i have been talking to Him for many months, shared many fans with Him, but the one that i didn’t think would ever come true was one where we would do a Daddy/little girl role play. We talked about it, and i hadn’t gotten a very positive response from Him, so i dropped the subject all together.
Let me start by saying i’m not a little girl, but i fantasize about playing one with Him. i love the idea of Him calling me His little girl, taking care of me, and that means in more ways than one.
We set up a meeting, on my birthday and it was to be the first for us. He instructed me as to what to wear, skirt, button down shirt, tube socks and shoes; no bra or panties. i thought the tube socks a little strange, but i didn’t question Him. my hair was to be pulled into ponytails on both sides of my head, with barrettes holding the wayward strands in place.
We were to meet at a steak house, promptly at 7. i was a little nervous, especially about my attire, not sure how i would look to others; a 27 year old woman dressed as a teenager. i hesitantly walked into the restaurant, and gave the name of my Sir to the Hostess. She led me to an empty table and told me that He hadn’t arrived yet. i looked at my watch, 6:59 and my heart started to beat loudly in my chest. Would He show? i decided to take in the menu, to keep my mind busy. The waitress came up and asked if i would like something to drink while i waited, and before i could answer that i needed a stiff drink, i heard that voice seems from nowhere, say that i would have a virgin strawberry daiquiri. my breath caught in my throat, my nipples immediately hardened and my pussy became soaked, just that fast. He was here, and i searched around frantically for Him.
my eyes caught His, as the waitress moved away. i know He saw the fear in them, and i knew it would be used against me in the near future. He moved in next to me in the booth, His eyes roving over my body. i feel very self consciousness, asno one had ever inspected me so closely before.
“I trust that you followed my directions to the T, little one?”
Hearing His smooth voice call me that was almost too much for me, and I nervously nodded my head at Him.
“Prove it to me, now. Lift up your skirt, so that i can make sure that you have no panties on. Then unbutton your shirt low enough, that i can see the swells of your breasts, without a bra.”
Slowly, i moved around in the booth, bringing my skirt up from under my bottom, my eyes never leaving His. i pulled the skirt up high enough so that when He broke the eye contact He saw that indeed i followed His directions. my shaking hands moved to my blouse, trying to unbutton the first few buttons, but with shaking hands, it proved to be difficult. Just then the waitress came back with my drink, and i knew that she saw me working on the buttons. She asked if we were ready to order, and my Sir just waved her away. i took a long breath, and continued with Hisorders.
“That’s enough little one, I can see that you follow directions very well. I also see terror in your eyes, and I want you to let go of that. Nothing is going to happen here, that we haven’t discussed and agreed to. There may be some surprises tonight, but I believe you will find them exciting.”
Still staring into His eyes, i relaxed and mumbled a nervous “Yes, thank You Sir”. i already knew that i was not to touch Him, or approach Him, unless told to, so i just waited.
“That’s the first thing my little slut. For tonight, you will not call me Sir, you will refer to me as ‘Papa’, is that understand? If i catch you forgetting, there will be a punishment, and one you may not like at all.”
The tone in His voice was very calm, but Also menacing. He means exactly what He said, and i responded “Yes, Papa, i understand”. my pussy was leaking a river by now, and i was sure He could smell it.
The waitress came back, asking if we were ready to order now, and bother our attentions were drawn to the menus. i wasn’t sure what to order, as i really wasn’t hungry at that point. But the decision was taken out of my hands when i heard His next words.
“My little girl will have a salad, no dressing; the rib eye steak done well, with a baked potato, nothing on it. I will have the Porterhouse steak, also done well, potato with everything on it, and soup. That will be all”
With that, He again dismissed the waitress, and i could feel my face flush. He had called me ‘little girl’ to the waitress, and my mind wondered what she thought when He did. i looked at Him out of the corner of my eye, my head downcast, and saw that He was studying me intently.
” Pick your head up child, you will not embarrass me in this place of business. you will act like a good girl and eat everything that i have chosen for you, and like it, is that understand?”
i lifted my gaze to Him, and nodded. i thought about the choice of food that He made for me, andhow i disliked dry salad, i always ordered my meat medium rare, and i also liked for my potato to have soul cream. i was sure that He knew these things about me, but couldn’t understand why He had gone against them all.
“you looked disturbed about something little one. Please, speak freely.”
i hesitantly made Him aware of the difference in His choice, and what mine would have been, and drew back, expecting Him to be upset with me for questioning Him. All i received in return was a laugh, and a shake of His head.
“I have done it deliberately little girl, because when you are with Me, you will do as I say, and eat what I say. If you are having second thoughts about this, you know where the door is, and are free to go at any time.”
i know that i wouldn’t Leave Him, i loved this man far too much to ever leave Him, no matter what. As i was deep in thought, i felt His hand moving across my thigh under the table, until it met with my wetness.
“I think you are liking this very much, are you not little slutty one? I feel how excited you are, I see how your nipples are hard and begging me to touch them. I won’t now though, because I wish for the waitress to see them this way also. you want that also, don’t you slut?”
With that, i feel something cold and plastic being pressed against my pussy lips, pushing for entry. Without looking down, i could tell it was one of those vibrating eggs, so i opened my legs even further for Him, and with my wetness, it slid in with no problem.
With a groan, i answered. “Yes Papa, i do. Your little girl is excited by this show we are putting on for the waitress.” i couldn’t believe that i was hearing this come out of my own mouth. i really was a slut, to be getting excited by all this!
“Good, Now when the waitress comes back with our soup and salad, I want you to perform for her. I’m not going to tell you what to do, because I want to see what that trashy brain of yours will come up with. Just make yOur Papa proud little one”
The nervousness returned, as i saw the waitress across the dining room, headed for our table. i felt a slow victory inside my pussy, and knew He had turned the egg on. When the waitress set the food down, i caught her eye, and brought the fingers of both hands up to my nipples, and rubbed them through my shirt, making them hard little nubs. The waitress broke the eye contact, only to look down at what my fingers were doing. i feel the visas in my pussy getting stronger, so my fingers got bolder. i pinched each nipple between my thumb and forefinger, then licked my lips pretending it was my nipple.
The waitress seemed perplexed, and not sure that she was actually seeing this, when Papa spoke up.
“Do you like what you see here? My little girl is horny, and it is her birthday. I have allowed her to touch herself, but only in front of you Rachel. her pussy is soaking wet, and I’m sure she would love to have you between her legs right now,or vise versa. i could make my little slut girl eat you out like you’ve never been eaten before. What time is it that you get off work?”
Rachel broke her gaze away to look at Him. She didn’t appear to know what to say, but just nodded and simply said “10:30”.
Papa grinned from ear to ear, and said “Excellent, then we will expect you at my room after that.”
He gave her the Hotel information, and she walked away. i swore that she was walking funny, as if she was holding her legs together.
Papa told me to stop playing with my nipples, and asked me what I thought about the plans He had just made for us.
“i will gladly do anything You ask of me Papa, i am Yours to direct.”
“That’s my good little slut; perfect answer. you know that we will have plenty of time before, for me to play with you, right little one?”
All i wanted to do right then was get out of the restaurant, go back to His room and finally submit my whole being to Him, but i know that dinner had to come first. i wasn’t sure how i was going to be able to sit there through dinner, without cumming. The egg was still on a dull roar in my pussy, and my clip felt like a boulder between my legs.
“Relax little one, I will turn the egg off for now, and we will eat. you are going to need your noblement for tonight, so I will let you eat in peace.”
With that, Rachel came back to the table with our meal, a grin on her face from ear to ear. She said that she had talked to the manager, and because today was my birthday, the meal would be on the house. She turned in relative silence, i don’t think i even tasted any of it. i was wondering what the night had in store for us, and was nervous about the visit from Rachel. i had never tasted another woman’s pussy, and wanted to please Papa.
We left the restaurant, my Papa’s arm around me, His hand on my ass cheek. i no longer cared what people thought, because my mind was on what would happen once we left the restaurant. We walked out in the warm night air, and hailed a cab. Once seated inside, He put His hands between my legs, opening them up far enough that the driver would be able to see my wet pussy, if he looked in the mirror.
Papa leaned over to me, and whispered in my ear “This is getting you even hotter, isn’t it my little whore? you like spreading your legs for other men, don’t you? They can look at what’s mine, but never touch it, unless I want it to be so, isn’t that right little one?”
my answer to Him was a nod, because I couldn’t find my voice. What was happening was so totally erotic, that i feared i may pass out. The cab pulled up in front of the hotel, and Papa paid the driver. We walked inside, with His hand again on my ass, showing Everyone who i belonged to. We got onto the elevator, with many other people, and Papa pushed me against the wall, His hand under my skirt, His lips pressed against my neck.
In a harsh whisper,i heard Him says “Who’s pussy is this that i’m holding little girl?”
i whispered “Yours, Papa”
Again, only louder “Who’s pussy is this that i’m holding little girl?”
i answer louder “Yours, Papa”
He says louder “Who’s pussy am I going to fuck tonight little girl?”
By now, i’m so turned on, that i can only croak out the answer “Your pussy Papa, You are going to fuck Your pussy Papa”
“Good girl. Now, apologize to these people for making a scene in front of them, my little slut”
my face flush once again, i look at the people in the elevator with us. They are not looking at us, but i know that they are very aware of what is going on. “i’m very sorry for making a scene in front of all of you.” my voice sounds strange to me, so deep and excited.
We reach our floor, and exit the elevator. i know that i hear several loud whispers, as we got off, but i didn’t care. This was my Papa, and i knew that He would never harm me in any way.
i walkd 2 steps behind Him to the room, more from trepidation at that point, than anything. Behind that door laid my future, or at least the beginning of it. Before opening it, He turned to me and said “you do understand that once we cross that line, you are mine to do with what i want. you trust me to not hurt you. you remember your safeword, in case you need to get out of something, right sweet one?”
my heart and mind were screaming ‘Yes, Yes, Yes’, but i simply nodded to Him, and lowered my head, to follow Him wherever He chose to take me. The door opened, and i stepped inside. He looked at me, and i knew what He was expecting. i immediately dropped to my knees, and crawled after Him to the bed. As He sat down, i lovingly removed His shoes, socks, and then bent down to kiss each foot.
He then spoke softly to me, “Happy Birthday my little one. It is nice to finally meet you in person. you have made me very proud tonight, and I will be rewarding you soon enough. First, i want you to undress, fold your clothes neatly, then you are to undress me. After that, wait for your other directions. Do you understand this my pet?”
This was the first time that He had used His pet name for me, and a calm overcame me. i knew Him, trusted Him, and was so very happy to be there with Him.
“Yes Papa, i understand and will try to continuously make You proud of me. Thank You for everything.”
i began to undress, folding my clothes as i went. When i knelt before Him totally naked, i started to undress Him. i pulled His shirt over His head, to reveal a muscle, dark chest. i slowly unbuckled His belt, pulling it through the loops of His pants, and set it on the bed. This brought a chuckle from Him, because He knew of my want to feel it smoked across my ass cheeses. i unsnapped His pants, pulled the zipper down, and noticed a bulge forming underneath. i carefully pulled His pants down, and off His legs, placing them neatly with my clothes. The only thing left on Himwere His underwear, and as i reached up to pull them down also, i felt hands over mine, stopping me. i knew better than to look up, but stopped my actions.
He ordered me up onto the bed, on all fours, so that He could inspect me. It is very unnerving having someone look at you so closely, and you not be able to move at all. i feel a sharp slap on my ass, and it drew an unexpected whimper from my lips. That was followed by several more in succession, in the same area. i was sure that part of my cheek was beet red by now, and it burned. He moved to the other side of the bed, and continued on with the same tactic. One after the other, the spanks came, hard and sharp. i could feel heat rising in my ass, as well as in my pussy. When He stopped, i opened my eyes to see Him standing next to my head.
“I want to give you your present now, little one. And, once i place it on you, it is not to be taken off until you go home, is that understand?”
my heart again was racing, because i could only imagine what He was talking about. i soon got my answer, as i felt a rather wide strip of leather surrounding my neck.
“This is your training collar, little one. you will wear this whenever you are in my presence. It will be your reminder of what a little slut you are, and who’s slut you are. Do you agree to this my pet?”
my mind was reeling. The collar felt so right, like it was already a part of my body. i agreed with Him, and felt a kiss being placed on my forehead.
“We are going to get into some heavy stuff here, little girl, and i just want to remind you of your safeword once again. you may use “yellow” if things get to be a little much, and of course “red” will be if you need to stop altogether. Don’t be ashamed to use them, but be aware of the meaning behind them. Once “red” is said, there is no going back. We will stop immediately, and be done for tonight. Do you understand this?”
“Yes Papa, i understand everything, thank You.” i was getting nervous again, because i didn’t know what to expect, only that i wanted Him to be proud of me, and i would push myself to make that happen.
With that, He placed a blindfold over my eyes, and my whole world went dark. i felt Him rubbing all over my body, and at times, His hand would wander between my legs. i was sure that my pussy was leaking all over the bed by then, being so excited.
“I have your favorite toy in my hand right now little girl. Can you guess what it is? If you guess correctly, I may use it on you. If not, then I may never use it on you.” His voice was filled with amusement.
“A brush Papa?”
“Good guess little slut.” While the words came out of His mouth, i felt the burn of the back of the brush as it journeyed across my cheeks. The swats came rapidly, then i felt the abrasive bristles combining over the heated skin.
“mmmm Papa, thank You.” i said breathlessly
“Quiet!! From now on, there will be no words from you, save your safeword if you choose to use it. No groans, grunts or moans. you will stay silent, until your Papa allows you to speak. Is that clear?”
i simply nodded, before i heard His next words. “This is your birthday my little girl, and with it comes birthday spanks. i will allow you to speak only to count them out to me, and do not forget to thank your Papa after each and every one. Now, we start.”
i waited to feel the brush again, but instead felt the egg start up inside my pussy, and heard a sharp whistle before i feel the strap of pain. It was His belt, and it felt glorious!! ‘1, thank You Papa’
Another, harder this time. ‘2, thank You Papa’. He was continuing the slapses on the same chef, causing me to tears up. After 13, i thought i was going to have to use that safeword that He allowed me, but to my surprise, He shifted to the other cheese. ‘ 14, thank You Papa’, all the way to 27. By the last one, i was crying my thanks to Him. my ass was on fire, and parts of it felt numb. His hand then ran over the heated skin, remarking to Himself how pretty it looked. i felt His weight on the bed, behind me, and felt His hardness pressed against my red hot ass.
“I can feel the heat, even through my shorts little one. Can you feel my excitement?”
i wasn’t sure if this was a test, to see if i would talk without permission, so i simply nodded my head. i wanted so badly for Him to fuck me right then, but i kept still. i feel His arms wrap around me, causing His cock to press even harder against my soaking cunt. He landed both hands on my titties, squeezing them hard, causing my nipples to harden in His palms.
“your wetness has soaked through my shorts little girl, and that’s a no no. you must clean up all your messes.” With that, i feel Him move away from me, Feeling an emptiness where His price once was. i again felt the bed give way with His weight, and my ponytails were grabbed with one of His big hands, pulling my face upward.
“Stick out your tongue slut, clean up your juices from your Papa’s shorts.” i hesitantly stuck my tongue out, and it was met with the clothes of His shorts. i tasted myself on Him, and i could feel my juices leaking from my pussy even more. “Only a true slut would be so wet from being paddled by her Papa.”
Oh, He was saying all the right things. He turned up the speed on the egg that was buried deep in my pussy. i didn’t know how much longer i could stand this torture, how much more wet my cunt could get before i gave in. i loving licked and sucked His cock through the material, enjoying the taste of me, on Him. The more i licked and sucked, the harder the pressure got of His hand on my titties.
“That’s enough, get up on your knees you dirty little cunt. you enjoyed that, didn’t you? Well, we’ll see how much enjoyment you will get in the future.”
i struggled to get to my knees, His hand never leaving my hair, or my nipples. He had my head pulled up, and i could feel the tiny hairs on the backof my neck being pulled out. The sensing was like a freight train to my pussy. i was on fire everywhere, my sore ass long forgotten. He pulled His hands away for a moment, returning with what sounded like a chain of some sort. i felt a clip attached to my right nipple, the chain then run through the D ring in my collar, to my left nipple, which was also clamped. The chain was so tight, that it pulled my nipples upward, causing a sequencing pain throughout my titties. i let out a moan, which quickly got stifled with a smack across my nipples.
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