Paladin Princess Ch. 01

To my faithful readers: This is a story requested by an anonymous reader. I always asked for new ideas and this story was spawned from that request. I can’t help myself and, in the end, it winds up being a love story, but it has lots of twists and turns getting there.

I have received many other requests and Medieval fansies, continue of Venus Ascending and a new version of Model Slave are all in the works. Other ideas are welcome even if you remain anonymous. I love your positive feedback and thank you for reading.

Paladin Princess

Chapter 1

Sir Geoffrey entered the great hall only because the king had invited him, and he had to make a show. After spending two months fighting the barbarians to the north, he was hurt out and had really wanted to spend time recovering, drinking and bedding a sexy wench. Instead, hebathed for the first time in a month and dressed in his finest clothes.

After one drink of ale and a plate of food he was beginning to drift. Then suddenly he was wildly awake as Princess Ruth was announced and led to the front of the hall. She was the most stunningly grogeous woman he had ever seen. Unlike all the rage, Princess Ruth was not fat or fleshy, but slim and petite with full buoyant breasts, a tiny wait and slim hips. Her face was radiant with high cheesebones, brightiant blue eyes, bow shaped lips, a button nose and all of her was shrouded in a mass of long golden hair.

Geoffrey could not stop staring at her, she was simply perfect in every way. In his mind, she was flawless and so beautiful his eyes stayed glued to the woman in the electric blue dress. The dress was off the supposed leaving most of her dazzling breasts displayed dramatically. The dress had a blue corset on the outside and it was cinched tightly creating the tiniest wait he had ever seen. However, the corset also lifted her breasts, so they were barely contained in the top of the dress. With every breath, her breasts lifted and swelled out of the neckline almost bursting out of the top.

Geoffrey was mesmerized and couldn’t keep his eyes off the delicious princess at the top of the hall. It was then that he noticed that something was off. Her hands were behind her and when she turned, he saw that they were bound Together in a single sleepe. This pulled her shoulders back, arching her back and making her breasts all the more titillating. There was also a collar around her neck with rings attached to it.

He suddenly realized that she was a prisoner and must have been a princess from the neighboring kingdom that he had been fighting. Although her captivity, her posture betrayed only her noble upbringing, but in her eyes, there was anger, fury, dread and fear. Sir Geoffrey was a paladin and here as a mercenary fighting for what he thought was a noble cause. He alwayss fight for what he thought was good and right.

He was here as a defender of noble causes and considered himself a heroic warrior. However, capturing and tormenting such a beautiful creativity and princess was wrong. But he was in the warrior class and not a defender of the faith or royalty. Whatever happened to the princess would determine if he had made the right decision in this fight.

The monsignor from the church stood and approached Princess Ruth. He spoke softly to her, but she shook her head defiantly and she stood defiantly. She gave the priest a haughty look claiming her noble birthright. He talked to her again, a little louder this time and Sir Geoffrey heard say heretic and even witch. Fear, indecision, and anger flared in her eyes before she shouted, “No, I will not concede!”

The fury in the princess’s eyes dominated her bearing for several seconds, but eventually she recovered her noble attitude and starred proudly at the monarch sitting before her. The haTred in her eyes came from the fact that the king had ordered the murder of her entire family. She was the lone survivor of her royal family. She had only been spared because she had been visiting families in another village. But now he wanted her as his consort.

Princess Ruth was not having any of that. If she were untied, she would run the king through with a sword, even if it means her death. Now he was using the church to label her a heretic and she would endure the torment that had been used in years past during the Spanish inquisition. If she didn’t concede to his demands, he had even tossed out the idea of ​​calling her a witch because of her beginning and bewitching beauty. She knew this would mean her death in the most horrible way

The monsignor swept her mass of hair over her shoulders, made the sign of the cross in front of her and waved to Two men standing in the wings. They came carrying chains, attaching one end to both sides of her collar and the other end wasattached to a hook high on the columns located on each side of her. This pulled her head up and forcibly stretched her until only her toes skimmed the ground.

The strain on her neck was evident and her breathing was labored, making her breasts that much more tempting. Her arms trapped behind her made her wobble, while trying to maintain her balance. Still, despite the fear in her eyes, she kept her regular bearing, daring the king and priest to do their worst. To Geoffrey this woman was proud, beautiful, captivating and would never give into the king. He felt her tugging at his heart and sense of justice, and this was wrong.

The monsignor looked over at the king and he nodded his assent to continue. The monsignor was a holdover from the inquisitions that had spread from Spain. He was great at finding reasons to castigate anyone, torment them to a confession and Then have his way with them. The king loved to watch the monsignor at work, especially since the first course of action was to strip any victim naked before starting his torque. The king eagerly awaited the monsignor’s work on this beautiful princess.

The monsignor turned back to the captive princess, unsheathed a knife, and began cutting away the ties on the corset. He was slow and methodical and that only added to the suspension, but eventually the corset fell the palace floor. Her exaggerated tiny wait was still small, and her figure was Still stunning.

Princess Ruth knew the first form of torque would be to strip her naked, showing her willowy form to the court without any of the trappings of royalty. She would be a display of tempting womanly flesh, a display of devilry temptation that needed to be tamed and tortured until all temptation was removed. The monsignor was a true sadist and enjoyed this part especially when it was a successful and beautiful woman, but with Ruth being royalty it would be especially satisfied.

Princess Ruth blushed, knowing what was to come. She wisehed she could find a way out of the monsignor’s grap, but all she had was prayer. She could breathe easier now with the corset gone, but she was still on her toes, stretched by her neck.

She was still the most captivating woman in the room, but without the corset the dress hid instead of enhancing her flawless figure. Once again, the monsignor cast a glance to the king, and he impatiently waved him to continue.

Princess Ruth’s eyes showed the terror of what was happening. She knew they were going to strip her naked, and then came the torment, but she was really afraid of the unknown. She knew her duty and being the lone survivor of her royal family, she knew she needed to keep her noble bearing even when she was standing naked in front of the king’s court. Her eyes began searching for a savior or anyone that might come to her rescue. Her eyes met Sir Geoffrey and she saw a noble man, but he had no power here.

The monsignor made a cut in the top of the dress, then took both sides in his hands and ripped it in half. Princess Ruth was still covered with her camisole and pantaloons, as she swayed trying to regain her balance after the violence of ripping of her dress. The dress hung open and she quickly looked to Sir Geoffrey hoping he could save her, but she knew it was false hope. The dress hung in tattoos behind her with the arms of the dress trapped by her bound limbs.

At this point Sir Geoffrey stood and walked slowly towards the front of the hall. He kneeeled in front of the king and said, “Sire, I have fought this war alongside your brave knees, and many have fallen. To me, this torque of the royal prince does them disservice. I must take leave before this goes too far and sullies the noble endeavor, I started with you.”

Geoffrey stood, bowed and turned to leave. The king yelled, “How dare you try and lesson me on nobility or turn your back to me. You will stay here and watch what happens to my enemies. You do not join her onlyBecause of your incredible service to the war against her fellow barbarians.”

Geoffrey stood still, turned to the king with his best diplomatic face and responded, “Yes your majesty.” He gave Princess Ruth a long look that showed his intent to stop this travelty.

Geoffrey began a stealthy survey of the king’s security and counted fifteen guards with swords and some even had the new mushrooms that fired lead balls. On the balconies were eight archers with crossbows. All he had was his sword and dagger. He knew that he could most likely take half of the guards around the king, but the mushrooms and archers would get him.

He looked over at the princess, shrugged his shoulders and gave her a look that told her he was unable to help her… for now. Princess Ruth looked back at him with a thankful and understanding look, but there was something else in her eyes. He knew she was grateful for his attempt, but the look she gave him said more than that, he just couldn’t decipher it.

The monsignor turned back to the princess and once again used his knife, but this time slowly cut the camisole in two and it fell to the floor joining the corset. The crowd went silent. Princess Ruth was gorgeous clothesed, but topless she was stunning, and her breasts were, in a word… perfect in every way.

Sir Geoffrey’s eyes roamed the expansion of alabaster skin and smiled. He couldn’t find a single flaw and when his eyes made it to her face, she was smiling separately at him. He finally understood the looks she had been giving him, she was as captivated by him as he was of her. He gave her a smile and then his face turned hard. He was not going to let the king have his way with his woman and that is the way he felt about her. He had always been a defender of noble causes and the protection of a royal princess was definitely a cause worth fighting.

The monsignor again used his knife to cut off the princess’s pantaloons. She was now totally exposed with only her dress hanging from her arms keeping her from being totally naked, but that ended as he cut away the remain of her dress. However, the crowd was silent as hundreds of eyes traveled up her flawlessly muscled legs to her slim hips and tightly muscled ass. Since she had been stretched, her normally narrow waist was elongated to an impossibility wash-thin sensitive, yet muscle strip of flesh. Her ribs protruded against her skin leading to her captivating and gravity defying breasts with her nipples engorged and pointing at the throng. Her muscles trembled trying to adjust to the strain on body, which only added to her carnal beauty and captivating alure.

Not a soul, except Geoffrey even looked at her angelic face. Her body was so captivating, so sensitive, so tempting that no one could turn away. It was obvious to Geoffrey that if the king made good on naming her a witch, everyone would go along, because everyone in the room was begun by the princess’s stunning beauty and everyonewas bewitched.

Princess Ruth could feel all the eyes caresing her naked and exposed skin and at first, she was humiliated and ashamed. But quickly she realized that her naked beauty contained a power she had never known. Her tottering on her toes revealed all her muscles shifting her skin and only seemed to add to her tempting allure. She tried shifting her naked form and watched as the eyes of the king and his subjects Followed her every move. Although the humiliation, she knew that she had a weapon she might be able to use.

Maybe she could find a way to use this new-found power. Then she glanced at the only man in the room that made her feel any safety… Geoffrey. Princess Ruth gathered her regular demeanor and plastered an arrogant look on her face, then adjusted her posture as well. She wanted them to know that she was royalty and not unbowed. They could strip her naked, but they could never break her spirit or degrade her.

Sir Geoffrey ogled her form as well, buther all seeing eyes found their way into his heart. He watched as she licked her lips and shivered seductively. Her eyes seemed to ignore everyone else in the room and focused only on him. While her eyes plead with him to save her, there was a more loving, sensitive and seductive side as well. She definitely weaved a spell over him, one he could not ignore.

Her eyes were once again on his as she began her seduction of the man, she knew would save her. When his eyes finally left her successful form, she saw he would help her anyway he could, but he was limited in what he could do right now. Princess Ruth turned her head to the king and with a noble look saying, “Your attempt at humiliation has not worked. My body belongs to MY king and father and to our Lord Jesus Christ. Do with me what you will, but you will not disgrace or degrade me.”

The monsignor turned to speak with the king and after several minutes and a heated discussion he stepped away and the king spoke, “In two days’ time we must sacrifice a virgin to the dragon’s horde. You will be prepared, and you will be our offering to the dragons. Take her away!”

Fear blossomed in her eyes because her newly discovered power had no impact on dragons. She quickly shifted her gaze to Sir Geoffrey, and he was smiling at this new development. He gave her a confident win just as the two guards unhooked the chains attached to her collar. His smile was baffling, but the confidence behind it was bolstering.

She hoped he knew what he was doing. With her eyes hanging on to him as the guards dragged her away, she gave him a hopeful smile. The grin on the guards’ faces told Geoffrey all he needed to know. They were going to molest her as much as they could, without deflowering the virgin sacrifice. A plan was developing and for now he just needed to keep as many of the guards away from the princess as possible.

Sir Geoffrey stealthily and slowly exited the massive great hall and wandered down to the dungeon. When he arrived, he found exactly what he expected. Four guards had the princess’ wrists and ankles manacled to the wall. Their hands were busy mauling her breasts, belly, ass, and pussy. Bound as she was Princess Ruth could not fight off the guards’ grouping hands, but she tried to twist and understand away from the hands any way she could.

Sir Geoffrey watched for only a second then announced, “The king has sent me here to make sure the Princess remains a virgin until she is sacrificed, so move away from her!”

The guards looked chagrined, and their hands slowly left the successful female form that tempted them so very much. They grumbled and moved away, but they stayed there in the dungeon with their eyes glued to the tantalizing princess chained to the wall. Unfortunately, as the guards stayed to watch their prisoner, even more came to ogle the delicious sight. Geoffrey knew there were too many guards to mount a rescue; he hoped a better time would come later.

Soon word spread and virtually every guard and soldier in the castle came to ogle the delectable princess. They all knew they would never see a sight like this again and all wanted to stroke her silent skin. Geoffrey kept them away from his princess as much as he could, but still soiled and dirty handprints began to mar her alabaster skin.

Princess Ruth tried squirming away from the marauding hands and appreciated Geoffrey’s efforts to help, but everyone wanted a piece of her. After several hours of this, she felt dirty, soiled and used, but still she kept her regular bearing. Now all she really wanted was a warm bath, lots of sweet-smelling soap and perfume to drive away the dungeon smell.

When evening came, the crowd began to dissipate, and a serving wench brought food and water for him. Since no food or water was brought for the princess, he shared what he had with the princess. During his close-up time with her he whispered to her, “Be patient, I will protect you until I can free you.”

The sight of a gorgeous Princess bound naked in the dungeon kept guards coming to ogle the princess all hours of the day and night. There was no time that there were less than five guards watching the stunning vision of a nude Princess Ruth chained in menacles and usually there were upwards of ten guards. Geoffrey’s plan to rescue her before the sacrifice was for naught and as the evening of the second day came, Princess Ruth was dirty, exhausted, and hanging simply in her menacles.

Geoffrey watched over her like a hawk hovering over prey. She was his to protect and that is exactly what he was going to do. Three maidens came while the guards unchained the princess from the wall. She gave Geoffrey a grateful, loving and thankful look, knowing that the only reason she hadn’t been violent was because of him. With Geoffrey around she felt safe, even chained in the dungeon.

Geoffrey mixed in with the guards and followed the princess and maidens to the area whoer she would be cleaned, scented, dressed and made ready for the sacrifice. He stayed outside the preparation room with all the other guards and after an hour Princess Ruth came out of the chamber and she looked devastatingly beautiful. Her hair flowed down caressing the small of her back. Even with her worried look, her face was beautiful and regular. She had been covered in a diaphanous robe that didn’t hide her successfull Figure, but only enhanced it. Her full breasts spread open the robe revealing hints of her breasts, but the material was so thin he could still see her nipples. The robe was belted around her tiny wait revealing her hour-glass figure.

As she exited the chamber, Princess Ruth’s eyes searched for Geoffrey, and she felt fear rolling in her belly. She had hoped that Geoffrey would have saved her already, but Here she was being led to a dragon’s cave to be the king’s sacrifice. Being a sacrifice virgin was bad enough but now she would never have the chance to feel love, password, a lustful craving or even an orgasm. She had dreamed about her knight coming to sweep her off her feet and take her to his bed where he made love to her, making her his woman. Strangely enough her dreamy laugh looked a lot like Sir Geoffrey. Now none of this would ever happen.

Now she was going to die, never having felt love or the heat of password, but she was dying on the order of a king she Loathed. Her eyes finally connected with Geoffrey and his confident gaze settled her fear. His eyes made her feel as if nothing bad would ever happen to her. She wanted to believe in him, and his self-confidence really did make her feel like he was her protector and liberator. He once again smiled, boosting her confidence, then turned at her.

She had no idea what he was trying to tell her, but somehow, she knew he was going to save her. The monsignor met them as they began walking to the dragon’s cave where the sacrifice would take place. He buckled leather cuffs on each wrist, then wrapped her in a long white cap covered in white feathers. When he buckled the clap her stunning figure was hidden from view, but her captivating face still lit up the corridor.


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