Why Me? Ch. 01: The Secret

It was lunch break at school and she was so over that. It should definitely be illegal to have to be at school once you turn 18. She knew what she wanted to do with life, she had skills and had made plans, but until the summer she was stuck. Luckily, she knew how to make the most of her breaks at the very least.

She went to her spot on the field, not completely out of sight – it was a school after all, nowhere was completely out of sight – but no one tended to both her here. The sun was warm and she laid herself back into the grass to slip into fantasyland. Here she could roam free. Here she could be who she wanted. And she was happy to make the most of it. As her mind wandered, she dragged her hand over her tights (fishnets, of course – if you’re going to be forced into a school uniform, at least do it properly) and dipped Her fingers in her knickers. If someone did come over, and they never did, no one could see precisely what she was doing. Her skirt covered most of it. As she began struggling her clip, she reevaluated her Stance – lunch break was starting to have its upsides.

Her body hummed with the familiarity. She was well practiced. Running her finger along her slit, she opened herself up, enjoying the sensing of being touched in such an intimate place. She casually let her hand wander up and down, touching, but not staying in one place, teasing herself as her mind ventured through the sexy scenes in her head. What would she choose today? A memory of one of her sexual encounters so far? Or one she hoped to have in the future? She smiled to herself as her fingers settled back on her clip, rubbing small patient circles in time with her fantasy. Her body started to relax, her breathing started to get shallower and she continued relentless in her ministers.

Speeding up, slowing down a little, speeding up again. She could feel her wetness dripping throughout her. She was going to have a reminder of this little fantasy all afternoon as she sat in her wet knickers. Now she was starting to ache. Her clip was throbbing and her hips were rising off of the grass in time with her strokes. She bit her lip preparing for the incoming sense of satisfaction after her body was so tight with need. So close. With a shudder, she let the sensings wash over her body, feel her breasts pushing against her school shirt and her bare ass worry against her skirt and the grass. Ok, so maybe lunch breaks weren’t all bad.

Just as she finished with her hand still in her knickers sliding through her wetness as her breathing returned to normal, she realized her teacher was coming in her direction. In no rush to straighten her clothes, she reluctantly withdraw her hand from her knickers and sat up. It was 10 minutes until she had to return to class anyway, so she had better gather her things and start making her way there. Letting her skirt return to its normal position just above her knees, she realized her teacher was still coming inher direction – what was that all about? She wasn’t even late yet. Figuring she wouldn’t make it easy for him, she sat back down and waited. If he wanted to walk to the further point of the field to tell her she needed to get back to class, she’d let him. Then he could just go and walk all the way back again.

He reached where she was and surprised her. Instead of sending her back to class, he suggested she walked With him around the school field. Not sure why he would want that, but seeing no reason to object, she agreed. They began talking about the day so far, the weather and other bits of awkward smalltalk that happen when you try to talk to a teacher and have no real need to do so. It was after a few minutes of this, that he got to the point.

He explained that it wasn’t a conflict that he’d been on the field when she had. He had been, in fact, looking for her. Why? Because he’d heard some rumours about her and wondered if she needed an opportunity to talk about anything. Rumours? she asked. What rumours? He didn’t feel comfortable repeating them. Well she thought, this was a fun and useful conversation, could she go now? Just as she was about to make her excuses and leave, he asked her what she was doing out on the field by herself at lunchtime. She looked at him. Really looked at him. And made her choice.

“I was masturbating,” she said with a smile.

Her teacher looked a little flustered. Not like those cartoon bright red, blustering idiot cars, but unfortunately definitely. It made her smile a bit more. She enjoyed causing that reaction in him.

Again she went to leave, but this time he stopped her.

“It’s not appropriate to share that information with me. Nor should it be something you are doing on school property,” he said finally. She was not going to let that stand – he had asked! Turning to face him she calmly, but firmly explained that if he didn’t want to know the answer, he shouldn’t have asked. Masturbationwas perfectly healthy, particularly for an 18 year old. And it was him that had encroached on her space and time alone, not the other way around. She had given him no more details than the facts, no provocation, no lewd suggestions, just the facts.

They walked around the field once more, gradually surrounding their own footsteps, but she was more interested in him now. She was watching him and his reactions. He had listened to her rebuttal and seemed to be reflecting on it. Meanwhile she was reflecting on his initial reaction to her masturbation proclamation. This time she used his title “Sir…” before showing some deliberate hesitation and asking her question, “Do you think it’s wrong to masturbate? You do it too, right?”

This time she was ready for his reaction: his breath hitched a little and his face showed that moment of panic, or was it anticipation? Her body reacted too, not to the question – talking about masturbation didn’t both her – but his response did. She felt her body tighten and the endorphins enter her system. It felt heady. She wanted more of it.

Whilst she schooled her face and noticed her knickers were now not only wet from her earlier masturbation session, he spoke. She watched. He explained that it was of course perfectly normal to masturbate and she should explore and get to know her body… at home. Alone. Not on school property. He tried to avoid the question of his own masturbation habits but she pressed him for more. If it was so normal, why wouldn’t he admit it? He explained with the usual lines about privacy and embarrassment, but she wasn’t really listening to his words. She’d noticed his trousers didn’t quite sit right across his crotch. Their conversation hadn’t been that exciting. Was it something else causing it?

“Sirrrrrrr…” she used again. She was quite enjoying the sound of that on her tongue. Not because of her deference to him, but because using it whilst deliberately talking to him about things that were not usually discussed at school amused her. Like reminding him he shouldn’t really be having these conversations, whilst also encouraging him to do so… in the interest of education, of course…

She met his eyes as she continued stating that she just wanted to let him know that it’s also perfectly normal to have an erection pressed against his trousers whilst talking to a student on school property. Afterall, it’s a natural body reaction, right? This time there was no hiding his blush. It shot up his neck and a look of mortification took over his face. She smiled in pride, knowing she was the cause because he wasn’t just embarrassed… His cock was now straining so much harder against his trousers. He enjoyed being called out.

Distracted by the power she felt, she let her smile linger a little too long – it was time to end this encounter and leave him to it. She made her excuses to return to class but let him know they’d talk again later. He meanwhile was unsure whatto do. The conversation hadn’t gone at all as he expected. Of course these situations arise now and again with teenage students, but this was different. This wasn’t just a teenage crush. This was a, basically adult girl, finding her power and his weakness. This was something he’d craved forever, but never thought to act on. And right now, he didn’t have to make it happen. He’d just fantasise about their conversation and leave it be.

The rest of the afternoon passed slowly. She completed the work in her lessons with the amount of effort it required, no more no less, and started considering her next steps. She had found something that excited her and apparently her teacher too. She knew enough to know that consent was important and that the student/teacher aspect might be problematic, but really…she was 18, she’d be out of school this summer, and she wasn’t a virgin by any means. She’d been enjoying exploring her sexuality with those who were worth her time. Was her teacher nextin line?


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