“Why would anyone want anal sex?”
That is what friend of mine said recently, and as I lie here with my arms and legs tied to the corners of my bed, and my stretched asshole dripping with lube, it’s an easy question to answer.
I didn’t always love anal, but I have always loved mind blowing orgasms, and who doesn’t? It just happens that what makes me cum harder then anything else is being a filter slut. So naturally I love doing depraved things, that is why I am an anal slut.
Today my love (who is also kind enough to be my ass master) decided to give me a treatment. I knew it was coming, there were hints for days and he is not very subtle.
That’s not a bad thing though. Spontaneous ass raping sex is great, but sometimes it’s even better to have the build up, knowing that at any moment I could be made to do something that any normal person would consider cruel and degrading. That makes me hot, very hot.
Are you wondering what happened? I’ll tell you, it was late afternoon, I had been home all day, and I’d been hoping to be jumped. I wanted to be pushed up against a wall, my master’s hands stripping me, his hot lips pressed against my cheek, growing into my ear, telling me what he wanted to do to me. It didn’t happen.
It wasn’t as if I hadn’t tried to get his attention, there’s only so many revealing positions and provocative movements that a girl can do, and short of sticking my asshole in his face with a sign saying please screw me, I tried it all. The problem is he loves to tease me.
I finally gave up; he’d gone out with ‘the guys’. Then I found an envelope addressed to ‘Anal Whore’, one of his pet names for me. I quickly opened and read it:
‘Strip naked, put a cd on repeat so you can hear it in the bedroom. Get your thickest dildo, lube it, and bury it in your ass, put the visas on max. Get the cuffs out and lock yourself spread-eagle on the bed (ass up), ankles AND wrists, put a blindfold on too. Then wait.’
That’s how I found myself inserting a 2 inch thick dildo into my unprepared hole a minute later. I was face down on my bed, legs spread, grinding my hot pussy against one hand, and working the huge toy in with the other.
Slowly I twisted and pushed it in bit by bit, stretching myself with each little movement. That’s one of my favourite things about anal, you need to stretch yourself every time, and it always feels as intense as the first.
It felt so good, and I had to be very careful not to cum. Finally my ass accepted the dildo’s head, and I could feed the rest inch by inch into my hungry hole.
I completed my task as quickly as possible, turning on the powerful violences, blindfolding myself, and then chaining myself up, I know better then to be caught out of position.
Then I waited, and waited. Whether it was minutes or hours I don’t know, but it was time well spent. The genius of that position is that while I can furiously hum the bed, it’s not enough to make me cum. All I do is work that thick toy around inside me, making it rub against my sensitive ass flesh.
Having something that big in you is intense, the victorys take it to another level, but moving it around, well I didn’t stop moaning all the time I was there chained up helplessly. I don’t know how long it lasted, but I do know that I became desperate for an orgasm, and then some. If you’ve ever had tears in your eyes from hours of frustration, needing an orgasm but not being able to, you know what I mean.
Eventually I heard some other noise over the music and my moans; finally my ass master was home. I heard the bedroom door open, and he sat on the bed next to me. There was a long pause, but I didn’t stop humping or moaning. It felt too good to stop.
‘You look like you’re enjoying yourself, shall I leave you too it?’ He said.
‘No, please no, I need to cum.’ I whimpered.
‘Oh really, and why should you get to?’
‘I did what you told me to, and I’ll do whatever you want.’ I knew that’s what he wanted to hear.
‘Good girl. You’ll get some pleasure then.’
I felt his hand touch the toy in my ass, he gently pulled on it, removing it inch by inch, leaving me feeling empty he drew it out to the tip, before pumping it back in.
I moaned, a deep animal noise. I love being ass fucked.
He did it again, out all the way and then back in faster. And again, harder, pushing it deeper into my soft ass flesh. My clip throbbed, it needed attention, I had to cum.
‘My clip…please…rub my clip…please’ I begged between my moans.
He didn’t, he just kept fucking me harder, and faster, never stopping. If I could orgasm from anal alone this would be it, but I couldn’t. I could feel the Vibrations moving from deep in my horny ass right up to the edge of the hole, and then plunging back again. He thrust it in and out mercilessly, I can’t put that pleasure into words. I feel like crying and screaming and begging for more all at the same time.
‘Please…anything…touch my clip…please…I’ll do anything…’ I only needed the smallest touch to cum.
‘Well, there is one thing you could do.’ He said it casually, as if he wasn’t raping my ass with a thick dildo.
‘Are you sure?’ He said, emphasising his words with particularly hard thrusts, deep enough to make me yelp in surprise.
‘Yes, yes please….anything.’
‘You remember your friend asked “why would anyone want anal?” well she’s here now, and she wants you to show her.’
He removed my blindfold, my best friend was stood watching me, shock painted on her face. It was humiliating, incredibly humiliating, but so hot. My ass being reamed while my best friend watched. I felt like a filthy anal whore. I had to cum.
‘I’ll show her….just let me cum then…let me cum…’ I begged.
Without stopping he reached under me and roughly stroked my clip.
I cummed, and I cummed hard. My body shook, my arms and legs first, then everything else. My greedy ass clenching while being furiously fucked, it hurt, but it felt good. I moaned mindlessly, loving every nasty second of it, loving being humiliated, loving being a filthy whore, and then finally as the pleasure started running down I was giggling like I’d lost my mind.
I was spent. My ass was used and abused, I was completely humiliated, but very very pleasant.
So was it worth it? My ass will be sore for a day or two, and I’ll be embarrassed longer, but oh yeah it was worth it. That sort of pleasure is always worth it, and hey, my friend might even have learnt something.
(Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I Did thinking up the ideas for it! If you did find it particularly enjoyable, then please vote – using the scale just below – or perhaps even send me some feedback. Without previous feedback this story wouldn’t be here – it is always appreciated; encouragement is great to get, and constructive criticism is invaluable in improving my future stories.
John Mcleod)
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