Sir turned away and spoke towards justine this time, “And i don’t appreciate My seasoned slave being so willingly apart of this adventure, so whatever punishment befalls My submissive will tenfold land on My slave…in due time.”
Snapping His head back to sabrina, there was a glint of humor in Sir’s eyes as He added, “maybe a fitting punishment would be an eye for an eye type of scenario, My pretty blonde bitch. I could take a week to Myself and leave you to float about without instructions or orders…”
sabrina was overjoyed to hear Sir’s pet name fall from His lips, but didn’t like the idea of being without the powerful, reassuring and loving guidance of her Sir. The days that it did happen where He was out of contact for more than five or six hours, she was a basket case of emotions by the time He returned.Floundering was the perfect word for it.
“And I’m sure that My slave would be equally bereft if I took away her identifying jewels for a long hiatusfrom Me….”
The muffled scream combined with a sob, added to the repeated shrugging of justine’s only visible shoulder nonverbally answered that question. There were waves wrapping her body as she obviously cried making it a horrifying scene to witness. sabrina felt the wave of nausea engulfing her own body as self-loathing and anger started to boil deep down inside.
justine had expressed her hesitation Numerous times about not being more forthright with Sir about the week-end getaway, but her little sister did not listen. Usually scoffing it off with…it will be so much easier to just leave out certain details with Sir rather than hear the lesson and reassure Him time and time again that we aren’t being unfaithful or have plans to do anything against the rules. Just getting primped and prettiedfor Him.
Sir didn’t allow pedicurists to go above the knee and no going out for drinks without Him present. There were times that sabrina wanted to be allowedSome lead on her lean to show Sir how obedient she was even without His constant presence. But for Him, that was completely unacceptable especially for His slave justine, who was kept on a much shorter lean than sabrina was. Neither of His sluts were allowed to be touched by another man or woman, but even more so, the control He held over them by keeping them both so close was a reassurance for T/them all.
As a slave, justine was completely obedient and followed His rules to the letter, but deep down sabrina already knew justine was participating in this week-end excursion to keep her little sister out of trouble. As the Alpha Bitch of the family, justine felt equally responsible for the safety of the family. Especially when sabrina seemed to be on an invisible wayward path away from Sir’s safety perimeter. There were times that the youngest slut seemed to be intent on sabotaging her own happiness, and justine would often times foresee it happening. It was a fine line that justine walked to intercede as quietly as possible without causing a rift between them and using herAlpha authorityto tell sabrina she was forbidden to do something. As Alpha Bitch, justine had authority to dictate sabrina’s actions, behavior and punishments just as Sir did, but rarely did she. The girls were extremely close to each other, and justine often times found other ways to keep sabrina under control.
But this time, the youngest slut had drug her Queen directly into the line of fire and was causing a massive tears between them all. Without thinking carefully about the consequences, sabrina decided to stop all of this and stop it now. “justine was just trying to keep me out of trouble, Sir. i planned the entire event and she refused to allow me to go, but i threatened to do it anyways. she never had Any intention of coming with me and had already told me that if i left this house and continued on this path, she was going to have You dismiss me.”
An angry scoff came from the living room, followed by a spitting sound and then justine’s voice was clear as a bell. “God damn it, saby. Just shut up and take your gluts right along with me. Master…i’m a big girl and know what i was getting into when i agreed to go away with sabrina for the weekend…”
Sir took an audible deep breath and backed slowly away from sabrina and turned to the side to be able to look back and forth between them. And the expression on His face was barely short of murderous.
“I was under the assumption this was a one day adventure…which is bad enough. But you fucking mean to tell Me that you’d planned on ignoring or placing me for an entire week-end while I worried and fumed about my most expensive possessions??!!!”
justine was quick to speak, but Sir stopped any further pandering with a deep growth, “Shut the fuck up…NOW!”
Both of the girls fell silent and sabrina lowered her head again…whether out of fear, shame, or both, it didn’t matter. The point got across to them that Sir was not only incredibly angry, but deeply hurt by what they’d planned. Silent tears fell down sabrina’s face and the sniffling coming from the living room indicating that her Queen had reached the same conclusion.
The house was deathly quiet for a long time before Sir finally spoke again. “I’m in a very dark place right now thanks to your actions, my bitches. Be overwarned that I fully intend to emotionally and physically devastate both of you for the rest of the week-end, in place of your littleadventure…” Sir said the last word with obvious disdain and then He continued, “There is no opting out of this punishment and being allowed to walk away from Me or this F/family. I’ve given everything I am to My relationships with you both, and I deserve a week-end filled with all the sadistic mayhem I can design. And there will be no complaints….no speaking….no whining of any kind or I will immediately dismiss youboth. Not just the one that didn’t follow My orders.”
Sir narrowed His eyes on justine, and realizing that she was still laying on the floor facing away from T/them, He stomped over and scooped her up. His long strides ate up the distance as He carried a sobbing justine to the kitchen. With every step He made, there was a resounding slap of Sir’s free hand against her ass.
With a thud, just landed on the counter and Sir wasted no time stepping in between her legs and pushing them out as He pulled her as forwards, exposing her cunt. she squealed in protest when He pinched at her tender bits, and then fell silent, but didn’t remove His hand…only the occasional splash of tears drops on the counter were all sabrina could see with her head down.
“I fucking love tears…my slut. you know they give Me a hard on…” Sir laughed darkly and then continued, “I almost love it as much as your screams of pain.”
Sir stepped back from the pair and out of sabrina’s peripheral vision she could justbarely see Him standing in front of them, with arms crossed. justine let out a ragged breath once He’d backed away, and sabrina knew that Sir had pinched justine’s clip hard enough to make the blood flow stop, and now the real pain would begin as it returned to the bundle of nerves.
He tsked, “Let’s start with some matching jewelry for my slave…shall W/we?”
Sir left the room, and justine moaned as she worked at catching her breath again as obvious pain careering through her cunt. It wasn’t long before He returned with the toy bag from the basement playroom. It was filled with His most delicious and painful torture implements and was hardly used anymore.
“First rule of the weekend is no averting your eyes. you will both watch as I tend to the other. If either of you turns away, it will make the punishment session for the other start all over. Understood?”
Both girls whipped their heads up and nodded their understanding. Sir manically smiled at them and said, “And the second rule obviously is no speaking, but My two sluts have finally figured that one out. But by all means..screaming and crying are absolutely allowed and welcomed.”