Tonight was going to be very special, the culmination of meticulous planning. Walking into the living room I noticed that everything looked perfect. The furniture had been moved to create a large space in the middle of the room. It would be here, later, that I would let them see me completely naked. Ten wine glasses had been laid out for my guests to pick up when they arrived.
I would have to make sure that I give my father a very special thank-you.
Filled with exercise, I stood, imagining tonight’s scene, my tummy did a quick series of flip-flops. It was here, in this very room that the fansies of ten very sexy men much older than me were going to finally cum true.
Satisfied that everything was ready, I was left with a little over an hour to pater myself into reading. I drew myself a bath and relaxed in the warm scented bubbles. My mind was working overtime while my stomach maintained a constant churning as I soaked in the water.
After my bath I decided to take a shower, a long, very long, scalding hot shower, using water that would easily burn a normal girl. Fortunately for me I am anything but a normal girl.
During the shower my hands had a habit of wandering across my seriously aroused body. Soaped fingers slipped easily into my seeing young cunt, staking the unquenchable furnace that was my pussy as water pounded my quiver breasts. I closed my eyes, feeling the heat rising as my fingers worked feverishly to feed my hunger. A pluge, a gasp and my magnificent young body rocked with pleasure.
After luxury in the shower for well over twenty minutes, I carefully examined myself in the long mirror with a critical eye. The body that was staring back at me was absolutely breathtaking. I had to admit I was perfect in every sense of the word.
Tonight was going to be all about me. I would be the complete focus of attention and in total control, which is exactly how I like it.
Within a half-an-hour of thefirst arrival, all my special guests were present. They had been let in by my father, although they didn’t know that’s who he was. I couldn’t help but wonder if one or two might back out at the last minute; after all, they all knew what was going to happen and what I expected. I was however pleasantly surprised to see that all ten had shown up.
My guests, all male, were teachers at the high school I attended and they were all quite obviously nervous. As they gathered around the living room I watched them from upstairs.
I was about to rock their world.
Walking back into my bedroom I picked up the floor length, very expensive mine coat from my bed and slipped it on. It almost covered the eight inch silver spiked siletto heels that I was already wearing.
I checked my long, super Sexy blonde hair and looked at myself one final time in the mirror. I took a deep breath and walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. When I walked into the living room everyone turnd to look at me and immediately stopped talking. I stood for several moments soaking up the atmosphere, taking in every detail of the room and my reception. Remembering how I had stood on this spot just a few hours ago trying to imagine this very moment.
Without saying a word I walked to the middle of the room, gratefully accepting the glass of wine my father offered me on the way. It was so quiet I swear I could hear their hearts beating. I took a sip from my glass before setting it down on the mantelpiece and turned back to face them.
I stood for several moments facing them, glancing from one to the other. Intimidating them with my smoldering green eyes.
“Gentlemen,” I whispered, my voice oozing sensitivity. “You may now take off your clothes.”
Without saying a word they did as I instructed and started removing their clothes. No, they were actually ripping there clothes off.
It wasn’t long at all before ten of the sexiest high school teachers in SouthernCalifornia were standing magnificently naked before me, a girl who was in some of their classes, a girl who each and every one of them wanted more then they have ever wanted anyone.
They bulged with huge muscles, and each was in possession of a massive, raging hard-on. They were each trembling noticeably, and it was obvious that they were all in complete and absolute awe of me, and who could blow them.
A split second I shrugged off the mine coat, letting it fall to the floor at my feet and there was a collective gasp as they stared hotly at my striking young body.
Standing before them, totally naked, I could feel their eyes soaking in my devastating curves. They wanted to touch, lick and suck me, but that would be for only one special teacher.
Slowly they fanned themselves out so they formed a semi-circle around me. Pre-cum was flowing freely. Their hearts were pounding like sledge hammer’s inside their heavily muscled chests. God I loved the way they looked atme, like deer caught in the headlights. They were actually scared of me, scared of an eighteen year old girl.
I lived for this!!
For the next few minutes I made it a point to stare at each man, conquering him with my ultra sexy, emerald green eyes. I decided to make an example of the last man, a twenty-nine year old stud. I stared at him so bravely, so erotically he just lost it, and exploded in a violent orgasm, emptying his cum all over the floor in front of him. He came so hard in fact that once he was finished he dropped to his knees.
“Stay just like that sweetheart,” I ordered, and of course he did exactly as I told him.
The rest knew what I expected of them, and once I gave them permission, they reached down and firmly grabbed their massive, throbbing cocks and began to slowly jerk themselves off.
I was in complete control of these magnificent specimen’s of manhood, as they stroked their rock solid penises before me. They all stared at my irresisible body, paying particular attention to my huge breasts and steel hard nipples. Smiling wickedly I slowly lowered my left hand between my long, luscious legs and began to gently care my now dripping slit.
I relished the sight of so many hard and angry looking cocks as hands pumped furiously along thickly veined members, while balls slapped back and forth against naked thighs. It wasn’t long before they started to cum, despite the fact that they knew if they did, they were going home. Semen was shooting everywhere as my guests lost all control of themselves, splattering their lust for me all over the floor.
I looked over at my father, who like the rest was naked, stroking and cumming.
When it was finally over, only one man had been able to control himself. His name was Ryan Andrews. A former NFL football player who was Now, at the age of thirty-six the varsity football coach.
I stared at him for a long moment and then smiled wickedly at him. His right hand wasStill wrapped tightly around his massive penis. It was obvious that he was doing everything in his power to prevent himself from cumming. God, he looked sooooooooooo fucking sexy standing there before me holding his absolutely huge cock. He was 6’6 and 260lbs of bulging muscle.
“Come here baby,” I ordered and instantly he started to walk towards me. As soon as he was close enough I reached down and replaced his hand with my much smaller one. I couldn’t even wrap my fingers half way around his raging hard-on he was so big. At first I didn’t say a word, as his manhood throbbed in my hand. He was so nervous standing before me, he was shaking.
His breathing quickened as did his heart rate which I could feel in my hand.
“Congratulations Ryan,” I cooed ultra sensitively. “You’re the winner.”
“Thank-you…” he started to say, before pausing. He looked confused, he honestly didn’t know what to call me. He didn’t know if he should say Keri…or Mistress.
“Don’t be afraid sweetheart,” I giggled, enjoying his disappoint. “Say it,” I told him.
“Thank-you Mistress,” he gasped.
“You’re welcome my pet,” I replied. At that exactly instant three of the men standing behind him explored in yet another series of orgasms.
“Are you ready for your reward baby,” I whispered, ignoring them.
Again he said yes.
“Do you Know what it is?” I asked.
“No,” he said honestly.
“Why don’t you be a good boy and guess,” I purred teasingly.
A couple drops of sweat ran down the side of his face. He was uneasy and anxious.
“You’re going to fuck me,” he finally said.
“Is that what you want Ryan?”
“More than you know,” he told.
“Then what are we waiting for,” I laughed, and with that I took his hand and walked him upstairs to my bedroom, leaving my adoring audience behind me.
What I did to Ryan that night will, for now, remain a secret between the two of us. But I can say that he will never be the sameman again.
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