“Quit while you brat. What’s a little prune in your juice?” cached Trinity McGuire, the house maid and past Nanny of the LeGend lineage.
Nina LeGend Sabastian squealed at the stench of skunk urine still lingering from her pores. Not even the home remedy of twenty gallons of canned tomato juice covering her body could dispel its flavor. The fact that the crusty old curmudgeon Trinity stand over her with a hard wire brush once used on the family dog was hardly helping.
“Get away from me you, Hag. I’m not five years old anymore. I won’t tolerate the way you used to treat me. I’m 36 now for God’s sake.”
The redheaded beast taunts her with the brush when behind her enters Babs LeGend to her daughter’s rescue. Peeling Trinity’s fingers from the brush handle she pretty grins at the old woman, amused by her cantankerous mischief.
“That will be enough tenderizing my daughter.”
The old woman rolls in laughter, “Tenderizing? More like terrorizing. She’s to tough for a brush like this. I say we run her through a car wash.”
Babs guides her backward towards the bathroom doorway with her chin raised, “Focus on preparing dinner, Dear. Scoot. Shoo.” Trinity sneers at Babs attempting to get her brush back. Finally she growls and turn away. “Don’t blow me if she ruins dinner with that cheap ass perfume. Five minutes. That’s all I’m asking. The brat’s already two quarts shy of a Bloody Mary.”
A scrill cry for attention Nina pleads to her Mother to throw her down the stairs. Nudging the maid out she shuts the door and presses her back against it. Two thumbs from the other side Babs smiles, “I think she’s finally done.”
Nina lifts her hands from beneath the pool of tomato juice in the claw foot tub letting it trickle from her arms, “I hate her. Shoot her.”
Babs frowns with a finger to her lips, “Calm yourself, Nina. Trinity is just old and trying to help in her own twisted way. And, speaking of age. You are not thirty-two. Nora would be thirty six. You my lovely liar are thirty eight.”
Nina pouts, “Don’t remind me. Fine. I’ll act my age.” She winces at the red hue staining her body, “Mother? I reek. I really, really reek. Why am I always tortured like this? Can’t Daddy set traps out for that monster?”
Barbara sights sitting down on the ledge of the tub to lean in and lift Nina’s chin, “Sweetheart, it was only a silly panic stricken skunk. You spooked it.”
Nina exhales loudly, “I was referring to Trinity.”
Disguising a giggle with her right hand over her mouth Babs winks at her daughter, “She loves you, Dear. You might not want to believe it but she does. Think of all the good things she has done over the years.”
Nina glares up at her with eyes that fail to blink, “Name one, Mother. One.”
In turn Babs contemplates releasing her daughters chin. “She always kept you hidden from Nora when you played, “Hide and Seek”.
Nina huffs dramatically, “She locked me in a trunk upin the attic then had Nora help bake cookies. I stayed there until Daddy found me. I was punished for playing in the attic. Why do you always take her side? How dreadful it must have been for Daddy growing up an only child raised by that wolf in sheep’s clothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t let him suckle her title as a baby.”
She shivers at the thought of that possible occurring in her own infancy.
Babs shakes her head, “Augustus has never once spoken of anything traumatic. She was the Mother he never had. Having lost poor Delores to scarlet fever as a baby. Only good things. As I said, she’s just old and cranky. Let her enjoy her irrational behavior in her final days.”
Nina grumbles beneath her breath, “Our lucky the woman is immortal.”
“Maybe she was nice to Daddy because he was an only child. After all she couldn’t have children of her own right? Could it be she can only love one child at a time?”
Bab’s sights lowering her eyes, “Dear, please. Let this go. Trinity has a heart of gold beneath the mine.”
Soak dear. Lay back and relax. As discomforting as the smell may be. I’m going to go help your, Aunt Gina set the table. I’m certain the boys will be familiar after a hard day’s work.”
Nina continues her distant round of emotions as Barbara opens the door turning to blow her a kiss. “I’ll check on you in fifteen minutes.”
Stepping into the hallway Babs finds her sister Gina Grogan, a medium build version of herself with short, straight hair sitting in a Victorian chair along the wall. A scowl is shared between them, “Poor thing. Augustus burned her clothes in the fireplace. The odor would never have come out I’m afraid.”
Folding her arms in front of her Babs seemed disappointed as she subconsciously looked back at the bathroom door. “She looked so lovedly in Prada.”
Gina concurs with a faint grimace, “Joseph called. He and Garrison have worked up quite an appetite. I told him that Trinity was preparing her famous Bavarian Pot Roast. I could hear his mouth watering all the way over to Nora’s home. Garrison asked Joe if he would witness to those lady contractors. Was that not sweet of him?”
Babs fidgets attempting not to show her suspicious nature, “I can only imagine the trouble they have seen.” Barbara LeGend knew her son-in-law all too well. “Come along, Sister. Let us break out the fine china.”
Gina accepts her sister’s extended elbow, intertwining her own arm within it, “Are you certain we should leave Nina alone? I would hate for her to fall asleep and dropped in her soup.”
Babs pats Gina’s arm for jesting then smiles brightly, “Your niece needs this time to herself. Let her soul search in her cocktail. Tomato is another day.”
Gina lets out an unplanned snort blushing at her sister through her giggles, “Oh, Babs. You’re so witty.”
Within the bathroom of three exits Nina Sabastian sheds a tear resting her head on the side of the tub. Her emotions were shot. A lifted hand to wipe her runny nose only made matters worse as the dripping tomato juice on her fingers gave her a red moustache. Whimpering, her body begins to chill and tremble from the coldness in her soul. That, and the scent of herself made her eyes water.
“What’s to become of me, Donatello?” She glares towards the ceiling, “Each day becomes increasingly unbearable without you. For such a short while I found a comfort in your arms. All of my life I felt isolated and alone. Nora always took center stage, even before the performing arts. As much as my Parents deny it even they favored Nora. Her recital’s at Uncle Joseph’s church choir always keep them busy. Mother would send me for singing lessons until only a deaf tutor could hearMy cries for help. That, is the story of my life. Nora the gifted one. Nina the gift horse.”
“You found me at a flower show in Connecticut and made me feel so very good about myself for the very first time. Mother’s prize orchids took first place. I took first place in your attentions. I sorely miss you My Love. You called me your Blossom Basket. How could I resist your charms? You loved me even when I was overbearing and cold towards you. Maybe I drove you to the grave. Stressed you out until your heart couldn’t take it any more.”
She closes her eyes, “I don’t know. Perhaps my destiny is to be alone.”
Nina thinks of young Connor Dhorne who tried to comfort her in her time of sorrow. Yet, she lashed out in her misery. Sighing she continues Her thoughts, “I’m sorry Connor. For being a bad Godmother. I just couldn’t handle the loss. First Nora, then Donatello. I realize you were hurting as well. Perhaps Nora knew Donatello would be leaving me. Choosing me to raise you inhopes we might console one another. You were just too much for me. Fighting for the attention I myself wanted. Our competition was a constant battle.”
“I hope one day you can forgive me Nora. For abandoning your son. Like his Father did.” So engrossed in her thoughts she negatives to hear a door opening from Nora’s bedroom behind her. Nor, the shadow over her.
“Here’s some veggies for your stew.” Chuckles the devil maid of Bartlett.
Trinity McGuire scrapes off diced carrots and potatoes into the lap of Nina whose eyes erupt in confusion. She looks down at the floating vegetables and cries even harder. She wants to scream at the old bird who takes a plunger by the toilet to use as a churn between Nina’s legs.
“Boil, boil, toilet and trouble. Devil’s brew that I make bubble. Call me a Witch will ya? You know damn well I love you. Stop whining and grow up. Dinner’s almost ready so stop stewing ’bout the past. And, you can clean this tub when you’re done. My knees andback won’t let me scrub like they used to.”
She tosses the plunger on the floor and walks back into Nora’s room leaving Nina to gasp. At least her tears were drying up. Her vegetable state would last another twenty minutes. The cent would linger if not as bad as before. 50/50 she would think of her remaining odor.
Fourteen minutes later.
Downstairs, Gus LeGend was cleaning out the flue of his fireplace to rid his home of the ashes of the past. A messy job that he found relaxing. If not revolting at first. Every window in the house was opened up to enjoy a fresh breeze to rid their walls of Nina. All save for the attic of course and it’s delicious inhabitants. As he carries his bucket of ash towards the front door his reach found an assist on the door knob.
In stepped Garrison Dhorne and a sweat covered Uncle Joseph.
Gus chuckled, “I must say Joseph. Perspiration suits you. How goes the greener pastures?”
Oz nods, “Couldn’t have done it without JoJo. Got his hands dirty and his soul clean. Dinner smells good. That pot roast? Or, did y’all go hunt down that skunk for dinner?”
Both men find that amusing.
“Bavarian pot roast. Trinity’s specialty.”
Oz wrinkles his nose, “Y’all sure you trust Granny? I mean c’mon Jed. Yer talkin’ bout the same gal that went skinny diploma’ in yer cement pond and came up with a live koi in her jaws. Jus’ cuz she wanted fish and chips.”
Joseph raises an eye brow, “Surely not.”
His questioned response is followed by a fidgeted nod from Gus. “We sat down and discussed her fishing techniques. Go clean up while I rid our home of the demonstrations in this bucket.” Gus smiles then notes the two boxes beneath Dhorne’s arm, “Cuban cigars?” Dhorne Very grinns, “We was Fidalin’ in the wood work and found a nice surprise. Once I dig into it more I’ll share it with Y’all over dinner. Now, if’n Y’all will excuse me I need a lil down time here.”
Oz moves away leaving Gus and Joe.
“He seems sad.” Expresses Augustus as Joe dabs his forehead on Dhorne’s given bandanna.
“The boxes are time capsules left over by Nora and Connor. Very emotional indeed. He resists his own, I fear. When the bow breaks…”
Gus pickers, “Indeed. Our bedroom shower is free and I’ve laid you out a new set of clothes to change into. Be thankful our sizes are Similar.”
Joseph thanks his brother-in-law with a respectful nod then he too takes his walk upstairs.
Oz had closed the door to Nora’s room and sat the boxes on her vanity. Kicking his boots and socks off he wrinkles the bridge of his nose, “Whooooweeeeee! Those things need shot.”
He sniffs the air then looks towards the bathroom door to see Nina’s shadow moving about. Then, he lifts his sock to his nose, “My bad. Sorry fallas.”
Sighing at his humor he then sets Connor’s box aside to prefer looking more into Nora’s safe. Exactly, he thought. The box was probably safe. Easing back on to Nora’s bed heclosed his eyes feeling the soft breeze behind him from the window sill. The sheer curtains were like flowing wraith’s maddened by their lack of settled peace.
He grins thinking, “Yup. They put the WRATH in WRAiTH.”
Seconds later he opens his eyes and puts a finger to his lips as if telling the curtains to settle down. As if a breath held they glide back into place and barely tremble. Opening The safe combination he pulls the letter he had read earlier out and kisses the envelope before setting it on Nora’s pillow beside him with a pat. His attention returned towards the box he peeks inside then lifts out the very first collar he had ever given her. A vibrant purple chaser with an ivory cameo that had his own thumb print engraved into it. A constant reminder of who held her breath. Smiling he recalled the day he Collared her. In this very bedroom. She on her knees before him, head bowed, eyes lowered. Arms helpless at her side. A meter eighteen year old who knew a love sogreat that her soul was ripping from her chest saying goodbye to her shell.
The feel of his hands around her throat, her official first collar even though immaterial was an orgasm of inner beauty. Removed she felt such age. Emotions contained as she had been taught. Then, returning his fingers he connected the collar to the back of her neck adjusting the cameo before ordering her to look into his eyes. Without blinking they stared deeply into the others soul with a proclamation that they now shared a singular soul.
“ONE” he whispered lightly as he would press his left thumb over the cameo, “O” . As he traced his other thumb around the purple lace with ever so tiny letter “Z’s” embroidered into the material she would know that the “Z” would circle her trust to end at the other side of the cameO. He now owned her.
Taking a deep breath he hears Nina bitching in the bathroom about the smell of bleach. He had to chuckle lightly. At least something could come close to whitening up her day. She must have been attempting to clean the tub. Something she probably had servants for in Boston. It was good for her he thought.
“With this tub ring I thee wed, right DonatellO?” He glanced at the ceiling as if Heaven.
With a sight he reaches back inside the box and unveils a small photo album containing pictures of their wedding day. Nora was stunning. Wearing her Grandmother’s wedding dress hand made with a flowing train that he used to tease her about, “Yup. That’s the line of guys waitin’ to see ya backstage in all yer glory.”
Turning the page he spies her “Heirpeace” she would christen it. A tiara of “Baby’s breath” to symbolize the growing child freshly seen within her. The inner peace which filled her soul with pride that she had recently found out she was carrying the future heir of Garrison Dhorne. She loved her flowers. Her own personal Garden of Eden. EDEN was NEED rearranged. Without her arrangements she would be lost. Those being herservice to both MASTER and her floral fetish. Oz would tell her she put the ORAL in flORAL. His wisdom continuously excited her mind. Beauty was everywhere.
Two more pages flip through the past, to their wedding. Uncle Joseph had presided over their testimonials and vows. She would knee on the altar in front of him and express her oath of love and loyalty to the end of time. Reciting passages first from the bible. Then, from her favorite poet Emily Dickenson. He would stop looking there and seal his eyes to recall her words.
I cannot live with You — It would be Life — And Life is over there — Behind the Shelf
The Sexton keeps the Key to — Putting up Our Life — His porcelain – Like a Cup —
Discarded of the Housewife — Quaint — or Broke — A newer Sevres pleases — Old Ones crack —
I could not die — with You — For One must wait To shut the Other’s Gaze down — You — could not —
And I — Could I stand by And see You — freeze — Withoutmy Right of Frost — Death’s privilege?
Nor could I rise — with You — Because Your Face Would put out Jesus’ — That New Grace
Glow plain — and foreign On my homesick Eye — Except that You than He Shone closer by —
They’d judge Us — How — For You — served Heaven — You know, Or sought to — I could not —
Because You saturated Sight — And I had not more Eyes For sordid excellence As Paradise
A tear approaches again held in check. Lightly wiping his nose he moves to the following page. Another shot of Nora kneeing on their wedding day. This time Dhorne was on one knee seeing in nobility. His own vows were less dramatic he remembered, merely joining her near the floor maintaining one knee up to express to his ONE that he would only meet her halfway. Still his words were making her cry. Emotions allowed to be released for a single day. Devotion offered by his hand on her heart.
He recalled hearing the audience says, “Is he squeezing her breast?” in faith whispers.
She would in turn look out at them and smile, “Why yes he is.” Returning her gaze swiftly towards him, “May my breast feed the mighty warrior within.” He would admire her dedication to his heir. She knew deep down that she would produce a son. He would then squeeze her other breast and tell her, “Just in case my heir ain’t so apparent.”
The congregation would burst into laughter. Even Nora’s parents as respectable as they were in the community would admire his approach.
Continuing on to the next page would show Nora throwing her homemade bouquet of white gardenia’s over her head for the fight of the century. One that her sister Nina would suffer a black eye from. The next photo showed the recipient Trinity Maguire grinning giddily over the bouquet and Nina flipping her off from behind. He had to chuckle.
The next page would show his brother Donovan, the best man with Nora’s garter belt around his forehead like a head band. Toasting the wedding party and the happy couple while holding up a beer stein of championne and a baseball bat in which he gave Nora as a gift in case his brother would ever need a good ass whopping.
He recalled after their honeymoon that she had taken the bat and made wood chips of it to sprinkle in her flower bed to protect them. Misty eyes were giving Dhorne hell.
Focusing with a deep inhale he presses on to their wedding cake which was topped with a standing groom and a kneeing bride. All eyes would note the veil hiding the crotch of the groom. Augustus LeGend would have words with his children after seeing the topper. But, of course he knew that Dhorne was indeed a “Top”. Even if the whole perception would take the cake.
The cutting of the cake would define their unity as much as any lit candle. Instead of sharing the cake they would move from behind the table and shove their pieces into the faces of Gus and Dhorne’s father, “Odin”. The laughter and joy was a vision to behold. Nina LeGend would be the next target as Nora snuck up and buried icing up her nose. The laughter ceased as Nina would bitch about her make-up. Then, to top off her anxiety Trinity Maguire would move in and lick the icing from her nose just to embarrass her.
Those were good times.
An odd association of photos would continue to engross him as he ignored Nina’s vocal complaining in the bathroom. A family photo consisting of Nora and Dhorne’s side of the gene pool showed the approval of his parents. His Mother especially. He rarely saw her smile. He chuckled knowing that his father had a gun holstered within the laptop of his tux. Some things never changed. At least his Mother had sense enough to hide her throwing daggers within a hair pin upon her head.
Another such photo showed Dhorne’s sister, “Constance” who looked lovely in her brides maid dress. Standing with Nora and the Maid of Honor, her best friend and make-up artist, “Crystal Cleary”. Their red hair ablaze againsttheir dresses. He recalled whistling at Crystal who had bent over beginning to lift her dress when he realized that the tone in his whistle was her as a slave’s cue to assume the position. Constance would quickly move in to cover for “CC”. Nora had never laughed so hard. For the first time she noted a shade of pink in his face. Unspoken of, of course.
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