
Thank you for reading my story. It does contain graphic descriptions of anal enemyas and BDSM scenarios. I have no knowledge of military protocol so please don’t jump on me for that. It’s just a story. I hope you enjoy it.

No one know for sure where the parasite came from but they did know that it was engineered in a lab. Two lab technicians had been arrested a couple of months ago but the damage had already been done. The large cities had been the main targets when the parasite was introduced into the water supplies. It was micro in size and had been designed to survive chemical purification.

The parasite had been engineered to only affect the female part of the population. And then only women of childbearing years. The very young and the older than 45 years of age seemed not to be affected along with the male part of the population.

Researchers had found an answer to the parasite and knew they could eradicate it. But the problem was the invasive way ithad to be done. The only way the parasite could be destroyed was to administrator a large enemê to all females of the desired age range.

The enemê once delivered had to be held by the patient for a minimum of 4 hours. And one of the side effects of the enemê mixture was the extreme sexual arousal it brought on in the females. The other problem was how to achieve what was needed on a large scale.

The Army corp of engineers had come up with the solution to that problem. Being the miracle workers they are. They constructed so-called “Irrigation facilities” overnight outside of all the large cities in the country. The mixture would be brought in large tanker trucks and connected directly to the irrigation stations. Once the tanker was empty a full one would be brought in to take its place.

The facilities were divided into sections of irrigation benches, holding areas, and then the evacuation areas. Each area could handle 200 females from start to finish and was manned by a crew of female markets. State-of-the-art equipment was installed in each facility but the fact remained that each woman was going to have to take and hold a 4-quart enema to eradicate the parasite.

For sensitivity training purposes the female markets were the first to go through the facility. They were asked first to sign a consent form and then asked to strip naked. Each of the female markets was in turn secured on their stomachs to irrigation benches. Double balloon inflatable nozzles were inserted into their rectums and inflated. Above them, large glass containers were filled with the solution from the tanker trucks outside.

The women were brought into processing stations where each and every one volunteerly signed a consent form giving permission for the procedure to be done in its entirety.

Sargent Jill Bennet remembered back to 2 months earlier when it had been her restrained to this very irrigation bench. She smiled when she heard the young woman groan as she pushed the nozzle into her rectum. Gripping the blue bulb she started pumping knowing the balloon inside the young woman’s ass was swelling every time she squeezed.

She had always loved the feeling of having her belly filled and when they had asked for volunteers for this assignment she was one of the first. When she found out the size of the enema and the length of time required to hold it, her cunt was instantly wet. And when she Found out that an inflatable nozzle was going to be needed to help the women hold the enemy for the required amount of time she felt a small dribble of piss escape her cunt.

She was almost naked under her rubber apron as were the other female marines that manned the facility. They had found out early how messy things could get if something unexpected happened. Her bare foot rested next to the small paddle that she liked to call the “Turbo.” It was a small paddle that when stepped on increased the air pressure in the large glass jar mounted above each of the benches. The increased air pressure forced the enema into the waiting colon in record time.

She had just given the blue bulb the 8th pump and the young woman had let out a small whimper letting her know that she needed to pay attention to what she was doing. The red bulb inflated the balloon between the young woman’s ass cheeses and Jill squeezed the bulb watching the balloon expand with a smile. Connecting the rubber tube that came from the bottom of the glass jar to the one-way check valve she opened the clamp halfway.

She felt a warm wave through her cunt as she watched the slender young legs tighten against the restraints when the young woman felt the enema hit her bowels. Looking up at the jar filled with pink liquid she saw the air bubble rise to the top. The level in the jar started dropping steadily as she watched.

The young woman on the benchmark seemed to be in the normal range and showing no signs of the parasite. The women that were showing signs wee immediately moved to the front of the line. As long as the parasite had not destroyed the woman’s stomach the recovery rate was over 99%. Jill was so thankful that they had figured out what was happening so quickly.

From across the room, the moan of a woman and a few seconds later several more could be heard. The dividing walls between the irrigation benches were meant for temporary privacy but were not soundproof. Looking up at the glass jar, Jill could see that it only had a quart left inside. Opening the clamp her foot moved to the small paddle and she stepped down.

This was the part she dreaded for the recipient but looked forward to herself. It had been recognized early on that most of the women would start feeling it the most when the 3-quart mark had been reached. But the fact remained that 4 quarts had to be delivered to the patient. They had determined that the most humane and efficient way to achieve this was to pressure induce the last quart in.

Jill watched as the young woman’s head came up as her moan joined the others. The last pint was being introduced into her colon and Jill felt the wetness inching down the insides of her bare thighs.

She watched the last of the pink fluid move down the rubber tube and closed the clamp just before the trapped air was forced into the poor woman’s colon too. “It’s all in now,” she said in what she hoped was a soothing voice. Disconnecting the rubber tube from the nozzle she helped the young woman to stand.

The woman’s mitted hands dropped down to cradle her swollen belly. The look of pain and disappoint showing on her face. “What happens now?” the woman asked Jill.

“Well,” Jill said “In about 10 minutes you are going to start feeling the side effects of the enema. You are going to start getting super horny and it will get worse the longer you hold the enema. But the bad news is that I have to secure your hands behind your back,” She added reaching for the woman’s small hands.

“Why?” The woman asked. They could both hear the woman’s stomach gurgle and Jill know that the weight of the enema would soon be sitting entirely on the nozzle.

“We tried the honor system in the beginning but that didn’t work so well. As you notice we all wear rubber aprons and not much on under them. Needless to say, it got messy. And you have to hold this enema for 4 hours to eradicate this fucking thing,” Jill explained. “You are number 10 of the first lot for today so when your 4 hours is up your number will appear on the monitor in the holding area. I will be the one monitoring your expulsion. If you are parasite-free I will put a green stamp on your ass and you are free to go.”

“And if I have the parasite?” the woman asked.

“Then I put a red stamp on your ass and you get one of the real big enemyas,” Jill said. We have to introduce the enemy even deeper into your stromach.”

“How big?” The woman asked quietly.

Jill watched her struggle and noticed thenozzle hanging from her ass jiggling as she fight to keep her rectum closed tight. Then the tenative look of fear as her rectum lost the battle and then the look of relief as she discovered that the nozzle would hold everything.

“5 quarts and another 4 hours,” Jill said remembering back 2 months earlier. As part of the sensitivity training, Jill and the others had been asked to endure the huge enemyas. She remembered the ancient she had felt and how distended her belly had been. The arousal seemed to take a back seat to the pain at the time but now when she thought about it she could feel her clip throb.

The woman gave her a quiet “Thank You,” as she walked slowly bowlegged down the ramp that led to the holding area. The “Holding Area” was a large single room that would hold 200 women. Poles with rub pads or dildos sticking out from them had been anchored around the floor. It usually took almost an hour before the full side effects were felt.

Jill knew it always started the same. Once in the holding area, the women all started out walking around trying to cope with the load they each carried. For the most part, they walked around bowlegged leaning slightly forward trying to relieve the strain on their bellies. Some sitting in the specially designed chairs. But in about 20 minutes things would start to change when the side effects became apparent.

The patients would feel themselves starting to become wet Between their legs. Then their clients would start to become sensitive and swollen. Their vaginal lips engorged and full and then the nonstop secretions that would be hanging from every pussy in the holding area. The need for sexual release would reach a peak in about 45 minutes and would not stop until the patient had explored the enemas she was holding. It usually took a couple of hours for the side effects to fully wear off and a smile came to jill’s face every time she thought about the surprise waiting for the husbands or boyfriends waitingto pick the women up.

Jill had 10 enemyas to give in 4 hours. From preparing her equipment to securing the patient and administratoring the enema the schedule was easy enough to keep. Her last 2 patients had been heavier women and they took the treatment with as much dignity as they could. But both had moaned loudly when the last quart was introduced into their colons.

There were 2 types of patients Jill looked forward to getting most. First were the masochists. The women that loved being made to endure things of this nature. They thrived on the pain inflicted on their bodies. Jill knew that she, herself was one of these. The more painful the better. She had one such woman restrained on her benchmark yesterday.

The young woman had raised her ass higher as Jill was pushing the nozzle in. She had quietly asked Jill to give the inflator bulbs a couple more squeezes after she had stopped. “Sure,” Jill had said quietly back to her. She had given it 3 more hard fast squeezes that had left the young woman’s feet kicking. She has also made sure that she gave the woman her enema with more than normal help from the turbo paddle. She left the clamp open for a few seconds after the pink fluid had been forced into the young woman’s colon giving the woman a good shot of compressed air.

The woman’s eyes seemed to be glazed when Jill helped her to her feet. And a small smile was at the corners of her mouth as she Walked down the ramp to the holding area. “Have fun with that you little cunt,” Jill thought to herself as she watched her walk down the ramp.

The second kind was the spoiled rich bitches and brats who thought their shit didn’t stink. Jill was pretty sure she was getting ready to deal with one of these now. The pretty blonde just had that look on her face. Jill did notice that she was nicely built and she had just a small patch of blonde public hair just above her pussy. The woman allowed herself to be restrained on the benchmark but then the insults and name-calling started.

“I suppose this gets your cunt wet doesn’t it?” The woman asked with venom in her voice. Jill said nothing as she reached into the box that held the supply of nozzles. She could tell right away that the spoiled young woman was used to get her way and she probably lived off of daddy and mommy’s money. Jill lubricated the nozzle and gently pushed it against the young woman’s anus. Jill told her quietly to take a deep breath and relax.

As the nozzle started to spread her ass the Woman started screaming. “Do you love shoving things up women’s asses you fucking dyke! Is this the kind of stuff that gets you excited!?” she screamed loud enough to be heard by almost everyone. Jill continued to push firmly biting her tongue as to not unload on the little bitch.

Jill watched silently as the tight asshole sucked the balloon inside. The woman moaned when her hole closed around the nozzle. Gripping the blue bulb she squeezed. She usually pumped the balloonsup gently letting the woman get used to the swelling balloon in her rectum. But this time she needed to let the spoiled little bitch know who was in charge. She squeezed the bulb 10 times just as hard and fast as she could squeeze.

She was rewarded with the whimper coming from the stuck-up little bitch. Gripping the nozzle she pulled hard causing the woman’s rectum to cone out. She continued pulling as she inflated the outer balloon forcing the woman’s ass cheeks wide. Leaning down close to the woman’s ear she said quietly. “I start getting wet when it’s in.”

Jill connected the hose to the nozzle and opened the clamp. With a wicked smile, she stepped down on the small peddle. Her pussy was running a steady stream into her already soaked panties. She watched as 4 quarts of pink fluid were introduced nonstop up the little cunts ass in less than a minute along with a long shot of cold compressed air to follow it. Jill smiled, even more, when she heard the loud gurgle from inside the bitch’s stomach.

The woman had her head up and her mouth open. A long steady moan filled the whole area and all of the female marines knew exactly what was going on. They had all been in the same situation as Jill. They all handled it the same way and there was a damn good chance the little bitch would end up with a red stamp on her ass.

The rest of the morning went by without a hit and Jill had all of her patients filled with almost 20 minutes to spare. It was funny now how things were referred to with indifference but it reflected what the country was going through. With the sexual arousal of the women that had to endure the invasive enemyas, the women’s dignity seemed to go out the window.

Jill sat looking down on the holding area for her section along with the other 9 women that ran that section as they took their lunch break. Oneway plexiglass made the walls and ceiling. Jill spotted the pretty young woman that had been number 10 from that morning. She was facing one of the poles secured to the floor moving her pussy up and down on a large dildo.

They did their best to make the women as comfortable as possible. Cool air flowed through the holding area trying to counter the rise in body temperature of the horny women. A large exhaust fan pulled the old air outside. It was rumored around by the male support troops from the temporary camp, that they would stand on top of the hill several hundreds yards to the east. They said the smell of excited pussy was strong enough to give them ections.

Several other women were in the same situation as number 10. All though some of the women tried to act like they were not being affected. A few of them sat on the specially designed chairs that supported their ass chefs but had no center. Because of the inflated balloon between their ass chefs, they could not sit on a solid surface. The blank star and steady drip of secretions from their wet psies were hard to hide.

The 4 hours were coming close to being up for the first lot that had gone through that morning. Jill and the others started making their way to the expulsion stations. They all knew that this is where it started getting messy. Full face shields were strongly recommended and all grabbed a clean one as they walked by the box full of them.

They tried to help the patients maintain some of their dignity during this phase of the treatment. The benches were designed pretty much like the irrigation benches with a couple of minor differences. Rubber nubs stuck up from the benches much like the poles in the holding area. The patients were at the peak of sexual arousal at this point and the rubber buttons gave them something to rub their swollen clients on.

The woman was once again laid on her stomach and her arms and legs once again secured. Once secured the bottom half of the bench thus the bottom half of the woman was wheeled through a rubber curve. Splash shields would be lowered down to force the raw shit into a trough. Jill and her companies would be watching for signs of the parasite. Dead larva and eggs were what they were mostly on the lookout for. At times they would have to break apart solid chunks with a flat paddle in their hands. For the most part, the enemys broke everything down into a brown watery mixture.

They had all become accustomed to the smell every afternoon so that was no big issue with Any of them now. State-of-the-art X-ray machines monitored the plexiglass traughts that the wastewater flowed through. If any sign of the parasite was found a red light would flash signing the woman was positive. At which time a red stamp was put on the woman’s butt cheese and she was separated from the others. In a couple of hours, those women would be given the larger enemy and put into a holding area for another 4 hours.

The first woman was number 10. She looked tired and overheated. She smiled at Jill as she walked up to the bench. She still walkedslightly bowlegged and her belly was still swollen. Jill removed the restraints from around the young woman’s wrists and her hand dropped immediately to her swollen clip. She moaned as she felt the pleasure shot through her cunt.

Jill helped her lay down on her stomach. She slide her body down until she could start rubbing her clip on the rubber buttons. Jill had her secured on the bench in just a couple of minutes. Pushing a button on the console the benchmark moved to roll the woman’s feet and ass through a rubber curtain.

The woman’s head and arms were still inside but her ass was now in a separate chamber. Strong exhaust fans ran in the roof pulling up the air from down lower. Jill stepped through a heavy plastic curtain so she was now where she needed to be. The young woman was still moving her swollen clip hard on the rubber buttons. Jill noticed she was starting to move her hips faster signaling she was getting close to climaxing again. Gripping the blue bulb Jill waitd while the woman brought herself to the edge. When she saw the woman’s hips starting to shake she squeezed the bulb 3 times hard and fast.

Jill could hear the woman as she screamed and watched her ass and hips jerk as she climaxed. Jill pushed the release button on the inflator bulb and heard the hiss of the trapped air. The young woman’s ass pushed the nozzle out from the pressure inside her colon. Brown splatters hit Jills face shield and the strong smell of chemically altered feces hit her nose.

The woman seemed to relax her body letting it cleanout as the enema brought things down from deep inside her. Jill had to break apart only one solid chunk at first. Then she just sat and watched the young woman’s anus open and push out more brown liquid. After about 20 minutes there seemed to be nothing more coming from the woman’s ass.

Picking up the hose she started gently started washing down the woman’s ass and her legs. She gently sprayed warm water over the woman’s swhole cunt lips and swollen clip. Jill felt herself jerk as she felt a milk climax of her own. She had just pushed the round end of the spray nozzle into the woman’s ass and held it open for a few seconds.


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