Why Can't I Resist My Ex

The dividend had been messy but no more so than most. We had been married five years and he had not even waited to get the seven-year itch. He blamed me for his affairs saying that there was not enough sex. There was some truth that the sex was much less frequent than it had been but that was as much his fault as mine. I hated him for what he had done but after a few months was able to balance this just a little by remembering some good times. In fairness (although why I should show fairness I don’t know) he did move in with the lady he left me for.

About three months after the dividend He knocked on my door. There was a pregnant pause before he asked if could come in to discuss picking up a couple of items of his that were still in the house. He had only been in the house for a minute when we started to argue. We stood facing each other and I was so incensed by what he said that I slapped him across the face. He smiled at me and slapped me back across my face. I knew better thanto hit him again but attacked with words.

“Is that the best you can do you wimp?”

Todd is many things but he is no wimp.

“If that is how you want it.”

The second slap across my face was harder than the first and I couldn’t think of any suitable verbal response that would assault him. Todd has never been a violent man and even though he had just slapped me twice I did not fear for my life. He took hold of my dress with a hand on each side and looked at me with questions in his eyes. My response was to look up into his eyes and try and look defiant and even aggressive. It took two attempts to tear the garment apart and release my braless boobs. He slapped me across the face once more before deciding my, smallish but firm, boobs were a much better target. When he struck my left boob and nipple something gave and I thought I had peed myself. I tried to look even more defiant and he slapped both of my boobs twice more. Nearly the whole force landed on my nipples, whomich alertly reacted by becoming erect as well as reddened. The other reaction to each slap from my body was like the peeing sensing.

My girlfriends and I have often discussed the best sex we have ever had. All three of my close friends say that it is ‘making up / forgiving sex’. They say that the sex is always the best after a big argument (the bigger the better) when reconciling with their partner. For me the best sex was always during the argument when neither of us would back down. These were usually short but violently arousing for both of us.

Just like the best of these arguments his slapping me was making me more defiant more angry. My anger with him surfaced more strongly each time my nipples exploded with pain. What I didn’t realize straight away was that they were also making me more aroused. On reflection he obviously did. He took hold of my tender left nipple and rolled it painfully. I tried to deny the pleasure to myself and the pain and pleasure to him. Heput his right hand onto my stomach and slide it down. His intention was clear and I had to fight him.

“No you don’t you bastard no no no.”

My protest had no effect as his hand traveled under the waistband of my panties and on downwards brushing my clip as it found my pussy. My very wet pussy. Not wet with pee but soaked with my arousal. It felt so fucking wonderful. I still keep trying to defy him but the word no was sounding less and less defiant.

“There is nothing sexier than you saying no like you are right now.”

“You bastard, no nooooo ……”

I went on screaming no at him as a tidal wave hit me. His hand between my legs had to add support to me as well as devastating arousal. I was riding his arm as well as his hand as explorations in my body Joined the explorations of orange and red in front of my closed eyes. It was the most violent cum of my life and it didn’t end quickly. From somewhere Todd’s voice said,

“Do you want me to fuck you? Please say no, you say it so sexually.”

I said no but I didn’t know what I really wanted. I am sure he wasn’t certain what I wanted but he was certain he knew what he wanted. He nearly threw me, on my front, onto the sofa. I don’t know when he had removed his clothes below the waist but knew he had when his substantial erection rammed far too easily deep into my pussy. There was no finesse no gentleness just the pure animal aggression that delighted me. Having cum less than a minute earlier I expected my arousal to be quite limited but I was so wrong. Within a minute I was wonderfully defendless to prevent another strong orgasm rocking my very existence. It was amazing, as it seemed fueled by my anger with him as his vicious pounding of my pussy seemed fueled by his anger. He lasted longer than I Thought he would but announced with venom in his voice that he was about to empty his balls into me. I felt every last thrust as my level of arousal had finally dropped.

He slapped me hard on my arse before taking less than a minute to close the front door behind him. I stayed where I was for minutes trying to rationalize what had just happened. I hated him but the sex had been the best ever. I released it regularly over the next weeks. My toys particularly my dildo took quite a hammering as I fantasized and masturbated to memories of the briefest of encounters.

It was a month later when I was amazed as I answered the door and found him standing there. We said nothing as I let him in quickly checking that nobody was watching us. When we stood still in silence facing each other I slapped him hard across the cheek. He stood still showing no reaction. My next action changed everything. I slapped him again and looked defiantly up into his eyes.

“Please just say no.”

I didn’t say it once I said it half a dozen times holding his gaze as I repeated it time and time again. I tried to increase the anger in the word each time. Finally he smiled at me as he slapped me hard on my left cheek. I throw myself at him hitting him but ensuring I didn’t hit anywhere that would really hurt. He wrestled me to the floor protecting himself while holding me tight. I attacked his clothes trying to strip him and he started to rip at mine. It was a strange battle as we kind of resisted each other while ensuring garments were getting removed. Finally he was sitting on my stomach with both of us completely naked. He lent forward and pinned my hands above my head. Our fighting, if that was what it was, had made him sweat but this only aroused me further.

“Please tell me not to rap you. If you say yes it will just not be the same. Please tell me no.”

We both knew we both wanted each other badly. There was so much emotion involved not all of it positive but all of it driving us on. He offered me his rock-hard cock to my mouth. I refused. He slapped me before offering it again. I refused three times before giving in to my own needs and taking it. I have rarely felt him harder. So much so that I suspected he might cum at any time. It may have been for this reason that he got off me and maneuvered me onto my knees. My favorite position for violent sex is on my knees from behind. We had been married long enough for him to know this.

There were no pleasuresants as he entered me with the aggression I craved. He was calling me names that I will not repeat but recall myself when masturbating about these events. I was every bit as excited as him and just hoped he would last the very short time it would take me to climax. I was sure I was on the way when the bastard pulled out.

“Finally I am going to fuck your bum. Just say no if you want me to fuck your sexy arse.”

“No, no no, no no ……. Fuck no ….. “

Yes I was close to orgasm but it still hurt as he penetrated my anus. He showed me no mercy as he was soon balls deep and thrusting hard. I called him every name under the sun in the moments it took him to extract a stunning orgasm out of me. It started somewhere in my bowels as his thrusting changed and I think he started to squirt into me, and spread to the whole area including my pussy and untouched clip.

He stayed buried in my backside long after we had both cum. I was a little embarrassed as his still surprisingly erect cock finally slide out of me. Again he slapped me hard on my bottom before making for the door. This time he made a parting comment.

“See you in a month?”

I am not sure it was a question but he laughed when my reply was.

“No, no, no.”


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