Part 1: Reluctant Spy

Stephen’s eyes were closed, being blinded by a warm light. He tried to move in his seat, but found his was strapped in tight. Drowsily he tried to remember where he was, keeping his eyes closed. Then there was the announcement: “Ladies and Gentlemen, cabin crew will be collecting any items you no longer need to prepare for landing.” Oh yes, Stephen remembered, the red-eye. He opened his eyes to see the clouds stretching away from his porthole, the sun streaming through making him wince at how bright it was. He yawned and gratefully accepted the warm towel offered by the attractive air steward. Stephen did not like travelling. Or more accurately he didn’t like the waiting around before and after. The actual jet, boat, car or whatever was fine, but the process was the painfully boring.

The aeroplane took an age to taxi up to the stand, and people jumped off their seats eager to be gone from the metal tube while the air bridge was slowly connected. Stephen being a well seasoned traveller took his time and waited. He left the aeroplane, thanking the pilot and staff as he shuffled out and headed through the noisy terminal to passport. Now more waiting in line, shuffling forward and waiting again as each person is processed, questioned and their border cards are stamped: chunk chunk thank-you conducted by 25 people, every 5 minutes making a strange rhythm in the noisy terminal. Stephen yawned, bored he had seen this all before.

“Stephen Crane?” asked the border agent when it was his turn.

“Yes, that is me.” he responded.

“Why have you come here,” asked the border agent, scrutinising the passport and border card.

“For business”, he responded confidently. The same questions, the same routine.

“And what business is that?” asked the border guard swimming the passport through the electronic reader.

“Well, I sell electronic equipment. We have a variety of different offers for manufacturing and also some primary industries such as oil and gas,”

“I see sir,” said the border guard. Chunk-chunk as he stamped the visa card handing it back to him directing Stephen over to the exit.

“Thank-you,” said Stephen taking it, and then walked to the exit to hand it to the waiting guard so he could be let into the country. Stephen walked the short distance, wearily handing over the card to a heavily armed policeman.

“This way sir,” said the policeman, pulling Stephen out of the flow of passengers. “If you would like to follow me,”

Stephen shook his head wear. He wanted to get to the hotel the freshen-up, before getting to the office. “OK,” he responded dully.

The noise seemed to reach a crescendo and he could hear a woman at the border screaming something about wanting to be let in. The policeman led Stephen away from his fellow passengers up a Short flight of stairs and opened the door of an office.

“Please wait here, someone will be with you shortly” said the policemen, shutting the door and with a resounding click locked it.

Silence. The room was quiet, and the outside hubbub was barely perceptible. “Whatever,” muttered Stephen as he sat down on the basic chair, back to the door, facing a desk. Must be some processing mistake or something. He examined the room and saw that the room was basic. There was a desk, two chair and a cheap looking sofa to one side. There was nothing on the desk. The walls were covered in fabric which accounted to the sound proofing.

Stephen waited yawning. I could do with a coffee, he thought.

He waited.

He looked at this watch.

Click, the door opened, Stephen looked behind him to see another border official enter carrying a small briefcase. Attractive, dark hair with dark eyes. Stephen smiled at her.

“Hi,” he offered, “Thought no-one was going to come,” he smiled, thinking that possibly he could charm his way out of the situation.

She did not smile. She closed and locked the door behind her and walkedpast him over the desk. She sat down placing the brief case on the desk.

“It is quiet in here…” continued Stephen trying to build some form of relationship, prior to some form of interrogation that he felt was going to happen, “The noise doesn’t get in from outside,” he smiled again.

“Or from inside out…” she said sweeping her hair back. “So, your name is Stephen Crane?”

“It has been all my life,” replied Stephen grinning a little. She shot him a withering look. OK so it was not going to be that kind of interview. She clicked open the briefcase, so she could look inside taking out a pad of paper, a pen and a ruler.

“My name is Juanita. Stephen, I want to get right down to business. I don’t work for the police, or for the border guard. I work for one of our intelligence agencies. We think that you would be an asset to help us understand what certain contacts you have are doing. You can pass information to us, and you would be of great benefit to this country. What do you say?” she paused for effect.

“I am useless at that kind of thing,” Stephen didn’t like the way this was heading. “I am no James Bond. I can’t remember anything…Sorry you have the wrong guy.”

“I see,” said Juanita, reaching into her case. She brought out three very large and thick wads of cash. “Sorry to be quite so blunt, but we need your assistance,” she smiled beautifully looking down at the cash “And there is plenty more if you assist us.”

Stephen looked at the cash and shook his head “I’m sorry, but I am not a spy. I have paid off my house, my dividend, my children have left home. I have done well…I really don’t need the cash. Sorry”

She looked a little disappointed, put the cash back into the suitcase and brought out a bag of white powder and looked at him questioningly.

“No,” said Stephen “Never have done, never will do drugs.” He shrugged. “If that is all…” he moved to get up.

“SIT BACK DOWN,” she commanded, eyes blazing. Stephen sat instinctively feeling something stir. Juanita appraised him closely. “I wonder,” she mused. She got up from the desk, picking something up from the briefcase, she moved around to Stephen and before he knew what had happened, he felt the cold steel of handcuffs being snapped around his left hand, they were police cuffs, so she easily used the rigid cross piece to bring his hands together and snap the other cuff on the right hand.

“What..?” said Stephen confused.

“My job is to find what button to press,” Juanita smiled. “Money or drugs work for most…” she looked down at his crotch and smiled broadly at him as she could see it swell through the clothes. She leant down to his ear and whispered, her warm breath ticking his ear: “But other people have other buttons.”

She sat down on the desk opposite Stephen looking down on him on the cage. “Feeling vulnerable?” she asked. “Legs apart,” she commanded, when Stephen didn’t obey “Legs apart, now!” her voice biting. Stephen pulled his legs apart and she placed her black booted right foot between his thighs, and then very gently pressed the tip. Stephen grossed despite himself.

“How interesting,” Juanita breathed. She slowly moved the foot back and forth pressing down on his swelling cock as she pressed, and then took away the pressure, pressed again slightly longer.

“So, you do have some buttons to press,” she “Is this what you have been doing after your dividend?” she teased.

“I am not really the person you need,” protested Stephen trying to concentrate.

“Oh?” asked Juanita. She leant forward her knee rising to his face, her breasts close to him. “Kiss it.”

Stephen hesitated. “I said kiss it!” Juanita barked. Stephen placed a chaste kiss on the top of her uniform. “No, that is not how it likes being kissed!” she pressed her foot harder into his crotch again. “Come on Stephen lets try again.”

Stephen lean forward and started to kiss the breast again “That it,” purred Juanita. She reached up to her breast and pushed the clothed breast into his mouth.

“Nice?” she enquired, feeling the clothes become more wet under his kissing.

“Yes,” Stephen admitted between kisses. Juanita slowly unbuttoned the front of her uniform shirt and pulled away the black lacey bra revealing a dark areole and a perky hard nipple. “Lick the nipple Stephen, lick it for Juanita.”

Stephen offered his tongue and licked her offered nipple feeling it leap under his tough, hard and unyielding as he slowly worked his way around it playing. Juanita moaned a little. Stephen took her nipple between his teeth and gently nibbled it.

“No!” Juanita sat up and slapped him hard on his face.

“Wha..?” Stephen eyes filled with tears from the blow. “I thought…”

“No,” she slapped him again “I did not tell you that you could do that. You obey only my commands. You understand?”

“I thought that was what you wanted. Jesus you are such a bitch,”sulked Stephen.

“Oh yes, I am a bitch,” chuckled Juanita standing up from the desk. “And for the moment you are my bitch too. I will not have such translations done to me. It is time you learn your place. On the floor.”

“What really?” asked Stephen.

“Did. I. Stutter?”

Stephen carefully inched down onto the carpeted floor.

“Lie down on Your belly.” Junita snapped looking down on him.

Stephen rolled over.

“Kiss my boots to say that you are sorry,” Juanita smiled. Stephen looked at the proffered boot and slowly placed kisses long the boot.

“I am sorry,” said Stephen sheepishly kissing long the instep of the black leather boot.

“What is my name?”

Stephen racked his brains. Sheesh she had said, but he couldn’t remember.

“You have 5 seconds to remember my name…” threatened Juanita. “One, two, three…”

“Anita” Stephen blurted.

“Wrong.” Juanita bellowed. Stephen saw the boot being moved away, before finding itbeing pressed to the back of his neck, his face being forced into the carpet and his cheek being ground into it. “Juanita, or Miss Juanita to you, you pig.”

Stephen grossed “I’m sorry Miss Juanita, I am so sorry.”

“You had better be.” Stephen felt Juanita stand over him and unlock one of the cuffs. “Roll on to your back.” Stephen felt the cuff dig as she manipulated him to roll over. He Followed the cuff as it was the least pain he could feel. “Other arm up here,” directed Juanita using the cuff to ensure compliance. Snap. Stephen lay looking up, arms stretched above his head, locked around the desk leg. Juanita looked down at him. “So what you say?” she smiled, loosening her round tanned breasts from the rest of her shirt and bra, and throwing them onto the sofa.

“I am not really…” started Stephen.

“I see…” Juanita looked down at her captive. “Well let’s see what you have…” she knelt, feeling Stephen’s eyes glued to her lithe frame. She looked at him, and holding his gaze she expertly undid is trousers, pulling and his underwear down. Stephen’s cock swelled and grow as it was released from the confines of his clothes.

“Well, someone his enjoying themselves,” smiled Juanita. She reached down and slowly slide her hand along the shaft feeling it pulse under it. She moaned a little in her throat. “Very nice Stephen. I bet you would like to push that into me, wouldn’t you Stephen?” she slowly dragged her nails over the shake. Stephen closed his eyes. “Open your eyes!” Juanita commanded.

“Yes,” whimpered Stephen.

“Yes what?” asked Juanita.

“Yes please!” grossed Stephen. Juanita got up and walked over the desk, before coming back.

“You are a thick pig,” snarled Juanita. Stephen realized that she had the ruler, and before he could do anything, she had brought it down hard on his thigh three times. “Yes Miss Juanita.” She intoned.

“I am sorry Miss Juanita,” burbled Stephen panting at the pain. Junita looked down at Stephen’s cock that had shrunk.

“Looks like we need to do something with that…” she said looking at his cock. She straightened up and took her booted foot to play with his cock watching it grow again as Stephen felt the cold leather against it. “Mmm, I see you like that?” she purred. She continued to knock his cock with her boot as it grow again. “And I wonder where you would like to put that? In my pussy? My ass?” Juanita watched him closely for any reaction as she said those words. “I see anywhere, is Stephen not getting much nowadays?” she giggled as she continued to play with his cock, bring her boot against his balls and gently increasing pressure.

“Nooo…” grossed Stephen as the pain increased. “Noo Miss Juanita,” he remembered just in time.

“So how about working for us, No cash, no drugs…just this…” she smiled down at him, seeing the reaction. “No? Perhaps you need some more convincing.” Juanita stepped back and unzipped her boots, before steppingout of her uniform entirely. Stephen watched her strip down naked, mouthwatering with anticipation.

Juanita smiled, aware of the effect that she was having on him “You like what you see, but you still say no…” she slide her panties down and stood in front of Stephen on the floor naked. She walked over to him, turned around, and placed two legs either side of Stephen’s face. Very slowly she knelt. Stephen reached up to kiss her pussy.

“No!” she barked grabbing the ruler slapping his cock hard with it. Stephen cried out in pain “I did not tell you, that you could lick my pussy, did I? What are you? An animal? A filthy animal?”

“Nooo,” screamed Stephen, “I’m so sorry Miss Juanita,” Stephen panted.

“Good.” said Junita “If I want my pussy licked, or my ass licked I will tell you…” Stephen looked up at her glistening sex above him, willing himself not reach up and lick it. “Now then,” said Juanita, with her back to Stephen. “This is very simple. You know how muchpain I can cause…well I can cause a lot more, believe me. This was not my first job for the agency. Now listen Stephen…you are not to cum unless I say you can? Do you understand? I want to make sure that I have your full attention.”

Very slowly, Juanita run her fingers over Stephen’s cock. “I now have a bit more of your attention I think,” she smiled. Slowly she ran her hand up the shake to the head, and then down again. She watched the precum pool on his head “Are you enjoying this pig?” she said over her shoulder.

“Yes Miss Juanita,” said Stephen feeling pleasure course through his body at each touch.

“Good,” purred Juanita. She spat on his cock and then slowly took her hand up and down feeling the it leap underneath. Stephen started writing a little under her “Keep still, we have a long way to go,” she smiled. “I will make this easy on you, tell me if you are going to cum…” Teasingly Juanita run her hand up and used her fingers to play wit the head. “So eager!” she moaned. She stopped and slowly lowered her pussy to within inches of Stephen’s face. “DO NOT LICK.” She commanded. “Not yet at least.”

Slowly Juanita run her fingers down his shake. “You know, I love being fucked. I love the feeling of a cock inside me. Men think that they have power over me, but I know that it is me that has the power as I am the one that makes them cum. It makes me so wet thinking about it.”

Stephen groaned, feeling the moist wet heat inches from his face.

“You want to lick?” asked Juanita. “If you want to lick you need to beg me to allow you to lick me…and I decided if it is my ass that gets licked or my pussy.” Juanita stopped her ministers of Stephen’s cock watching it twitch in the air. “Stephen?”

“Oh please Miss Juanita please let me lick your pussy…please I beg you.”

“But won’t you cum if I let you do that? And you know what happens if you cum?” Juanita stood up again and went back to the office desk. Stephen couldn’t see what it was.

“Please Junita I beg you, please…I need to lick you. Please.” Stephen burbled so deep into what was happening without him realising what he was saying. Suddenly Junita was above him again.

“Lick my ass bitch boy,” she commanded setting down on top of him and giving his cock a quick tug. Stephen gladly set to work on lick around her ass, feeling it twitch under His tongue and hearing her moan as she enjoyed what he was doing. “That feels so good Stephen…” she got off and turned around and straddled him again, looking down at her conquest. “I bet you would like to put that cock in me and cum now wouldn’t you Stephen?” she said. “Look at my nipples,” she took hold of her breasts and showed them to Stephen. “See how hard they are, it is such a shame that you can’t touch them, that down there you can’t even lick them. I have such sensitive nipples, I can almost cum if someone licks them properly.” She smiled.

“Oh please Miss Juanita,” whimpers Stephen. Juanita moved further down placing herself over his erect cock. “I am so wet now as well, I would love to have that cock inside me so that I can grip it, and that we could both cum together.” Carefully Juanita sat her pussy on Stephen’s shake, so that it wouldn’t enter but he would feel the wetness. “How that that feel Stephen?”

“Oh goodness me,” cried out Stephen “I so want to cum.”

“Do you now. Really? I don’t believe you.” Said Juanita getting up. “If you cum there will be nothing do me.”

“please Juanita…please I am so turned on,” begged Stephen.

“Not yet Stephen.” Juanita pursued. She turned around and place her pussy over Stephen’s face. “Lick my pussy Stephen. I want you tongue to be like a cock”

“Thank-you Miss Juanita,” Stephen set to work with his tongue running it along her slit, drinking down the copious amount of juice.

“Oh you are such a good boy.” Junita settled back onto his face feeling his tongue play with her clip making her shudder deep inside her. “Oh, you are a talented man, Stephen. I want more” she breathed feeling her orgasm slowly build within her. “Harder Stephen.” Stephen worked harder playing with her pussy, clip and dragging his wet tongue back to her ass before moving forward again. Junita feel her slowly relax and bent forward to push her pussy back into Stephen’s face. “Work it Stephen,” she commanded, breathing onto his cock to spur him on. Slowly the orgasm continued to build and she pushed back harder her pussy blocking Stephen’s face completely. She felt his nose trapped within her butt cheat and his mouth trapped on her pussy. She groaned as he started to thrash under her as he fought for air “Yes Stephen, work it harder,” she moaned again pushing hard against his face. She pictured him underneath fighting for air, fighting her for her power that she had. For she had all the power, and quite how much Stephen would find out in about 5 minutes. The thought of that sent her over the edge asshe crested her orgasm and came hard on Stephen’s face. She lifted her self slightly off Stephen’s face to feel him gasp for air, and that made her cum again, hot pussy juice drippling down onto Stephen’s face. She gasped and rode the second orgasm, her body shaking in its grip. Panting she moved off slightly as Stephen was continuing to lick, and it was irritating. She playedfully slapped him. “No more of the minute boy,” she breathed her panting. She caught sight of his engorged cock, veins stood out in the office light, looking as though it was going to burst.

“You want to cum Stephen?” she asked, knowing that the moment was now close to hand.

“Oh please Miss Junita. Anything,. I will do anything.” Whimpered Stephen.

“Really? Anything?”

“Anything Miss Junita, just make me cum, please…”

Junita move over to his cock and slowly started to tease it. “So, you will work for us,”

“Oh please, yes, anything please…” begged Stephen wailing. Juanita continued to move it feeling it leap.

“You are so close aren’t you?” teased Juanita, feeling his lack of control turning her on again.

“Yes, please, anything. Anything you want from me.”

“OK, then this is you reward,” with an expert quick movement, she brought Stephen over the edge watching fascinated as ropes of cum shot out from his cock and splashed onto her. She continued to massage him, while he compromised below her, she knew what was coming now and it made her wet again as he rode one of the strongest orgasms of his life. As he slowly came down she continued to drain every last drop, his cock becoming flaccid. She then picked up the device she had taken from the case. She felt something like an orgasm again in her, but something deeper as she took the cock age, snapped it over his member and padlocked it shut.


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