Author’s Note: The following is Part 2 of a sequel to “The Dice Game” ( It is also a work of fiction intended for novelty purposes only. It contains graphic scenes which may not describe fully safe or wise BDSM practices, and should be enjoyed purely as fantasy.
Part Two: A Sabine Evening
It was dark by the time Laura parked her car along the street, but very few lights were on in the house. The curtains were all drawn. Laura wasn’t surprised; using the dice was not something to advertise to the neighborhood. Turning her key, she entered the dark foyer and saw light coming from the dining room. Warm, inviting scents filled her nostrils, which must be Gwen’s dinner. As she tossed her coat onto its hook she heard an unexpected sound as two thick leather cuffs fell off the table next to the door. Fumbling in the dark to retrieve them, Laura grinned softly. Her evening plans originally involved blankets and Netflix, not dice, but lately she hadn’t been one to complain about a night in Gwen and Cheri’s creative bondage. She usually ended up gagged anyway.
Examining the cuffs, Laura thought her friends must have it out for her. Thick leather and locking buckles only appeared when they played for keeps. Hopefully the dice would keep them from being too harsh. Laura removed her top (they’ll Just take it off anyway) and wrapped each cuff around a wrist snugly. Three small padlocks rested on the stand next to the door. Laura dutifully locked one on each cuff so she couldn’t remove them, and fed the shadowle of the last one through a D-ring on her right cuff. Placing her hands behind her, Laura carefully worked the shadowle through the ring on her other hand. The lock was small and difficult to reach, but after a minute or so Laura managed to stretch her fingers and close the final padlock, binding her hands behind her back until her friends decided otherwise.
Laura ventured into theopaque house now that she’d followed all Cheri’s instructions. The only slider of light led around a corner, towards the kitchen and dining area. Walking through their living room, Laura found their dining table lit by three tall candles, with many more scattered about the room. By the look of it, a meal was already set on the table. Two place settings were unoccupied, but Cheri and Gwen filled the other two.
Each was dressed only in a bra and panties and had been tied securely to her chair. Cheri, inexplicably, also wore a rather unflattering shower cap. Large wads of clothes filled their mouths and when they saw Laura standing there, each immediately started struggleling and grunting at her. Of course by that time Gabrielle had stepped unseen from a shadow.
“What the hell is going on?” Laura asked. She jumped in surprise when she felt Gabrielle’s hands grip her shoulders. “Gabrielle!”
“Dinner is ready,” Gabrielle said cryptically, “I am sorry for ze gags but I did not want Cheri or Gwen to ruin ze surprise for you. Please sit.”
“What are you doing? Let go!” Laura said ineffectively as Gabrielle led her around the table. Her hands already bound, she could not resist. Laura was plopped into her chair and a quick strap around her waist kept her seated. Gabrielle pulled Laura’s arms over the back of the chair and strapped them at the elbow, then strapped her ankles and knees together before feeding a rope from her ankles up to her wrists, pulling her feet off the floor and tying them off. One more strap under Laura’s breasts and she was tied to the chair just as securely as Cheri and Gwen. Once finished, Gabrielle removed the other two’s gags and took her own place.
Gabrielle, with her hair up and wearing a black cocktail dress, began uncovering pots and platters to reveal a hot roasted chicken and potatoes that, under any other circumstances, would have looked delicious. Gabrielle doled out general portions to everyone. The other three stared at their plates awkwardly. Gabrielle chuckled.
“Do not worry. I will ‘elp you,” she said as though they were all just being silly.
“Gabrielle, what the hell is this?” Cheri asked immediately. She hadn’t had much opportunity to speak all afternoon.
“Cheri, why has your friend gone off the deep end?” Laura was a little more blunt. “You texted me something about the game and I get home and you’re all—I’m sorry, what the hell happened to your head?”
Cheri’s eyes immediately well. The shower cap was obviously something she was trying not to think about. “I didn’t text you,” Cheri said dejectedly. “It was her. And then she—”
“Stop!” Gabrielle cut them off, a piece of chicken speared on her fork. “Laura, zero is no mystery. I am ‘ere because I am going to ‘elp all of you.”
“Help?! You fucking jumped me…”
“Help us with what?” Gwen asked, louder than the others. She was staring intently at Gabrielle.
“Merci,Gwen, I am glad you asked,” Gabrielle said happy. “I will ‘elp you all with a big problem you ‘ave. Playing zese silly bondage games all ze time…”
“Gabrielle,” Cheri interjected, “Is this because I said no to you playing the Dice Game with us?” Gwen fixed on Cheri now. “What have you been telling her?”
“What? Like hell! Cheri—”
“—Nothing!” Cheri defended herself. “We just talked a little. I never said—”
“What the fuck, Cheri? You tell some new friend about the game and now we got the goddamn wicked witch—hey! Ow, getmmmph!”
Gabrielle had risen from the table, walked over to their toy chest, and returned. She yanked Laura’s hair back and stuffed a ball gag into the poor girl’s mouth. As Laura while and thrashed about in her hair, Gabrielle laid two more gags on the table.
“Are you finished?” Gabrielle asked cruelly. Cheri and Gwen fell silent, and Gabrielle took her seat again.
“Trés bien,” Gabrielle resumed her sweet tone, “and yes, Cheri, zis began when you keep me out of your trite little Dice Game. I was angry. You see, after seeing sweet Gwen enjoy ‘erself so much when she was ze, ah, ‘victim‘, I wanted to be part of it. I wanted to make Gwen feel good too. I wanted to ‘elp you, too, Laura. And you, Cheri, ‘oo have been such a good friend to me since I arrived.
“I ‘ad never seen such bondage before. You were so creative and skilled, I learned all I could to catch up. I ‘ave spent so many nights after my rooms ‘ave gone to sleep, learning about positions and toys and practicing knots under ze covers. I looked foolish, but zero are so many ways to tie a person up, and I wanted to know zem all,” Gabrielle smiled, “Now I do.”
“Gabrielle, it had nothing to do with knowing bondage,” Cheri said in frustration, “You don’t understand, it’s—”
“Non, it is you zat does not understand,” Gabrielle said impatiently. “I wanted to play ze game so badly until I finally realized why you play it at all. It is because you are all afraid.”
“Afraid?” Cheri asked incredulously. “Of what?”
“Of yourselves. Of your inner desires. Ze game is a trick you play on yourselves. You play and tie each other up because you are all so submissive. You crave bondage but none of you wants to take charge, and so you take turns. But you all want to surrender yourselves so badly zat you can never stop playing and going in zese circles.”
“I don’t understand,” Gwen said. Cheri marveled at how she could remain so calm through this. Laura was having a silent fit next to her. “How does doing this to us help anything? What are you trying to help?”
“I will free you all from ze disease of zese games you all play,” Gabrielle said confidently. Laura grunted in defiance. “‘Ow many times a week do you all play? ‘Ow often do you dance zis childish dance, all trying to be tied and none ‘oping to tie? You are all afraid to take control, so I will do it.”
“Take control?” Gwen asked.
“You crave control, Gwen. You most of all,” Gabrielle said with an air or deep wisdom, “I saw it when I saw you bound by Cheri and Laura, and I see it in your eyes now. You are aroused by your own ‘elplessness, Gwen. Right now, are you not?”
“No!” replied Gwen. Not even Laura or Cheri believed her. Gabrielle smiled.
“Wiz me, Gwen, Cheri, Laura,” she said, nodding to each one in turn, “you need not pretend anymore. You will all surrender to me and I will give you exactly what you want.”
“That’s not—”
“Stop!” Gabrielle said impatiently, as though scolding children. “I knew you would be too afraid to seek a proper Mistress, but you all want one so badly and discussing it would ‘ave defeated ze purpose. I will not wait to be asked. I know ‘ow much you want to be ‘elpless play toys, even if you do not say it. But you will…soon. Before you know it you will be begging me to never let you go again.”
Judging by their horrified expressions, they were less optimistic.
“Gabrielle,” Cheri said desperately, “Whatever we do, it’s because we’re friends who love and trust each other. A friend wouldn’t do this.”
“A friend would do exactly zis, I zink. And from now on, you will only address me as Mistress.”
The conversation went downhill from there. Gwen tried reason, but that only earned her a gag. So Cheri tried pleding, which left her gagged as well. So they sat in silence while Gabrielle ate, lecturing them all between bites about how they should be looking forward to overcoming their baseless fears and surrendering to their new Mistress in new and exciting ways. By the end of the evening they’d all understand quite clearly that asking for release only reformed Gabrielle’s conviction, and that they needed to be tied tighter and longer than before. Gabrielle had declared herself warden at the asylum, and had no indulgences for patients who proclaimed themselves sane.
Eventually Gabrielle offered to remove their gag (one person at a time) long enough to be fed a few bites of cold food off their plates. They all gave in, too hungry to refuse.
At the end of their meal, Gabrielle took all three of their phones out of their pursuit and sent messages to each of their families, giving some excuse for why they would not be coming home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Gabrielle Merrily removed the batteries from all three phones and stored them safely away. It was only Tuesday night, and with the holiday none of them were going to be missed until at least the following Monday. Gabrielle could keep them prisoner for almost a week uninterrupted. After clearing the table, Gabrielle placed the box containing the Dice Game on the table. Cheri, Gwen, and Laura all stared at it ominously.
“I zink you will all be comfortable playing zis game a few more times before I wean you away from it, non?” Gabrielle explained, picking up the dice. “And of course I cannot always play with all three of my new toys at ze same time! Ze dice will tell us ‘oo I play wiz tonight.”
She picked up the black die and twirled it in her fingers. “Cheri will be one and two, Laura three and four, Gwen five and six.”
Gabrielle rolled a six, eliminating Gwen, and then a three. Laura whimpered and immediately began struggling against her bindings. Gwen and Cheri could only watch as Gabrielle released Laura from the chair just barely enough to walk, attached a leash and collar to her captive, and marched off to Laura’s bedroom with the dice in hand.
* * *
Laura was quickly stripped of all her clothes and deposited, bound and gagged, onto her bed. Gabrielle, smoothing out her dress, sat beside her.
“You look so worried, Laura, dear,” Gabrielle soothed. “You are lucky tonight. Cheri and Gwen must sit and wait while we play togezzer.”
Laura groaned. Gabrielle reached up and unbuckled her gag.
“Here, perhaps zis is more comfortable,” Gabrielle said. Laura smacked her lips together.
“Let us go, Gabrielle.”
“Non,” her captor said simply, “And you must always call me Mistress, or ze gag comes back. Zis time I will overlook it.”
The box containing the dice appeared on Laura’s lap. Her face fell even further at the sight of it.
“Let us see ‘ow I will tie you tonight, dear,” Gabrielle rolled the first die, which came up a one. “Ah yes, a ‘stress position.’”
“Please no…er, Mistress.” Laura would play along if it might help. Of course, it didn’t.
Gabrielle laughed softly. “I zink I will have to replace zis option. I do not believe in ‘alf-measures. With me, every position is a stress position. ‘Ow about we roll again.”
The re-roll came up a two, meaning a hogtie. Laura groaned. She offered what resistance she could, but Gabrielle had ample leverage as Laura was forced into her stomach. The strap on her elbows tightened dramatically and her ankles were brought up andCrossed behind her at a steering angle before Gabrielle strapped them together as well. Two more straps found their way onto each of Laura’s thighs, forcing her legs to remain bent. Gabrielle rolled the dice again to determine how much stimulation Laura would receive in her new position. Gabrielle read the results to Laura, who could barely see.
“Just a little stimulation and only one orgasm?” Gabrielle sounded disappointed. Laura was terrified of what a disappointed Gabrielle might do to her. “Oh well, I suppose we should start slowly. Zere will be plenty of time for more later.”
Laura braced herself, unable to see a way out as she watched Gabrielle rise off the bed and pace around the room, poking through Laura’s things.
“What are you doing?” Laura eventually dared to speak.
“I wish to know you,” Gabrielle said, “Ah, I wanted to find zis. It is, uh…Brutus, no?”
Gabrielle pulled a massive vibrator out of the bottom drawer in Laura’s desk. Impeccably clean,all three of its hot pink appendages jutted out from its black base and glistened in the lamplight. Gabrielle considered it in awe for a moment.
“Cheri ‘as told me about ‘er own Mr. Snuggles. I see now why it works so well. Shall we try it?”
“Maybe later,” Laura said glibly, trying to conceal her anxiety.
“Yes…” Gabrielle was looking through Laura’s laptop now. “But you keep it right ‘ere…I suspect you do more zan work at zis desk, no? Sit wiz it under you, per’aps?”
Laura went red, despite herself. Gabrielle giggled. “It is what I would do, too.”
Nor did it took Gabrielle long to discover the regular rotation of porn sites in Laura’s browser history. They all featured exclusively women.
“Please…Mistress, just stop. Please.”
“I am certainly getting to know you better now, Laura. Are you attracted to women?”
Laura struggled earnestly against her restraints. She turned her head away.
“Don’t do this to me, goddamnit.”
“Are you?” Gabrielle asked sternly.
“Only women?”
“Yes, ok?” Laura fought back tears. “What the fuck do you care?”
Gabrielle immediately rushed over in sympathy.
“Oh Laura,” Gabrielle drew Laura back to face her again and gazed into her eyes. “Zere is absolutely nozzing wrong with zat.”
“I fucking know that!” Laura spat, helpless or not. Her face was streaked now. “It’s just…well, they’re not, and…and I don’t want them to feel weird…just let it go, ok?”
Gabrielle still wasn’t fooled. “Which one is it?”
“Zat you love. Is it Cheri?” Laura tried to turn away again but Gabrielle would not let her. She’d give anything—anything—to disappear right now.
Laura turned, if possible, even redder.
“So it is Gwen,” Gabrielle at last seemed satisfied. “You ‘ave wonderful taste, dear. She is lovely.”
Laura stared at her. “You can’t say anything.”
Gabrielle thought for a momentt. She picked up the ball gag again. “I believe she should know. It is not fair to her ozzerwise.”
Laura’s eyes went wide. “No, please! I swear I’ll-mmph. MMMPH!”
Laura bucked with all her might as Gabrielle pressed the gag irresistibly between Laura’s teeth and strapped it tightly around her head. Laura struggled violently as she was rolled onto her back in the center of the bed. Gabrielle cinched a rope between Laura’s wrists and tied it to the footboard. More ropes were tied to the straps on her thighs and attached to the corners of the headboard. As they pulled tight, Laura was forced to remain on her arched back. She could barely move as Gabrielle laid next to her.
“It is ok, Laura,” Gabrielle soothed as Laura’s eyes pleased with her. “I will not share your secret. For now.”
Laura relaxed a little, but Gabrielle continued, “But I want somezing in return. I want you to give yourself to me tonight.”
Laura looked at her.
“I can do what I want wizYour beautiful body, but I also want you to let me. Give me a chance to take care of you, Laura, and I will keep your secret.” Gabrielle stroked her captive lovingly.
At last Laura nodded. What choice did she have? To celebrate, Gabrielle produced a blindfold and slipped it over Laura’s eyes.
“If it ‘elps,” Gabrielle said warmly, “You can pretend I am Gwen. But remember zat you are not ze person to prefer ze touch of a woman.” A pair of painted lips grazed Laura’s.
Laura waited as Gabrielle rose off the bed and disappeared. Soft music began playing on Laura’s computer, and a few strange sounds could be heard throughout the room. Laura lay quietly in the dark, trying to make sense of Gabrielle and wondering what the devilish woman had in store, until Suddenly she felt a warm hand brushing over her breasts and down her body. Forgetting her precarious situation for a moment, Laura couldn’t help but moan pleasantly.
“You ‘ave such an elegant body, so smooth and flexible. I have always seen you so passwordate zat it is strange to see you ‘elpless.” Gabrielle’s hand traversed Laura’s stomach now with rigid fingers, the soft skin pressing accordingly into Laura. She recoiled from her captor’s firm touch.
“I am not so bad, you and ze others will see,” Gabrielle soothed. Her hand was on Laura’s thigh now, gripping it lightly. “I ‘ave Only your pleasure in mind.”
Laura groaned in passive disagreement, but Gabrielle was quickly flooding her with other thoughts. A single finger crept up her thigh, nestling at the corner of leg and hip. Laura surprised herself by wishing, for a single second, that it might creep a little further in…
“It is easy to let yourself be afraid, Laura,” Gabrielle whispered. She rolled her own body closer to Laura’s, pressing into her, one thigh resting on another’s. “I know you convinced yourself that I ‘ave nozzing for you, but ‘ave you ever asked yourself, really asked…”
Gabrielle’s hand rested justabove Laura’s mound while her breast pressed against Laura’s shoulder. Gabrielle’s breath warmed Laura’s neck, her lips speaking directly into their captive ear.
“…whezzer you need me after all?” Gabrielle poured into Laura’s ear, soliciting a long moan as the only conceivable reply. A lone finger sank into the folds of Laura’s sex while Gabrielle relished her captive’s every pleasure reaction. Laura Shook her head halfheartedly, straining every bound muscle against the straps holding her.
“Do you need to be bound? Need to surrender to anozzer? Need to know zat person ‘as total power over you and what you feel, or do not feel?” Gabrielle rubbed Laura’s cliporis hard while her lips found a nipple and began sucking on it lightly. Slowly, Laura nodded.
“Do you need me?” Gabrielle asked casually, as though it followed naturally. But Laura, though breathing heavily and unable to concentrate on anything but Gabrielle’s blissful assaults on her senses, still shook her head repeatedly. “Nuh-uh.”
Gabrielle of course found this much less satisfaction, and asked again. Laura repeated her answer through the orb in her mouth. Gabrielle paused but, to her credit, was undeterred.
“So defiant,” she cooed, “but I am patient. Tell me: do you need to climax, Laura?”
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