Why Wasn't She Kneeling

He unlocked the door finally to arrive home after a long day at the office and was surprised not to see her kneeing by the door awaiting his arrival like she did every other day. He asked her to do it out of respect for his authority and it was a small daily gesture to remind her of her submissive role in their relationship. He dropped his briefcase off on the kitchen table and took off his coat before loosening his tie. He rolled up his sleepes and was very impressed with how muscle his forearm was looking. All that time at the gym was paying off. He walked down the hallway and heard the shower running. Why was she taking a shower? She knew exactly what time he would come home because he came home at the same time everyday. Why was today different? According to the texts they exchanged during the day he knew she wasn’t doing anything. She spent the day being lazy. Lazy enough that she didn’t even both to get dressed. He knew from the pics she sent, one of her lying in bed watching TV and another one of her in some awkward yoga position that he could never figure out how she got into. But then again she wasn’t particularly fond of wearing clothes and preferred to be nude as much as possible.

As he walked closer to the bathroom he heard her singing and the shower running. She had a beautiful voice and sounded like an angel so he stopped and listened for a second. It almost made his heart go soft but he had to snap out of it. If he let her slip this one time then she would think that she could slip up more often and smaller slip ups would eventually become bigger ones and then the whole basis of the relationship would be lost. He knew that from experience, it happened once before and he promised he would never let it happen again. He walked into the bathroom and opened the shower door and she stepped back in shock. She didn’t have time to think before he roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the shower making sure to grab the bath brush off it’shook as he walked her into the bedroom and sat down on the straight back chair that she found very unsightly but he kept around because it was perfect for this purpose.

He had a loud voice when he told her that he didn’t care what her excuse was, she was neglecting her duties by not kneeing at the door when he arrived home and that he would not tolerate that. She tried to stammer out an excuse but she really didn’t have one. She got so lost in the hot water of the shower dripping over her breasts that she stayed in a lot longer than she normally does and merely lost track of time. He pulled her over his knees and didn’t hesitate before bringing the bath brush down sharply on her left cheek. It stung so bad and it hurt much more than normal on her wet skin. She had a love/hate relationship with the bath brush. She loved the deepness of the thud but it hurt so bad when it was happening that she hated it. He knew this but he also knew that it was for that very reason that it worksd best with her. Well, that and he just loved the way it sounded and the way it made her young, limber body squirm over his lap.

He asked her why she wasn’t where she was supposed to be when he got home and she quickly told him that she had lost track of time, knowing it wasn’t an unacceptable excuse. He harshly brought the bath brush down on her right cheek and she cried out. He was amused with her red her butt already was from the heat of the shower and it would be a dark crime before he got done with her. There was no need to ask more questions so he told her that he would not tolerate her disrespect and brought the bath brush down again on her left cheek. She was already trying to squirm away but he just held her tighter. She fit so perfectly over his knee and in his arm that she didn’t have any chance of getting away, still he didn’t like the squirming though and brought the brush down harshly on the back of one of her thighs. She almost lost it with the pain that shot through her tight but didn’t have time to think before he brought it down on her other thigh just as hard. She didn’t normally cry from spankings but the force he put behind those two swats on the back of her thighs made tears start forming in her eyes as she grabbed his leg tightly with her right hand. He knew that he was doing a good job punishing her by how tightly she grabbed his leg and he Felt her fingerprintnails sink in even through his slacks.

He told her loudly that he also will not tolerate her trying to get out of a punishment. She earned this and he wasn’t going to stop until he thought the lesson was learned. He brought his right leg and pinned both of her legs down to assist her with not squirming. She loved the security that she felt when he pinned down her legs, between that and his strong arm wrapped around her midsection she felt more loved than ever. What she didn’t like though was the other arm that was wielding the bath brush but if he didn’t punish her to keep herIn her place then she wouldn’t feel so loved. Even though he had an amazing body and arms that were built to spank she loved his dominance the most. He was firm with her the majority of the time and knew exactly when she needed more of a teddy bear. They were so in sync with each other and he always seemed to give her exactly what she needed. She loved how submissive she felt when he was around and she knew exactly who was in charge of that relationship at all times and it was perfect bliss.

Her thoughts quickly got pulled back into the spanking when the swats started coming down on her butt again. He spanked her slowly giving her brain time to register the full pain of every swat before hitting her again. She tried her hardest to stay in position and accept the punishment but every now and then the pain got to be too much and she tried to wiggle out of position but didn’t have any luck. After about 20 strokes she was crying her eyes out and a puddle of tears was soaking into thecarpet. He gave her the last 10 strokes long and drawn out as her struggles subsided and she started accepting and giving into the punishment.

After the final stroke he helped her up then pushed her to her knees. He held her chin in his hand, wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. She looked at him with red eyes from crying so much and appreciated the gentle touches he gave her now. She apologized and thanked him for punishing her and promised she wouldn’t do it again. He told her he loved her and that he hopes that teach her how important respect is. She said that it had. He wasn’t one to apologize for punishing her because he knew how important discipline was in the relationship and how she depended on his dominance and control. He wasn’t sorry he paid her, she earned it and it was his job to deliver. He bent down and hugged her tightly while rubbing her back. She hugged him back with one hand and rubbed her butt with the other. After a couple of minutes they both remembered the shower was still running.

He told her to undress him slowly so they could go take a shower together where she could thank him properly for disciplining her.


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