Natalie was looking out the window waiting for Lisa to arrive and when the seventeen-year-old walked up the path Natalie went and opened the door.
“Hi Lisa,” Natalie said with a smile as a neighbor walked by.
“Hi Lisa T,” Lisa replied tenatively. She was carrying a rucksack which she put on the floor in the hallway.
Once inside and the door was closed Natalie continued with a smile, “You Look very nice, Lisa.” Natalie was admiring her deep pink vest top and short white skirt, and as it was summer Lisa was bare-legged.
Lisa smiled back at Natalie and replied. “You too, Mrs T.” Lisa did like the sleepless floral dress with the hem halfway down her thigh although thought it too adult bearing in mind why she was here.
Lisa got straight to the point. “This seems a bit odd, Mrs T, what with Samantha being away.” Lisa and Samantha were friends and in the same class in college.
“Well yes, Lisa. Samantha is away the whole weekend so I hoped you wouldbe able to deal with me here at home as it would save me coming into college.”
“That’s why I still came here. You failed to submit your lines and Mrs Saunders told me to deal with you, Mrs T.”
“I understand, Lisa. I just forgot to do them,” Natalie said apologetically.
Lisa shrugged her shoulders and said, “Well, Mrs Saunders said I can deal with you today, but it will mean a longer punishment you realize?”
Natalie blushed. “It was my fault,” she accepted.
Lisa gave Natalie a hard school teacher type of glare and said, “Well I think we should start as we mean to carry on today, so for starters you will refer to me as, Miss Barton.”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Natalie replied obediently. Although she was thirty-seven-years-old she found the teenager’s manner quite fetching as she used her, ‘Obey me or else,’ voice that turned Natalie on.
Lisa continued, “The college is closed today so I couldn’t get a cane so I will need something else though, Thomson.”
Natalie loved Lisa calling her only by her surprise and said quickly, “I have a heavy wooden spatula, and maybe if you used that it would pass as a cane although I realize it would mean many more than four strokes, Miss Barton.”
Lisa said pointedly, “Too right, my girl. Forty spanks more likely though,” adding, “On each chef.”
Natalie bit her lip as she knew that would give her a really sore bottom, but it was the best she had and it mean she could stay across Lisa’s lap which would be a bonus.
“Go and get it then, girl” Lisa ordered.
Natalie said, “Yes, Miss Barton,” and went to the kitchen and opened the top drawer and took out the heavy wooden spatula. She swallowed as she realized just how much it would sting her bottom but, as she had suggested it, she could hardly object now so she took it back to the dining room where Lisa now was and handed it to her.
Lisa let it fall a couple of times into her open palm and nodding her head with a wicked smile said, “Cool.”
Lisa saw the worried look on Natalie’s face which made her feel more at ease, and, reinforcing the fact she was the teacher in charge of a naughty student, ordered, “I don’t think you should be dressed like you are, Thomson. Do you have something closer to a college dress?”
Natalie remembered what she had and replied, “I have the same college dress as you wear as I got it for a fancy-dress party. It’s a bit shorter than the regulation dress length but shall I wear that, Miss Barton?”
Lisa nodded her head. “That would be more suitable, Thomson.”
Natalie went upstairs and found the college dress, pulled her dress over her head, and slipped on the college dress. She pulled up the front zip and straightened out the dress but left off the white belt. She did decide she wasn’t a senior and so wore white ankle socks and he smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She loved how young she looked in the green and white gingham short-sleeved dress and felt more like a seventeen-year-old and when she thought about what Lisa was about to do to her, she felt very much like a naughty college girl.
Allowing herself one last lingering look Natalie then made her way back downstairs and walked into the dining room and found Lisa sitting on a dining chair she had turned into the room.
Lisa didn’t say anything but just pointed to the floor in front of her and Natalie stood on exactly the spot Lisa had pointed at.
Lisa ordered, “When standing in front of me, young lady, you will have your hands on your head.”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Natalie said quickly putting her hands on her head and immediately felt power and control pass to the teenager.
Lisa had an inward smile as when she received the text from Mrs Saunders to come over, she knew Samantha was away. Still, it was a follow-up to the discipline session they had had at school so she got ready and came over. It was supposed to be a sleepover with Samantha butThis was better as she was pretty sure that Natalie and Jessica had been turned on by the pain as they were seen going into the nurses’ room and also coming out and they were smiling which was a sure sign they had made out in the nurse’s room.
Lisa looked up at Natalie as she stood there with her hands on her head and her dress had ridden up and her blue knickers were on show. “They aren’t the regulation knickers, Thomson. Take them off as you won’t need them anyway.”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Natalie replied and quickly stepped out of the knickers and put them on another chair. She then went back to her spot and put her hands on her head again.
Lisa smiled as she could just see Natalie’s exposed pussy hair before looking up then and asked sternly, “So you forget to do your lines, Thomson? Is that right?”
Natalie sounded contrite although knew she had, ‘forgotten,’ on purpose, and replied, “Yes, Miss Barton, I just forgot.”
Lisa reckoned that was a lie but wasn’t worried about that as she retired, “You forget even though you knew you would be disciplined?”
Natalie still sounded contrite as she replied, “Sorry, Miss Barton.”
Lisa put her chin on her hands and looked like she was giving the matter some thought, before saying, “Well, I will have to punish you and then you can do your lines. Understood girl?”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Natalie agreed.
Lisa sat up straight and ordered, “Come here then girl, raise your dress up to above your tummy and get across my lap. I think a good hand spanking and then a few dozen with this spatula before you do the lines is what you deserve.”
Natalie stepped over and stood by Lisa’s side as she raised her dress up above her waist and then looked at Lisa’s lap and saw her thighs were bare and so looked forward to bending over her knee. She waited for Lisa to point at her lap and then bent down and eased her full weight across Lisa’s thighs enjoying the feel of her naked skin.
Lisa held her arms clear as she watched Natalie ease herself down across her lap and loved how Natalie blushed and looked so submissive as she bent across her lap. It still seemed strange to her that a woman of forty-one-years-old so willingly submitted to her discipline but it was clearly something Natalie felt at ease with, and even if not, that wouldn’t stop her from giving a very hard spanking though as that was what Mrs Saunders had told her to do.
Once Natalie was settled down across Lisa’s lap, she looked down at her very spankable bottom, and, she put her hands on Natalie’s wait, she again reinforced her authority by ordering, “Ease further over slightly, Thomson.”
Natalie edged forward a couple of inches knowing she had once again but willingly transferred full discipline control and she would do whatever Lisa ordered just like a student doing what the teacher said. So, as she had her close-up view of Lisa’s legs, she felt so turned on and more so as Lisa rubbed her bottom.
Lisa rubbed Natalie’s bottom and once again loved the fact she had an adult across her lap who was waiting obediently to be spanked and saved the moment before raising her hand and bringing her open palm down on Natalie’s bare bottom cheese and enjoyed the sound of the slight gasp Natalie gave.
Natalie found the early spanks were easy enough to cope with and kept her eyes open and looked at Lisa’s legs and her toenails and thought what a lovely colour they were painted. After a while, she closed her eyes as spank after spank landed on alternate bottom cheeses and the singing intensified, and as the spanking continued Natalie knew Lisa would give her a hard spanking and without any let-up or gaps between the spanks so she started to close her eyes in an attempt to delay the inevitable tears but could not stop herself from squirming around on the teenager’s lap.
Lisa knew to continue with the spanks and not rest her hand or give Natalie the pleasure of havingher bottom rubbed and Mrs Saunders had reminded her that when spanking an adult it must be persistent to ensure they learn the lesson you are teaching them. Lisa was following that instruction albeit she was getting a lot of enjoyment from making Natalie squirm around on her lap.
Natalie was now distinctly uncomfortable with her bottom and the tops of her legs stinging increasingly intensely, but registered a gap in the spanking and hoped to recover a bit but that hope ended when she felt the spatula tapped twice on her bottom.
“I hope you are learning from this Thomson,” Lisa said sternly as she raised the spatula and brought it down hard on Natalie’s bottom.
Natalie gasped loudly as the first spank with the spatula landed and then each time the spatula landed so she cried out louder and was quickly sobbing as the pain was far greater than she had expected and was far more intense than when she was able. In fact, she reckoned she had copied with the cane far betterthan she was with the spatula as her sobs turned to full-blown crying and tears ran down her face and onto the floor. She squirmed around on Lisa’s lap and kicked her legs as the spanks kept on landing all over her bottom and the singing was intense, but even so, she had wanted to be disciplined by the teenager and still wanted to obey her and so lay across her lap and left all decisions on the spanking to her.
Lisa Keep on spanking Natalie even as she cried and the tears dripped freely onto the floor, but she was sure that Natalie was learning her lesson and even so wanted to keep on spanking her until her bottom glowed red. She had little sympathy for the forty-one-year-old and so continued notwithstanding Natalie’s obvious disappointment, although once her bottom was the desired colour Lisa stopped spanking and ordered, “You can get up, Thomson. Face me and put your hands on your head.”
Natalie could not stop herself crying as she struggled to get up and, once she did stand, she faced Lisa as ordered and put her hands on her head.
Lisa was pleased to see that Natalie was still obedient even as she cried. She had been concerned that she had spanked Natalie too hard and there would be an angry retreat, but instead, she watched as Natalie slowly recovered control albeit she still sobbed.
Natalie looked at the teenager through tear-filled eyes and wanted to remain obedient so stood with her hands on her head, and as she recovered some control she said through her sobs, “Sorry, Miss Barton.”
Lisa looked sternly at Natalie and ordered, “Well so long as you have learned your lesson, Thomson.”
“I have Miss,” Natalie replied.
Lisa said sternly, “Sit at the dining table and do your lines so I can take them with me.”
Lisa sniffed back more tears as she went to the table and eased herself down onto a chair, gasping as her singing bottom touched the seat of the chair. However, she managed to sit down and picking up a pen started towrite out her lines, and even as she was still sniffing she kept on writing.
Lisa saw Natalie was writing obediently and didn’t see why she should just stay and watch and so said, “I’ll leave you to it but just make sure you do not stop writing, Thomson, as that will get you another spanking. Understood?”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Natalie replied and she kept on writing out line After line.
Lisa went to the kitchen for a juice and played over in her mind the spanking she had given Natalie. She loved being in control of adults and in fact loved disciplining Natalie who was a very naughty adult and Lisa reckoned she could improve her behavior if she retained that control. As she thought these thoughts, she realized she was getting aroused by the prospect of having control over Natalie.
Lisa left it fifteen minutes before going back into the dining room and saw that Natalie had stopped writing but before she could say anything Natalie said, “I’ve finished my lines, Miss.”
Lisa went over to Natalie and picked up the lines before ordering, “Go and face the wall while I check them, Thomson. Hold your dress up at the back so your bottom is on show and press your nose against the wall.”
Natalie did as she was told and Lisa enjoyed the sight of the adult being punished like a naughty college girl still. She quickly counted the lines and scanned them and was impressed they seemed to be done correctly, so she went and stood behind Natalie and, leaning into her, whispered loudly into her ear, “Have you learned your lesson, Thomson?”
“Yes, Miss,” Natalie replied getting even more aroused at the stern way Lisa was still dealing with her, and even as her bottom was stinging, she felt she wanted Lisa to discuss her again if she needed to be. Maybe even if she didn’t, she told herself.
Natalie gasped when she felt Lisa’s hand on her bottom and half-expected a smack but instead, Lisa’s hand ran around the outside of her tigh and then across the front of her thigh and found her pussy lips and gasped as Lisa ran her fingers gently up and down her pussy.
Lisa heard Natalie’s erotic gasp and whispered, “I see you are aroused by me spanking you, Natalie.”
Natalie noticed Lisa again called her by her first name. “Yes, Miss,” she replied as she enjoyed being brought to an orgasm.
Lisa continued, “Now I have taught you a lesson I think I need a present from you, Natalie.”
“Anything, Miss,” Natalie replied getting deeper and deeper into an erotic reverie.
“Don’t look around but take your dress and bra off,” Lisa continued.
Natalie didn’t question the instruction and undoing the zip pushed the dress down her body and stepped out of it.
“I’ll take it,” Lisa said.
Natalie handed the dress behind her to Lisa and then unclipped her bra and let it slide down her arms.
“I’ll take that too,” Lisa ordered.
As Natalie handed the bra to Lisa, she kept her nose pressed against the wall and put her hands on her head.
Lisa put her hand on Natalie’s breast and caressed it, squeezing her taut nipple.
Natalie groaned again at the erotic feeling.
“Turn around,” Lisa ordered.
Natalie had her eyes closed as she turned but when she opened them, she let out another gasp as Lisa was also naked and Natalie was wide-eyed as she looked at Lisa’s firm breasts and flat tummy. She looked a real delight, Natalie thought.
Lisa smiled as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against Natalie’s.
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