Wicked Ch. 04

We finished selecting our interests in the activities and workshops and Rachel came to collect our catalogs. For the most part our choices overlap significantly. We agree on a few areas of interest in which we will have some solo time.

I kiss Derek before getting up from the bed and getting dressed. “Of course, that’s just a starting place for the solo stuff. Really if there is something or someone you want to play with, without me present, just let me know and we will discuss. I want you to get the most you can from this. And I want that for me too.”

I slip on a thin maxi dress with an open back and brained straps… An homage to our first lesson in a half hour. I continue getting ready and smile at myself in the mirror as I remember the precious memories I’ve already collected; from pizza to Ferris wheels, to all the carnal images, and sweet funny moments we’ve had. I stroke the bonded mark on my upper left arm as I stare at it in the mirror.

I am going to need tostart considering a couple’s membership package for the Roissy Society. He was so excited looking at the events and reading the guidebook. I wonder if he’d like the roles Sam and Alex had… being called to a room and fulfilling someone’s fantasy. Ugh, if there was ever a man for the job.

I finish putting on some red lipstick. It’s something a little more daring than my usual low key looks. I braid my hair as he comes up behind me and drop a kiss on my shoulder. That little kiss is all it takes for my body to start stirring.

I’m not wearing a bra under my dress and my nipples have hardened into sensitive peaks. I see his eyes drawn to them and a lazy sensitive smile crosses his face.

I laugh and turn towards him, cupping his face between my hands.

“You, Sir, are going to need to start hydrating. I have plans for you later. Are you ready for our ropes class my love?”

He picks up a bag with several of our ropes inside. “Lead the way, Alina.”

I open thedoor and exit to the hallway as he follows me. I toss a smile over my shoulder. “You just like watching my ass.”

We enter the elevator, and he pulls me close with my back to his chest. “I’m not the only one that likes watching your ass. I see the way other men look at you… some women too. Maybe later I should make you attend the party in nothing but your collar and a leash.”

I can Feel my body tighten and my stomach drop. I’m not sure if it’s his voice or the dark promise of his words that impact me so much. I rub my ass back into him. “I double dog dare you, Derek.” His hands tighten on my upper arms and I gasp. Shit, I just royally fucked up.

I quickly change the subject hoping that he won’t remember my taunt. “Did you know that Rachel is an expert in one of the kink areas? What do you think her specialty is?” Thank you, God, I think as the elevator doors open providing more distraction.

“Hmmmm my bet is impact play… Maybe fisting. She’d make a lovely trapbut if she is, she conceals it extremely well.”

I giggle “Oh, have you been checking for a bulge?”

We find our classroom and open the door continuing our conversation. “Only visually so far but you’re right, clearly I should consider a manual search. Maybe you should help me. Hold her down while I check.” His expression shifts to a sudden realization. “Even better, maybe we do a CNC scene with her and you help me subdue her. I saw this massive strap-on in the Toy Shop…”

The resort had temporarily renamed the gift shop while the Roissy Society held their event. It was stocked with a wide association of sex toys and other kinky accessories.

I shake my head at him smiling and a little turned on by the idea “Well then we had both better pay attention in class, the ropes may come in handy.”

Other students have come in and have started taking their seats. Some are dressed conservatively, others in a slutty wardrobe, and one couple has arrived in nothing but matching shibari harnesses. The class also includes a book complete with images and ‘how to’ steps for 30 of the most common rope riggings. Each student’s space has a copy of the book placed on the table.

Our teachers come in and it looks like we’ll have three instructors today. Each of them has the BDSM triskelion mark on their left shoulders. There is a tall older gentlemen with significantly more salt than pepper in his hair. I notice he has a bonded, key, and females only symbol on his left arm. The second teacher is the older black woman who tattooed Derek’s arm. She has the triskelion as well as the bonded, lock, and free use symbol on her left arm. Interesting… I wonder if they are a bonded master and slave. The last teacher is an Asian man of average build. He has the triskelion and shield on his left arm.

The woman addresses the class and introduces herself as Gloria. She gives a brief introduction of her years of experience with rigging and being bound in ropes. She then indicates that she is indeed bonded with the tall gentleman on her left. The tall gentleman introduces himself as Master Mark and shares his years of experience with riggings and suspended bondage. The Asian gentleman steps forward and introduces himself as Akinari. He has a slight accent and states that he has many years of experience in traditional Japanese Kinbaku rope work. He bids the class welcome and then asks that each student lay their personal rope down on their workspace.

Gloria calls on the nude couple in the harness to come before the class. “This is an example of a very basic harness often referred to as a shibari harness. You can of course vary where you place the knots for some interesting effects in sensitive areas.” She then asks how many people in the class have never completed such a harness on themselves with their ropes.

About a quarter of the students raise their hands. They are led to another area of ​​the room by Gloria as she proceeds with instructing them on how to create the shibari harness. The remainder of the group, in which Derek and I are a part, starts reviewing knot work when tying wrists and ankles. I can’t help the wetness forming between my legs as we sit on a mat and he completes binding my wrists and my ankles with one length of rope and securing them together.

Akinari comes over to review his knots. He nods at Derek, “Very good work.”

I stick my tongue out at Derek as he preens. “Teacher’s pet.”

“Not wise to be bratty when you’re already at my mercy slut.” He gives my ropes a warning tug before releasing me and untying them. I then practice my knots on him. I’m not nearly as talented as he seemed to be with the knots.

The class moves towards live demonstrations with Gloria’s group rejoining us and They ask for class volunteers. A middle-aged guy raises his hand and they begin the lesson by asking him if he has any shoulder, elbow, or wrist injuries. After stating that he does not, Markpulls his arms back and proceeds to bind his arms in a beautiful and tight pattern from his elbows to his wrists. Gloria explains how this tie could be used in other intricate bindings as she flips to an example in the book, we each now own.

They release the volunteer and Akinari asks for another volunteer. “This next demonstration will need to be on a female student.” This time I raise my hand and walk forward when he motions for me to come to him. I practically sashay to the front of the class, knowing Derek’s watching me… thinking to myself that I’ll show him what a real teacher’s pet looks like.

Akinari addresses the class “Not only can bondage be functional and decorative, but it can also increase our sensitivity and enhance both pleasure and pain.” He leans closer to me and whispers “This demonstration will be more effective If you undress. Do I have your permission?”

I must’ve shown my disappoint and embarrassment because I notice that Derek has shifted forward in his seat and he’s clearly amused that I might have bit off more than I can chew. I take a slow breath trying to reach for that inner boldness as I give my consent and slip my maxi dress off my shoulders. It pools around my feet and I’m left standing in just my lacy boy cut panties.

Akinari pick up my dress and folds it neatly. I can’t look away from the way Derek watches me as I stand there in front of everyone. I wonder what’s going through his head.

“One of the most effective ways to sense the breasts is through Kinbaku.” I feel my purple rope slide under my breasts.

Akinari turns to me, “This will be most effective with you on your hands and knees on top of the table so everyone can see clearly.” I nod my assent again and climb onto the table. I make sure of course that Derek has a terrific view of my ass.

Akinari positions three anchors in a triangle around each breast. He works the rope tightly around my tits. I’m fairly busty and he has fully captured each breast tightly in the ropes. His fingers follow the edges of the rope and I grit my teeth in response to the sensing. I wonder if it’s inappropriate to fuck in front of the class. My cunt is aching for some contact.

“As you can see, her skin is gradually becoming flushed due to the restricted blood flow. This swelling also causes the skin to become significantly sensitive.” Akinari moves me to a kneeing position on the table. “You each may come up and examine the use of the anchors as well as the enhanced sensitivity of our volunteer.”

Fuck. A graduate line forms as my tits continue to flush to a darker pink. Students walk by examining and occasionally touching the rope work. Master Mark steps forward from behind me. “No need to be shy in this setting as we are here to learn.” His hands cup my engorged tits and I know Derek noticed my small gasp… the way I’m continuing to hold my breath and subtly push my tits forward into his hands. He pinches each nippleand pulls it forward sharply. I whimper in response and Derek slowly gets up to move to the end of the line the students have made.

Mark steps back and his encouragement has led more students to take liberties with my aching tits. It’s a torturous process of groping, struggling, pinching, pulling, and sucking as I watch the line dwindle to just Derek. My tits are a pretty pale red by the time he reaches me and I’m sure a wet spot is visible on my panties from my overreager cunt.

If I weren’t on display in front of the class, I’d be begging him to fuck me right now. I know he can read my thoughts from my face. I’m so sensitive, I’m a little concerned that I might cum in front of everyone right now if he sucked or bit me hard. Instead, he turns to Gloria, “What other types of rigging would you Recommend rendering the subject immobile in this position?”

Gloria’s hands work behind me securing another rope through the anchor points at the top of each breast and runs it over my shoulders down my back. “The tighter you pull this rope and secure it with the ankle ties we just teach, the less mobility the subject will have. She is yours, yes?”

He smiles and my cunt tightens in response. “In every way.”

Gloria smiles briefly. “Good answer… then you may proceed in demonstrating the ankle ties just discussed.” Gloria positions my bent legs so that my ankles are resting on the sides of my ass rather than under them. Derek’s eyes drop to the wet spot on my panties, and I feel a slutty rush of shame in being forced to show the whole class what a wanton slut I am.

He moves behind me and Gloria passes the ropes to him. I feel him pulling the ropes tight and forcing me to bend my back. As I’m being pulled down, I find something soft but firm underneath my mid to upper back. Gloria informs the class that the foam roller positioned under my back is to keep my upper back arched and my tits in an optical position. He keeps pulling the rope taut untilthe top of my shoulders are almost touching the table top. He proceeds to tie the rope to my ankles.

He finishes his ankle tie and I give a pathetic wriggle that demonstrates my lack of mobility. The position is not comfortable, but I stop noticing when he touches me. His hands cares my painfully flushed tits. He smokes each breast and then pulls my nipples hard and shakes them back and forth. It occurs to me that he is testing the hold the ropes have on my breasts.

From my upside-down position, I stare at his large bulge as it’s close to my face. Since my hands are free, I reach back to stroke him. It’s the act of a desperate woman, hoping to distract myself and the attention of the rest of the class.

Akinari steps forward and addresses the class in his slight accent. “If you use proper techniques, you can see how secure the binding will be despite position changes or various types of stimulation.” I promptly stop teasing h Derek and grip the edges of the table instead as he intensifies his title slaps and nipple pulling. I can’t contain my whimpers and moans as he slaps my engorged tits. He mixes in the occasional soft cares between the tit abuse, and it occurs to me that I’m on the edge of cumming.

I’ve lost all semblance of control as I’m breathing hard and whimpering between every slap, he gives me. He peppers my tits again with sharp slaps and proceeds to wrap a hand around my neck as he grinds his bulge in my face. He leans down and sucks my nipple hard in his mouth. I cry out and he answers my cry by moving to my other title and biting the rounded flesh hard.

I freeze for a split second and then moan loudly as my body is rocked by an orgasm. I’m shaking and my title is throbbing where he bit me. I’m reeling and a little shocked at how different my orgasm feels trapped in my current position. Fuck, I love wearing his bite marks.

I’m still breathing hard as he steps away, and Gloria starts undoing my ropes. Mark steps forward to draw the class’s attention. “A perfect demonstration of the increased sensitivity that Master Akinari was describing. This can be achieved through many forms of tight bindings. It is fairly advanced work if you are a novel, and it isn’t recommended to continue such tight bindings beyond a few hours as blood flow will need to be re-established.”

Derek and Gloria help me sit back up and extend my legs from under my body. I slowly slide off the table admiring the imprint of his teeth and handprints on my tits that are slowly returning to a normal color.

I’m sliding back into my dress as Akinari addresses our class. “A deep thank you to our bonded volunteers on demonstrating the beauty and pleasure of kinbaku.”

With my orgasm subsiding, I’m feeling a flush in my cheeks that is in no way induced by rope work. I hazard a peek at a nearby female student as we walk back to our seats. I’m relieved to find that she is paying me no attention. I follow her gaze and realize why. A quick glance at the rest of the class confirms it… Derek’s the popular kid in class… or at least his bulge is.

I feel a flash of possessiveness followed by a stronger wash of pride. I’ve always considered myself to be a general person and his cock is the best kind of renewable resource. I have to smooth my giggle as my brain continues suggesting cock slogans… the gift that keeps on giving… he always rises to the occasion… Takes a licking and keeps on dicking. God, I am so weird. Can a brain melt from too many orgasms?

We’re seated back at our table and his hand slides into mine as he whispers in my ear. “How does it feel to know you’re a Goddess and everyone here wants to worship at your altar?”

Ugh, fuck… the way he looks at me.

I chuckle, “Me? Look again Derek… they’re lusting After you baby.”

“Us… lusting after us, Alina.” He gives my hand a squeeze and we both focus on the next demonstration and lesson.

They ask for a male volunteer this time. A young heavier set man volunteers and moves to the front of the class. The demonstration is about how to best use rope when working with male genitalia and the volunteer strips completely. I think to myself at least I didn’t have to be completely naked.

He leans over to me “A goal they didn’t require you to be completely naked.” I smile, always on the same page.

The rest of the class is enjoyable and informative although we didn’t get into more advanced suspension types of rigging. We go up to thank the teachers after the class.

Akinari pulls us to the side and hands us a card with his number with a date and time on the back. “You’re both invited to my advanced rigging class if you are available at that time and interested. Of course, you may also let your guide know if you would like to be involved in a more public demonstration.” He turns to me and bows slightly over my hand “I am a fan of your writings and was one of several judges for the comp英文.”

“I’m very flattered and honored that you read my work.” I mimic his short bow hoping I’m not making a cultural gaffe in doing so.

Akinari turns to Derek, “You show a lot of skill with rope and could gain much from the advanced class.” He and Akinari exchange similar bows. “May you both enjoy the rest of your day.”

We take our leave and head back to our room to catch a quick nap together before going out to dinner. I shimmy out of my dress and underwear admiring the bruise Derek left on my breast. My tits are still sore and sensitive from the binding. We cuddle up in the bed and fall asleep together.

After we wake up, we decide to go out to dinner. Since it’s outside of the resort, we are on our best behavior. We laugh and joke about our thoughts Throughout the class. We share the activities we’re eagerly anticipating and speculate on how one earns the rank of an expert in the Roissy Society.

When we get back to the resort, I call Rachel and ask her to send two masseuses to our room. We enjoy an incredible and seductive massage from our massesuses although I’m surprised that Derek choses to forego the happy ending. He buys a bottle of the oil they used and escorts them out of the room after an hour long massage. I feel completely languid after the rub down.

It’s almost time to get ready for the public gathering in the ballroom and I consider my wardrobe as Derek comes up behind me. “Don’t both picking anything to wear Alina.”

“Oh, are we staying in tonight?” I smile and turn in his arms, we’re both still covered in oil.

He picks up my collar and I turn back around so he can fasten it around my neck. I still get goosebumps every time he puts it on me. I smile at our reflection in the mirror… he doesn’t smile though… he has a predatory hard-edged look instead. My inner prey says I should run but my inner slut craves submission.

I star at his face studying it in the mirror as I hear a click from wheree his hands are on my collar. He’s attached a lean to my collar. He leans close to my ear “You double dog dared me, right? Did you honestly think I’d forget Alina? This will be your outfit tonight… out there in front of everyone. They’re all going to see you as the slutty piece of rapebait that we both know you are.”

My eyes are wide as I realize that he means every word… that he’s going to display me to everyone. Thank God I don’t have the free use symbol on my arm. There’s no denying the bolt of lust I feel though when I consider how many cocks, mouths, fingers, and toys my greedy little cunt could handle. My eyes are pleading as I turn around and he pulls my lean closer. “Please let me wear something… Anything. I can’t go down there like this.”

“Beg me.”

“Please Derek. I can’t do this… Please, I’ll do whatever you want if you let me wear something else.”

“Anything I ask of you tonight?”

“Yes, anything. Please let me wear just one thing” I reassure myself that I can manage being topless just please let me wear bottoms.

“Good girl. You can wear one item from the drawer.” I sag in relief and move to the top drawer where I put my underwear. He prevents me from opening it, “Not that drawer.” I bite my lip to keep from arguing and move to the bottom drawer where I have my skirts and shorts. He blocks it with his foot “Guess again slut.” Fuck, there’s only one drawer left with anything in it. I open the drawer of sex toys and look up at him. “You can wear just one item Alina. Choose and put it on… or in while I shower. When I get out, I expect you to have your hair secured in a tight bun, waiting on your knees, and with the handle of your lean in your mouth.” He walks into the bathroom and I turn back to the drawer.


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