My name is Kirk Thaddeus. A big and tall White man living in the city of Nepean, Province of Ontario. I’m into Race Play. I love dominating Black women. That’s what I’m doing right now. I’m fucking a big Black woman named Yolanda Jones in the ass. She’s on all fours, face down and ass up, hands and feet bound by thick steel chains. I’m shoving my big White cock deep into her asshole. It’s what she wants. It’s the reason she met me online in the first place. And I am quite okay with that.
Lots of Black male friends of mine wonder how come I get so many Black women. I’m not pretty. I don’t make much money. And I’m not smart or sensitive. Black men don’t understand Black women the way us White men do. Black men love Black women. White men see Black women as sexual playthings. Most White men don’t marry Black women. We fuck them and eventually leave them for White women or Asian women. Most Black men don’t marry White women. Black men fuck White women and then leave them for Blackwomen or Hispanic women. See the difference? Black women are always flaunting us White women because they’re trying to get back at Black men.
I find that quite amusing. In North America, White men have done unspeakable things to Black women yet today’s Black women treat White men like royalty while treating Black men like dirt. Kind of sad but it makes my job a lot easier. I love fucking Black women. They’re so easy it’s not even funny. At least with White women, Hispanic women and Asian women, an average White guy like me has to put some effort into it. Black women are the easiest women on the planet to get into bed, if you’re a White male. If you’re a Black male, they won’t give you the time of day. Isn’t life funny? Yeah. Anyhow, where was I? Oh, yeah. I was fucking this Black slut named Yolanda Jones in the ass.
Anyhow, I met Yolanda Jones for sex and what this Black slut is into amazing even me. I’ve met lots of freaky women. Women who like to be tied up and fucked. Women who like to be spanked. Women who like to be peed on. Women who like to be publicly humiliated. Yet I’ve never met a woman quite like Yolanda Jones. Apparently, racial humiliation turns her on. She wanted to act out a scenario where I played the role of the Southern white plantation owner and she acted out the part of the extremely Black female slave who gets paid by her White master. Wow. I’ve toyed with race play before but I’ve never met someone who is as into it as Yolanda Jones. Want to know the funny thing? She is the wife of a wealthy Black man named Raphael Jones, Pastor of the Good Life Church, the biggest Black church in the city of Ottawa. A conservative African preacher’s wife is into race play, how about that?
How do I handle someone like Yolanda Jones? Same way I usually handle any of my Black sluts. I put her in her place so to speak. I made her get naked and berated her. Even though she was beautiful. I told her she was an ugly Black slut and a ghetto mammy.A dumb Black slut with no manners, no education and no sophistication. And she seemed really turned on by what I was saying and doing to her. I made her turn around and I spanked her big Black butt. I fingered her pussy and asshole. I told her she smelled bad and took her to the shower. I hosted her with hot water in the pussy area and made her squeal. I loved the sound of her screams. They absolutely turned me on. I then made her knee before me and suck my thick White cock. Black men, are you reading this? This is the way your Black women want to be treated, deep down. Your mistake is that you treat them like queens when they really want to be treated like whores. Us White men understand that. That’s why we treat all women like whores except White women. And in turn White women seek out Black men to treat them like Whores. See? Cool.
After making Yolanda Jones suck my thick White cock, I continued to berate her. At the same time I tied up her hands and feet even tighter with thethick steel chains. I peed all over her face and my jets of urine went all over her pussy and asshole. I made sure she drank some of my piss. Why? Because deep down I know she loves the taste of White men’s piss. Her husband Raphael Jones treats her with respect and admission. He spends a lot of money on her too. That’s why she doesn’t respect him. That’s why she sleeps around. Black women are incapable of respecting and loving Black men who treat them well. That’s why they cheat on them with other Black men. Yet us White men treat them like expensive sluts and they treat us like royalty because they’re enamoured with our complexion. I wish I could impart those words of wisdom on my Black male friends. Unfortunately they continue to treat Black chicks like queens when Black women really want to be treated like Whores. At least in the privacy of the bedroom. Oh, well. I suppose they’ll figure it out at some point. Maybe when they run out of White women to challenge.
I spread Yolanda Jones big Black cheats wide open and pressed my thick White cock against her asshole. Holding her big wide hips tightly, I thrust my cock deep into her asshole. I am fucking her in the ass and the big Black slut is absolutely loving it. Deep down, all Black women love White cock. And most of them don’t even know why. I will tell you why. It is a race memory. Something leftover from the days of colonialism and slavery. They can’t help but be excited by the presence of the Master. That’s why so many Black women in the world of BDSM seek out dominant White males to act out plantation fansies with. Am I right or am I right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I rammed my cock deep into Yolanda’s asshole until I came. I made her call me Master while I fucked her. I also berated her Incessantly while filling her asshole with my White cock. Then I made her clean my dick with her tongue, tasting her big Black ass on my thick White cock. Yeah! Afterwards, she thanked me for a wonderful time. She wants to meet me next week while her hubby is away at a pastoral meeting. Am I good or what?
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