Pain of the Goblin


As I write this, my left leg is cuffed to the chair. I haven’t been to the bathroom in third hours, and Miss Stephanie has insisted that I am not working hard enough on journaling her attentions!

The misery is palpable, I must confess.

She spend most of last night teasing my poor cock to near distraction…”Now that you keep web journals, dear Goblin, the world should know what a bragging little worm you are, don’t you think?”

I’ve so little choice but to do as she demands…I’ve been orgasm-free for quite a long time, and my little thingie has been off limits. Miss Step doesn’t use any sort of chatity device…she doesn’t have to!

She exams me as often as possible, drops by my office, come to the house…and my poor dick is always rock hard!

What’s worse, she gives me constant provocation, and allows me to masturbate freely, as long as I don’t have a “squirtie”

Steph often will put a few photos and a scented letter inmy briefcase in the morning, after she’s stayed the night (for a cool $500) and I’ll take them to the bathroom, and they’re always pictures of her in tiny G-strings or Merry Widows, and the letters are filled with outrageous stories of the adventures she’s had with other men…and I touch and pull my cock again and again, just barely stopping before achieving an orgasm.

Oh, the age of it all! But I am too aware of the punishment that I’d receive if I had an accident..she’s done it before!

Once, she put a pair of her panties…that she’d MASTURBATED in, in my briefcase, and ordered me to spend my entire lunch hour, sixty minutes, jerking in the nasty little stall…oh, the age!

I had to stop every few minutes, and take my hand off my miserable cock, to keep from going over…those panties were HEAVENLY…and that’s all I get (sob!)

The worst times are when she calls the office, on my cell phone, commanding me to go to the restroom, where I sit in a stall andlisten to darling Steph’s evil voice

“Wouldn’t you like to rub my titties right now, Goblin? Rub your poor dick with that pink soap from the dispenser as you sit on the toilet, that’s a good boy…think about my warm pussy….the glistening hairs, and how you’ll NEVER get your wussy little dick in there.”

“And you really wouldn’t be comfortable actually having sex with a real woman, would you…admit it, you’re really just a pitiful little faggot, a queer boy.”

Her luxury voice, so feminine, would bring tears to my eyes. “All the sex you need is to be sodomized by HIV positive vagrants, don’t you think, darling?” A breath, then she continues.

“Tell your Steph how you’re just a pathetic little butt-boy, that you need solarization by HIV positive vagrants…tell me nice and LOUD, or tonight I’ll thrash you so hard that you’ll scream…” a light laugh” I might even chase you naked around the block…”

It is always SOOO hard for me, as I have to whisper mypart of the conversation…being in a stall in a fairly public restroom of my firm, with guys coming in and out, telling jokes, combining their hair, God knows I don’t want them hearing my pathetic little whisper

“Yes Miss Steffi, yes I am your focused little queer-boy, yes, I do deserve to have my butt sodomized by HIV positive vagrants.”

Once I was a little too loud, sitting on my stall with my pants down, my stiff penis in my hands, covered as it was with that damned pink dispenser soap, cell phone at my ear, and one of the young associates in my firm, in the bathroom to take a whiz at the urinal… hear my voice, and said

“What’s that you’re saying on the toilet, Mr. —–? You want your butt sodomized?”

But I digress.

Steph doesn’t want me complaining About her here…but to tell of my tease and torture session last night.,. and why she is the most WONDERFUL woman in the WORLD.

She is so cruel! Miss Stephanie was dressed last night in a skin tight T-shirt and leather jacket, in contrast to me, naked and bound, except for little pink gloves and booties on my hands and feet.

Steph is so iningenious at making me feel as naked as possible, and whenever she is in my house, she always demands that I am completely undressed, as opposed to her covered body! It is actually quite rare that I’ve been allowed to see her unclothed in our three year relationship.

Even when I’ve performed my oral attentions upon her, I’ve been forced to be blindfolded.

Her raven hair, her mocking eyes, those full luscious lips that smile at me constantly…she is exhaust!

Oh, my darling Stephanie!


Today I got an e-mail from Stephanie, detailing her last client…it’s a doozy! Here we are!

Dear Goblin, couldn’t see you today, but here’s a concise account of what I did! Hope you enjoy it!

“Aaaguh! Dr. Ashtray gasped as I flicked the ashes from my Winston on his right nipple. At this point, his big, fatstomach was covered with pink sores, from where I’d put out four Winstons, as well as a marvelous CAO Gold cigar, which had a lovely Ecuador Connecticut Shade wrapper.

The good doctor (who is actually a dentist) howled mightily as I poked that stogie right near his navel. Then I re-lit it and puffed a bit and put it out again on the edge of his stiffening glans.

Many of the cigars I use are ordered by the Doc from abroad, and once I actually got to burn an original Havana that he’d gotten on a study trip–burned it right on his scrotum until he waited like a feverish infant!

Wasn’t that a great day for Communism–hee hee!

The office was filled with pungent cigar smoke as I tapped and tapped the evil weed against his defenseless pee-pee…

I could see the tears coming out of the old dentist’s eyes as I snickered in his face.

“It’s so nice to have a skin ashtray here to butt out my butts, isn’t it, darling?”

“Oh, please don’t poke it anymore, Miss Stephanie” Doc Ashtray begged, his eyes watering from the smoke.

He seemed to bounce against his bonds as the burning tip got closer and closer to his poor, quivering organ. “Please–I-I know this is my fantasy–oooh!”

Got him! A big-ass burn, second degree at worst, right on the edge of the shake! And does my D.D.S. like that? I don’t think so!

As his dick falsetered, from the scorching pain of the evil cancer-stick, I merely ticked and toyed just a bit! Pulling and scratching the poor worm until the blood flowed back, the Doc squirming and crying

“Please, no more with the cigar, Miss Stephanie, I’ve had just enough–OOooH!” and again, I tapped the cigar out on his poor, practical foreskin.

I stepped back, and put down the cigar, and pulled up my skirt, Pulled down my panties, and danced my shaken box around in front of Doc Ashtray’s eyes. “Think, darling…” I cooed.

“I fuck normal healthy guys, just for the price of a pizza, or even a swig of a hot guy’s vodka…but you give me five hundred to a thou for me to treat you like pincushion for cigar butts…and that loses you out on getting to kiss, suck or fuck my nice quim, baby!”

The Doc looked so sad, but of course he knew that this was his lot in life…what use could his cock be…except to be tortured, teased, and then occasionally allowing him to jerk off in a lonely closet!

Earlier this morning I had another client who likes to have lit matches flung into his pubic hair, and a month ago I found a guy who wanted burning candles shoved into his rectum, but there ain’t nothin’ like Doc Ashtray.

His nipples look like Hiroshima after Truman when I get done with my ciggie-butts and cigar ends.

And the insides of his thighs–I have tried hard to find a way to brand an “S” in that tender spot… would that he weren’t such a wimpie boy!

After all, that’s how the prison gangs indoctrinate their members–with cigarette and match burns on the sensitive insides of arms and legs.

So I think that my slaves can take at least that! What I should do is bring in a big, strong ex-con to face-fuck the Doc and make him realize what a pitiful little bitch he is, doncha think?

“Your poor dickie-wickie seems to be shying away from me.” I said, and I took a thumbtack from his “Cuspid Hints” poster and pushed it deep into Dr. Ashtray’s glans, and of course he shrieked.

“What’s wrong, baby? Don’t you like a little stimulation…I just thought I’d jazz things up a bit.” Again I lit the CAO Gold and puffed mightily, and stubbed it out on the long, purple vein coming up his shaft. I could see lots of evidence of tears on Doc Ashtray’s face, but certainly he was staying quite aroused!

I opened my shirt a little bit, and waved my cleavage around in his face…I’d pulled up my panties, and dropped my skirt, and now I was pushing my happy cantaloupes in his face.

At the same time, I pulled and stroked his nice cock, gently tickling the skin and licking my lips…soon enough he was gasping and trying to hump my hand, soon enough he was about to release…just as orgasm was approaching, I backed off, slapped his face hard and picked up the cigar again and poked it violently into Doc’s urethra, and strangely, he didn’t want to cum anymore!

Then I found Doc Ashtray’s drill, and started buzzing it near his groin, and the poor tooth man jumped and danced, though the ropes were a bit too tight for him–

That and I touched the drill, just slightly against his frenum, and Doc Ash howled like a banshee! Oh HILARIOUS. Then I took off one of my strappy spike heels, and pounded it into his groin so the good doctor wept and screamed…

It is not a pretty sight, my devoted audience…a big, fat, naked dentist, secured by rope to the reclining chair where he’s done so many of those evil root canals.

But I’d come in half an hour before, sponsor in my silk top, open just a couple of buttons to show ahint of cleavage…and my new denim miniskirt with floral embroidery on the front and back (yes, high school boys still whistle at Steffi), and of course my infamous Valentino Black Spike Heeled Sandals.

“I’m here for my appointment” I’d smiled at the receptionist. “Dr.B—, it’s Ms. Amberger.”

And what a surprise, Dr.B—, hereafter referred to as Doctor Ashtray, gave the receptionist and the remaining patients the boot for the next two hours.

There was a BIG operation going on for Steffi. I imagine that the receptionist and the hygienists must wonder at my poor teeth, though they look so damn good, if I do say so myself.

I mean, I visit the Doc every week, on Wednesdays, for a 2 hour operation…and it never shows up on the billing! Though I do leave $800 richer…mysteriously.

When I had gotten in the office, Doc Ashtray had smiled and locked the door, handed me my little plain white envelope, and had immediately took off his white coat, his shirt andblack pants, and his disgusting wife-beater undershirt and boxes.

He had looked expectedly at me, hoping as he did every week, that I might strip, or at least get down to bikini underwear, but alas, it wasn’t gonna happen.

But I looked pretty damn good, my silk shirt was tucked snugly in my blue-jean miniskirt…and you could see my nipples poking through the silk!

As soon as he was completely naked, I smiled at Doc Ashtray, and then quickly kicked him in the nuts, just a clean, quick slam between the thighs, and he fell on the floor, on his chubby knees, crying.

And his spectacles covered with wet spots.

Then I’d taken my price car ariel out of my bag (a boyfriend had ripped it off a police car, so it was a LONG one) and unfurled it.

WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK! What fun! He howled and screamed…I expect anyone left in the waiting room thought I was having a BAAD operation, eh?

The ariel curled around his pudgy legs and across his bare bottom,Bursting all the zits that around on his ugly, withered cheats.

Yes, and finally, when my arm was tired, I rolled it back up again, and then reached down and dragged Dr. Ashtray up by the little bit of hair that was left on the back of his bald head.

“So much fun tying you to this dentist’s chair, darling” I told him as my manicured fingers deftly secured the ropes…and then I began pulling cigars and cigarettes out of various little boxes, and what fun I had!

Within an hour his nipples, chest, stomach, abdomen and crotch area (shaved as I command it) was covered with little red burn marks and lots of filter ashes!

Later on in the session I turned the poor sucker over on the chair and took turns between cigarettes and cigars burning little etches all over Doc Ash’s big, fat buttocks.

“Can’t you learn to be a man and not cry so much” I asked as I stalled five or six cigars in and around his tender, sensitive anus.

Finally, I untied Doc Ashtray, excEpt for his hands which were still behind his back.

I laid the old boy on the floor, and raised my long. luscious leg and began gently and then not-so-gently poking my heel on his long, burned-up ection. I stalled it and poked it with my heel, attempting to nail the shake into the floor, gritting my teeth as I JAMMED the heel straight into Doc Ashtray’s glans.

And he wasn’t on his side but right on his back, his cock being forced down on the floor between his quivering legs, and his teary eyes staring right up my hot little denim skirt as I jabbed and poked the heel all over his sad, massacred erection.

Suddenly the door opened and Wendy, Doc’s nineteen year old hygienist looked in.

She is a bubbled bleached blonde with bee stung lips, and has always been awfully flirty. I disapprove of the way she shows her cleavage–sure I’m just as bad, but I ain’t in the medical profession!

But she came in, looking some what shocked. Here her middle aged boss was, nakedd and disgusting, having his cock misreated all over the floor with my heels.

“Like, my God, Dr B—, what’s he doin’ with no clothes on? What’re all those marks? Was a wasp’s nest in here?” I laughed my ass off. “No, darling…he’s not been stung, just burned.”

Wendy giggled as she realized it was an S&M dealie…laughed hard!

Dr. Ashtray was quite humiliated, But his cock got even harder. “See how practical you look in front of your lowly hygienist, Doc? What a pathetic loser you are.” I snorted. And just as Wendy said

“What the fuck do you mean lowly, you bitch?” Doc Ashtray spurted his seed all over my nice strappy heels, and then I made him lick it up!


Jesus am I dying to have an orgasm! It’s been since the 6th of July…

Stephanie just doesn’t help, either. She’s always trotting over here in a little crop-top or tiny cutoffs that hug the curves of her little butt.

Steph loves to cuff my hands behind my back and make me sit with her–watching “Medium” or “Boston Legal” and trying to concentrate as she pulls and rubs my poor doinker.

“The Allen Shore character [on Boston Legal] is hilarian, don’t you think?”

Steph asks, as she jerks my tumescent weapon faster and faster, my eyes blurring as I contemplate just the possibility, the mechanism possibility of an orgasm…then she pulls her lovely hand away, just before I’m about to spurt…she seems to know when my thighs are beginning to tremble, you know?

And then she’ll ask me what I thought of the show, and if I can’t give her good answers, she tells me I’m hopeless. It’s hard to focus on the television when I have a tart in bikini underwear licking my ear and pulling at my poor groin…goodness!

She tongues my ear, my lips, flicking it in and out, and we’re both covered in the Obsession perfume she wears, as she’s always crawling over me.

Steph learned lap-dancing at Scores in New York in her early twenties, and I always get a bit of that, with her pushing her little bra and heavy cleavage right in my face…oh it’s heaven…and hell.

My stiff, unfulfilled cock being nestled between Stephanie’s long, soft pink legs, the full calves mashing it as she crawls around on my lap, havin’ herself a good time.

You cannot BELIEVE how good and intense it feels to have those soft, beautiful thighs and calves (when Steph climbs my chest) rubbing up and down my shamen cock and balls.

But it’s torture–because it’s been so long since I had a release. My balls begin to feel as if I have a cinderblock tied to my scrotum, and my cock seems as if it’s going to lift off from desire. Stephanie has especially shaped soft legs, and they’re just tantalizing.

Sometimes after a lap-dance from Steph, I’ve had to be especially vigilant about not touching my dick, because I’m so close to cumming. If I do touch myself, I just rub my balls and don’t touch my cock at all.

It’s especially sensitive when I try togo to bed…my wee-wee is still tingling from the way her pink thighs were slithering all over it, my neck is still wet with her kisses.

And the lingering smudges from her Tintalicious Delicioso Chickstick Peach lip-gloss all over my lips and cheats.

And I have to be sooo careful that I don’t a. bump my dick, as it’s bouncing around, that might make me cum…or that I see any TV Even the news, because any feminine image, even that of a mid-life lady newscaster might make me grab my thing and jerk…

Sometimes my bed is too soft, and I am afraid I’ll hump it, rub my engaged weiner against the soft sheets…

And so I’ll sleep on the hard wood floor with a pillow…hoping that will calm my dick down, though once in 2002, I was made to release myself after several months by humping the floor. and the memories are still there!

The problem is, of course, many of the times that I’ve gotten the lap-dance from Steph have led to breaking down and winding…and Stephanie can be quite nasty about that!

Pouring near boiling water on my balls, having her boyfriend drag me across my yard from a rope around my cock, putting my dick in a desktop drawer and slamming it…Steph is a great believe in strict punishment for unauthorized squirting.

“But maybe I should have a chatity belt, like I used to” I’ve pled with her. “The lap dances make me way too horny.”

But she espouses self-control, and wants me to be able to wank away w/o cumming, as she believes it makes me more desperate!

“Here you are, a big, sexy man with an M.B.A…you’ve been a military officer, worked on a congressional staff…can’t you control your little pecker without that kind of monitoring” comes her husky voice to my mind.

“I don’t want to have to lock you up, I want you to be able to touch your little Winkie whenever you want…just don’t let it finish…or you’re finished too!”

I also have to report any nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) Steph isNot as strict about these, but I still get a couple of lashes from the cane right on my pecker…

And so often after a lap dance, I take a twenty minute cold shower right before bed…it doesn’t always help!

The problem is…once Stephanie’s been on my lap, it’s almost impossible to forget her after she’s left me, after the lap-dance is over…

Stephanie’s image stays with me for hours.

And she calls me, and reminds me of the highlights of the lap dance…a nasty girl is my Electric Stephanie!

Once, she pretended to get offended by my erection!

She hoped off my lap because I’d gotten a boss!

It started when Stephanie just dropped by…just for a little fun.

She came over to my house, and after binding me and teasing me for nearly an hour, She stripped down to a white paisley lace bodysuit with a garter and ruffle stop stockings, and high heels.

Steph turned on “I k now what Boys Like” by the Waitresses, and began dancing in frontof me, waving her hips as if she were supporting an invisible Hula Hoop.

Soon she moved closer to me and put one foot on the floor between my legs, and the other on the arm of the chair.

Steph pushed her chest out, and poked out her buttons.

Rubbing her hands across her full breasts, over her butt and up past her stomach again


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