Paityn arrived at the studio early. The slim young woman stepped out of the cab and pulled her hood up and looked up at the building. Zak had contacted her about the job as a way to apologize for their bad breakup the week before. She had almost not taken the call, but now she was glad that she had. She went into the lobby and took the elevator up to the seventh floor, the top level of the building. The doors opened and she stepped out into a broad open space, concrete floors and walls, an industrial ceiling with exposed pipes and conduits and several heavy steel support poles spread about the space. She took a fortifying breath as she stepped out of the elevator and looked around. There was a stage set up to one side of the room and stacks of crates and boxes against the far wall.
Then she saw the metal frame. It was huge, made of poisoned metal tubes, it gleamed in the lights in the room as a man on a ladder worked with a grinder, sparks flying far. He wore an apron and a face shield, heavy boots and faded, stained jeans, gloves and a long sleep shirt against the dangers of what he was doing. He seemed to be the only one in the studio aside from her. When he saw her, he waved and nodded, then went back to what he was doing for a minute before he shut off the tool he was using and hung it from the ladder. He lifted the face shield and climbed down, smiling as he turned to her.
“You must be Paityn.” He said, taking off a glove and offering her his hand. “I’m Sean.”
“Yeah that’s me.” She said with a slight smile, feeling suddenly nervous for no reason she could place. He was easily a foot taller than her and he had to be twice her mass. Something about men like him had always made her feel small and weak. The fact that he was in his forties, with gray-black stubble around his mouth and salt and pepper hair and a ready smile only added to that and she fight hard not to close in on herself in defense.
“So, Zak tellsme that you’re willing to be the model for my contraction.” He said, gesturing at the framework of metal that he had been working on.
“Well, I guess that depends on what sort of contraction it is.” She said some skeptically, looking the pile of metal over rather than look at him and her heart rate slowed immediately.
“It’s a suspension frame.” He said, moving the ladder so she could get a better look at it and as he explained what was expected of her, her heart rate rose again, but this time for an entirely different reason. When he finished his explanation, she was forced to look at him again.
“So, will any of this be a problem for you?” He asked and she shook her head silently, unable to speak, unable to say what she wanted to say as he held her with his steady gaze. When he turned away from her she Felt her will come flooding back and she witnessed, looking vacantly at the half-finished frame of metal.
“Well… I don’t know what Zak may have told you, but will this be a problem?” She asked, pushing back her hood and he turned her way again, casually, but he still nailed her in place with his eyes as he looked at her close saden head. She had cut her hair off, leaving just a cap of dark fuzz that was close to her scalp, not more than a quarter inch. He stepped close and looked her over with a nod.
“No, that is ideal actually. Are you willing to Keep it that short until after the event?” He asked and she shrugged.
“Whatever you need.” She said and he smiled.
He spent an hour taking measures of her, her weight and height, the length of her limbs and the size of her head. It was completely casual on his part and yet Paityn was as tense as an iron bar the entire time. He had her pose on a pedestal and he sketched her out in Several poses and took pictures of her from several different angles. When he was finished she was fighting hard not to tremble as she pulled her hoodie back on and covered her head with the hood.
“Well, I think that’s everything.” He said with a nod, looking over his notes and then back to her with a warm smile. “I guess I’ll see you bright and early on the twelfth.” He smiled, offering his hand to shake again and Paityn, feeling small and weak shook his hand and then left, returning to her apartment on trembling legs. As soon as she was inside she went right to her bedroom and laid down on her bed, curled into a ball and tried to calm herself. But as she always did she fell asleep, her hands down between her tighs and her mind a chaos whirlpool of fans and dreams.
The day of the twelfth arrived and Paityn rode a cab to the studio once again, her heart racing in a mixture of anticipation and dread. She had cut her hair again just this morning, and she felt good about it for the first time. Where before she had pulled her hood up to hide her head, now she walked proud, ignoring the people who slowed to stare at her. She was pretty, that much she knew. After all, she was a model, and there wasn’t much call for models that weren’t pretty. But the new cut of her hair, which had been to the middle of her back before she had split with Zak, showed off the contours of her face and, she had to admit, took eight or ten years off of her age. She had artistically applied her makeup to enlarge the size of her eyes and she used the reddest lipstick she had on her full lips. As a result she looked exotic as she walked in the doors of the building and rode the elevator up to the top floor again.
Sean was waiting for her, and he looked considered different than he had before. He was still tall and heavier than her, but now, in just a t-shirt and slacks his physique was clear to her, his arms well defined and his shoulders broad. He clearly worked out and that just added another layer to her fansies, fansasies she had never shared with anyone, but that a few people had partially guessed and had capitalized on. It had been the rootof her relationship problems with Zak. He was tall and strong, with dark eyes and he had quickly learned that she found it hard to say no to anything that he asked of her, so their relationship had turned from professional to personal very quickly. And like all of the others it had ended badly. She had finally had enough abuse and she had done what she had to do to end it, which was start a fight.
And it had ended badly, with police becoming involved and threats of restraining orders, with her having to move and change her phone number as he tried to dominate her once again. But finally she had been split from him irrevocably and she had felt free. She had spent a few weeks on her own, living off of her savings and looking for regular work again. But times had been slow and not many wanted to hire a girl with no hair, so she had started looking for other work. Then Zak had called out of the blue and told her about this particular job, and she had come, skeptical but willing to atleast heard this guy out.
And now she was looking at the big metal frame and her heart was racing, her eyes dilated and she was breathing through her mouth as she looked at it. It was a square, and inside of that was a circle with a few loops of hard metal spaced around it. The whole thing had been polished to a bright, silvery sheen and it was completely smooth, as if it were a single piece of metal instead of the smaller sections she had seen on her last visit. She knew what it was for, knew just what Sean wanted her to do, and she was at once anxious and eager. He let her look for a moment and then directed her to a dressing room at the back of the studio. She stripped to her skin there and wrapped in a silky clothes that he provided, like a robe but without sleeps. She had done nude work before, but never something this exposed. She padded out to where he waited and sat in a chair. He fastened padded leather cuffs around each of her ankles and wrists and tested them for comfortt then he moved her to the frame, which he had threaded with ropes. It was ingenious, from what she could tell. The entire thing looked like some exotic spiders-web. He fastened hooks to her cuffs and had her stand in the center of the frame before he drew the slack slowly out of the ropes and she lifted her arms and spread her legs a bit, and then she was drawn up off of her feet and suspended in the middle of the frame.
She was a good foot off of the floor and completely immobilized. He tested the ropes and the restraints, making sure she had circuit in her hands and feet, that there would be no damage to her if she remained there for a prolonged period, and then he let her down. So far everything worked exactly as he had planned. Then he let her rest for a while, and he made sure she didn’t have much to eat or drink, as she would be restrained for a long while and unable to take washroom breaks. Other models and staff began arriving and she sat back and watched as he got them situationed. There was a long buffet table set out with finger foods and an open bar, all of which had to be stocked. Sean and two assistants had set up a sort of tent around the frame and when it was close to the start of his exhibition, Paityn moved inside the tent and relaxed as much as she could while outside the other models were put in place in the various displays that he had designed and built before he finally came to get her ready. As the most strong of the displays, she was the last to be situationd and she would be the first taken down. He hooked her to the ropes, but before he drew her into position, he got the rest of her outfit ready.
First was a glove on her left hand that held a small cylinder. She could press the button in an emergency and he would release her immediately. The other hand was also gloved just to balance the look. Next came the hood. It was leather, and it contained a set of heavy goggles and headphones that covered her eyes and ears completely.He conducted a test, speaking and snapping his fingers to see if she could hear or speak at all, and when he was satisfied that she couldn’t, he turned on the camera. Suddenly Paityn could see herself, but from his perspective. She looked small and still, almost alien with her head encased in the leather hood, and when she heard his voice in her ear she started slightly.
“Can you hear me, Paityn?” He asked, and then apologized. “Sorry about that, let me adjust the volume. Click the button when it’s at a good level.” He said a few words until she signed that the volume was good and then he moved the camera around so she could see just what he had in mind.
She would be deaf and blind, unable to speak or move, restrained as she was in the frame. Drawn tight and suspended, exposed to the room almost completely. Her entire being was reduced to her sense of touch. Lights were focused on her to make her sweat and keep her warm, and his guests would be able to touch her body, to a limited degree. There would be no penetration, but not much else would be prohibited. She would be able to see and hear none of it, save through the headset. She would be seeing things from the point of view of whoever was touching her, but feeling everything directly. She shivered as she thought about it, and when she had no objects, he closed the hood up about her head snugly, sealing her in with the leather. She could breathe through her mouth and nose, but any speech would be too muffled to make out and when the camera turned off she was plunged into total darkness.
She fight down a primary fear that she couldn’t give voice to as he drew her up and into place, making sure she was secure but as comfortable as she could be before he took the wrap away and she was exposed. Still hidden by the tent, yet her entire body was on display, and would remain so for hours to come. She felt suddenly anxious and helpless there in the dark, but then his voice spoke to her in a soothing manner.
“Alright Paityn, we’ve got a little while before the big reveal, so I’ll play some music for you, wouldn’t want my star attack to have a panic attack. If you want I can turn the camera on so you can see what’s going on out here while you wait. If yes, click the button.” He said and she clicked it instantly. A moment later the screen before her eyes flickered to life as soft, relaxing music began to play through the headset. It didn’t matter where she looked, the camera was stationary and it dictated all she could see. But it was better than that total darkness and she felt some relaxed for a while.
“So there’s a bit of a wait ahead of you, about twenty minutes or so.” He said, turning the camera so she could see him. He was dressed in a suit now, looking sharp and confident and as he looked right into her eyes through the headset she felt her heart race again. Even through video, knowing he was there, that he could see her, that she was near him was enoughh to make her squirm with anxiety and arousal. She was breathing a bit heavily and forced herself to calm down, which wasn’t easy. He set the camera down finally and she had a bit of time to relax before anything else happened.
The guests arrived in two and threes, shuttled up the elevator to the studio and they saw all manner of models in various stages of undress. Fetish attire was the norm Here, lots of leather and shiny steel, tight latex and revealing outfits. The models were all displayed in forms of bondage, tied with rope or leather harnesses, everything had been designed by Sean. But the centrepiece of the entire collection was her, suspended in the metal frame for the room to see and for them to touch and interact with while she saw what they were doing from the point of view of whoever was touching her at the time. She felt Suddenly anxious again and she squirmed slightly in the restraints. It was going to be a long night and she wished for a moment that she had had the strength to tell him no when he had explained what she would be doing.
She listened as he greeted guests and she watched through the camera as they gathered around the tent for the big reveal. He explained the vision he had had for the device and how he had gone about designing it and testing it.
“Tonight, however, is the big reveal. I have tested it a few times just to be sure it would work as I intended, and that it would safe and comfortable for the model being displayed, but this will be the first time the finished project will be seen by anyone else than me.” He said and there was some clapping from the group. He ducked into the curtain, taking the camera with him and she saw herself there, suspended in the semi-dark, her body on full display and helpless. He checked the restraints, asked her if she was alright, and then set the camera down and she could see the room as the tent fell away. A lot of people were watching closely and there wasapplause when they saw her.
“Now, I’ll be the first to demonstrate how this exhibition is meant to work.” He said and the camera moved again as he picked it up and put the harness over his head.
Then he turned and she saw herself. His hand appeared and the sensing was very strange to Paityn. It was as if she were the one reaching out, but then she felt the touch and her body jerked despite seeing it coming. His hand caressed her leg, up along her side and higher, gliding over her skin. Already the lights had her warm and a light sheen of sweat was on her skin. She trembled, her heart racing and her body flushing at the cares. His hand turned and glided across her breasts, cupping one small, firm orb for a moment before the hand lifted away. She saw the room again, saw the people looking at her in fascination and clear arousal.
“Now, our model is completely blind and deaf and mute, she has been reduced to a single sensing input, just her sense of touch. She will hear neverything and only see what this camera sees, and we’ll record it all.” He said as he took off the camera.
Paityn was forced to close her eyes as the camera was passed to the next person, the room spinning confusingly. She blinked a few times, her head moving around a bit, and she saw Sean there watching as the next person stepped closer to her. She anticipated the next touch, but it still disoriented her. The hands touched her legs and she felt the care, her breath rasping through her throat. Her head lolled and she did her best to keep from licking her lips, knowing that would only make her thirstier. The camera was passed to the next person and the touches returned, up her sides and across her flat tummy to brush against her breasts. The next person touched along her inner thighs and up to lightly brush across her pussy, making her gasp a bit, though she could barely hear it.
She learned to close her eyes against the movement of the camera from person to person quickly enough. The silence was harder to get used to, though. She could hear nothing but her own muffled breathing and the steady, rapid flutter of her heartbeat echoing in her ears. Her occasional sights were raspy and the first grunt started her. She only weigh a hundred and twenty five pounds, and she was fit and trim, but after a while the weight of her body in the restraints because a strain on her wrists and she pulled and tugged at the cuffs without success. Sean had made this device very well and she was completely immobile.
When the touches became more intimate, the spectators touching her breasts and pussy as soon as they approached, she felt her body grow warmer still, sweat trickling down her back and between her breasts. She was so very exposed and so helpless as she was. A woman took the camera and stepped close, a hand trailing up Paityn’s leg and then across the soft, wet lips of her labia. She jerked in the restraints and a moan escaped her. Her head turned side to sidebut she could still see herself, still see the hand touching her and as it caresed, spreading her labia enough that Paityn could feel the touch at her entrance, she moaned and compromised, trying to bring her legs together, but unable to do so. She felt so hot, so hot and so tired and the woman just kept at what she was doing, the casual touch turning to blatant masturbation and Paityn was helpless to do anything about it. She panted and moaned and that seemed to encourage the woman, who slide two fingers into Paityn’s slick canal and rubbed.
Paityn remembered what Sean had said, that there wasn’t supposed to be any penetration, and she clicked the button she held rapidly, almost panicking as the woman kept at her pussy. But there was no response, nothing to indicate that anyone had heard her silent plea for help and she sobbed and moaned, her body twisting and turning as the stranger drive her towards orgasm. The feel of it raced through her body and Paityn hung in the restraints, unable to do anything about it as the orgasm crested and she cried out, muffled and inaudible with the mask.
Paityn was helpless, hanging in the restraints as the camera shifted again, passed off to another person who approached. Emboldened by the actions of the woman, the man who held the camera now was more blatant and open and when Paityn felt his lips on her skin, she clicked the button again, Rapidly, nearly in a panic as she felt his kiss on her chest, between her breasts. His hands cared her sides and up to her chest where he gropeed and kneaded the flesh with a firm grip, and she was forced to watch from his perspective. She moaned and that seemed to amuse and encourage him so that his fingers slide across her breasts and caught her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and she gasped as he pinched hard, pulling at Her breasts and sending a stall of pain through her body. One nipple, slick with sweat, slipped from his fingers and he replaced itwith his mouth.
She moaned at that, hot tears running from her eyes as she felt his body against her and when he released her she hung limp and strengthless. The camera turned and she saw that Sean had his back to her for a moment, talking to someone and then her only glimpse of him was gone. She saw herself again and she whimpered as the next person stepped closer, bending down to place a kiss on her mons, then his tongue licked across her labia and she squealed and pulled at the restraints, trying to get away from him, but he just stayed with her, relentless, and she felt his mouth on her pussy, felt his tongue slipping among her folds and tasting her wetness even as she saw it from his point of view. She thrashed and turned, pulled hard at the restraints and clicked the button as fast as she could as she wondered what had gone wrong.
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