*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
*Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been overwarned; expect to find mistakes.
On March 14th 2023, JustPlainBob posted ‘Homesteader’ in the Loving Wives category. It was a short Western yarn and put me in the mood to write a Western tale of my own. A tip of the hat to one of my favorite writers on this site.
Zeke Larsen rode Blackie along the creek; he’d seen fresh wolf tracks the other day. An overnight rainstorm had passed through; Zeke wanted to see if he could find more tracks and follow the tracks to where the wolf or wolf were holed up. With five calves just born and two foals, they certainly did not need wolves wandering around.
Zeke saw the small dot while it was still a few miles away. Slowly, the dot drew near. Zeke could see it was a solidary wagon, a ‘Prairie Schooner’ or covered wagon. Zeke made sure his Henry was near at hand; solidary wagons on this stretch of Nebraska land was unusual. Most wagons joined up with other wagons, forming a train of wagons traveling west.
When the wagon was still a few miles away, Zeke could see two sickly horses struggling mightily to pull the cumbersome wagon. The overnight rainstorm had made the trail a sea of mud and the horses were Floundering to pull their load.
When it was a few hundred yards away, one of the horses went down. Zeke watched the solidary figure on the bench of the wagon flailing his whip at the hapless beast.
“Hold off there, friend,” Zeke snapped, trotting up. “Horse won’t be of no use if you flog it to death.”
“Blast this horse, and blast you, stranger,” the surprising man snarled.
“Man’s Just telling you what I was telling you,” a harsh voice shrinked from inside the wagon.
“Annie, I had ’bout all I’m going take, hear?” the man yelled into the wagon.
Zeke had thought to invite this traveler to pull off the trail and follow him to his home just beyond the scrub of trees. The wear man looked as if a good meal and a good night’s rest would do him some good. And, his two horses looked as if they could do with some good oats and alfalfa and a rest from pulling the unwieldy load on the difficult path.
“What would my Agnes have me do?” Zeke wondered aloud as the man and his companion continued to biker at one another.
“Friend,” Zeke said in a voice loud enough to carry over their shrink words. “My home is just beyond those trees to the north. Perhaps you’d care to follow me; we’ll put you and your missus up for the night and give these beasts a well-deserved rest?”
“We’d be mighty obliged Mister,” the woman answered from the depths of the wagon.
Wincing as he sank in the mud, Zeke helped the strange hoist the panting horse to its feet. Then Zeke hit Blackie to the wagon and Blackie and the other horse pulled the wagon free and onto the path leading to the Larsen homestead. Zeke walked alongside the wagon, leading the stranger’s still panting horse.
Agnes came out onto the porch as Zeke and the wagon approached the home. Zeke smiled upon seeing his wife; her long red hair hung loosely to her ankles and her compact figure was dwarfed in her simple dress. She was five feet to Zeke’s six feet, two inches. And when they lay unclothed in their bed, Zeke could put his two hands around her slim wait.
“Just like a boy; see you was playing in the mud again,” Agnes quipped when Zeke approached.
“They got stuck on the trail,” Zeke smiled and bent and kissed her.
Zeke helped Joseph Turner with his horses and Agnes Larsen took Annie Turner into the house to freshen up, and to assist with the noon meal.
When Zeke and Joseph entered the home after changing out of their filters into clean trousers and shirts, Zeke got his first look at Annie Turner. She was the same height as Agnes, and had long straw colored hair. When she turned to greet her husband, Zeke saw she had a beautiful face with clear blue eyes, a slim nose and pouting lips.
Her bosom stretched the body of her dress and her hips also stretched the material of her simple, threadbare dress.
“Did you think to bring me a clean dress?” Annie greeted her husband.
“No. You weren’t out there caring for Our horses; you ain’t got no dirt on you,” Joseph snapped.
“I had to borrow a dress from our gracious hostess,” Annie snapped.
“That explains why it’s so tight about her form,” Zeke thought, unable to tear his eyes from the woman’s large chest.
To Zeke and Agnes, Annie was civil, if not a little aloof. Joseph was barely civil, only grunting when asked questions. To one another, though, Annie and Joseph were hostile, hurling involves and insults at one another.
“Well, do fetch me my nightdress,” Annie snapped as they again sat for the evening meal.
“Your clothes are on the back porch; they should be dry by sun up,” Agnes told Joseph and Annie.
“And the sooner they leave, the better,” Agnes whispered to Zeke as they lay in their bed.
“Agreed,” Zeke said.
He caused her to squeal then giggle when he pulled her slim body atop his. Playfully, he swatted her small rump with his large hand.
“And if you were to talk to me the way she talks to him?” Zeke whispered, delivering a second swat. “We would find ourselves in the woodshed.”
“You wouldn’t!” Agnes gasped and giggled.
“Oh, yes my lady, I sure would,” Zeke assured her. “That I can promise you.”
“Zeke! Ezekiel Ambrose Larsen!” Agnes gasped and giggled as he hoisted the hem of her nightdress up over her slim legs.
“And wouldn’t have you having your clothes between you and my switch,” Zeke said, now giving her bared posterior a light slap.
“Oh! Oh how scandalous! How very, very scandalous!” Agnes gasped out then pressed her lips to his in a hungry kiss.
They made love, her riding astride him. When he approached his climax, Zeke rolled her onto her back and pounded his manhood into her. Agnes pulled his corn husk pillow over her face to muffle her screams of pleasure as her husband’s seen flooded her split.
“I still praise God for the day he put you into my life,” Zeke told her as they drifted off to sleep.
“I give Him thanks and praye, my darling husband,” Agnes murmured.
Zeke watched as Joseph pulled Blackie out of the stall and hit the stallion to the wagon. Joseph then selected another fine stallion, this one a chestnut that was just four years old.
Believe you got the wrong horses there, Mister Turner,” Zeke said amiably.
“I uh, oh! Oh hey, I sure do,” Joseph said, swallowing nervously as he saw Zeke’s twelve gauge double barreled shotgun in Zeke’s grapp. “They uh, you know how it is; they all look the same in the dark.”
“Mm hmm and if you recall, we put your beasts into the last two stalls there,” Zeke said calmly, nodding with his head towards the two sorry looking Turner nags.
“Huh? Oh, oh that’s right,” we sure enough did,” Joseph said.
“So, if you would be so kind, please put Blackie and Achilles back into their stalls,” Zeke said, voice growing hard. “Then get your own and be on your way.”
While Zeke watched Joseph hook up his own warn and withered nags to his wagon, Agnes was carefully counting their silverware to make sure Joseph and Annie had not thought to take their finery with them.
“Now, you and your wife be on your way,” Zeke ordered as Joseph wheeled the wagon due south.
Agnes roused the lightly snoring Annie Turner and ordered the befuddled woman from their fine Christian home. Annie stumbled out of the bed and sleepily walked to the porch where Zeke and Joseph waited.
“Joe, what? Why you already up; ain’t even dawn yet,” Annie sleepily demanded, staggering onto the front porch of the Larsen home.
Zeke told Annie what he’d witnessed. Annie’s eyes opened wide and she stared at her husband. Then her pretty face took on a hard cast.
“You, you was fixing leave me,” Annie grew at her husband. “You no-good, sorry…you was just fixing up and leaving me here.”
“Ain’t been a minute of rest since leaving Myndee,” Joseph spat bitterly. “‘should’ve stood in Arkansas,’ ‘should’ve listened to my Daddy,’ ‘You ain’t never going ‘mount to nothing,’ you damned right I was fixing up and leaving your spoiled hide behind.”
“Good then!” Annie screamed, shoving her husband forcedly. “Then be off with you!”
Zeke and Agnes watched as Joseph stomped to the rear of the wagon and pulled a large ornately painted wooden trunk From the wagon. Unceremoniously, he dumped the trunk onto the ground. With a spit of tobacco in Annie’s direction, Joseph hoisted himself into the seat of the wagon and yelled for his horses to pull.
Zeke and Agnes looked at one another. Then, Zeke hoisted the trunk onto his shoulder and carried it into the house.
“Well now, Missus Larsen, looks like you got yourself a maid, just like them big city women in their big fancy houses,” Zeke joked.
“Come now, Annie, its but twenty after two,” Agnes said gently to the blonde woman.
“That no account mongrel!” Zeke suddenly realized. “He, took my tobacco!”
“Good; you don’t need it,” Agnes said, crawling back into their bed.
“Remember what I said about that woodshed,” Zeke chuckled as he crawled back into bed with his adorable wife.
“Uh huh,” Agnes agreed, giggling.
Her hand went to her husband’s manhood. She kissed him softly.
“And remember; said wouldn’t be no clothes between me and your switch,” she whispered, kissing him again.
In the morning, a very subdued Annie assisted in making the morning meal. Then, instead of assisting with cleaning the kitchen and dining area, Annie retired to the guest bedroom and soulked. Zeke and Agnes shrugged; losing one’s husband in such a cowardly manner would surely give either of them cause to sulk for a spell.
By the evening meal, Annie’s disposition had not improved. Agnes counseled Zeke to have patience with their houseguest. But when she moved to decline the evening Bible reading and prayer, Zeke ordered Annie to sit in the parlor; she was going to participate in their evening ritual whether she was of a mind to or not.
Zeke and Agnes noticed the small smile that played across the blonde’s lips as she sat quietly during the Bible reading. She bowed her head repeatedly as they prayed. Then she gave Zeke a firm hug, and with no hesitation, also gave Agnes a hug, and a kiss to Agnes’s lips.
“Hush you,” Agnes ordered Zeke when he teased her about the kiss between the two women.
“I mean, I’ll be out in the field all the morrow,” Zeke continued with his taunts. “Just you two women, by yourselves, nothing to do until your man gets home…”
“Zeke, you hush that mouth of yours,” Agnes hissed. “And this, after reading the Gospel?”
Annie was again sullen at the preparation of the morning meal. When Agnes bad Annie assist in clearing the dishes, it took a look from Zeke to prompt the blonde into action.
And when Zeke returned just after dark, bone tired from rounding up three headstrong cows that did not want to return to his pasture, Zeke could hear the two women squealing and shrieking at one another. He looked towards the single story structure as he guided his horse into the barn. Dismounting, he shook his head.
“Oh, Achilles, boy, I might be sleeping in here with you tonight,” Zeke murmured as he brushed the horse down.
“Enough!” Zeke thundered, entering the home.
This only brought on the result of two women screaming at him instead of one another. Zeke was able to decipher that, Annie had refused to make her bed, had refused to sweep the floors, and would have refused to help with the noontime meal, but Agnes had pointed out, if Annie didn’t help, then Annie didn’t eat. Now, Annie was refusing to scrub the pots they’d used to prepare their noontime meal.
“So. My supper is not done? My supper is not even begin?” Zeke asked, his anger rising.
Agnes scampered from the parlor and worked herself scrubbing the pots that Annie had neglected. Zeke looked at the headstrong guest and saw a glimmer of triumph in her blue eyes.
“Oh, no Missy. You will not be a pampered lay about in my home,” Zeke snarled, grabbing Annie’s wrist.
“I, take your hands off of me,” Annie protested as Zeke took a seat on a rail back chair. “Mr. Larsen, I demand…”
Zeke forcedly brought the woman across his lap. Her squeal of outtrage rose an octave as Zeke gripped the hem of her dress and hoisted it upward, baring her pale white buttons.
Unlike his wife’s small, barely rounded buttocks, Annie’s buttocks were two full, round globes of flesh. There was a deep furrow bisectingthe two round hilllocks of flesh. Zeke did take a moment to admire their guest’s haunches.
“Mr. Larsen! I declare, this, his is most outrageous!” Annie bellowed.
‘Smack!’ Zeke brought his hand down on her left buttock with a loud crack. Annie howled in surprise. Zeke’s handprint appeared on the creamy white skin.
‘Smack!’ Annie’s right buttock received a Forceful slap. Zeke watched a hand print appears on Annie’s flesh.
After the tenth blow, Annie was no longer struggle, no longer protesting. Zeke stood her up, allowing her dress to fall back down, covering her modesty. Wordlessly, he stood, turned her around to face the kitchen, and assisted her movement by delivering a hard backhanded slap to her posterior. With a yelp, Annie hustled quickly into the kitchen.
Even though the evening meal was an hour late, Zeke insisted they have their Bible reading and prayer. He did notice, with grim satisfaction, that Annie seemed at ease sitting on the horsehair settee. Agnes noticed this too and smiled at Annie’s disappoint.
In their bedroom, Agnes admitted, she’d spied on Zeke’s spanking their ill-behaved guest’s bare bottom. In an uncertain manner, Agnes stated that Annie was a comely woman with a pleasant figure.
“Yes, she is,” Zeke agreed, then kissed his wife. “Why, I do believe she is almost as pretty as you.”
“Almost?” Agnes cooed happy. Their guest seemed to have a short memory. A scant two days after receiving her bare-bottom spanking, Annie and Agnes were again scrilling at one another. According to his wife, they had been arguing since just after the noontime meal. Zeke stared hard at the two women; Agnes looked away and Annie gave Zeke a satisfied little smile.
Both women looked on in shock when Zeke wordlessly turned and left the home. A moment later, he clomed back into the house and yelled out that supper had better be on the table in five minutes or both women would pay dearly.
“So, you allow yOur husband to order you about?” Annie sneered at Agnes.
“He is my husband,” was Agnes’s response.
The evening meal was a quiet one. Zeke stoically chewed his food. Agnes swallowed her food after only a few half-hearted chews. Annie, quite pleased with herself enjoyed her meal.
“After you two have cleaned up, come join me in the parlor,” Zeke ordered, shoving his empty plate away.
Agnes business herself; Annie dawdled in carrying one plate and one mug into the kitchen. She gave a few weak strokes to the water pump, barely enough to create a trickle of the cistern’s water. Then she meandered back to the dining room to fetch another plate and Zeke’s fork.
Entering the parlor, Agnes looked on in confusion at the two ropes that dangled from the cross beam in the Wooden ceilinging. Following both ropes from cross beam back, Agnes saw that both ropes were attached to their fineries cabinet. It had taken Zeke and two free men and a couple of Matthew’s boys to hoist the cabinet up the steps and into the home. Zeke had told her, if a tornado comes roaring through Westblanc, Nebraska? Grab onto the cabinet and she should be fine.
“This,” Zeke said, grabbing the lower rope, “is for when I am not here to mete out the punishment.”
“This, you do not want me to use this rope,” Zeke warned, tugging the shorter rope.
“What, what are these for?” Agnes asked, befuddled.
“These are for…” Zeke said and grabbed Annie’s left hand into his.
“What? Unhand me!” Annie demanded, then squealed when Zeke captured her right hand.
Agnes watched as Zeke marched Annie to the lower rope. Then, pulling her arms back, Zeke forced Annie to bend at the waist. Her protests and demands grow louder as Zeke had her bent at a forty five degree angle.
“Mr. Larsen, untie me. Untie me at once,” Annie demanded as Zeke wrapped the rope about her wrists and tied her wrists together.
“Remember how tie a calm?” Zeke asked Agnes.
“I, yes,yes I do,” Agnes said, beautiful eyes wide
“I’m not here? And our service…” Zeke said.
“Servant? I am no service,” Annie protected.
“You are no guest,” Zeke snapped. “A guest would show proper deference, would have some gratitude.”
“Our service becomes unruly? Unwilling to listen, to assist? She is to be brought in here and tied in this manner,” Zeke ordered his wife.
“And then…” Zeke said, hefting the hem of Annie’s dress and baring her haunches. This brought on more squeals and demands from the surprising woman.
Zeke grabbed a strap of leather he’d looped over one of the handles of the cabinet. Agnes let out a squeal as Zeke brought the piece of leather down, across Annie’s exposed buttons. Annie’s shriek was loud and long. Before she ceased with her wail, Zeke again brought the strap down onto her upturned buttocks.
Zeke delivered five strokes. Annie was no longer shrinking; just let out gasping sobs. Zeke motioned his wife forward and Agnes tremulously made her way to where he stood.
Wordlessly, Zeke placed a switch he’d made from a branch he’d cut from the red bud tree close to the creek into her small hand. With a nod of his head, he stepped back.
Agnes stared at her husband, eyes wide. When he nodded to her again, Agnes turned and looked at the welts on Annie’s pale buttocks. She almost dropped the switch at the sight of the Welts. Then, setting her jaw, Agnes slashed out with the switch.
Annie sucked in a breath, then shrieked out loud. Agnes slashed again and again Annie shrieked. By the fifth swipe with the switch, Annie lung, her legs shaking as she labored to hold herself up. Zeke took the switch from his wife’s hands and she collapsed against him, burying her small head in his chest.
“The switch will Stay right here, ready for your hand, Missus Larsen,” Zeke announced, placing the switch against the door jamb of the parlor’s entrance.
Zeke unfasted the rope from Annie’s forearms and helped the woman to stand. As she stood, her dress slide down, covering her reddened posterior. Zeke then guided her to a hard chair and bad her to sit for their Bible reading and prayer.
Fresh wolf tracks pulled Zeke away from their land. He’d planned for this and had packed food into Achilles’s saddlebag. His bedroll and small tarp were rolled up behind the saddle. The tracks led him to a small forest and riding was difficult. Dismounting, Zeke led Achilles into the thick group of trees.
“Know you wasn’t planning on being bait, boy, but…” Zeke said to Achilles as they found a small clearing. Zeke hobbled the horse and pulled the Henry from the scabbard. He took some food and again cursed Joseph for taking his tobacco. Sitting in a tree’s fork, some tobacco gave a man something to chew on while he waited for his prey to come to him.
An hour after sunset, Zeke heard Achilles give a nervous whinny. The whinny gave way to a snort and Zeke squinted, cursing the moon for not being high enough for him to see.
Then he saw the wolf. The animal bared his fangs, and gave a little yip. Then Zeke saw the second and third wolfs on the other side of Achilles.
“And…” Zeke murmured, putting one bullet into the largest wolf’s head.
The second one fell quickly, and the third turned to run. His decided pat put him into the faint moonlight and Zeke dropped him as well.
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