12:20 PM the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee
The “BRIGHT EYE SWALLOW” bus had made its trek from Louisville, Kentucky in record time.
Carrying a wide range of interesting passengers on it’s journey to the Gulf.
Two riders in particular stand out among the hicks from the sticks.
Lovely, “Renee Cherish” was given the task of not only being a Counselor but Chaperon to her erstwhile ward. Rather studio looking with her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and large thick framed glasses. Renee had taken time in her tenure at the “Louisville Strong Military Academy for Gifted Cadets” at the request of her Commanding Officer, Colonel “Archibald Strong”.
Renee herself had grown up at the Academy for most of her teenage years preferring to Stay on while going to college for her “Psych Degree”. Admired by the School’s facility for her energetic drive to succeed as well as her valued communication skills with her students.
All that is, save for one troubled teen.
Connor James Dhorne.
Renee fidgeted in her aisle seat taking time to adjust her mini skirt for better comfort before recovering her lunch which consisted of a large bag of cashews. Casually glancing over at Connor who rested his head against the window beside him she chewed with her mouth open, opting for an annoying sound to capture his attention. For the last four hours he had said nothing. It was time, she thought, to change her tactics. Swaggering her bag of cashews under his nose she opted to try again for conversation. “Nuts?”
With a scowl accompanied by a hateful glare Connor gave her his reply of a silent “Leave me alone.”
Renee nods gently then continues.
“No? I was asking if you were nuts. I don’t share my cashews with anyone. So! Are you?”
Again the dark haired young man darted his narrowed eyes at her with a dull expression. As he turns his gaze away she reaches into her cashew bag picking out a single cashew to pelt him with.The nut sprang from her fingertips to collide with his right temple.
He ignores her until two more cashews grace his cheese. She then witnesses a disappoint smile form at the corner of his lips. “Someone has to be. Nuts I mean. Or, I wouldn’t have a job. Me? It takes one to know one. Yes! I see a certified nutcase. I don’t recall your file saying you were mute. Therefore, your mouth must be full of hairballs from the cat that dared to capture your tongue. Do you eat kittens often?”
She raises an eye munching on a nut.
He shakes his head with a hiss, “That’s more like my Dad. He’s the ladies man.”
She smiles brightly, “There! Was that so difficult? However, there’s no reason to imply dirty thoughts. I was only trying to open your mind. I take it Your Father and you don’t get along?”
Connor rolls his eyes, “When have I seen him long enough to know if I get along with the guy? You’re the Counsellor I’m pretty sure you read up on me. And, my Dad.”
She pickersher lips, “How long has it been since you’ve seen him?”
Connor inhales returning his gaze to the scenery outside. Another nut taps his jaw causing him to chuckle, “Come on, you’ve read my file. Don’t play dumb. Just because you took over for that retired heifer Mrs. Carmike who thought she knew me oh so well, doesn’t mean she didn’t leave you a history lesson on my life. You tell me Counselor Nutpelter.”
Renee presses her lips together with a deep breath, “You’re right of course. I have done my homework.”
She straightens up in her seat, “Connor James Dhorne. Age 17. Son of Garrison Dhorne and Nora LeGend Dhorne. By the by, I’ve seen your Mother in concert. My Grandmother was a huge fan. She was stunning.”
“Father a career soldier. Navy, I believe. By picing his life together I can definitely see why you long to stay bitter. While it’s not for me to comment on his reasons to abandon such a bright boy, I do indeed understand. Your Mothers loss was quite tragic. It was felt the world over. I still recall the news report of her passing and the candlelit vigil miles long beside the spot she died.”
“Believe it or not my Grandmother was right there among them. I, of course was in college. I did light a candle from my dormitory though. Such a loss must be indescribable. For both, You and your Father.”
Connor stops her, reaching over rapidly with the intention of covering her mouth but accidentally bumping her arm. In doing so her bag of cashews burst a rain of nuts into the air, all over her front. He sits stunned as she looks down her cleavage to spy hidden intruders.
“I’m sorry.”
He blushes staring at her chest. With a coiled eyebrow she lifts her left hand to grip his chin turning his head towards the window. “No harm done. A bit of privacy while I rescue my lunch.”
Even with his head tilted away his peripheral vision captured the reflection in the tinted window beside him.
Her hand diving down her shirt to rummage around for the salted escapees. Removing three cashews from her bosom she convinced herself that she had found them all, thus releasing her grip on his chin.
He turns to face her again beginning to apologize when she stuffs the three cashews into his mouth, “Shush!”
His eyes grow wide at the realization that the cashews he had been fed were the same three lodged between her heaving breasts. All he could do was blush and chew them slowly.
“Where was I? Oh, it’s been years since Nora died. Your Father left you a month later with your Grandparent’s. Tutored at home by your Grandmother. That must have been hard. Did you have any friends to play with?”
He sights looking down, “Do the Koi in Grandpa’s fountain count?”
Renee looks at him sadly as he pouts and witnesses a tear streak from his eye. “Aww! You poor thing.”
Placing an arm around him She pulls his head on to her shoulder. His sobs lead to lowering his head to her chest as she holds him close. He chokes resting his arm on her leg just below the skirt line.
She realizes then that he was looking down her blouse. Wetness from his tear dampening her upper breast. With a raised suicide she comments, “I believe the cashews left more than enough salt granules along my bra without quenching my chest with an actor’s tears. You can sit up now Romeo. Juliet’s not falling for it.”
“Come on! I had you.”
She nudges him off of her with a leery glance, “You have your Mother’s flair for theater. And, by the looks of your insinuation your Father’s womanizing tendencies.”
Connor takes offense pulling back to hog the window.
“I’m NOTHING like my Dad.”
Renee sights, “Come now, Connor. Your Father must have Some shred of humanity to have been loved by such an elegant woman as Nora LeGend. There must be at least a few fond memories you have of Garrison.”
Eyes rolled he finally settles down, “He did always remember my birthday. When I was 9 he sent me apinata from Mexico.”
She smiles, “That was nice of him.”
Connor chuckles, “It was filled with savings bonds. Come on, I was 9. Mom put them in the bank and bought me a candy bar.” Renee pats his leg, “At least he was thinking of your future.”
“My future? When I turn 21 I get over two hundred million. What good were a thousand bucks in bonds?”
“Connor! You were 9.” She points out.
His eyes widen with his constant nod, “I could have used a bike. I’ve never had a bicycle.”
Renee frowned, “Well at least you never fell off and scratched your knees.”
He chuckles, “Thank God. My grandparent’s maid would have put me in a body cast and wrote “Sissy Boy” on it from head to toe.”
Renee giggles at his jest, “Surely, she wasn’t that bad.”
In turn he rolls his eyes, “She used to put Vodka in my baby bottle and shove a carrot in my mouth. She’d suck the bottle and told me to make my own juice.”
“Now that was cruel. How could your Mother keepsuch a woman around?”
He shrugs, “Trinity was her Nanny as well as the family maid when she and my Aunt Nina were babies. Mom always said that she turned out just fine. As I got older Trinity got worse. Still, I love her. Especially, when she glad my Valentines card to my butt while I was sleep. I was 6. I still have a heart shaped scar on my ass where the Doctor had to remove it. Wanna see it?” Renee sheepishly declines as he continues.
“She did the same thing to my Mom when she was a kid.”
Renee laughs with a disappoint snort that required a hand over her face, “What about Nina?” Connor laughed equally as hard, “Aunt Nina had cosmetic surgery to remove her heart scar. Trinity glued Nina’s valentine to her forehead.”
Renee Cherish, burst into laughter than garnered the notice of the entire bus. After a wave of apologies she wipes a tear from her eye. Before she could wipe her finger off Connor lifts his t-shirt up.
“Here! You can get even with me. Wipe yourtear on my chest like I did on yours.”
Another uncontrolled bout of laughter she pokes his chest, “There Crybaby.”
Hysterics lead to silence then Connor opens up.
“Thanks Renee. I’m sorry I got so close to your chest.”
She warmly smiles, “Don’t you mean my heart? My chest shouldn’t be a topic of discussion. I am ten years older than you.”
She pulls his shirt down then reaches to the floor between her legs for her pursuit and a concealed bottle of water. Uncapping it to take a sip she turns in her seat at an angle.
“I have spoken to your Aunt on the phone. She’s quite the eccentric type.”
He nods, “Bitch. You can say it. I wont rat you out.”
She giggles, “In that case I find you very cute.”
He in reaction smiles from ear to ear until she jabs him in the chest again.
“Just kidding! So how came it to be you ended up with Nina?”
Connor leans forward on his knees at first covering his eyes with his hands before looking up at her at an angle.
“My Grandparent’s couldn’t handle me so they enforced my Mom’s will on Nina. I ran away a lot. Even at Nina’s. I hated Boston and she knew it. She got so strict I couldn’t stand it. Uncle Don tried to make my life better. He would take me to see the Red Sox and get me autographs. Then one day my Uncle was gone. Died of a heart attack at the golf course. Aunt Nina lost it.”
“I tried to be there for her but she couldn’t take care of herself. I decided to run away again just to get away from her. I thought I was making her life easier not having to worry about me. She didn’t need me. That was the final straw. She sent a telegram to my Dad. They agreed to send me to “Louisville Strong Academy”. A few years later, “now”, he decides he I swear if he gives me a G.I. Joe Barbie I’m gone.”
She laughs at the image, “Hey! I had one of those as a kid. Bearded lady in a camo bra with a cigar in her mouth and an M-16 in her hand. I’m an Army bratmyself, that’s how I ended up at Louisville. Both of my parents served their country.”
She watches Connor rock back and forth then frowns, “Are you trying to look up my skirt?”
Reacting fast he sits up from his hunted over position, “NO! I wasn’t.”
She pats his cheek with a stern look, “If your Father’s anything like you I think I’ll stay on the bus. Tell me more about him.”
Connor sits back closing his eyes, “Heck, I don’t even know him. I mean we spent time together when he would come home but those times were strained. He taught me how to swim. Took me out in a row boat on Lake Kironos and throw me overboard with a sponge saying, “Sink or Soak it up.” I swam beside his boat as long as I could then sank. I remember thinking how proud he was of me as I drowned. Next thing I know he’s giving me mouth to mouth under water until I fight my way to the surface. He made me finish my swim to the shore. I was afraid of him after that. He used to call me, Baby Seal.”
She tilts her head, “That’s so cute. Colonel Strong speaks very highly of your Father as well as your Uncle. Donovan was it?” Connor nods, “Yeah. I wanted to go live with Uncle Wally. He was always on the road with the Braves.”
She drops her jaw, “Wally Dhorne? The power hitter for Atlanta? Over the Wall Wally? WOW! I didn’t even put the two names together. You have a very interesting family.”
Connor shrugs, “Killers, Convicts, Singers, and Brass. Me? I’m the black sheep who likes photography, painting, and poetry. I fear at the sight of blood. I’m a follower not a leader.”
She grins sheepishly, “A future Lover.”
He winces, “Yours?”
Renee shakes her head, “Silly! That’s not what I mean.”
Looking at her watch she yawns, “Five more hours. I’m going to lay back and take a nap. You should too. Stop worrying, okay. You and your Father will get along great. A year from now you can write me and thank me for being optimistic.”
She reclines backas far as the buses seat would go and fans herself with her hand.
“Lordy it’s hot in here. I cannot wait to get into an air conditioned hotel room and strip off all my clothes.”
Connor’s eyes grow wide, “Shut up! Ten years older, Juliet. Don’t corrupt me or I’ll tell my Dad.”
She smiles vividly and unfastens the top button of her blouse to reveal the mid section of her bra as she Closes her eyes.
“Please do!”
As if Connor refused to peek.
He was a Dhorne, after all.
12:30 P.M. the Dhorne estate
“Okay, Heartthrobs. Let’s take a break.” cries out Mercedes Holden after an ear deafening whistle. Hammers stop and their work set aside in a sweat drenched revolt, each of the Winehall prison release contractor’s move to the back of the house. A wave from Mercedes motions Sondra Moon and Esther Cordoba from their laying bricks for the extended rooms foundation. ‘
“I know you two love getting all stoned over there but I’ve gotta message foryou all.”
All of them reach her vocal victory taking pride in their accomplishments. As did Mercedes.
“I want each and every one of you girls to know I’m proud as punch how much you’ve learned from me in such a short time. Dhorne’s impressed too. I hope my getting you ladies out of Winehall, even for a short while helps you. Learning a new trade can’t be a bad thing.”
Esther adds, “Not to mention the fresh air in our overly endowed lungs.”
Giggles run the gambit as Belle Fontaine concurs, “The scenery sure is better out of those damned orange jumps we wear at the Hall, that’s for sure.”
Mercedes raises her hands to silent her troops, “Oz left you all a little something down on the beach there. Nothing too excited, but he wants You each to choose from the bottles laying around. So, grab your lunch boxes and head on down. Hour lunch. Make the best of it.”
A thumb cast over her shoulder she entities them to move their asses. Lunches gathered they meet at the bottom of the hill. Lacey McBride was the first to reach the extinguished campfire. Spotting the leftover beer bottles Sondra Moon exhales almost bitterly, “Wonderful. I need a drink and he knows it. What’s he do? Drains them dry and leaves me the bottles. That’s so fucking cruel.”
Esther pats her on the back, “Hey. They make good pleasure toys.”
Lacey winces at Esther’s comment, “How can you even talk about pleasure? You of all people. How often has Lasher let some asshole sneak into our hotel rooms at night to rape us?”
Jersey rushes to Lacey’s side hushing her as Mercedes starts down the hill, “Shut up already. We can’t let Mercy know about this. She might get hurt over knowing too much.”
Yolanda Paris hisses, “How Come she doesn’t know already? You bitches are screamers. Hell, I hear McBride there clear down the hall.”
Lacey drops her jaw when Belle raises her choice of beer bottles, “Toast’s anyone?”
In turn each of the women obtain adiscarded bottle holding them up. Belle sticks her bottle out at arms reach, “All for ONE and ONE for all?”, as a sudden shiver exhilarates Belle making her feel light headed. It was almost as if someone had touched her. Shaking it off she clatters her bottle with each of the girls. At the sound of each impact the feeling sweats their souls. A sudden breath of fresh air made them feel very much alive.
“Wow. This shit carries a kick.” Sondra rolls her eyes in jest. Still, it was known to her already having experienced a similar haze in Dhorne’s living room. The same shiver accompanying Jersey’s cares if you will in the basement of the house. Even Yolanda Paris in all of her nastiness knew the bee’s in the outhouse forming a heart means more than coincidence.
“Notes in the bottles. Wonder what Oz has up his sleepe?” questions Esther Cordoba as she tips her bottle to let her note slide down the neck. Plucking the scroll out of the chamber she tosses her bottle behind her. Each of the others followed suit as Mercedes Holden bit down on a turkey sandwich watching them. Esther unrolls her note and reads it to herself fidgeting.
Mercy then opens up with her mouth full, “What’s it says?”
Esther raises her eyesbrows with a shrug, “How does ONE know when enough is enough?”
Belle offers up, “How many zeroes do it take to reach ONE?” Lacey frowns carefully moving the hair from her eyes, “ONE if by land, two if by sea.”
Jersey opens up with hers, “ONE is a lonely number.”
Yolanda snorts, “I’m keeping my EYE on you.” another snort she adds, “Geez. As if I didn’t know that already.”
Sondra plugs her finger into the neck of her bottle to assist the scrolls exit. Tipping the bottle over her mouth she grimaces and whis the bottle into the water, “Be proud of me. At least I didn’t inhale.”
They chuckle as she pries the coiled page apart, “UNO! DOSE TRACE!” What the heck’s that mean?”
Finally, to Sondra’s left Kimber Lomaxstands uneasy holding her note up, “Neon lights usually zap what bugs ya.”
A shrug shared amongst them they each sit down along the grassy hill looking out over the lake. Mercedes herself had no clue what to make of Dhorne’s riddles. Still they eyed her for guidance.
“Don’t ask me, Ladies. All I know is he said let each of you make your own choices. What he wants out of you I have no frickin’ clue.”
Sondra bites into a red apple chewing it in thought, then, “UNO is Spanish for ONE. Each of these either use the word, “ONE” or a variation of it. Even the “EYE” in Yolanda’s.”
Lacey McBride reaches up subconsciously touching her swollen eye.
Belle spots her, “Are you thinking your EYE is what he’s getting at?”
Lacey shy’s off lowering her gaze. With an around the camp glance they each agree it’s possible.
Sondra returns to her observations, “DOSE TRACE”? Stumps me.”
In reaction Jeraldine “Jersey” DeVille sits without blinking. In thought sheWorries that perhaps that was meant for her. After all she did leave out the part in her story where she freaked out on acid the day she fought with her husband. The day the gun went off taking his life. And, her baby’s. There was a chalk trace around his body. Not to mention traces of acid in her blood stream. UNO? That was indeed the first and only time she had ever taken acid. Could that note be meant for her?
Esther mulls over her note reading it again, “How does ONE know when enough is enough? Oz loves playing with words within words, right?” She studies the note more carefully, “Enough. The first three letters ENO is ONE if you move them around. That would leave UGH!”
They all chuckle at her observation. Maybe, she was on to something Belle Fontaine Thought. After all, she was the ONE that lied on the stand to protect her man. Still, it wasn’t ENOUGH to keep him. She exhales deeply and whispers a relaxing, “Wow.” Jersey, in an attempt to escape her own misery reissues her note, “ONE is a lonely number.”
Yolanda scoffs, “I dunno. I like my company. Even if nobody else does. But, if you wanna play word games, look at LONELY. ONE is inside the word and LONE means ONE doesn’t it?”
Sondra nods, “And, the LY in the word could mean LIE. Thus, ONE LIE.”
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