-boy.”

“Enough!” Derek’s voice rolled through the garage like thunder. He didn’t mind a scene and Marie’s suggestion of a revenge scene had been a great idea. But, he didn’t want any trouble from the law.

Derek returned to Carlene. He undid the restraint holding the vibrator into her body and slowly drew it from her body. Carlene arched her back. “Well my pretty one. I am going to remove the mask now. Close your eyes and then open them slowly in a minute. You don’t want the lights hurting them.

Carlene closed her eyes and smiled. Derek really did love her. of that she was certain.

Marie stopped. She stood shaking. Staring at her husband’s body now with blood oozing from the whip’s lashes. She stepped towards him and ran her finger through a long line of red. She lifted the finger to her mouth and tasted his blood. “It tastes like Steve.” She mused.

Derek slide the mask of Carlene’s face and began kissing and licking at the streams of sweat on her face.

Steve enjoyed watching the changes come over his wife’s face as she touched his body gently now and smiled at him.

Derek loosened the restraints on Carlene as he watched the husband and wife try to understand what had happened and how their life had changed from this night onwards.

Carlene stretched her body out.

Marie whispered to Steve. “I love you.”

Steve whispered back. “I know. I love you too.”

Derek approached Marie and took the whip from her hand. “You have hadenough. He has had too much. I told you what happens if things go wrong. I told you. Didn’t I?” Derek looked down at Marie.

”Y.yyes. You told me.” She murmured.

”What?” Asked Steve.

”Shut the fuck up slut-boy.” Derek snarled.

Derek led Marie to the mass table. Marie lay on the table obediently. “You are going to learn to control yourself Marie. Control. It is all about Control.” Derek fastened the restraints on Marie’s arms and legs, as she lay spread-eagled on the table.

Carlene now sat on a neary sofa. Her legs jelly like from the many orgasms. She watched intently as Derek began teasing Marie’s body.

Steve watched in amazement as his wife submitted herself to the ministries of this man. Derek Surely had a way with women. He had a way with everyone. Steve’s cock hardened.


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