Part 1: Setting The Stage

I pulled my coat on and checked my pursuit for my car keys. Things were just winding down at the office, and the girls were all getting ready to go for the night.

“Good night Laura,” I smiled at the girl in the cubicle next to mine.

“Good night Angel,” she waved back. I was just heading for the door when I heard a loud crash in the break room.

I rushed towards the noise and stopped Short in the doorway of the break room, where Laura and a couple of the other girls were already standing. We were all mesmerized, barely able to believe what we saw.

Shawna, the 20-year-old brunette who had just started at the office, was picking herself up off the floor. Her nylons were ripped, one knobby knee poking through. Her skirt was ripped all the way to her right hip, and her white silk shirt was only half tucked in, two missing buttons revealing a lacy white bra.

Standing above her, fire burning in her eyes, was Diane, the boss’s secretary. Always business-like and keeping the other girls in line, she was looking completely out of character as she grabbed Shawna’s arm and twisted it hard so that it was pressed against her back. Shawna whimpered and then let out a little yelp as Diane pressed her against the table.

“Care to say that again?” Diane pressed her mouth against Shawna’s cheese, her long red hair spilling over Shawn’s face as she hissed at her, pulling back on her arm again until she answered.

“No,” she whispered, struggling against the smaller woman’s grip.

Diane pressed hard against her, her tiny frame crushing against Shawna’s body, her hips pressed against the curve of Shawna’s ass. At barely more than 100 pounds, it was amazing to watch Diane dominate Shawna, who must have easily had 30 pounds on the tiny woman, not to mention that she was ten years younger and two or three inches taller than the petite older woman.

“I can’t hear you,” Diane yelled at her, and let go of her arm. As Shawna tried to scramble away,Diane grabbed her shirt and ripped it off, leaving the 5’4″ girl’s ample breasts barely covered by nothing but a lace bra. She pressed herself against the wall, half naked and on the verge of tears as she noticed the group gathered to watch.

Diane glanced over her shoulder to see what Shawna was looking at, and a sly smile crossed her face, her cheeks flush with excitement.

“Oh, you think they’re going to help you?” Diane laughed as she strode across the room to stand in front of Shawna, who put her hands up in front of her to fend off the advances.

“They’re not going to help you,” she said, grabbing Shawna’s thick brown hair in her fist and dragging her to her knees. Big brown eyes looked up at her, and she begged Diane to stop.

“Stop, please! I’m sorry! It won’t happen again, I promise.” Tears were running down Shawna’s face now, make up smearing everywhere.

Diane Shook her head and laughed again. “I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet. You thinkthat’s all you’re going to get? I don’t think so.”

With one hand still clutching Shawna’s hair, she reached down and pulled hard on her lace bra. I took in a sharp breath as I heard the material rip away and left Shawna before us on her knees, ample breasts and large dark nipples exposed.

I feel a little tingle of excitement beneath my skirt, and I found myself strangely turned on by the scene unfolding before me. I had certainly never seen anything like this.

Diane moved to pull Shawna down to where she was lying on the floor, and then let go of her hair so that she could sit on top of her. I had never noticed how shaped Diane’s thin legs were until I saw them there, holding down Shawna’s arms with her knees.

“Maybe I should just strip you to nothing and leave you here for them all to gawk at,” Diane said, leaning close to Shawna’s face. I imagined that I could feel her warm breath against my face as she spoke.

“No, please!” Shawna struggled againsther, and Diane’s body bounced up and down on top of her as she fought.

Diane reached down and grabbed a hold of one of Shawna’s breasts, squeezing hard, and Shawna let out a little cry and stopped. Diane didn’t let go, just held it tightly as she leaned in to Shawna’s face again. “Who’s in charge?” she asked.

Shawna looked back at her, whimpering but not struggling. Diane reached the other hand behind her and grabbed hard between Shawna’s legs.

“No, no, please!” Shawna cried. “You are! You are!”

Diane smiled and nodded, then stood up and straightened her skirt. We moved out of the way as she walked out, none of us breaking our star at Shawna, lying there on the floor half naked and totally humiliated. A large welt was already forming on her left breast.

I couldn’t turn away, I just stared at her lying there until she finally sat up and tried to cover herself. No one moved to help her. I turned and walked out the door, tingling all over with excitement asI made my way to my car.

As I pulled out of the parking lot I found myself not driving home, but steering the car toward Michael’s house. He was never going to believe this.

I drove past Michael’s apartment slowly, checking all the neary parking spots for his little girlfriend’s car. Allison’s red convertible was nowhere to be seen, so I drove back around and parked near the next building over.

I flipped down my vanity mirror and applied a fresh layer of dark pink lipstick over my full lips. I fluffed my short hair, noticing how silent it looked, newly dyed a dark chestnut brown that completed my deep blue eyes well. I smiled at myself in the mirror and then got out of my car, barely able to contain my excitement as I walked up to Michael’s door.

He opened the door with a smile and I couldn’t control myself when I saw him standing there. I leaned in and planted a hard, deep kiss on his lips, pushing them apart with my tongue and exploring his mouth ravenously.

When I pulled away and smiled at him, he looked more than a little shocked.

“Well, hello Angel!” he stammered.

“Can I come in?” I asked, batting my eyeshes a little. God, I wanted him.

“Oh! Of course,” he said, stepping out of the doorway. I pretended not to notice as he poked his head outside and looked both ways, no doubt checking to be sure there hadn’t been any witnessed to our kiss.

I walked inside and sat down on the couch, kicking off my heels and hiking up my skirt to reveal a little more leg.

Michael walked into the room and I patted the couch next to me so that he would come and sit down.

“You are never going to believe what I just saw,” I said. My body tingled as I told him about the fight between Diane and Shawna. I could feel myself getting wet as I related each of the naughty details. It was all I could do not to touch myself as I finished the story, telling him about how the whole thing had left me strangely turned on.

“Wow, that is sexy!” Michael said. “So, you’re thinking you might like to try a little domination of our own?”

I smiled and ran my hand along the inside of his leg. He pulled me over to sit on top of him and returned my deep kiss, holding me there tightly with one hand on the back of my head.

“What would you do if it had been you?” he asked me. He weaved his fingers through my hair and then jerked my head back by the hair as he moved to kiss me hard on the neck.

“Mmmmm, Michael!” I moaned as his other hand grabbed my full ass and pulled me hard against him.

I could feel him growing hard against me, my skirt riding up around my waist so that the bulge in his pants was rubbing against the exposed tender white skin of my upper thigh.

“What would you do?” he asked again.

“Who would I be fighting with?” I asked, but I knew exactly who it would be.

He read my thoughts as he uttered her name. “Allison,” he said.

“Yeah, I would really show her athing or two,” I said. “I’d love to devastate that cute little bitch.”

His other hand moved to find my ass and he lifted me as he stodd, whispering into my neck. “Let’s go into the bedroom,” he said.

He carried me through the doorway and throw me on top of the king size bed.

“I have just the thing,” he said, I wiggled out of my skirt as he went into the bathroom.

When he came back out with four black bungee cords, I felt a little surge of electricity through my body.

“Take your shirt off,” he said. I sat on my knees and slowly unbuttoned my bloom, then tossed it on the floor with my skirt.

“Lie down,” he commanded.

I giggled a little, but stopped short when I saw the serious look on his face. I scooted myself back on the bed and lay down with my head on one of his big, soft pillows.

“Would you start like this?” He asked, as he climbed onto the bed beside me and clutched my wrist tightly – maybe a little too tightly – as he tied itto the bed post with one of the bungees. He crawled over me and grabbed my other wrist, pulling it towards the other bed post.

“Ow! Michael, you’re hurting me!” I said.

He turned to grin at me, and as he held my eyes with his he squeezed my arm hard and pulled the bungee tight.

“Would you tie her up like this, and show her who’s boss?” he asked.

“I would use ropes, they hurt more,” I answered.

I laughed and then winced as he moved to straddle me, his face towards my feet, his body blocking my line of vision so that I couldn’t see as he hooked his fingers inside my silk bikini panties and slide them off my hips.

Excruciatingly slowly he slide them down my thighs, his fingers ever so gently brushing against my skin as he pulled them down my calves and off onto the floor. As I reached to touch him with my fingers he grabbed my knees and pulled them apart violently, leaving my smooth wet pussy open to the cool air.

“Leave her exposed and helpless, allowing you to do anything you wanted to her?”

My legs strained against the bungees as he tied my feet and then stood at the foot of the bed to survey his work.

I shivered a little, partly with anticipation and partly with the chill in the air as I lay there with nothing on but my silk bra.

“Tell me what you would do,” he demanded.

“I would show her what it’s like to be fucked,” I replied. “I’d lay her out on the bed and tie her up, good and tight so she could just barely move, and then I’d take my strap on and fuck her.”

As I spoke, Michael stood there and very slowly took off all of his clothes, leaving only a pair of gray boxer-briefs. The material pulled tight against his hard cock.

“Oh Michael!” I said, pulling at my restraints. “Fuck me, Michael!”

“Shut up. I didn’t say you could talk, bitch.”

I didn’t say a word as he walked over to the dresser and dug in the bottom drawer. I felt my nipples hardening and pulling against the material of my bra as he turned around, a large flesh-colored dildo in hand.

He crossed the room again and crawled up onto the bed, sitting on his knees between my legs. He put one hand on each of my hips and reached down to taste me, burying his face between my legs and his tongue between my lips.

“Oooooohhhhh!” I screamed, and he bit down hard on my clip.

“Oh my Goodooodddd Michael!” My arms pulled hard against the bungees as he buried his face in my pussy, moving his tongue and mouth back and forth quickly, his chin stimulating my clip as he fucked me with his tongue, his hands squeezing my hips and pulling me closer.

“Would you eat her pussy like this?” he asked.

I arched my back and cried out his name as he brought me close to orgasm.

“Oh yeeeessss Michael! I would! Oh, I’m going to cuuuuuummmmmmm!” I yelled, and he stopped.

“Oh no! Don’t stop-” I stared to plead, when he suddenly forced the dildo deep into my tight cunt.

“You like that bitch?Would you do that?” he asked, pulling it all the way out and then pushing it back in, deeper.

“I said do you like that!” he shouted, shoving it in deeper, painfully into the depths of my body.

“Ooooohhhh yeeeeessssss,” I moaned, desperately trying to brace myself against his advances.

“I’d fuck her with it hard, until she hurt so bad she would know who was in charge,” I said.

One of his hands found my clip, massaging me with three fingers as he fucked me hard with the dildo.

“Oooooohhhhhh Miiiiichael!” I screamed, throwing my head back. “Oh God, Oh God! Oh! Oh! Oooooohhhhh!” I screamed as I came hard against his hand. He shoved the dildo inside me a few more times and then left it deep inside me as he moved to until me quickly.

Just as I reached to rub one of my wrists with my other hand he grabbed my forearm and turned me over onto my stomach roughly. The force shoved the dildo inside me painfully, but as soon as I cried out he shoved my face hardinto the pillow.

As I struggled for breath he pulled out the dildo quickly and shoved my knees under me so that I was on all fours, my ass in the air.

“Would you make her your bitch?” he asked.

I felt him unhook my bra, and I finally managed to turn my face to the side and gasp for air as he pulled it off.

“I’d turn her into a dyke,” I said. “When I was finished with her, she’d never want anything else.”

He grabbed one of my small breasts in his hand and pulled my hair back with the other as he positioned himself behind me and plugged his hard cock inside me.

“Oh yes, yes!” I screamed, clutching the edge of the bed as he pushed deep inside me.

“Do you want it bitch?” he asked, squeezing my breast hard.

I nodded my head and he pulled back on my hair, leaning in so that his lips pressed against my ear as he spoke.

“Say it,” he commanded. “Say it, you slut!”

“Yes, Michael. Yeeeessss! I want it!” I screamed.

His hands moved to my hips, where he gripped hard and drive into me.

“Yeeeeessssss! Give it to me Michael, give it to me! Give it to me just like I would fuck her!” His balls slapped against my ass over and over as he pounded into me, my head dizzy with ecstasy.

“Oh take it, bitch. Take it, you cunt,” he said as he pounded against me harder and harder.

I could feel myself climbing to ecstasy as he fucked me, and I knew he was, too. As he got closer to cumming I stared to yell louder, begging him to fuck me harder.

“Oh yes, Michael! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yees! Yeesssssssssss!”

He exploded inside me and I felt his juices run down my ass and my leg as he collapsed on top of me. He pinned my arms to my sides and moved his body so that it covered mine completely, Our cheats pressed together.

“You have such an amazing body. You could really show her,” he whispered, and I wiggled against him until I could breathe comfortably.

Michael drifted off to sleep on top of me and a smile spread across my face. What a night, I thought, as I slide out from under him and pulled on my clothes.

Michael mumbled my name as I kissed him and rolled over. I covered him with a blanket and slipped out of the room, stopping in the living room to grab my shoes and my keys on my way out the door.

As I got into my car I grinned to myself. One of these days I was really going to have to show that little girlfriend of his. Allison was in for the lesson of her life.


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