
She started suddenly and looked around the room. He was no longer circular among the other guests. She could no longer feel his presence and began to panic, as it occurred to her that she really had no idea how long she had been chattering to the young man. She became agitated, it was possible that she had misbehaved or responded inappropriately to her young admirer’s attentions. He had been absurdly handsome, his sparkling young eyes feasting on the swell of her mature breasts; it had been great fun! Tension rose in her body as her eyes urgently scanned the crowd, her breath quickly and a line of perspiration crept along her upper lip. A dull ache formed in her throat as she realized that she wanted to cry.

The victory sounded before the ring. With great trepidation, she slowly lifted the phone, noting the caller identity “MASTER” as the fearsome object passed by her eyes moving towards her ear.

“Hello.” She spoke weakly, suddenly out of breath.

“Whe are your manners?” His voice boomed into her head.

“Master I lost you. Where have you been?”

“Come to me now!”

“Of course Master — where are you? I don’t know where you are.”

“Room 735 come with haste please. You should not displease me further.”

He spoke in rich smooth rounded tones, almost genial, but she detected an undertone that made her pulse race. She turned and fled from the room, back towards reception, greatly relieved that the doors opened just as she arrived at the lift. Punching button 7, she turned to check her appearance in the mirrored wall. The new dress showed her curves fantasstically; of heavy burgundy material, it clung to her full waist and rounded hips. The beautiful black silk bra and plunging neckline combined to produce a deep cleavage, one that her earlier young friend had so enjoyed. She ran fingers through her long almost black hair. He loved it loose, he would wind it round his wrist, enjoying its soft texture and scar deep, inhaling its fragment, as he entered her roughly from behind.

The doors opened onto a gloomy landing, she inhaled deeply feeling giddy and lightheaded. Wetting her lips, she followed the sign until she stood outside room 735. Panting slightly, she was ablaze, her body tingled with fear and excitement and as she reached out to knock the door, her thoughts moved forward, long after the delicious pain, to when his rough hands parted her thighs and he claimed her chatised flesh as his prize. She knocked the door and the sound resounded down the quiet corridor.

“Come.” She heard the distant reply

Opening the door slowly, she took a few false step into the darkened room, she could just make out his outline at the far end of the room.

“Secure the door.” He urged sternly.

Feeling very foolish, she turned and locked the door.

“I am sorry Master.”

“Do not speak.” He said very quietly

“Kneel down, prostrate yourself, nose to the floor and I shAll explain your prediction, the injury and insult you have caused, the anger I feel, and then, of course, the punishment.”

She fell to the floor, pushing herself into the thick carpet, feet tucked firmly under her body. The sharp heels dug deep into her flesh. She was relaxed now, no longer fearful. The longing had started in her stomach and travelled down her thighs. Her breasts ached for his attention, nipples extended, ripe and teach. She opened her legs slightly moving the wet mound of her gusset over the heel of her shoe, parting the lips and pressing her need on the soft leather.

“In life one needs compliance and I thought that I had found that in you. We came to this function together, you, radiant and I proudly at your side. I looked forward to a delightful evening, sharing conversation together and with others.”

“Yes Master, that is…”

“I told you not to speak.” He spoke slowly, in a deliberate manner.

“Replace you expect me to wait,and watch from afar as you pout and preen from the attentions of a man; who is merely a child. You humiliated me in front of the whole group, having me stand and wait while you carried on your flirtation with this youth.”

“I am very sorry Master, it will not…”

“Correct. You will see to it that it does not happen again. Further, on two occasions in the past minute you I have told you Were it not for the fact that I am looking forward to hearing the sound of you weep, I would gag you tight and still your noise.”

Slowly he reached down and slipped his hand under her hair, gripping it; he wound its length around his hand and sharply lifted.

“Stand.” He hissed pulling hard on the mane of hair.

She shrieked, and staggered quickly to her feet, watching as he moved behind her inhaling her sweet scent from the base of her neck and throat. Still holding her hair he manipulated her face closer to his, and looked deep into her eyes.

“I am now going to deal with you. You will remember this and avoid being like a cheap whore in my presence again. Quickly, remove the dress before I tear it from your body.”

Her hands urgently reached behind and the dress slipped down revealing her curvaceous body clad in a black silk plunging bra, matching panties, stockings and suspenders. His fierce gaze did not stray from her eyes as he moved slowly forward, his face closing on hers


“You were keen to show your breasts earlier, why so coy? Show them immediately please or you will suffer for your reticence!”

She literally tore the garment away, looking expected into his face for approval.

“On your knees.” He whispered dangerously.

“Arms together over your head”

She was panting hard as she sank to the floor, nipples hard as pebbles, standing proudly out of her firm breasts. Once again, her thighs came together; perched on the heel of her shoes she gently rocked her cliporis over the soft leavesr.

“Punish me Master, make me regret my insult.”

“All in good time, dare not speak to me again or I will clamp your delightful face.”

He reached down and lifted the silk bra, ran it slowly under his nose and inhaled deeply.

“Your fraud is strong today, ripe and sweet. This will change as I warm your flesh and you sweat under my firm control.”

He expertly bound her wrists, tightly, palms together, with the strong elasticised silk.

“Come woman, follow me, arse up, nose along the floor. Quickly now or I’ll thrash you into action like a lazy steed.”

She followed him, crawling awkwardly on hands and knees, pressing her face into the thick pile of the carpet. He stopped to pick up his thick briefcase and walked into the bathroom, waiting inside as she shuffled in, crawling on the hard marble floor.

“Up you go stand on the case.”

There was a towel rail high on the wall over the bidet. Using the bidet as a stool, he lifted her bound hands to the metal rail.

“Reach woman.” He commanded taking a pair of metal cuffs out of his pocket. She stretched her limbs to his instructions feeling the tug of sharp metal as he clicked them shut.

He stepped down to admit his handiwork. She was almost at full stretch, slightly on her toes, arms fully extended. She looked magnificent; her lovely soft face flushed with exertion, breasts heaving with fully extended nipples and long legs encased in his favourite silk, trembled slightly with the effort. His eyes, as always were drawn to the joint of her thighs, he could see how wet she was, her panties glistened slightly in the strong light. Lips parted and tongue snaking over them he considered parting her thighs and sucking her juice through the silk that constantly enflamed him.

Resisting the urge, he turned, pulled the light chord and plugged the room into total darkness, smiling as she started in alarm. Reaching out, his fingers slipped into her hair, gently gagering it he slowly drew her face towards his own. His lips found hers and closed on her sweet mouth, tongue probing deeply, he invaded her, nibbling and chewing on her warm lips. Moving away slightly he felt her strain against the cuffs, groaning, as she tried to stay within the kiss.

“Master.” She implemented.

His face moved down her throat and chest circling over her right breast, engulfing the stalk of her nipple and lashed it with his tongue. His hand closed over her other breast, kneeing and gently revealing in its soft weight. He flicked the pink bud with his thumb, while circling its neighbor with his tongue, allowing his other hand to drift down her body, over the soft curve of her stomach, stroking the rich softness of her thighs. She pursued, straining to open her legs, breathing heavily, delighting in his touch.

“Master, oh Master. Open me.”

His hand moved slowly up the inside of her tight to the stocking top, enjoying her plumant flesh

“Never again behave like a whore in my presence.” He simply stated, and pinched the soft flesh, squeezing the right nipple and closing his teeth over the left with the threat of a bite. She arched and bucked at the unexpected pain, unable to cover up and protect her vulnerable body. He released her, feeling her relax in the dark room his hand roamed up between her damp, clammy thighs, fingers nudging the damp mound, gently parting her lips. His fingers paused.


“Quickly Sir, finger me hard.” She urged, pushing into his fingers.

“Later darling.” he turned, kicked away the briefcase and closed the door, ignoring her desperate pleasures in the background.

After some consideration, he concluded that about 45 minutes would be an appropriate time to leave her hanging alone in the warm dark bathroom.

Pouring a large brandy, he passed the time preparing first the large oak desk; attaching leather straps to the legs to accommodate her wrists and ankles, and then the bed; looping four large silk scarves at regular intervals along the curved metal headboard. Finally, he placed a large white pillow in the centre of the desk for her to rest her head. He loosened the drawstring on his bag of implements and smiled as he carefully made his choice.

Silently, he crossed the room and opened the bathroom door with a flourish, crashing the door against the bath, making her jump and shriek in alarm at the unexpected noise. As the light came on her body recoiled from its powerful glare, slowly adapting to the strong light. He had gauged the time perfectly; she was clearly in some distress. He could see from her strained expression that the effort required to stand on tiptoe for such a long time had taken its toll, she looked wear and there were beads of sweat all over her curvaceous flesh. As he moved towards her, his nostrils flared taking in the heady combination of perfume and perspiration. He marvelled at her strength, her ability to cope with such treatment and retain dignity and beauty. She looked fantastic. Her taught body glowed in the light, her toes scrambled and pushed against the hard floor trying to get grip and push her body upwards, to reduce the pain in her wrists. His face came level with hers

“Do you think that you deserve to be released?”

“Yes Master, you must let me down I cannot…”

“What is it in the question that you do not understand? Do you deserve to be released?” His words were delivered slowly and full of venom.

“No Master I have behaved very badly and shamed you”

“And. what?”

“And it won’t happen ever again. Please let me down or I think I will fail!”

He stepped on the bidet and released her aching wrists from the harsh metal restraints.

“Thank you Master, you are kind and wonderful.”

Her beautiful face lit up with joy and relief and his eyes roamed over her delicious curves. He considered taking her immediately, bending her over the bath and fucking her hard, holding her down by the hair and taking his pleasure of her. Instead, he reached over to the basin, filled a glass with cool water and gave it to her to drink; watching as she greedily drained the glass.

“Ok down please, right down and follow me”

He started to lead her back into the bedroom.

“Master would you..”

She knelt expectedly, looking up at his face; arms outstretched waiting for him to notie them. He noticed that she was panting and flushed, she delighted in being at his mercy. She had achieved orgasm many times while being spanked over his knee.

She had felt very weak while in the bathroom. The sudden removal of the briefcase had jolted her body onto the floor, and stretching the extra two inches meant that she was constantly on her toes. It made her progressively light-headed, having to maintain balance, at the limit of her height. Initially, as always, she had experienced near climax, being out of control and with increasing discomfort always made her tights tingle and cliporis swell. She was aware that her breasts were engaged, the memory of his earlier play with them still vivid in her mind, and she found that with a twist she could brush them lightly across the chilled tiles on the wall. With tights tightly crossed, she could work her pussy and the combined sensings of stimulation and restraint were working their normal magic.

The high temperature in the room, however, and the sheer strain of standing on tiptoe for such a long time means that she became exhausted very rapidly. Inevitably, as she tired, more and more of her weight fall on her wrists, and the steel cuffs bit into the flesh. The muscles in her calves and thighs burned with the effort of supporting her weight and she began to perspire profusely. A gradually light-headedness crept over her, and her earlier effort to gain pleasure from the Predicament was replaced by increasing pain. By the time the door crashed open, she was in a semi consciousness state, half-asleep, but with a burning sensing in her breasts and throbbing cunt. As she crawled out of the bathroom and rubbed her nipples on the soft harshness of the carpet, she smiled as she realized that she would probably cum before he had laid a finger on her bottom.

Feeling mischievous, she slowed her pace across the floor, concentrating on her inner thighs, clenching her buttocks and preparing herself. His stern black shoes silently appeared at her bowed head.

“Lady, do you provoke me?”

“No Master, I never would do such a thing.” She exclaimed, fresh tingling with anticipation.

She caught the sound of the switch million seconds before the pain exploded on the backs of her thighs. Her body raged as the heat and pain spread over her buttocks and legs. With face pressed into the carpet her legs extended and parted slightly, she forced her legs straight offering her curved bottom and soaking slit

“More Sir, you know I deserve it.”

He looked down upon her and caught his breath, the view of her creamy smooth buttocks and neat round pubis was superb. He could smell the sharp aroma of her arousal visually evidenced by the way her panties clung to the outer lips of her vagina. There was a clear red welt across both thighs where his calm strike had stirred her impudent meandering. He resolved to punish her into total submission and then make love to the gorgeous creativity, slamming his engaged prick into her, Making her cry out with the intensity of his need.

“Stand woman.” He grew his rampant prick jumped as she sprang to her feet, watching him intently.

“You may kiss me and present your breasts for my pleasure.”

Her face burst into a smile as she moved towards him.

“Fantastic, take you pleasure from them.” She purred

His hand cupped behind her head, pulling her into a deep kiss. Mouth open wide, his tongue roamed over hers, drawing her deep as the power of his need became apparent. His palms sought her breasts,cupping the flesh and pinching the hard nipples.

“Over the desk with you I will have you in good time you delightful little slut.”

She bent, face down, over the imposing oak desk placing her head on the pillow, enjoying the disappoint of its hard surface and the rich smell of poison. Aggressively he pressed her legs apart, binding her ankles tightly to the base of the desk. He pressed her upper back firmly pushing her down onto the desk and stretched her arms out over its width, binding them tightly. Then came the point of real pleasure for him, preparing her and making her wait, building tension for his initial strike. It was very important that she was unprepared, distracted, if he timed this properly, she could be at the point of orgasm after only one or two blows, and he could keep her at that point throughout the session.

He reached over with both hands and spread her luxurious hair down her back, slowly gathering and cooling it into his hand. He pulled sharply,bringing her head back, noting the subtle curve of her spine. He leaned over

“You were attracted to that boy. You enjoyed his flattery.”

“No master. He spoke to me it would have been impolite.”

“I think you are lying.” He hissed

“I watched you flirting with him.”

“Sorry Sir. I didn’t realize, I never mean”

“Do you take me for a fool? I was watching you, your smiling face, your body language and the salacious use of your breasts. You were rampant, enjoying yourself, offering your body like a harlot, and I believe that you were contemplating taking matters further with him.”

“No Master. I never would have done such a thing.”

“Silence, I have heard enough. I witnessed you behaving like a whore. It was revolting, insulting and most disappointing.”

He slide his hands down the length of her back revelling in the smooth flesh, continuing over the hips and the flesh of her bottom. His hand grasped the flimsy knickers and tore them away, making her gasp (with a wonderful hiss!) as he felt the narrow strip of silk dig into her cunt, before being torn away. He continued to soothe her buttocks, long gentle strokes, thumbs entering the warm damp cream cream, parting the cheeses and bringing the entrance to her anus into his gaze. He played with it gently teasing it with the tip of his thumb, opening the entrance slightly. He allowed his hands to drift down her thighs; he loved the Feel of the stockings on his hands. She arched and groaned deeply as he knelt and, with a broad flat tongue, parted the lips of her cunt and explored its delicate layers.

Anxious that she should not achieve orgasm, he avoided direct contact with her cliporis, and enjoyed the taste and feel of her inner and outer lips. Playing with her, when she began to thrust powerfully back, he gradually moved away. He stood, removing his clothes, and watched the desperate grinding movement of her hips slowly subside. Naked, he picked up a tube of lubricant and smEared a large cold blob over the flower of her anus. Smearing a touch over his index and middle finger, he roughly inserted them into her pussy, thrusting deep into her. She received them with noisy relish as his fingers plugged and protected.

Abruptly, he stopped and removed his fingers. She screamed and lurched across the desk, as, using the switch, he struck her four times, accurately, and with force. He targeted each buttock and the very top of each tigh with a sharp stinging swipe. Taking a soft paddle, he began a fierce rhythmic beating of her inner thighs and buttocks, slowly increasing the weight of each blow. She howled in pain and humiliation as he assailed her flesh, watching the movement of her body intently, waiting until the point of crescendo, and she began to retreat from the pain. He slowed, when her movements changed and she began to cower from him, pleading with him to desist.

In one swift movement, he entered her pushing his rampant penis deep into her saturated cunt. Motionless, he gently leaned forward.

“Fuck me Master, quickly, enjoy my cunt”

“You wanted him, didn’t you, and offered him your flesh?”

“Yes Master, I wanted him. Fuck me please, punish me more.”

“I forgive you my precious. You are a wanton whore but we can correct this in you. It is good that we both know what you are.”


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