Why Is School So Hard?

Why is this damn class so hard, Andi was thinking. She had signed up for German because the teacher, Ms. Engle, basically gave away A’s. Open book tests and class participation was 75 %. You show up, you pass. Why did the old hag have to get married? Who would want her…Andi was really, really mad. This new teacher was the professor from hell, Herr Schwollendik. The “dik” part was right. Quiz every class and no credit for showing up. She was doomed. Since she had basically washed out of Calc, if she dropped this class her credits would fall below her amount for her scholarship level. If she failed it her GPA would be too low. She had to pass no two ways about it. Tutoring, how bad could that be?.. So she waited until after class to see him.

“Ahhndi, you are so far behind there is little I can do mit you.”

” please, something, tutoring, anything..” she pleased.

” you would have to have A on last test and A on final and maybe do extra credit. You do nozzing now, vhyplease I think you vill do it now?.”

” please Herr S I really need this class, I just have to pass.”

” it is Herr Schwollendik, NOT Herr S! I will give you one opportunity If you fail zis one you are gone. Tonight after my last class 9 pm sharp, here. Do not miss it. If you miss it, do not both with any further classes, you have failed.”

“Thank you, thank you.” she repeated as she ran out the door. One last chance, great! On her way back to her dorm she ran into a few friends. Being relieved she had found a way out of this problem she decided to have a couple of beers. It was early yet and she had time. Well a couple turned to six and as she headed to the dorm she had quite a buzz on, and was sleepy. She set her alarm, put on her pj’s and dropped on her bed.

The next thing she hears is her roommate shouting and shaking her. “get up for crying out loud, your fucking alarm has been going off for half an hour!

” Half an hour? HALF AN HOUR!!!” Panic set in,it’s 5 to 9 and a good run across campus. She grabbed her notebook, cell phone, and still in her pj’s, ran across campus. She wasn’t going to make it, so she called hoping to stall him.

“Mr. S?” , damn she forgets that! “Ahndi I am leaving now, you have missed your time. Good luck in your new life.”

DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! “please I still have one minute, I’ll be there.”

“my watch shows two after, you have no time.” He said cutly.

” i just can’t fail out, just can’t. I will do whatever you want just for another chance, anything, I don’t care what, anything at all.” She heard him hesitate, please let him change his mind.

“Ahndi, when people say anything they usually mean what is convienient, but not totally anything. If I say jump in front of bus, you do it?”

At this point she was totally desperate. “yes, ok but I won’t need the grade then.”

“Heh!” he snickered. She was getting there. “I tell you something, I have left campus but I have residence very near, close to loud, obnoxious fraternities. You go to my house and I give you extra credit and tutor for next test. it takes you 10 minutes get there.”

YES!!! what the fuck what’s the worst the old man can ask, write I will learn German 1000 times? She hurried over to the house, an old gothic looking thing, kind of run down, with a nice Mercedes in front. Well he’s not a bum, obviously. Just as she got near the door, it opened.

“you can be prompt, when you wish. Hopefully you will make good on your word.” He said.

Yes! she was gonna pass, she was gonna pass!

“I see you dressed for the occasion” he said,glancing disdainfully at my pj’s.

Yikes, she forgot..well….she had on a strappy loose top and loose pj bottoms. Well it might be a long evening, at least she would be comfortable. As he led her inside she saw the house was sparsely decorated, one large leather sofa a few chairs, no TV no entertainment center, boring in a word.

“Now you will do anything I ask, that is correct?” he said. “sure no problem, as long as I get the material to pass.”

“Of that you can be sure, but I may have a different technology at my home than at school. Come along to my study.” As he led her down the hall she glanced in what must have been his bedroom, just a basic bed but over it a large stunning picture of a nude woman. She stopped for a second to look and he quickly moved over and shut the door. “that is my private room thank you.”

What a dirty old man. Actually for an older man he was kind of good looking, very fit, a little grey, but just way too serious.

“here we are.” he opened the door to a totally dark room. What little light entered showed not much in there, but more like an exercise room than a study. As she was looking inside, she felt a sliken sack being placed over her head and as she raised her hands to stop it, handscuffs on her wrists.

“Hey, no wait stop!!” she demanded. He dragged her by her wrists and clipped them to something and before she could do any more she was raised up so only her tiptoes touched the floor.

“Listen god damn it get this off me and get me the fuck down from here!” she shouted.

“now Ahndi you said anything for this extra credit and tutoring. You were not since?”

Damn it, she sure as hell didn’t plan on this. “Listen I’m not going to let some sicko lock me up and hurt me that’s for sure.”

“then I assume you wish to leave and will accept your failure?” Fuck, now what was she going to do?

“no I didn’t say that, but I don’t want you to hurt me.” She said.

“but you would have had sex with me or at least sucked my penis for the grade, yes?” Probably she thought. No definitely.

“What’s your point then” she stated. “you will listen and learn and I will satisfy my self with you, agreed?” she thought about this for a minute then she felt him touch the handscuffs.

“If I release you you may leave and accept your fate, agreed?” damn,, “yes ok agreed, but you won’t hurt me in any way?”.

“of course not Ahndi, that is not my job. I know you enjoy sex and are quite the tease. I will use that to teach you in a manner you will associate with the class.”

That is beyond weird but if he wants to get his jollies off fine as long as he doesn’t hurt her and she gets the grade she needs. She feel her pj bottoms quickly snatched to her knees. Meanwhile Mr. S is teaching her. This is something else, all the while he is talking and touching her, lifting up her top fondling her breasts kissing her nipples, her belly, running his tongue through what little public hair she has.

He must have taken his clothes off at some point because she felt his penis brush against her a few times, probably on purpose. And Actually when he finally put his fingers between her legs she had gotten a bit wetter than she thought. Quite a bit wetter. Once, then twice he asked her to lick herself off his fingers and he slowly slipped them in and out of her mouth.

Crap, she had better not come with this perv. But she could tell by his motions he was stroking his cock and it was hard and the tip even a bit wet when it brushed against her. But when he tried to stick a finger up her butt she protested. “no, no that hurts you said you wouldn’t hurt me and that hurts, stop it..”

“Oh but Ahndi”, he was almost pleading and tried to shove it in even more but she held her ground “no it hurts, or let me down, you said so!”.

“as you choose.” and he removed his finger and stuck two deep inside her from behind. He started a rythymic probing in and out of her from behind and she figured he was struggling himself as he did this. What ever he was doing though, it was having it’s effect on her.

Oh well shit she was just going to let what happens, happen and just try not to let him notice but then he just stopped. Damn he must have cum and she wasn’t that far off. She felt him let her down and the lower her hands, still hooded. He somehow unsnapped the handscuffs and led her forward but she bumped into something that felt like a padded table. He dragged her over it so she lay on it but her feet were still on the floor and clipped the cuffs to something else. Then she felt him remove her pj’s and tie her legs with a silky cord.

Well she thought he’s going to do it any way, he’s going to fuck me. And she was quite correct. He placed his cock to her wet waiting pussy and slowly entered her from behind. He then removed the hood and in front of her was the test with all the answers.

“I assume you can read this clearly.”

“oh yess” she smiled.

“Then study quickly. you have aroused me greatly and I will not last too long in your hot pussy you nasty, slutty student.” And Although her mind was elsewhere, like the warm feeling between her legs, she did pay attention and pretty much remembered it all and finished just as her came strongly in her.

After regaining his composure he stated “well I guess you will be coming back for the final then?” he said.

“yes, but only if you finish ME off, with your tongue.” Well well she liked being in charge now…


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