Paige: From College Girl to Slave-Whore


In case this is the first of my stories you’ve read, there are a few things I’ve skipped over in this story since there are several other stories I’ve written about this same sub. I tend to write a story after almost all of my sessions with my toys. But I publish very few of them online.

My name is Pepper Rodgers. I’m a 19-year-old Domme, living downtown Mobile, Alabama. I have a decently well-stocked playroom in the second bedroom of my fourth-floor apartment (most of my neighbors are corporate types who aren’t always around, giving me a lot of privacy, even in the halls and elevators). I also have a decently stocked toybox. I prefer my toys to be older than I am, around 30-42 years old. I prefer men for myself, however not for my toybox. When it comes to toys, I find women and couples to be far more amusing. Single men tend to be necessary, and often too clingy. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few of them in my toybox. I do. They just don’t have the same chances of getting there as couples and single women do.

I’m petite. Actually more “tiny” that petite. I’m 5′ 1.75″ and 91 pounds. I’m not bony, though, I’ve curvy, like a small-sized woman. I have blond hair down to my shoulders and blue eyes. Oh, and my chest is the only place I’m not small. I’m a 32-D, and I’m very pert. Which makes me popular with the boys.

I’m also slightly bisexual. I’m attracted to men, not women. I would never choose a female partner for even a date, let alone for sex. But I’m not opposed to masturbating with a female toy. Sophie happens to be my favorite sex toy to pleasure myself with. Her tongue has two big advantages over my vibrator: one, it’s very delicious and tender. Two, no matter how much I use it, its batteries never die at the worst possible moment! It’s better than fresh bunny batteries, it just keeps going until I want it to stop. And I don’t even have to hold it in place!

When I want sex I never use one of my toys. I never allow atoy touch, or even see, all of me. And I never bring a toy to my bedroom. Nor do I choose a woman. I pick a man, usually one I find in a club or cafe, or wherever. I flirt, dance dirty a little and if he meets my standards, I ask if he’s interested in a one-time-only, no-names-exchanged, hook-up. I’ve never been turned down.

I have a few standards for my hook-ups. I never pick a guy I know or even just see around. And I insist on a cock between 7 and 9″ long and 1.5″ across, plus or minus a small bit. I won’t touch a guy who isn’t circled, either. I hate the way the foreskin feels inside me. I want to feel that fat head. The dirty dancing gives me plenty of time to tease a guy hard and feel for myself what he’s got. It’s the only way not to be disappointed. Guys Always lie about their equipment!

Sophie is my 19-year-old live-in slave-girl. She’s slightly petite at 5’4″ and 119 pounds. She’s pretty, too, with long honey-blond hair, green eyes, and a 34-B chest. Sophie isExtremely devoted to me. So devoted, and so happy as my slave, that despite not being attracted to women, she’s a virgin with men. She serves and pleasures only me, and those I give her to. And while I use her, even with my male toys, I won’t allow any man to touch her pussy or penetrate her bottom. Those are mine. Only mine. I’ve owned her since she graduated high school, but I’ve known her longer. Since about two months after her 18th birthday, which was also about two months before she finished high school.

I have three BFFs, (Isabelle, Reagan, and Ellie) none of whom are into my little games. But all of whom occasionally creep into my stories. After all, they are my BFFs so they tend to be around. Luckily they’re not offended by anything they happen to see. They’re just not eager for me to put on a show on their account.

I also have a circle of five other women friends, all of whom are Dommes as well. Andrea (26), Janelle (35), Colette (39), Diane (43), and Olive (44).we usually get together every couple of weeks for coffee and a little chat about who’s doing what to whom lately. We sometimes share, or loan, our toys to each other, but not that often. Sometimes we do a favor for each other, such as providing something different for a toy. Mostly we do what girls do: we gossip.

I get all of my toys through networking. It’s almost always either one of the women in our circle who has a toy she doesn’t want and offers to point it at another who is interested. Or sometimes one of my toys tells someone, who tells someone, and so on until someone asks my toy to introduce someone to me. Rarely it’s someone I don’t play with, but who knows what I’m into, who asks me to meet someone. I get plenty of emails inquiring about meeting me, and while I will email and maybe chat with a sub online, I haven’t yet met any. I won’t rule it out, but meeting online is risky enough that someone would have to convince me before I’d think about it. A girl’s gotta be careful!

[Note: Mistress Pepper and Sophie are “anonymized” versions of me and my slave-girl. The real me. All of my stories are (or should I say will be) my memories of a session with a sub. Thus, they are true stories, only in this version details have been changed to protect the sub. I do live in Mobile about 10 months of the year (the remaining two I spend in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, where My father is from and lives), and almost all of my subs live in Mobile or a bordering county. I’m originally from Baldwin County, next door to Mobile. I moved across the bay to attend USA. As is/did Mistress Pepper. But I’m not a blond. And you’ll most definitely have to guess at my bra size! Elise and Paul first appeared in “Pepper’s Boat Party; published here on Literotica. Kim and Mike first appeared in “The Spice;” also published. Angie is featured in “Training Day;” also published. Enjoy the story!]

Wayne is a 46-year-old pilot for one of the major airlines. The same airline my friend Andrea is a flight attendant for, which is how she came to know him. Her tastes, her lifestyle, and her reputation as “free” are all well known around the airline, so I have little question of how those two met. But Andrea never plays with those she works with. So she sent Wayne to me several months ago.

This is my eight session with Wayne and his wife, Anita. Although he flies as co-pilot out of New Orleans, he lives in Pascagoula, Mississippi. It might be in the next state, but it’s also only in the next county over from Mobile where I live. Andrea, too. Anita doesn’t really work. She has some kind of a very-part-time job at one of the casinos in Biloxi, but it’s not for the money. She took many years off to be an at-home mother to their daughter Paige (18) and their two sons, Harold (15) and Jeremy (11).

Wayne and Anita have been married 19 years now. “Coincidentally” their anniversary date just happens to be 38 weeks before Paige’s birthday. I figure they either had a honeymoon to remember or else there were considereds beyond pure love in their decision to marry. Or at least on when to marry. I haven’t asked. It doesn’t matter to me.

I’m the first Domme (or Dom) that Anita has ever known, let alone played with. Wayne, long before he met Anita, had a “strong-willed” girlfriend. The way he talked when he told me about her, I have little doubt she was a dominant. Probably not a full-time or lifestyle Domme, and probably not the most dominant Domme, but definitely in the “club.” Otherwise, I’m the only Domme for him, too.

He’s told me about his sex life with Her. And he remembers it well, even though it was over 20 years ago. It was the lighter side of BDSM. Bondage and light discipline, such as spanking, creeping into Almost everything they ever did. And he liked it. But when She left him, he didn’t know how to go about finding another woman who was “like Her.” Then he met Anita and fell in love with her, even though she wasn’t dominant.

With Anita, over their nearly 20-year marriage, they’ve played together a little. Not much. But Anita doesn’t mind tying him and teasing him one bit. She just doesn’t have the sternness and attitude of a Domme. And that’s 90%, if not more, of the experience.

It was only about two years ago that Wayne figured out Anita wouldn’t mind being tied down herself. I suspect she’s been dropping hints the entire time, but Wayne just hasn’t picked up on them. Men can be so dense about things like that! When they finally had their talk, about 18 years late in my book, they decided to look around for a dominant who might be willing to play with both of them. Months later Wayne got the opportunity to work a long flight with Andrea (she usually works out of Mobile on shorter, smaller flights, but isn’t opposed to covering a long-haul that comes with a layout/free vacation someplace exotic). At the time, Wayne was flying right-seat on a New Orleans-Buenos Aires route. Like most everyou with their airline around here, he’d heard about her “games.” He made an opportunity on the flight to talk to her, and she told him she doesn’t play with coworkers but would mention his name to a few friends of hers if he wanted. He wanted. She sent them to me.

In our first session, I figured them out. They’re pretty much an open book about their fans. It’s not the bondage or the Discipline that truly interests them. It’s novelty. It’s doing new things. Preferably things that they wouldn’t normally do unless they were “forced” to do them. The further off the beaten path something is, the more they enjoy it. The more degrading it is, the more it arouses them. The kinkier something is, the better their orgasm from it. If it’s uncomfortable, physically or emotionally, that’s fine, too. The more uneasy they are, the better. In short, the less likely a “plain” middle-aged couple is to be doing it, the more they enjoy being made to do it. Although I doubt either would enjoy serious pain or too-public embarrassment, I don’t do either so that’s not an issue.

I have a lot of generic rules for my toys. Rules that I demand they follow precisely, at least when in my presence, but preferably 24/7. Wayne and Anita have tried to follow my rules 24/7. So far there have been only minor and infrequent infections, and both have accepted their punishments for those. The rule that matters now, at this very instant, is that neither may climax until, and until, I tell them to; when told to climax, I expect an immediate orgasm by whichever, and only whichever, toy I tell to climax.

It’s towards the end of what I have in mind for tonight’s session. We’ve been here almost two hours already. Here being in their bedroom behind a locked door at close to one in the morning. I’d started late when I knew at least the younger boys would likely be in bed. I try to do that when I come to their house. Boys can be so snoopy!

Anita is 42 years old. She’s about 5’5″ tall and weights around 145 pounds, or at least did on their first session when I’d made her stand naked on a scale. I doubt it’s changed more than a pound or two. It’s just enough weight to give her what I call a “mom body.” one or two extra pounds on each arm, another one or two on each tight. Enough that a thin layer covers her muscles, but not so much that she looks thick, fat or Flabby. But she does have slightly wide hips. And she has a loose stomach, mostly flat, but with a pair of creams to it, one between her navel and her breasts and a second, lighter one, along her bikini line. They make her stomach look like it has carried a few children and never quite recovered to its pre-pregnancy tautness.

She has a very slightly plump-looking oval face framed by fine, jet black hair that hangs straight to the top of her shoulders. She has deep-brown eyes, a moderately wide and slightly short nose, and a rounded chin. She also has a narrow mouth framed by thin light-pink lips, but also a bright white smile.

I always measure women on their first session. I never take their word for any of it. Women so lie about their size. They all want to be thinner, have a shapelier figure, and have bigger breasts. Or so it seems. Anita’s breasts are 38-B’s. They’re full and rounded, spongy soft, but sag so little it’s not really noticeable. Like the rest of her skin, her Mounds are a milky white. They’re topped with wide medium-pink nipples that swell up like hard half-marbles. Those are surrounded by very wide, and equally light, so light that it’s almost white, pink rings of color.

Now I have Anita tied over the foot of her bed. I have her ankles tied to the feet of the footboard. And the bed is queen-sized so it has her legs played wide. I have her tied fairly loosely, meaning I’ve left her plenty of room to squirm and wiggle, but none to actually go anywhere. I have Anita’s hands tied together, three loops of rope around each wrist, and I have them tied to theheadboard. I have them pulled forward to the point where her back is flat with the mattress a few inches under her. That will keep her from standing up even a hair.

And it has her breasts hanging down free, jiggling energeticly as she squirms. I’ve always liked the way breasts, especially the soft ones, bounce around as they hang in mid-air.

Wayne stands behind her. He’s a decently-tall man at 6’1″, but he has a lean, almost-but-not-quite wire build at 175 pounds. He has short hair that used to be as dark as Anita’s, but now has a fair dose of gray to it. He has an oval face, too, but with a more pointed chin. Matching brown eyes, a nose that’s only a bit smaller, but a wide mouth with full medium-pink lips. He has an equally bright smile, Though.

He has a flat stomach with straight sides. His chest is covered with a medium-dense and deep-black fur that hasn’t started to gray yet. His fur lightens up to “sparse” on his stomach. Then he has a very dense tangle of dark, long, curls with a slight brownish tinge to them on his pubes. All with legs that are mostly hairless, covered only with a fine layer of fuzzy hairs.

I measure men when they first come to play, too. Not as completely as I measure women. Men don’t find it embarrassing to have their measures loudly announced as women do. Except for one measurement that is, and that’s one I make sure to get. And it’s not one that flatters Wayne. His cock measures a mere 4.87″ long, and that’s at full steely hardness. And it’s a mere .87″ inches across. Soft it measures only 3″ long and ½” thick. According to the “experts” on such things, as well as my personal observations to date, that puts him on the wrong side of average. But only by about ¼”, so not too far below average. Very far below my average, but I’m picky and I have standards; nothing under seven inches is going to touch me.

The theme of tonight’s session is a “punishment” for Anita. Last night she’d text me and asked permissionssion to give Wayne a welcome home blow job. Wayne loves those, a lot more so now that I’ve taught Anita to give them as slutty as even the cheapest and most experience of a porn star or whore could. I’d give her permission, adding as an afterthought that I expected her to give the best one yet, one that fully satisfied Wayne. Then I called her early this morning around when, but I was confident Before, Wayne would wake up. I told Anita to wake him by kissing his cheeks. She did. I waited about half a minute while she said a sweet good morning to him. Then I demanded that she immediately snap and send me a picture of Wayne’s cock. It was standing up straight, rock hard. I knew it would be. Men tend to get stiff for a couple of minutes when they wake. I scolded Anita for not giving him a good enough blow job since he was obviously eager for more less than 12 hours later.

I know that neither of them has ever done anal sex. They told me they tried it a couple of times, but it alwayshurt Anita so they stopped. Wayne, like many men, has always wanted it. I’m not sure why men do, but they do. In Wayne’s case, I laughed that maybe it was because his cock is so small that he wants the tighter hole; a hole he might actually be big enough to feel.

While I’m passing it off as Anita’s punishment, it isn’t much of one. Her punishment is giving Wayne anal sex. Except that I am here, and I’ve spent some time teaching her how to do it without it hurting her. I’m sure she feels it, it’s kind of impossible not to feel something as big as the tiniest of cock in there, but it’s not hurting her.

I have Wayne’s hands tied behind him. I did that for two reasons; first, because Wayne likes anything better when he’s tied or bound, and second because hands get in the way. At least they do when Wayne is being my cock. I don’t want him doing anything. Not even fucking Anita. I want to do it all. As if Wayne is just a sex toy I’m using on Anita.

I have Sophie, my 19-year-old live-in slave-girl, standing just behind Wayne. Sophie is an inch or two shorter than Anita, and at least 20 pounds lighter. She’s a small girl. And with her close behind Wayne, it looks it. Her hands are on his hips. Her grip is tight, I can see that. Tight enough that she has to be feeling his hip bones under her hands. She moves his hips for him.

I stand beside Sophie with my girly-fancy crop in my hand. And I use my crop, tapping Wayne on his firm bottom to keep reminding him he’s to be doing nothing. Wayne is to be standing there, keeping his body loose, while Sophie fucks Anita in her bottom with Wayne’s cock. In my other hand, I have my phone, taking a video of the event. That’s the other part of Anita’s “punishment;” I’m making a video of her first-time anal sex, which will be posted publicly online for the world to see. I’m not going to show faces or anything that would identify them, and I think they know that. That’s not something I do. But I am going to show their coupling in close-up graphic detail. With the soundtrack.

At this moment, the moment I’ve chosen as the beginning of this story, I’m aiming the camera downward, holding it just above Wayne’s cock. It’s getting a view of about ¾ of Anita’s milky-white globes. Globes that do not look fat, nor do they look young and firm. Globes that are mostly rounded, with a slight flatness to their backs, but now are pulled moderately taut with Anita leaning over fully. It gets a full view of the V of her crack, and down it. And it shows all of Wayne’s cock, as milky-white as her globes, disappearing into the deep-purple-brown ring of Anita’s asshole. It shows’s Anita’s asshole, too, her wrinkly ring now stretched tautly and sparkling with a thick coat of her honey, clnched tightly around his shaft.

Sophie moves Wayne through full strokes. Strokes that completely bury his cock inside her bottom until his pubes are flush against her crack and his balls are lying loosely against the plump,sopping wet, lips of Anita’s pussy mound. Strokes that draw his cock back out until only about 2/3rds of its head, just enough for the steely hardness of his shake to still stretch Anita’s muscle wide, is left inside her. As I wish, Sophie uses slow, steady, rhythmic strokes. Strokes that take a couple of seconds each direction and smoothly reverse. No man would use such slow strokes, at least not If he had a choice about it. Men get so eager when it comes to sex! They just want to cum! Even when they’re not allowed to!

The slow strokes make them both feel the sex fully, and feel it for a lot longer. This way it takes longer for Wayne to build up to where he’s ready to cum. And I want them to feel it. Even with the crop to control Wayne, I know he’d get eager; he’s wanted this for too long Not to. So I have Sophie doing it for him.

Now that I’ve taught Anita to do this without it hurting her as it enters her, she’s discovered she likes it. A lot. I don’t know if she’ll admit it. I haven’t asked. She’s biting hard into a pillow as she screeches fast, sultry, urgently-sweet moans. The pillow does a decent job of muting their volume, but nothing to disguise the hungry of them. That tells me all I need to know. Anita likes it.


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