Our Delta flight arrives on time into the Salt Lake City Airport. We are both very excited about this trip that you have planned for us. It’s been years since we’ve both been skiing. You were in Utah recently for work and thought it might be a great place for us to relax and have some fun. You have a break in your busy schedule for a few days and want to take full advantage of it.
The hotel you picked out for our mini vacation has a shuttle service that will pick us up from the airport and take us there. Although you really like driving you decided to let someone else do it for a change especially since we will not need a car once we get there.
Our shuttle ride takes about 35 minutes from the airport, but it is a quick trip since we talked most of the way. Soon we pull into the circular drive of the hotel. This place is gorgeous! You always find great places to stay.
It’s a wood and stone front building with lots of glass. The snow-covered mountain in the background makes for a beautiful setting. We walk into the lobby. The inside of this place is as gorgeous as the outside, very lodge-like, with lots of wood and stone on the inside as well.
We check into our room and find our way to the elevators, we finally arrive at our door and walk in. It’s a very well-appointed suite with a full kitchen and a very comfy looking living room complete with fireplace. You check the fireplace out further to find it’s a gas fireplace and the remote for it is on the mantel. You, of course, turn it on. It’s very cold here in Park City.
The kitchen is as nice, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and a large island. We explore the bedroom which also has a gas fireplace and the very nice bathroom in the master suite. We decide to unpack and get settled in. We are going to be here for a few days and there’s no sense living out of a suitcase, you do that enough already in all your travels.
Once we get unpacked, we talk about what to do fordinner. The hotel does have a dining room but since our suite has a full kitchen, I suggest that I make us dinner since you eat out so much while you’re on the road. I had spotted a market close to our hotel as we drove in.
“Do you want to take a walk with me to go get stuff for dinner?”, I ask.
“Sure, I would love to. A walk would be nice after our flight and drive here”, you reply.
We walk out the hotel’s front door into chilly Utah night. You take my hand and pull me close into you, wrapping your arm around me, keeping us both warm as we take a short walk to the market. We pick up all the ingredients that I need for tonight’s dinner and a few other things we might need for our stay here.
We walk back to the hotel with our purchases, and I get right to work in the kitchen making our dinner when we get back to our suite. You always have business to attend to, so you are busy with that as I make our dinner.
We have a lovely dinner complete with a few glasses of wine. I love spending time with you like this. Our time is always spent with laughter, talk and of course some flirting because you’re so handsome and sexy and our attention is undeniable.
You offer to help me clear the table and clean up the kitchen. I appreciate that very much. When we finish cleaning up the kitchen you go to the freezer and grab the container of Caramel Cookie Crunch Gelato.
“Dessert time” you say with a wicked grin.
You tell me to strip and get up on the large island. The granite is cool on my now naked body. You grab a spoon and scoop some gelato out and smear it on my nipples which get even harder in seconds. Your warm tongue bathes them as you lick it off me. You drip the now softening gelato all over me and proceed to lick it up, working your way down very slowly to my very needy pussy.
I need something so bad right now. Your fingers brush against my now swollen pussy lips and drip the cold liquid on them. Your tongue finds its way to my now hardening clip and licks it and the gelato off me. I’m going crazy with need now as your very cold fingers slide into me and begin to finger fuck me. Yum, that feels so good. I start to moan softly. All the pleasure you’re giving me is quickly making me approach orgasm with your fingers in me and your tongue on me.
My need to come is increasing so fast now.
“Daddy, can I please cum? Please.”
“You’ve been such a good girl, of course, you can cum.”
I let loose with your words of approval, cumming hard and moaning loud. Fuck baby that was amazing. Damn that was hot!!!
I catch my breath and thank you for allowing me to cum and ask if I can return the favor. You tell me that’s what shows are for, besides I’m sticky from the gelato all over me.
We go into the bathroom in the master suite, you get naked really fast and we get into the shower. Being the good little pet that I am, I immediately get down on my knees and take your very hard cockin my mouth and begin to suck you. Slow and then faster making sure that every inch gets my full attention. I use my hand as well, stroking you as I suck.
Licking, sucking, and teasing you firm and fast and then soft and slower until your orgasm builds, your hips moving quicker as you approach orgasm. I can hear your soft moans getting louder from above me. Your hands entwine into my hair as you fuck my face.
“I’m going to come, Pet. Don’t miss a single drop.”
You come hard moaning and I lick up every drop not wanting to miss any of my reward.
“That was awesome, sexy girl. I think it’s bedtime now, we have an early day tomorrow.”
We dry off and crawl into bed, getting all snuggled up and comfy. We both drift off pretty fast since we are both very relaxed from our orgasms.
I wake up the next morning still snuggled up against you, I’m very glad to have your warmth this morning. I feel you stir from behind me, kissing my shoulder and telling me good morning. You snuggle into me more as we enjoy our time together this morning.
“As much as I’d love to spend today in bed with you My sexy pet, we do have plans for this morning.”
“Well then, I guess we should get up and get ready, I’m excited about our day.”
We get up and get dressed and I remind you that we picked up some breakfast items when we were at the market last night. We picked out some Entenmanns Cheese Cheese Coffee Cake and some Danish plus some Earl Grey tea. We have our breakfast and bundle up for our trek outside.
Our hotel is at the bottom of the mountain and a few minutes’ walk from the ski resort. We’re walking and talking about the fact that neither one of us has skied in so long. We come to a small building that has a lot of snowmobiles parked around it.
“Surprise, I thought we’d ease back into this whole skiing thing and go snowmobiling today.”
I reply with excitement in my voice.
“Oh, that’s so cool. I’ve never been snowmobailing, it sounds like a lot of fun.”
“I thought you might like that, sexy girl.”
The snowmobile attendant explains how to drive it and where all the switches are. He also tells us that there is a marked trail that has some amazing views of the mountain and area. We climb aboard, of course you’re driving, and I’m snuggled up behind you. I’m glad we dressed warmly and in layers for this adventure, it’s just a bit chilly out here.
We take off down the trail, wow this is fun! Just as I think, damn this thing is fast, you speed up even more. What a rush, and great fun. We’re going along on the trail, and we start to ascend up the mountain. The scenery is amazing as we go even higher. We reach a very high spot almost at the top of the mountain, and you stop to take in the amazing view.
We both get off the snowmobile to look around and enjoy this awesome view. We both enjoy the panoramic view from the mountaintop when you give me that look that I know all too well.
“I think my pet is feeling very adventurous today and I’m going to fuck you right here and now. I promise you won’t be cold. Well maybe not for too long,” as you giggle.
“You know what they say “great minds think alike”, I’m definitely feeling adventurous. I’d love to feel you buried deep inside me while we look out at this beautiful view.”
You take me in your arms, and we start to kiss, sweet at first then our password begins to spin out of control once again. We are kissing and grinding up against each other as we get more heated.
“Bend over the snowmobile and drop your pants, Pet. Show me that gorgeous ass and dripping cunt.”
I do as you say and undo my pants and drop them exposing my ass and lean over the snowmobile to show you my dripping cunt.
” I know my little pet’s cunt would be all wet, I know how excited you get being exposed with the possibility of someone seeing you.”
“You know me all too well, handsome Daddy.”
“That I do, pet, that I do.”
I hear you come up behind me, I can feel your heat as you get closer to me. Then I feel you enter me in one smooth trust, balls deep in me. Your warmth feels good against my bare exposed ass. You fuck me hard and fast keeping your promise of keeping me warm. I’m definitely warm right now but you always make me so hot anyway.
You continue to fuck me as I’m bent over the snowmobile. You’re fucking me so hard; you’re grunting now. I love hearing your sounds of password, it gets me so hot as well. I love knowing that you are taking your pleasure from me but also giving me some as well.
Our bodies slamming together is muffled by our clothes but it’s still so hot and this view is incredible. You fuck me even harder needing and wanting to cum. Your hands grip my hips and hold me tight against you, not letting me move one inch as you ram up into me. You’re growing in my ear now, damn that’s so hot.
You snarl into my ear, “I’m going to cum slut.”
You fuck me harder as your orgasm begins, you’re moaning in my ear now, love to hear your sounds of pleasure. It’s so hot.
You unload into me and then you pull me close as your breathing returns to normal along with mine and we adjust our clothes to get warmer in this chilly air.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
“It was, my little cum slut. Oh, and I’ll make sure you get your reward for being such a good girl later. But I did keep my promise and keep you warm.” as you kiss me.
“Oh yeah, I was without a doubt very warm, that was amazing as was the view as you fucked me oh so well.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed that, my Sexy Pet. I asked the attendant if there was a secluded place to get very romantic. He told me just where to stop and winked at me. But I think it’s time to head back down the mountain and get some lunch. I’m really hungry now and I’m sure you are too.”
“Oh yeah, I could definitely eat, and we can talk about actually going skiing tomorrow.”
“Soundslike a plan, sexy girl.”
You kiss me again sweetly as we look out at the view before we climb back on the snowmobile to make our descent back down the mountain.
I wonder what tomorrow’s adventure might be?
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