Why Me? Ch. 02: No Hiding

She was waiting in his office when he finished teaching. Sitting on his desk precisely. Legs crossed and comfy having considered and prepared her speech. He entered, shutting the door and dropping a pile of books on the chair before he noticed her and stopped dead.

“Hi, sir,” she chirped. “How was the rest of your day?”

It was like someone had pressed ‘pause’ on him. Not only did he not reply. He didn’t move. He just stared at her where she sat on his desk. This was not the plan. He was leaving it be. But now she was here. On his desk. Like she owned the place. Like he wouldn’t reprimand her and kick her out of his office. Why wasn’t he doing that again?

Running out of patience for the stalemate that they seemed to be in, she took the lead. She told him to sit. He sat – he had no better suggestions. Then she began her speech. She asked if he enjoyed their encounter this afternoon, told her how much it made her wet to watch him reacting to their conversation. AskedIf he liked domination and submission and what he enjoyed about it and finished on a proposal: he would submit to her, but they wouldn’t touch until summer when she was free from school.

He listened although he was aware that his brain wasn’t functioning properly. He had wanted this for years. He’d never dreamed it would happen. And now his only opportunity was with a schoolgirl? The world hated him. He didn’t acknowledge his interests to her. He kept things so professional, but it was like she could see inside of him. She knew. And through some basic questions she was challenging his willpower. He wanted to indulge himself so much. He was so lost in thought, he forget that she was expecting an answer.

Throughout her soliloquy, he didn’t move. He barely even breathed. But she was paying attention. When she mentioned, their interaction had made her wet, his eyes widened…just a little. When she spoke about domination and submission, he fidgeted…just a little. And when sheproposed his submission, his breath hitched…just a little. She smiled. She knew she had him. But was he brave enough to say it?

“Let’s make this easy…sir,” she said after a brief pause. From her position atop his desk, it was easy to see the ‘sir’ as what it was, a reminder of his subordination. He was beneath her, figuratively and literally.

“If you are brave enough to submit to me until summer, and give that hard cock straining in your trousers the fulfillment it’s after, then lift yourself out of that chair and knee on the floor. Knees apart, arms behind you, eyes down. If you aren’t, take yourself to the bathroom and see to that erection otherwise you will get yourself in trouble and I will be gone when you return. You can spend each lunch time knowing I’m masturbating on the field and making use of other slutty boys around here to pass my time.”

The conflict showed across his face. He knew even without the touch, it wasn’t appropriate. But giving someone else that control, would take away his responsibility. It wouldn’t be his concern if it were appropriate or not. He would no longer be a teacher. He would just be following orders. His cock had definitely already made up its mind. He’d never been so hard. The gleam in her eye, the fishnets, the schoolgirl uniform, the way she leant forward just enough to suggest a flash of cleavage but not enough to give him the full view he wanted. He would have to work for that, he knew. And there she sat. Cross-legged. Who sits cross-legged on a desk?

“Bored now. 10, 9, 8, 7…” she barely even lets a second pass between numbers. If he’s going to take this long to decide, she’ll go and find someone else to play with, there are plenty of boys in this place that need some direction. By the time she reaches 5, he is on his knees in the middle of his office exactly as requested. That’s better.

Now she begins to make herself comfortable. She removes her shoes and places them on his desk chair. Her bag, coat and cardigan join them as she connects with her body a moment – feeling the energy in the room and enjoying the power she gets from it. Her fishnet-clad toes wiggle slightly as she runs her hands over her legs. Her clip pulses as she clamps her thighs together and her nipples press against her thin school shirt. It was definitely a good idea to remove her bra after her lessons. This feels much more decade.

“Mmm…good choice, sir,” she says. “You are mine now. You will let your body guide you. No more letting your brain get in the way of what you want. All you have to worry about is what I want. I have told you we will not touch until summer. I will honour that. Anything else is fair game. If you change your mind, at any time, you say the words and we will stop. But don’t come back to me saying you’ve changed your mind. This is a one time offer. You own it. Or you don’t get it. Are you going to be a good boy for me?”

He raises his eyes from the point on the floor he’s been staring at since she made him knee. They’re going to have to work on that. She directs his eyes back to the floor and a little thrill goes through her as he responses. He doesn’t need to look at her to respond. For now, she’s satisfied that he’s giving himself to her willingly. He’s hers to make use of. Now she wants to test that theory,

“Stand and strip,” she demands as she returns to his desk. Watching his response fascinates her. She can see the wish to obey, the conflict that this is not how he normally acts, and the resignation that he agreed to this. This is a game she could get used to.

This time he doesn’t raise his eyes as he responds. He stands and his hands tug off his tie. She instructs him to just drop his clothes on the floor as he discards them. There’s no neighbor tidying for him. He’s not the respectable, well-mannered teacher now. He’s hers. And sluts don’t need clothes. They wear their crumpled clothes home as evidence of their debauchery. A vIsual reminder of all that happened. Of all that they did.

For now, his hands are shaking as he unbuttons his shirt. He’s fumbling the buttons, but he’s persisting. The shirt joins his tie on the floor. She bites her lip. She has never considered seeing this teacher naked. He’s so different to the boys she’s used to playing with. Not as skinny, but solid. Much more natural. She jumps down from the desk and circles him. Making sure he knows that she is perusing his body. His breath is coming in short, sharp beats. She can’t keep the smile from her face. This is exactly what she wants.

Whilst he’s removing his shoes and socks, she retrieves his desk chair and sits directly in front of where he is standing. This is perfect. Her eye-line is directly level with his cock. He hesitates at his trousers’ button.

“No point getting shy now, sir. There’s nowhere to hide. You have no choice. You wanted to be mine and now you are. Off.”

The words taste sweet on her tongue.ey are charged with more than just want or desire. They fill the room with an energy that’s sparking around them as he drops his trousers and she sees his hard cock straining against his grey boxes. A wet patch is forming at its head. My, my, he is excited.

Clearly on a roll now, he pushes his boxesers down before she’s properly had a chance to draw her eyes down his cock’s length. It springs free before her eyes and a trail of precum follows down his legs. And just like that, he is naked. She drags her eyes up from his toes to his head. She resists reaching out, wanting to whisper her nails down the underside of his cock, but knowing she can’t. What a delicious tease.

“Give me a twirl, sir.” She smiles as she sees the blush sweep up his face. He doesn’t like how much he’s enjoying this, but it’s undeniable. He gradually turns on the spot and she makes him go twice more to have her fill – the first time you see someone naked is a milestone after all. She notices her nipplesrubbing against her top as she leans back, the sensing sending sparks across her body which is already thrumming. She rubs them through her school shirt – letting the sight escape her lips as his cock twitches in response.

Feeling the warm sensings shoot through her body. She makes use of her newly-found pet to put on a show for her. He’s slipped further into the role right now. He doesn’t hesitate and begins dragging his hand over his erection. His body responds immediately. She can see his thighs tensing. His abs are tightening. And all the time he is stood there, naked in his own office, stroking his cock because a girl told him to. What sort of a teacher would do such a thing? Why was such shame and embarrassment fueling his desire? Why didn’t he want to stop? As these thoughts filled his head, his hand continued setting a much more vigorous rhythm. She watched every move. Unrelenting. There was no escape.

“Do you want to cum?’ she asks, knowing the answer – it’s written all over his posture. It won’t take long. She watches him nod enthusiastically. He’s not getting away with it that easily.

“If you want to cum badly enough, you’ll beg for it. At the moment, you can’t even ask for it! Sluts like you aren’t coy. You’re naked in your office. It’s too late for that!”

At each reminder of his current prediction, the rhythm on his cock stuttered. He didn’t stop, but his eyes spoke volumes. ‘Don’t make me do this’ they screamed. But that’s not the game they were both playing. His hips were shaking now. Adding to the rhythm of his hand. His breath was cumming in short, sharp sounds. She watched on. Eye to eye with his cock. And waited.

“Erm…please can I cum?” She didn’t even both to answer that. Leaving her chair at His crotch, she returns to his desk where she left her things and begins to grab them. This is not worth her time. She has porn clips bookmarked that would serve her better. She’d go and make use of them.

The secondd she moved, the energy in the room shifted. Her casual dismissal of his show went beyond his ability to process. He just wants her attention. He’s naked and struggling himself. For Her. And she’s…leaving?

“Please. I need to cum. I need to cum so badly. Let me show you how slutty I am. How slutty I can be for you. I’ll cum. Naked in my own office with you. Because you told me to. Please. I’m so close.” He blurs. About time. She’s not done yet though. His hand is slowing. She can see he’s near the edge and gestures for him to continue.

“I can feel it. I am so close to cumming that I’m fighting my body for you. I’m holding it back. I want to give in. I want to show you how desperate you make me. I want you to see the power you have over me!”

She smiles. She knows her power.

“Stop,” she states. A simple word, but it resonated on the walls of the office like a shout echoing through a cave.

With a desperate whimper, his hand releases his cock. It twitches, already preparing to ejaculate its load, but forbidden at the last minute. His whole body is tense. He throws his head back and tries to breath through the shakes. Why did he stop at her command? It never occurred to him not to.


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