I stretch and moan a little at the soreness in my body. Memories of last night come rushing in. Oh my… God… did that really happen? My aching cunt tells me that it most definitely did. My embarrassment gives way to lust again when I remember how Derek watched me get fucked, how he then fucked me and flooded my cunt in front of everyone. Remembering makes me want more. I take goal on my cunt and crawl under the sheet instead.
My mouth finds his cock and I slide my mouth over him. I suck him slowly and gently trying to see how long I can go before he’s fully awake. I love feeling his cock stirring in my mouth… sucking him until he’s hard. His cock is definitely perking up and he’s awake now. I spread his legs wider and pull back the sheet.
“Good morning baby.” I smile and give him a long slow lick. I slip his cock deep and back out. “Mmmm, you have the most delicious cock.” He’s wide awake and watching my hungry mouth worshiping his cock. I look up at him while I suck and lick. I love how he watches me. I love knowing that he sees how much I love having his cock in my mouth. How happy it makes me to please him. I draw it out, savoring his cock in me. Smiling at just how big and hard he is… how lucky I am to call him mine.
“I’m so hungry for your cum.” He wraps his legs behind my head and holds me down deep on his cock. I gag but he doesn’t let me up until there are tears in my eyes. Something about it makes me crave giving him my submission… being forced to take it like that. I slow down and draw it out. The gagging has made plenty of luxury as I stroke his cock. I start telling him about how last night felt. “It was so intense being so helpless. Naked and oiled… an eager fucktoy to be used and abused. Did you enjoy watching me get fucked by all those big cocks? More cock and more pleasure are all I could think about. I never wanted it to stop. I’m tempted to do it again baby, even as sore as my broken little cunt is.”
As Italk to him, I continue to stroke and occasionally slipping my mouth deep on his cock. I make myself stay slow when he’s close to cumming. “Please cum in me, Derek.” I have my mouth open and tongue out as I lick and suck the head of his cock… I watch him as he spurts and fills my mouth with cum. My eyes tangled with his and I know he’s reading the pleasure in my eyes as soon as I taste him. I clean his cock with a few deep sucks after I swallow his load, then lay my head down on his hip. Taking his cum in me always makes me so happy, blissful.
He clears his throat, “Good morning, you eager little slut.”
I chuckle in response. “I’m feeling pretty full now, but I bet you’re hungry. Let’s go out for breakfast.”
We get dressed and I smile as I get ready. I swear his cum Should be bottled as an antidepressant. We head out to the café at the resort and order breakfast as we discuss our plans for the day. I have a dominatrix class before lunch, and he’ll be with the predator group for The Great Hunt. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten in touch with my dominant side. He’s always encouraged my exploration but there’s never been any doubt as to our dynamic as a Dom and sub. He talks about the gathering of predators. “So, they’ve assigned us to a group for the event and they will be reviewing the layout with the predators today.”
I arch a browser at him…”Sounds like a distinctly unfair advantage if you ask me.”
He gives a different smile “There is nothing fair about being raped. You’re excited anyway. I bet if I checked your cunt right now, you’re wet just from us talking about it.”
I swallow hard… fuck, if he isn’t right though. “What if I’m caught by someone else, how will you feel?”
“It’s a risk baby but if you don’t want the rape to happen, just use the safeword. I’ll feel more prepared meeting the other predators today.”
“Would you prefer to rap someone else?” I’m not sure as to my feelings on my own question. Yes and no,on whether or not I want him to.
“You are without a doubt, the best rapeslut that will be there. I’m comfortable raping someone else as long as you are Alina.”
I consult myself briefly then smile. “I think we leave it to fate baby. You’ve raped me so many times over the years and so very well I might add. I think it’s fun and a little exciting that it could be someone else This time. Although I have zero doubts as to who my all-time favorite rapist will be.”
He leans over and kisses me, “Then it’s settled. Maybe I should wear a ski mask the whole time, so you never know if it was me.”
I giggle, “I can always tell when it’s you baby. You know this is kind of silly when you think about the fact that we’re doing that consciousness sedation rape after lunch. I’m technically getting raped by other men today… Even if I won’t be actively resisting.”
“That’s a fair point. You’re not going to be in control of any of it. Is there anything you’re concerned about or anything you want to request now?”
“I trust your judgment when I’m out… I’m good with any type of sex and I leave it up to you on how many are involved and where they cum. If they are verified safe, then I think I’d like them to cum inside me but only if you’re OK with it. I mean they are YOUR holes after all. Of course, I want it to be recorded so we can watch it later.”
He nods in agreement, “Definitely recorded and we’ll let Rachel know the rest when we finish breakfast. All of it will be a surprise for you until you’re watching yourself being used like a sex doll.”
My cunt gives another hungry twitch as I listen to him describing the scene for later. Hmmmm, maybe I’m not too sore after all. We finish breakfast and head back to our room. Rachel drops by and we review the sedation rape and what all I’m open to. I fax her my records from my doctor’s office to verify that I don’t have any underlying medical conditions making the consciousness sedation risk. I sign forms indicating that Derek will have total control over what is allowed to happen while I’m sedated.
Rachel leaves and I start getting ready for my class while Derek gets ready to join the predators. I try to look a little edge for my dominatrix class in some skintight black legs and a red halter top with a black lace overlay. Boots and a tight braid complete my ensemble. Derek walks me to my class, before we kiss goodbye, and I can’t help but flashback to dating in high school. “Maybe later, we can make out behind the bleachers.”
He laughs, immediately understanding my thoughts. He reaches under my halter and squeezes my tits as he kisses me again. He does a brief Napoleon Dynamite impression, “Sweet… second base” and then we’re both laughing. He shoots me a grin before taking off on his own adventure.
I turn and enter the class. The class is largely composed of women although men are allowed to attend. Based on some of the looks they are giving the women; I think some of them are hoping to find a mistress in this class. The class will explore a few areas of classic domination from the female perspective.
Two women walk into the room and one of them is quite familiar, despite the missing red jacket at the moment. Rachel steps forward to introduce herself to the class. “Good morning ladies and a few gentlemen as well. My name is Rachel, and I will be one of your instructors on the art of being a female Dom. I’m an experienced Dom of 9 years and have literally published a book on the subject.” Rachel is dressed in siletto black thigh high boots with fishnets and a dark wine-colored dress. Her hair is pulled back in a bun and she quite frankly looks like a badass as she turns and flashes her triskelion marking. Well… I guess I know her area of expert now.
Our second instructor steps forward. “My name is Casey and I have been a female Dom for 11 years. It came very naturally to me, but I find that many women possess a talent for this same skill, once they free themselves to embrace it.” Casey has dark features and a considerable tan. She appears to stand about 5’9″ without the 4″ heels and has enviable curves. I think I might have a couple of girl crushes already.
The class begins with a brief discussion on the typical attire and demeanor of a dominatrix as well as a basic covering of establishing safewords and hard limits. Rachel lifts a sheet from the table and reveals a series of various tools for flagellation, ropes/restraints, clamps, cock rings, cock cages, as well as blindfolds, anal plugs, and strap ons. Rachel addresses the class, “We will review and demonstrate all of these tools on actual submissive males during today’s lessons.”
Casey captures the class’s attention as Rachel moves towards a side door. “The tools and toys will not make you a Dom, however enjoyable they will be to you and your submissive. To truly dominate any submissive, you will need to emotionally and sexually control them. This process begins with establishing ritualistic behaviors, often by teaching them how to properly greet their Mistress. It is paramount that your submissive earn the privilege of your time, energy, and if you choose it… body. It is most common to train your submissive to knee before you and lavish attention on the areas of your body they can reach in such a low position. This is often why footwear can be such a focus in the female Dom world.”
Casey smiles as Rachel opens the door and in walk several males wearing the outfits to indicate that they are free use guests. They are all shirtless and sporting a variety of temporary tattoos on their upper left arm. Interestingly, each has a number clearly written on their chest in what I’m assuming is marker. Casey’s posture changes and she walks to the toy table selecting a black crop. “Number four, greet your Mistress.”
The man with the four on his chest steps forward and knees in front of Casey. He never looks up at her but bends his torso low to the ground until his forehead is resting on the backs of his hands on the ground. I can’t help but notice the way the muscles in his back shift as he moves into position. Casey traces the crop from his lower back, up his spine, and around his front, under his chin. “You may look up at your Mistress now.”
Number four looks up at Casey and the adoration is clear in his gaze. She flips her crop around in her hand and bends down grabbing a fistful of his hair. “When your property is a good boy or girl… You reward them however you see fit.” Casey lifts the handle end of her crop to number four’s mouth. “Open and suck.” He follows her orders right there in front of us all, absolutely zero shame or concern for us watching. We don’t matter, she is his whole world and based on that impressive erection… he’s loving it. It is incredibly erotic to watch, and I find myself wondering if that’s what it’s like when other’s watch Derek dominating me. I wonderto myself what would it be like to fully step into that role here.
I don’t have to wonder for long. The class is divided among the seven free use submissive men. We each are instructed to practice our techniques and demeanor in instructing our playthings how to greet us. I’m rehearsing in my head how I want to be recognized as his Mistress as I wait for my turn. Shit! I’m up next and I’m still Not sure what approach feels right for me. I cast a glance towards Rachel and feel a flash of appreciation about the possibility of disappointing her. The student/guest in front of me completes the exercise exactly as Casey did which makes it my turn as she hands me the crop.
My group has been assigned submissive number 6. I take a breath and stride forward with more confidence than I feel. “Kneel.” My voice is clipped and stern. He obliges me and I relax slightly now that it seems he isn’t going to throw me a curve ball and talk back. I’m still not sure how I want to make my impressionion on him, so I improve while stalling. I slowly walk in front of him keeping the crop close by my calm where I know he can see that sign of my authority. “Hands behind your back Six.” He clasps his hands behind his back, and I feel another sense of relaxation, this time with a tingle of pleasure. I start walking behind him, inspecting him slowly. He’s broad-shouldered and when standing, I’d guess around 6’1″. He has light brown hair that is just slightly unruly. I trail the end of the crop across his shoulders and enjoy how his muscles tend with the contact. There’s something about all that leashed power and aggression that makes me feel very powerful. I know he’s hanging on my every word and action, and I’m focused on his every reaction. As I walk and finish trailing the crop across his back, I ask myself… What do I want from him? One word comes into focus. Recognition. I reverse course and stay behind him waiting a few heartbeats. I know what to do now. I move closer, “Why do you exist?”
“To serve my Mistress.” He answers without hesitation.
I smile… I step close to his back grabbing each end of the crop. I reach my arms over his head and hold the crop under his chin tipping his head back and up. “Look at me.” His eyes connect with mine and I can see his eagerness to serve me. “Who am I?” I hold his head back ruthlessly with the crop, so his throat strains a bit to answer me.
“My Mistress.”
I release him and walk back in front of him. I slide my foot deep between his legs, so my ankle is pressing against his hard cock. My hand drops to the side of his face, and I slip my thumb into his mouth while I tilt his chin up with my other fingers. I watch his lips close around my thumb as he sucks and I know without seeing it, that he’s gripping his hands tighter together. Fighting his urge to touch me. “Good boy.” I step away and move back toward my classesmates and it’s a disorienting shift back to the reality that we were surrounded by peoplee. My boldness fades quicker than I would like. Rachel is smiling to herself, but I have no idea if she was watching me or another student.
It takes several minutes for my heart rate to drop back to normal and by that time our volunteers are lined up back against the wall. Rachel calls number 1 and 6 forward. To demonstrate some of the toys often preferred by submissive males including a few different styles of cock rings and cages.
The class spends a good 15 minutes getting accustomed to how to properly use the assorted toys with live demonstrations provided by Casey and Rachel. There are some hands-on interactions as students are requested to choose a toy that they would like more experience using so they may join in the demonstrations.
I’m pretty familiar with straw ons, owning a few myself. Cock cages are fairly new for me. I smile thinking of the difficulty Derek would have in a cock cage. The man is equal parts show-er and grower. I join the cock cage demonstrateion on number 6 and fight my initial urge to blush over our earlier interaction. This time, I play it as cool as I can while I practice placing the cage around his cock. Something about hearing that little click from the lock makes me want to pull him towards me by the cage and push both of our limits. I undo the cage instead and pass it to the next aspiring Dom in line.
Casey begins the next portion of our lesson. “Another element of control wielded by nearly every Dom, would be orgasm denial. In the case of submissive males, it is restricting their orgasm either through physical or mental control executed by the Dom. Their orgasms belong to you and it’s important to their training to withhold at times. This will be considered your final exam for the class today. Please come up and select your room key.”
I read about a Final in the class description but was honestly a little preoccupied while reading the details. I didn’t worry overmuch since I tend to be a good student, buta thrill goes through me at just what the final might entail for this class. I step forward and select a key out of Rachel’s hand. She smiles at me and briefly whispers, “You’re a natural.” I smile back and tell her thanks.
I’ve selected key 212 and feel comfortable. I’ve always had the weird idea that palindromes are good omems for me personally. Rachel addresses the group this time. “In your given room, you will find a submissive male already restrained and a selection of clean instruments for you to use in a domination sequence with your assigned submissive. Your final will last 45 minutes, and you will be required to actively engage in your domination scene and finish the allotted time practicing orgasm denial. If your subject orgasms, then you fail your final and there will be consequences to pay. You will also find a card taped to the door with your submissive’s first name, limits, and their safeword.”
Consequences? Ughh, I don’t remember reading that… I should startcarrying around the class catalog and descriptions with me. Both Casey and Rachel step forward and speak in unison. “Good luck ladies!”
My classmates and I exit and start making our way to the room numbers. Several of us are in the elevator together and the nerves are palpable. I make small talk and find out one of the ladies was in our ropes class, the elevator opens and gradually the other women separate until I find it’s just me in front of room 212.
I pull the card off the door. James. Hard limits = BSU, no heavy impact play. Safeword = Poughkeepsie. Very cute… I wonder if that was an intentional Supernatural reference on James’ part. I try to clear my mind and get my approach down for beginning my domination final. Orgasm denial… I can handle this. Maybe I should just try being completely unsexy. Talk in a weird voice or something. I clamp a hand over my mouth to stifle my giggle. Fuck, I’m nervous. I shake it off and hold the key to the magnetic strip. The door unlocks and I push it open with more confidence than I feel. The door shuts heavily behind me, and I move further into the room.
A man is positioned prone on his back and strapped to some sort of padded table. He’s blindfolded and I feel relieved by the fact that he won’t be seeing me. I walk towards him making sure he can hear my approach. My heels loudly tapping across the floor. I trail a fingerprintnail up the sole of his foot and his body flinches. I look him over briefly as I move towards where his head lies.
I like what I see. He appears to have dark wavy hair, clean saden and probably around my age. He has a tattoo on his right pec that looks like a dog’s paw print. Interesting… No pet play temporary tattoo on his arm though. He does have the triskelion, free use, and STD free symbol. I lean down next to his ear, “I have you all to myself for the next 45 minutes. I will do whatever pleases me. Anytime you address me, you will refer to me as Mistress. Understood James?”
I slap the padded bench by his ear “Yes what, James?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Better.” I walk over to the table and peruse the toys. A bottle of lube, a set of anal plugs small to large, a few cock rings, a cage, rope, crop, and a flogger. I wonder if each submissive male got to pick the toys for their room. I pick up the flogger and start trailing it up the inside of his leg. He squirms in his restraints. “Mmmm, someone’s sensitive. I like that.” I trail the flogger up and over where his cock is resting and start to go down the inside of his other leg. I experimentally pinch a nipple and he inhales sharply. I reward him with a slap of the flogger on the inside of his thigh. I smile imagining what kind of fun I’d have with Derek strapped to such a table.
I continue to kiss his body with the flogger watching how it becomes pinker and more sensitive. His cock catches my eye and it’s not only hard but starting to leak. Ughhh, I don’t have it in me to let it go to waste. I hold the tip of his cock and drag my thumb through his precum. “Oh James, you like being my plaything. Don’t you?”
I drag my thumb across his lower lip, and he opens for me. I pull my thumb out and since he can’t see me, I slide my thumb in my mouth for a taste as he answers, “Yes Mistress, very much.” I walk back to the toy table, and I put a glove on my left hand. I return to the table James is on with a cock ring in my right hand. I slide the cock ring on first. It really is a good-looking cock probably close to 8″. I debate briefly about whether or not to throat his big cock. I mean if I want to, I should, right? I compromise to make him earn it.
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