Author’s note: If you’ve read my other stories, you know that BDSM ends up being involved. This is a story I’ve had for a while and wanted to share that doesn’t involve TS/TG/TV elements. It might in the future but the characters haven’t shown any indication of that to me yet. Comments and (constructive) criticism are always welcome! Please let me know what you think.
It wasn’t an easy change to get used to. On a dark night walking home from a bar where I had struck out time and time again, I was drunk and caught in a horrific thunderstorm. I had been crossing a parking lot at a jog, trying to balance my inebriation level with the need to get home so that I wouldn’t end the night just drink and lonely but soaking wet as well.
Out of nowhere, there was a blinding light and the most intense heat and sering pain that I have ever experienced. I had been struck by lightning. I came to in a hospital. Someone had come by the parking lot and found me, thinking that I wasdead. I found out later that there was smoke wafting off of my body.
It had happened at 1:11 in the morning. I knew that since the voltage and current had fried the quartz crystal in my watch. It had actually shattered.
The doctor told me that she was amazed that I was alive. They wanted to keep me for observation for a day or two to make sure that this event hadn’t messed with my heart or brain function.
I remember nodding number as she talked with me and vaguely recall thinking that she was gorgeous. Redhead, probably about five-foot-four and while it was hard to make out much of what her shape was, nothing could hide the swell of her large breasts.
As I drifted back to sleep there was a half-formed thought wondering what all of these hazy colors I was seeing were. But then there was only darkness.
For some reason I never mentioned it to the docs. I still don’t know why not, but I didn’t; somehow it didn’t seem relevant. As I got back up and moving around, some shaky, I noticed variations as I moved around. And these strange colors seemed to get stronger around electronics. Weird.
Since I didn’t say anything and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me, they released me the next day with a stern admonishment to call Dr. Claremont (the pretty redhead) if anything, no matter how trivial, seemed out of the ordinary. People surviving lightning strikes isn’t a common occurrence.
I went home after stopping at one of my cell phone carrier’s stores; the lightning had done quite a number on my poor phone. Thankfully I had backed it up just the night before I was struck. Once I was home I got it restored and noticed that the light blue “field” intensified when my phone had a stronger signal. I started to suspect what was going on but dismissed it as too crazy.
I got a manner of confirmation when I turned its Wi-Fi antenna on and it began emanating a pale yellow glow as well that got much stronger once I had joined it tomy home network. There was no blue around the laptop but the same shade of yellow, I noticed, when I plugged the phone into it to restore it from the backup.
I reasoned that I had just picked up the most useless superpower imagine, short of being able to dry clean someone’s clothes. I was a human signal strength meter. Since I worked in IT, it was going to come in very handy but other than making a few small pieces of my professional life less difficult, it was hard to see any great benefits.
Well, no need to get a spandex jumpsuit and mask,I told myself. That was a relief. The hospital folks had found my ID and my boss’s card in my wallet and had been good enough to call them to let them know what had happened. No girlfriend to worry about me or to call work, I was very much still single.
I Just went back to work and got on with my life. There were of course all of the times that I had to relate what had happened to coworkers and friends who were amazed that I was even alive, and the glow from all of the networks that I had to get used to, but I pretty much went back to normal.
It was a week or so afterward that I was sitting at one of the longest stoplights in town that I noticed a pink glow around a box on the pole. And I was shocked to discover that I could…well…hear data flowing. That’s not how it works, but it’s as close as I can describe it. At First it was just sort of a stally sound but as I sat there, still waiting for the damn light to change already, I started to pick out more and more. I realized that they were being reprogrammed wirelessly as I sat there and that the new programming would end up shortening the wait at this light. Cool!
My ability started to get a whole lot more useful as time went on. I found out that I could basically eavesdrop on the text messages that people were sending to each other, I could hear both sides of any phone conversation if it was happening right next to me as if I was somehow in both places at once. It was that clear.
Even more intriguing, I started to learn what various encryption standards “felt” like and that I could simply read what was being sent and received over any Wi-Fi network that wasn’t secured. It made for some interesting times at fast food joints, coffee shops, and other places that advertised free wireless access.
It was amazing what people transmitted across networks without any encryption. And I was starting to find that if I concentrated and thought really hard about it, I could somehow defeat what encryption there was on a given connection. I started out on easy stuff that a smartphone can break in a few seconds but the more I practiced, the better I got. It was scary how quickly it became routine for me to be able to read exactly what they were doing with their banking information.
I was able to refrain from using that for my own gain; I had a good paying job that I enjoyed and the sense of guilt that that would have brought to me would be too much to bear, I knew. But some of the personal stuff that I could read? I’m not prude but some of it was very detailed and frankly graphic. Some of the things that people would text or email to each other or discuss over an instant messenger—in a public place no less—were surprise.
But what I couldn’t resist was listening in on what Janine, my next door neighbor, was doing. She wasn’t classically pretty at all. In fact, she had a very mosy library thing going on. She had a reasonably cute face that she kept hidden behind enormous glasses (think of the ones Dustin Hoffman wore in Tootsie) and her wavy brown hair. I had no idea what her body looked like since she was always wearing clothes that was the opposite of revealing. At least whenever I saw her.
What she Did while she was online, though? The first time that I looked I was actually shocked. I had no idea that quiet little Janine next door was a total freak! She was constantly readingand writing erotic fiction with a heavy focus on BDSM—where the woman was in the submissive role—and orgasm control. The amount of porn she watched online was staggering! I didn’t even consume that much!
And she was into it all. She’d watch stuff focused on BDSM, oral, anal, interracial, lesbian porn, you name it, she watched it. She stayed away from stuff like golden shows and foot fetishes but Just about anything else was apparently fair game.
Fortunately for me, her laptop had a webcam.
And as it turned out, the manufacturer had been stupid. It worked out to my benefit but the light that indicated that the webcam was active was turned on and off through software, not hardware. My ability made bypassing that indicator light child’s play. It was just as easy for me to use this ability to record what her webcam and microphone received on my computer.
What a sight it revealed! I had no idea that Janine was hot. But there it was. She was a dead ringer for Janine Turner 20 years earlier. Not the classic model beauty but very pretty nonetheless. She didn’t have those awful glasses on so I could finally see her face. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail as well.
The reason for her hair being out of her face was because she was totally nude in front of her laptop, her legs played wide while she fingered herself vigorously. While Turner was five-foot-six, my neighbor couldn’t be more than five-foot-three. She had wonderfully smooth skin, breasts that looked to be at least a C-cup if not a D, and what looked like an amazing figure. It was hard to tell with her assigned like that.
I couldn’t tell what her nipples looked like, since they had a pair of clover clamps on them. Those clamps were tugging at them constantly since their chains were attached to the Strap of the ball gag that Janine had strapped in her mouth. She had leather cuffs buckled around her wrists and ankles as well. A quick check of her PC revealed that I was watchingher while she was watching a lesbian BDSM film, one of a series in which a domme would tie up and end up forcing her to have orgasm after orgasm.
Janine wasn’t even really watching anymore, she was just moaning and fingering herself. I was so thankful that I was recording this on my own computer, since it was possible one of the hottest things I had ever seen.
Before I knew it I was masturbating right along with her. I heard her laptop’s speakers replicate the sound of the submissive actress’s screams when she was forced to climax, and then I got to watch Janine come with her. Her body shuddered, she involuntarily clinched her thighs around her hands that continued to work at a furious pace. Her back arched and she throw her head back. That evoked a scream that I could have sworn I heard through the wall but was probably just my imagination as the clamps on her nipples bit obviously. She shuddered, whimpered, and shook for several seconds, then sat back in the chair, limp.
I left the cam running while I went to go get something to clean up the exploration of sperm that had coated my belly. I came almost as hard as Janine had. I’m not normally the voyeur type, it had just been watching Janine work herself over that way. I looked at the title that was still playing on her laptop and it was one of my personal favorites, too.
Now my mind was filled with questions. What do I do now? I was incredibly interested in getting to know her now that I had some idea of what a freak she was. But how? That was the next one and I suspected that whatever answer I gave would have a huge effect on the results. I could just send her a completely anonymous text message that told her I know her dirty little secret but that was pretty creepy and she would most likely be terrified. I didn’t want that.
The problem was that on the rare occasion that I did see her in the hallway of our apartment building, she would glance my way without making eye contact, flash atiny, polite but screamingly timing smile, and then hunt her shoulders down and rush past. It was as if she was terrified of making any normal social contact.
So…how was I going to get a conversation started? We would have to start talking before anything else could happen unless I wanted to be a total asshole. Which I didn’t. I would have to meet up with her in the hallway for starters. Getting the timing on that was easy, I had figured out how to listen for a certain cell phone a few days before. And I could just take a peek at her phone’s front-facing camera and listen in on the webcam to find out if she was getting ready to leave.
So that was easy. But aside from our tastes in sexual activities, did we even have anything in common? A quick look at her browser history revealed that she was some nerdy and enjoyed Several of the sci-fi shows that I did. Well, there was something.
While she hadn’t turned it on in a while, about twenty minutes after she came like a hurricane, a Janine without any cuffs, gags, or clamps fired up her game console, which of course connected to her Wi-Fi network. She liked some of the same games that I did, too.
Okay. Not too bad. In fact I was rapidly developing a crush on her even though we had barely ever said more than hello to each other. But the dumpy clothes she wore apparently were hiding an amazing body to boot. It was all down to timing, then.
My opportunity came the next day. I was happy that I didn’t have to wait any longer. I watching something mindless when I feel the pattern of her phone approaching. My stomach dumped.Here we go,I said to myself.
I got up and went to go check my mail. Simple enough, right? And who should walk up next to me just as I was getting my mailbox open but Janine, my closet freak next door neighbor with a secret hot body!
“Hi,” I said with my most friendly smile.
“Hi,” came the tiny voice next to me.
I tried out a stupid joke. “Come here often?”
She had an adorable smile that was trying to shine through her shyness. “Sometimes. It’s kind of a dive, though.”
I laughed. “I’ve seen worse.” She was right; the place was no Ritz Carlton. Barely a Best Western.
“You know, I just realized that I know absolutely nothing about you and we live right next door to each other,” I said in what I hoped was a casual voice.
She hesitated, having already retrieved her mail. There wasn’t much. “I don’t talk to people that I don’t know very much,” she replied in a tiny voice.
I had noticed the day before when I watched her come very hard that she had a voice that almost reminded me of a cartoon character. Very high and a little nasal with a touch of raspiness to it. Think Kristin Chenoweth but less annoying. She wouldn’t be winning any singing contests on TV anytime soon but I thought that voice of hers was adorable and more than just a little sexy.
“Then we should get to know each other, I wouldthink.” I was trying very hard not to be pushy but it was so difficult! “Tell you what. Why don’t you come over for coffee or something sometimes?” Careful…
She thought for a moment. It looked like she was going to say no. She looked down at her feet and reached up to brush her hair behind one of her ears. It was such a sexy little thing that I had always loved to see women do.
“Um…maybe…” she mumbled.
“Janine, right? I’m Mike.” I smiled, holding my right hand out. She promptly took my hand and barely shook it before letting go. Almost like she was afraid of catching something. But her hand was small, warm, and had very soft skin. I felt my stomach lunch when she touched me.
“And I’m just your next door neighbor. I don’t want to put you in a pit somewhere.” She didn’t react much to the joke. Damn. “What I’m trying to say is that I don’t bite. And I don’t have any expectations, either, I would just like to get to know my neighbor a little better.” The best part was that I had been over to my other neighbor’s place, a dude named Jeff lived there, several times. We were what I would call casual beer buddies but it let me honestly say, “I’ve been over to Jeff’s, 3A, a few times, and we watch the occasional Sox game together.” Okay, Lothario, time to shut up.
Janine paused. It still looked to me like she didn’t know what to do. “I don’t know…”
I groaned inward. But I put my best face forward. “No problem. But the offer stands. You don’t have to have a reason, just be aware that if you just show up the place may be a mess.” My winningest smile.
“Maybe. Um…it was nice to meet you.” Still timing as a mouse.
“It was very nice to meet you,” I replied. Not too much grinning, she’ll think you’re nuts! “Well, I guess I’d better get back to GTA,” I told. “All that mayhem to cause.”
She surprised me. “Which one?”
“The new one.”
“I play, too,” she said, suddenly nowhere near as timing. “Trevor is my favoritecharacter.”
“I didn’t know you played video games!” Out and out lie, but hey…
“Yeah, I’m more of a stay at home type than a ‘go out clubbing’ type.”
“Well that’s two things we have in common. Me, too,” I said. This was going better than I had hoped.
“I…I have to go,” she stammered and turned away.
“It was nice meeting you, Janine!” I called after her. Shit. Well, I got her talking a little, at least.
I headed back to my own place and just flipped her webcam on. It was getting easier and easier to do that in my head. At first it had been a struggle to figure out what this new ability was, never mind do anything with it. Now turning on her webcam without her knowing it was as easy as flipping a light switch. I barely had to think about it and it just happened.
If I had been shocked before, I was flatberggasted by what her cam showed me this time. Janine had barely had time to get in the door and here she was, sitting in front of her computer,masturbating furiously. One hand had hiked up the brown corduroy skirt she was wearing and thrust its way into her very much not dumpy looking lacy black panties. Her other hand had pulled her plain white bloom up along with the bra that matched her panties to reveal her breasts and she was tugging, pinching, and rolling her nipples with her other hand. I heard her whimper my name and the she bit her lip as her body seized up again. She grunted almost silently, clearly in an effort not to scream, her whole body shaking and jerking in a way that she had no way to control.
I was instantly hard. And surprised. And pleased. Well, she apparently finds me attractive! Unless there’s some other guy in her life that she masturbating to with the same name, that is. And that was unlikely since she was there slapping off just after we had our first conversation ever. Wow! What a find she was.
It turned out her nipples were just as grogeous as the rest of her body was. Nice pink areolae surrounding nubs that were about the diameter of a dime and almost a quarter inch long. I finally got a good look at her tits when she stopped coming and flopped back in her chair, panting. Her hand was still stuffed into her panties but her other hand fell away. They were Ds, no doubt. And while I guessed her to be in her late twentyties or early thirties, there was no sag of any kind; they were very perky and firm.
Somehow I managed to resist the urge to rub one out myself and decided to try something. I retained the memory of what I had seen and opened a file on my laptop with my mind. As I had suspected, it worked as if I was using a keyboard and mouse so it was trivial to create and save a video file documentation Janine’s wanton lust. Just to be on the safe side, I went over to the computer and opened it as if I didn’t have my new capability. There it was, exactly what I saw her doing as if I had downloaded from the web.
I was still totally hard. I had no idea that shewas attracted to me and I was totally floored to see her furiously masturbating to me (I thought and hoped, anyway) less than five minutes after we spoke. Mind blowing.
I kept an eye on Janine over the next few days. She had a lot of toys and loved to use them on herself. Everything from a Sybian to butt plugs, inflatable dildos, electrostimulation, to any other conceivable BDSM gadget was likely to be in her toybox. And was she ever motivated to use it! She must have been close to nymphomania. At least twice a day I would watch her tie herself up or make use of some combination of her toys to bring herself to powerful but mostly quiet orgasms.
She was very into self-bondage as well and practiced a little bit. Her attempts to tie herself up were almost cute in their clumsiness. She never got herself tied up all the way; my guess was that she was afraid of making a mistake.
The last thing that I saw her briefly look at and then close the page as if she was drawn to itbut was scared of it was a website on erotic hypnosis. I had never thought of that before but I was intrigued right away. Especially the stuff she was looking at! Stories about women who have their minds taken over by a talented hypnotist or some other fantasy mechanism and they were helpless to bend to the will of others. Janine did this on a site where supposedly real hypnotists would upload files that a user would Then download and my guess was to actually be hypnotized by listening to the audio file.
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