That was all Dhorne needed was a leisurely walk along the beach. Kicking stones and enjoying the mid-summer breeze coming off of the lake. As he strolled around the forested bend from the LeGend estate he purposely ignored the builder’s hammering away at his unlived in home.
The house that he had originally built for his wife Nora. It had gone uninhabited for a good number of years. Since four days after he had buried his wife in a private ceremony.
Deep within the forest to his right was where she was laid to rest. This was still her home. Still alive and vibrant here. Just unseen. Her legacy. Even though he was heir to the throne. His own self made fortune combined with Nora’s had left he and his son well taken care of.
Aside from the LeGend estate Dhorne owned the entire lake and the land around it with the exception of roughly twenty lakeside co-owners whose rites stopped at the lakes edge. At one time the LeGend family had owned all of Oakcrest. Ever since theTown of Bartlett was one of the earliest pioneer settlements in Alabama, their ancestral family tree had roots established here. Pieces of land had been sold off over generations. Inheritance means stupidity to some. Greed and lack of loyalty tore apart the very foundation of Bartlett. History of the region was far from respectable. Story for another day.
Dhorne stopped at the edge of the timber to spy up the hill at the construction crew. Spotting three women at the back of his garage, counting seven total, on the property. He knew at least three more including the head honcho herself must have been inside the house. Even in the shade of the surrounding forest he saw more nipples shining through wife beats than a wet t-shirt contest at a biker bar.
“Hmm! Mercy must have hired some new gals.” He rubs his chin mischievously, “Reckon I should introduce myself.”
He removes his leather trench coat then gets a whiff of his arm pits, “A mite ripe. Reckon I should have grabbed a shower before dropping by.”
He weights his options, “Suppose those gals can’t be daisy duke fresh.”
With a tick from the corner of his mouth he glances out at the lake, then leers back up the hill with an evil grin, “Here’s to you Ricki Lake.”
Suppressing the pain of his lower back he lifts each foot to remove his boots. Within three minutes he had stripped naked While staring up at the curvaceous crew. Rubbing the palms of his hands together he grits his teeth looking back at the forest, “Don’t look NoraJean.”
With a snicker he usually strolls into their field of view acting as if he hadn’t noticed they were there. Limping in the hot sand he makes his way to the wooden docks bobbing on the lakes surface. At the end of the dock he stretches, fanning his arms out. He hears the hammering stop cold and chuckles to himself.
Suddenly the wolves found their prey as whistles echoed from ashore. He counts the attention at seven distinct voices before turning around to face them. He salutes them military style as he mentally orders his dangling penis to stand at attention. “All howlin’, No scowlin’.” He yells up at them before turning and diving off the end of the dock. The lake water wasn’t the tastiest as he held his breath for long minutes looking up from the lake bed to watch the dock edge. If his huntes were accurate the ladies would rush down the hill thinking he was drowning.
Of course that was next to impossible with the Navy Seal training he endured over the last 16 years. The sunlight on the water made his vision skyward all but crystal clear. Three minutes under water he spots the first two women at the docks edge searching for him. Three more join them.
With a thin smile he relaxes his body and floats face down to the top. He hears them shout out before two of them dive in to his rescue, hauling him back to the dock. Two others help hoist him from the lake to lay him on his back. Making his body dead weight on purpose the women reposition in the water.
A brunette moves in front of him to buckle his knees and use them as leverage. What her efforts find is an eight inch erection rolling across her cheek. One of the other women on the dock is forced to lean over to grip his hips her left breast crushing against his chin. His body weight was a firm 280 of chiseled muscle and he knew how to control it.
Finally giving up he let They lay him down on his back.
“He’s not breathing. He must have hit his head on the dock.”, Stressed the breast grazer.
Opposite of her a blond with short hair feels for a pulse on his wrist. “Heart’s shallow. Esther gives him mouth to mouth. He’s probably swallowed half the lake.”
Esther Cordoba, a pale skinned young woman with bleached blond hair past her shoulders, smiled. “This could be fun.” She knees in and pinches Dhorne’s nose pressing her lips against his to exhale into his lungs.
The two women in the water climbed out to croouch beside them. Their shirts were sheer from being submerged. “Anyone notice this guy hasn’t lost his erection?” said the brunette who was purely to his manhood’s grace on the way out of the water.
“Kimber quit staring.” The observant brunette sneered.
“Hey! You didn’t have that monster coil around your neck.” The short haired blond shook her head finding herself admiring the erection through The corner of her eye.
The mermaid next to Kimber chuckles, “I volunteer to give this end mouth to mouth.” She said making hand motions with her fist toward her gaping mouth.
“Chill out, Belle. This guy could croak and you wanna get froggy.”
Belle Fontaine deliciously patted Dhorne’s upper thigh grinning.
Sondra Moon frowns as she looks down at Esther. “Are You kissing him or saving his life?”
Esther Cordoba was anything but grim. His lips were amazing.
Kimber and Belle were witness to yet another amazing feature as Dhorne’s dick twitched up and down likea serpent. Both women’s eyes bulged looking at each other to see if the other had spotted the lively endowment.
Three other women stood over Dhorne’s head looking down at Esther faking CPR in favor of warm lips. Sondra then noticed his penis twitching up and down faster and faster to Belle and Kimber’s yearning eyes.
As Sondra stars up at the newcomers she notes their eyes all locked on the penis. Sondra was the only one not hypnotized by it’s dance. Suddenly his penis exploded over like a volcano stunning all of them.
Kimber was the first to utter anything, “Wow! He coughts up cum before lake water.”
Dhorne stirrs moving his left arm around Esther’s head to kiss her hard. His right hand raises up to clutch Sondra Moon by her wife beater dragging her forward to see him wink at her through Esther’s hair.
He lifts his legs up spreading them to coil around the waists of both Kimber and Belle dragging them elbow to elbow until they fell forward over his waist.They all gasped at the man’s unique revival.
The women standing behind Dhorne began to laugh when the shadow of doom came in for the kill, “WHAT THE HELL’S GOING ON HERE! PLAYTIME’S–OVER!”
A middle aged woman who thrived on body building shoved her way through to see Dhorne. She shakes her head shifting the toothpick in her mouth. “I should have known. Ladies’ meet the owner of our little project up there.”
Dhorne lets everyone go as he lays there staring up at the greying redhead with an Atlanta Braves ball cap on.
“Break’s over Mercy D. How’s my favorite carpenter?” OZ looks down at his dick, “What’s that Junior? You want her to play Bob the Builder?”
Mercedes Holden grunts, “Not this lifetime, Boss Man. You can tell Junior he looks like a nail waiting on my claw hammer.”
Dhorne again looks at his dick craning his neck, “More like a railroad spike. Best grab yer sledge.” All the women burst into laughter. Mercedes reverses lowering a hand to pullhim to his feet motioning him to rise on his own. Once standing he looks down at the four women sitting on the dock and does a complete 360 for them to admire his body. During his rotation cum splatters off of his dick on to Kimber’s chest. Before she could react Belle dives over licking it off of her right breast.
Kember winces, “Hey. Get your own.”
Belle wags her tongue at Dhorne as he grins, “Mercy Sakes? Where did you find these gals? French Lick Indiana?”
Mercedes raises an eyebrow, “Prison release program. One minute off of their sentence for every nail drive. Back to work Primadonna’s.”
All of them groaned as they stood up and flirtatiously touched him on the way past. As he and Mercedes watched them scale the hill he whistled and pulls Mercedes into a hug. She pats his back, “Good to see ya, OZ.”
He tightens his embrace, “Ditto Mercy D.”
She in turn clears her throat, “It’s been way too long since I’ve had a dick between these legs OZ. You might wanna back outta my crotch before I wrestle you to the dock.”
Dhorne chuckles, “Bet the same can be said for yer jailbirds up there. I sure ruffled their feathers didn’t I?”
He steps back as Mercedes nods, “Won’t get this project of yours done if you keep pulling stuns like that.”
Dhorne throws an arm around her shoulder “BROKEN NAILS CONSTRUCTION”. With a name like that I dunno how you get business.”
She winces at the comment, “Blame yourself. You made the name up.”
Oz laughs in return, “Oh Yeah. Reckon I do own ya lockup, stock, and barrel.”
He offers her a cheesy grin as she groans, “What don’t you have your hand in?”
He tilts his head winding to her disappoint as she rolls her eyes, “Get your head out of my gutter.” He pulls her into his side and fans his left hand out in front of him towards the house. “Fine job yer doin’ Mercy. Build me a tool shed over there. And, a dog house beside that tree.”
Mercedes makes mental notes of the necessary foundations. With a pat on her ass he takes off walking up the hill. She follows close behind, “You going to get dressed?”
He stops to shrug, “Why? It’s my house I can do what I want.”
“You’re such a pervert.”
That he was. At the back deck he glances around to see Sondra Moon measuring a 2×4 for cutting and steps over to her. “What’s yer name again?”
The moment he spoke the tape measure noisily recoiled back into its chamber.
“Sondra Moon”.
He points his erection at her with a grin, “Wanna see how long Junior is?”
She cocks an eyebrow, “Not in particular. Easy enough to guess its length. You must be proud of Junior.”
Dhorne nods with a pumped lower lip. “What landed you in prison?”
She sights, ‘Isn’t that my business?”
He nods again, “Reckon so. I’ll just call and ask the Warden in the morning.”
She narrows her eyes disbelieving the arrogance he was showing. “Look I’m here building your goddamn house. I’m not living in it. Is there any need to be checking me out?”
Esther slips in behind them with wide eyes displayed behind Sondra’s back for Dhorne to note. He admired Sondra’s bite. He could tell that she was hurting inside over whatever she had done. It could wait.
“Yer Esther right?” The leggy blond perked up as she lifted an already cut piece of lumber. “That’s me. Esther Cordoba. Nice lips cowboy.”
Dhorne smiles brightly, “Esther the Molester. Thanks for saving my breath. So what are you in for?”
Sondra glares at him for his nosey nature. Esther in turn steps between them looking down at his erection. Licking her lips she stars into his eyes, “Hopefully a screaming orgasm.”
Sondra rolls her eyes kicking at the board. “Pay more attention to this wood. Not his.”
Esther sights, “Jealous, Moon?”
Sondra snatches the 2×4 away and carries it off. Dhorne became expressionless, “Wood chip on her shoulder.”
Esther agreed, “Accessory to a bank heist. I worked at the bank. Young and stupid I guess. So yer filthy stinking rich I hear.”
He nods, “Richie Rich on steroids. And, no you ain’t gettin’ the combination to my safe. How long you got?”
She slyly grins grabbing his erection, “I’d say 8 and a quarter inches.” He removes her hand. “That ka-ching ya hear is the cell door lockin’ for the night. Look me up When yer sentence is finished. I might have a place for ya in my ORGANization.”
She wins, “I’ll do that Daddy Morebucks.”
He walks away from her fanning hand and returns to Mercedes, “Hatchway’s give you any problems?”
Mercedes lowers her voice to match his, “I built those before the tour bus got here. None of them were around. Spent three weeks here alone to get them finished. You know I’m curious where they lead right?”
He nods, “Dungeon! Wanna come down and lemme shadowle yer spackle?”
Mercedes hisses, “Keep your secrets, Boss. I’m loyal.”
He pinches her left cheek for a smile,”Never doubted ya, Mercy.”
Glancing up to the roof of his garage he see’s Belle and Kimber along with two others. He steps to the ladder and climbs up to join them watching his step.
“Belle and Kimber.” He spouts.
Belle finishes for him “Fontaine and Lomax.” These two stunning conflicts are “Lacey McBride and Jersey DeVille.”
He laughs at the name, “Jersey Devil. Yer Daddy raise goats?”
The buxom redhead mocks him with her facial features, “It’s Jeraldine with a “J”. I hated it so I go by Jersey.”
He winks admiring her cut off “New York Jets” jersey. He points at her football sized breasts, “That what they call, Tackling Dummies?”
She stars at his boldness then lifts her shirt to press together her perfect “D” cups, “Giving me that goal post later, Heisman?”
All of them giggle as Dhorne fidgets his lips. “Where’s a guard when ya need one?”
Lacey McBride, a blond with black streaks in her hair, lifts her ankle to show a “G.P.S.” monitor. “No guards needed. We can’t go far.”
Dhorne looks down at Kimber and Belle’s ankles, “Waterproof I reckon.”
They both nod looking at their ankle bracelets. Belle notes his erection still holding, “You chow down on a whole bottle of little blue pills? That pecker hasn’t lost an inch. How did you get it to cum without jerking off?”
Kimber chimes in, “If you were the only guy surrounded by ten sexy bitches you’d shot too.”
He eyes Kimber Lomax, “It’s control Darlin. Looky here.”
All four women watch as he steps back for a better view of his dick. “Y’all watchin’?”
Four nods later they see his erection fade as he winks, “KIMBERRR!”
They all laugh as Belle lightly punches Kimber Lomax in the arm. “See what you did? You ruined the fun for the rest of us.”
Kimber blushes, “Gee thanks.” “Fill me in. Belle Fontaine. What’s on the record sides the Blues?”
Belle sniffs, “Perjury. I lied to protect my EX in court.”
He studies her sorrow as genuine.
The girl lowers her gaze, “Beat my Dad to a bloody pulp. He’s in a coma. Told him I hated veggies.”
Dhorne eyes her with pause until she finishes her story, “Pops molested me and my baby sister for six years. I was 14 she was 12.”
He puts a hand up for her to stop. “Jersey?”
The Jet’s fan huffs loudly, ” Shot my ole’ man after he throw me down a flight of stairs. I was six months pregnant. He killed our baby.” Again his hand halts her history.
The lovely Miss Lomax closes her eyes and scratches her head before opening one eyelid, “Gang raped by six black guys and held hostage in their crack house. I burnt it to the ground. Four of the six were cooked. Other two got off While I did time. It doesn’t help that I like fire. Don’t worry I won’t burn your place down.”
“So much for our candlelit dinner.” He claps his hands together, “Okay. Finish this job in three days I’ll have the Governor pardon Y’all.”
They chuckle as he climbs down the ladder. Lacey looks to Jersey, “Do you think he’s serious?” Belle Fontaine cuts into Jersey’s reply, “He’s rich and powerful and can shoot his wad without touching it. I’d say he’s serious.”
Down below he spots a medium built woman with short black hair carrying his clothes up from the beach. He waits for her to reach him.
“Thank ya.”
The woman shyly smiles, “No problem. Seeing as you were busy with the super models I figured this plus sizer needed her exercise to keep up.”
He grinns at her, “Ain’t bout SIZE! It’s ’bout SIGHS.”
She chuckles, “I like that motto. Thanks. I needed a smile.”
He pulls his boxes up as she blushes, “It’s a shade you have to cover that up.”
He pokes Junior out the freedom hole and she brightens up.
“What’s yer name?”
She sticks her hands in her pockets, “Yolanda. Yolanda Paris.” He shakes her hand after pulling it from her pocket.
“Pleasure’s mine. Use that otherhand to give me back my wallet.
“She frowns, “You’re good.”
He winks, “So are you.”
She hands it back to him as he pulls his jeans up. “Let me guess. Embezzlement.”
She smiles with hesitance, “Close. My husband did. I just spent the money. Sorry. Old habits.”
He finishes getting dressed with the exception of his trench coat. She pouts lightly in silence until he pats her shoulder, “Here! Babysit, “Toro”.
Handing her his coat she sights, “You named your coat?”
He winks, “I know Bull when I see it.”
She shrugs then digs into her back pockets to pull out two shiny silver dollars.
“You don’t miss a beat do you?”
He refrains from smoking as he whistles for Mercedes, “Neither does my gal Zoe. She’s a cop. All this monopolizin’ just got you a “Go directly to jail card.”
Yolanda’s eyes grow wide as Mercedes over hears them. “What’s goin on OZ?”
He gives Yolanda a scrutinizing glare, “Cat burglar. Call the BPD and have ’em declare Kitty Litaire here.”
Yolanda starts crying, “I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.”
He scowls, “Looks to me like you helped yourself just fine.”
Yolanda’s temperature builds behind her tears. “What’s two measly silver dollars to a Kennedy like you? You didn’t even have any cash in that wallet.”
Dhorne’s expression tenses, “Then why keep my wallet? Ain’t like you could sell it on EBay.” Mercedes shakes her head, “Thought you were smarter than this Paris. I helped you get some fresh air with this job. This is how you repay me?”
The woman rubs her eyes, “Fine! Send me back to “Winehall”. Let me rotate in solidary under Warden Lasher’s twisted sex drive.”
Dhorne exams her face noting the torque in her eyes at the mention of the name. Compulsive thief she was, but not a compulsive liar. He knew the truth wasout there. He looks around at the other women for their reaction. Only Lacey McBride shared a similar fear. He swallows hard then turn to Mercedes, “Knock out another wall on the east side of the house. Add two more bedrooms. One up. One down. Keep the ladies busy.”
Mercedes cautiously nods at Yolanda awaiting Dhorne’s decision. “Reprieve Klepto Bismol. I find anything else Missing I won’t care about ya.”
She watches him turn away and step inside the back door. Mercedes merely nods for her to return to work. A second motion tells the other women to do the same. Inside the house Dhorne slipped into a silent mood going from room to room recalling the past. He sits down at the dining table and imagines Nora cooking supper. Then, of his son at the dinner table eating. First in a highchair as a baby then as a preteen reading poetry while devouring pizza. He fidgets tapping the table thinking, “Drink yer milkshake Speare. Before i take away yer Green Eggs and Hamlet.”
With a sight he gets up and walks into his living room stepping down into the sunken sofa pit. He stars at the pictures left on the wall then reaching up to roll a finger through built up dust.
“Maid’s day off.”
He hears the toilet flush in the bathroom behind him below the stairwell glancing back to see Sondra Moon step out. She spots him and freezes. “At ease Moon. I’m not peeping through no keyholes. Just walkin’ down memory lane.”
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